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Majora's Mask - Clock Town Heart Pieces

These are the Pieces of Heart that you can find in Clock Town in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. I found all of the Heart Pieces in the game, so you can, too.

This one is very obvious, so no one could miss it. It's sitting on the deck of the Clock Tower. Give the Moon's Tear to the Deku Scrub by the tower and fly to it using his deku flower, or just climb up there as Link or Mikau. You can't do it as Darmani.

When you have deposited 5,000 rupees into the Clock Town Bank, the banker will give you a Piece of Heart for saving up so much.

At the Mighty Training Center in West Clock Town, pay the swordsman 10 rupees to take his Expert Course. Z target and jump-chop all of the logs to win the Piece of Heart.

Play the Postman's timing game while wearing the Bunny Hood you got from Grog at the Cucco Shack in Romani Ranch. You'll be able to see his timer counting up. Stop the clock at exactly 10 seconds after the timer starts to win the Piece of Heart.

Wear Kamaro's mask and dance in front of the Rosa Sisters at night in West Clock Town. Once you teach them some new moves, they'll reward you with a Piece of Heart.

This one is very hard to get, but not impossible. You must get the record time for three days in a row during the same three-day cycle at the Deku Scrub Playground in North Clock Town. If you get discouraged, keep trying. You'll get it eventually. I've done it, so anyone else can. ('.~)

In North Clock Town, there's a tree next to a stone sliding board. As Link or Mikau, climb onto the shortest pillar by the sliding board. Jump to the next tallest one, then onto the sliding board. Beside the sliding board, there is another pillar. Jump to it, then jump onto the top of the tree. There's a Piece of Heart on it.

After you get the Couple's Mask from Anju and Kafei, Talk to Mayor Dotour during his meeting while wearing the mask. He'll remember his wife and give you a Piece of Heart for reminding him of her.

After midnight on each day, in the bathroom of the Stock Pot Inn, (the place under the stairs) a troubled soul struggles to find some toilet paper to use. Their hand will reach out of the toilet, trying to find some. If you give them a letter or a Land Title Deed, they will give you a Piece of Heart.

If you have the All-Night Mask, wear it while listening to Anju's Grandmother's stories at the Stock Pot Inn. At the end of the first story, "The Carnival of Time," answer her question: "On the eve of the carnival" to win the Heart Piece.

While wearing the All-Night Mask, listen to Anju's grandmother's second story, "The Four Giants," too. This time answer her question: "I dunno" to score another Piece of Heart.

If you get a perfect score at Honey and Darling's Shop for the the bombchu gallery game, the target shooting game, and the basket bomb game during the same three-day cycle, they'll give you a Piece of Heart for your of achievement.

If you get a perfect score of fifty Octoroks in the Town Shooting Gallery game in Clock Town, you will receive a Piece of Heart. If you do it again after that, you'll get a Huge Rupee worth 200 rupees.

If you play and win the treasure chest game as Darmani (you must start and pay as Darmani, too) the treasure chest will contain a Piece of Heart.

If you have the Postman's Hat, check one of Clock Town's mailboxes. The first one you open will contain a Piece of Heart.

There are three patches of moving weeds scattered around Termina. One is in South Clock Town, one is on Milk Road, and the last can be found near the Mountain Smithy in the Mountain Village during springtime. If you wear the Keaton Mask while chopping one of the patches to shreads, when they all disappear, a Keaton will appear. Speak to it, and it will give you a quiz. If you answer all of it's tricky questions correctly, it will give you a piece of heart. I know all of the answers, but I don't want to give them away to people who want to attempt the test themselves, so if you want the answers, e-mail me.

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