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The Crazy Cat
The Crazy Cat

Cool Stuff

Actually, none of this stuff is cool. It's just a bunch of... uhh... dung, heh, heh. It's not cool because they are my other websites. My websites stink really bad, so DON'T GO TO THEM!!! I swear... if you go to one of my websites, YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE FOREVER... so what are you gonna do? Heh, heh, heh.........

Cat Crunchies
This is one of my other websites. It is just a boring old blog... but it has cool stuff too! What kind of stuff, you ask? Well, I'm not about to sum it all up right here! Go there yourself, you lazy... PERSON!

Rainbow Kitties
Again, this is another one of my websites. This is the first one I ever made (BTW, just in case you're wondering, this is the third site I have made, and Cat Crunchies is the second site I have made). It was made in the summer of 2001 for a school project in 6th grade. It has lot's of information and all that stuff about cats.
