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All About Mengle

First I suppose we should start with some background for those who don't know me. My name is Mary, or Mary Beth if you prefer, but on the net I'm known as Mengle. I came online at the dreaded AOL in January of 1996 but quickly switched to a regular internet provider to avoid financial ruin. LOL

I started my net chatting at a wonderful place called the Starlite Cafe at IMS. When IMS ceased to exist my friends and I moved on over to The Beach, and from there to Motorcycle Chat. Finally we all landed at Access Atlanta.  Now most of us are so busy that we don't have a lot of chat time anywhere, but when we do it's over ICQ (420887) or AIM (Mengle1).  I'm more into message boards these days, and the best ones can be found at I-Village's Parent's Place.

My home for the last 34.5 years has been South central Ohio, birthplace to the stars. LOL  I have 4 beautiful children; Michael (15), Marques (14 on 2/25), Keiran (9), and Bekah (8).  I adopted my kids as a single mother, then wandered into a chat room in February 1996 and met Frank, the love of my life.  On January 17, 2000 Frank & I became "officially" engaged, big beautiful diamond ring and all.  People keep asking about a date for the wedding, but I just direct them to Frank since I have no answer for that question.

I love animals of all kinds, and we currently have 8 cats and a brand new Chihuahua puppy named Cheech. Sadly, on June 12, 1998, on month to the day after my uncle's death, our family faced another tragedy when Cheech slipped outside and was killed by a car.  

After my Cheechi Chihuahua died I had a big empty place in my heart for a long time, then in December 1999 I walked into the pet shop at the mall and saw a teeny tiny little Chihuahua puppy.  She was jumping around and chewing on the bigger puppy in the cage with her,  and I was instantly in love. We brought her home and Bekah suggested calling her Angel.  Since she was a sweet little baby we all agreed that was the perfect name!  

We actually have a miniature zoo LOL with 6 dogs & 8 cats, the guinea pigs died unfortunately, and the fish have gone on to that big ocean in the sky as well.

May 13, 2000, I graduated from University of Dayton School of Law, and in July 2000, I sat for the Ohio Bar Exam...which I failed miserably.  Well actually not miserably, I needed 405 and I got 365, but it was bad enough that I've decided taking the exam again is something that I want to do only when my life is in a place where I can honestly commit to the 6-8 hours a day of study necessary to actually pass.  Currently I'm looking for work, hopefully in the area of children and family services since family law is what I really want to do when I grow up.

Okay so I'm still looking for work!  Oh it's not like I've been bumming, since graduation I've had some illustrious career opportunities!  I worked the Christmas 2000 season, otherwise known and the Playstation2 season from hell, in the toy department at Meijer.  I liked the job, but ended up getting screwed out of my place in the toy department and since I had NO desire to be a cashier and get treated like a dog by a million people for 8 hours every day I took my seasonal hire butt out of there in January 2001.  After that I went back to work at Wendy's with my lovely sister.  A fun job and one that I really liked both times I had it, but unfortunately it doesn't pay enough to support 4 kids and study for the bar exam.  So I'm back to looking for a serious job again!

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updated 12/17/01