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Mengle's Poetry

I chose this background for my poetry because it looks like a twinkling sky of hearts...since my poetry, while somewhat smelly, comes from my heart I thought it appropriate.

I Dream of You

I dreamed of you again last night,
Wishing you were here with me,

Yet knowing that you weren't.
For awhile I thought I had you,
But you slipped away from me yet again.
I see you with other women,
Some who don't deserve you,
Others who waited and dreamed as I have.
Still for me you are only a dream,
A dream yet to be realized;
A dream I have lost hope in;
but still, without hope,
I dream of you.

Copywrite Mary Beth Engle 1997

Dreamer or Dream

Have you ever wondered,
If in existance you are the dreamer,
Or the dream?
If, when you sleep and dream,
The dreamer wakes and lives?
Is it you who are reality?
Or is it she perhaps?

Copywrite Mary Beth Engle 1997

I love you.
I love you because you're you.
I love your eyes,
and your smile.
I love your face,
and your heart.
I love the way that you walk,
and the sound of your voice.
I love you because you're you.

Copywrite Mary Beth Engle 1998

Darkness closes in on me.
Not the peaceful darkness of death
A strange, tormenting darkness
Suffocating me with fear and pain.
The hysteria of phobic fear greets me,
Pulling me down into a pit of screams
Untill I realize that it's me who's screaming
And then there's only my own silent tears.
What is this demon that haunts me?
Who is its master and how have I angered it?
How do I appease the raging beast of panic?
When will I know peace?

Copywrite Mary Beth Engle 1987

Chase can take you back to Scooby's Doghouse