gon' tear ya ass up



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This Layout: I'm starting to be a big fan of the color blue for layouts. It's a good safe color to use.
So, if you don't know, the layout this time is all about Pharrell Williams. I'm not a die hard fan but good God is he fine. I loved the photo scan that I found. I'm very sorry, but I lost track of the site that I took it from. But they were free, and if YOU scanned the original of this picture, let me know and I will totally credit you. Anyways, so I fiddled around with it on Adobe Photoshop for a ridiculously long time. I could've done something better, but I thought this was good enough.
Hope you like !

Me, me, me, me, me !
Unlike the title, I like to think of myself as a very down-to-earth person. I'm not an attention hog, and prefer being in the background rather than the spotlight. But I also like being apart from the crowd in little bitty ways. :) I'm trying very hard to be open to the faith. Catholicism. Very sesahtive when it comes to relationships, I find. I like being by myself and chillin. Being lazy. I also LOVE reading. Books by David Sedaris are fucking hilarous, and I can read a book by Bud MacFarlane over and over again for the rest of my life and still cry.

The Necessary Stats
Name: Tanya
Nicknames: Tan, Tans, Tanyita, Kembot, and Rojo
Age: nineteen
DOB: 2/5/84
Zodiacs: Aquarius, the rat
Loc: Concord, Ca
Hometown: Daly City, San Bruno
School: Diablo Valley College
Status: Single
Ethnicity: Filipino
Future Goals: To transfer to San Jose State, get a B.F.A. in graphic design, and to know exactly what I want to do !
Feel: The current mood of kembotxgurl@hotmail.com at www.imood.com
AIM: kembotxgurl (I love random IMs !!)
E-mail: kembotxgurl@hotmail.com (Willing to help if you have html or css questions)

Clickies !
mis amigos
:) anne marie
:P arlin
:D che che
:S chiara
:$ drea
-_- elexis
^_^ enta
:P enta (2)
;) irene
~_~ josh
>_< kathleen
:) katie
:C lyn
:-) michelle
:-| melissa
:> missa
:O natalie
:V rachel
:) rita
:D rita (2)
:P tanya's xanga
:S tintin
:$ xavier

for fun
~_~ anipike
^_^ asianavenue
-_- anipike
>_< cosmo
:v emogame
:O friendster
+_+ gamefaqs
x_x googlism
^_^ jump the shark
()_() maddox
'_' rexxx
/)_(\ thehungersite
#_# weezer

artistic and helpful sites
:)paper places
:$thru a lens
:( touchstone
:D angelfire
:P blogskins
:O colorizer

other awesome sites
:S angryasianman
;) braskey
:Dcatholic & enjoying it
:| euphemia
:/ iveex
:] scott
:/ trapdoors.org
:Q y a o


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