In the depths of night...

Welcome, traveller, to the domain of a dragon!

You have wandered long and hard, navigating only by the light of the stars. It is stated in an old prophecy that in the highest mountains, nestled between the twin peaks of Arglo mountain is a valley. In this valley, which is surprisingly lush considering its altitude, are hotsprings which feed the amazingly lush vegetation.

This valley is not only revered because of its uniqueness, however. It is said to be the prooving ground of elves. Here, many quests are preformed, though none at the same time. One of the most difficult tests for an elf is to part with his family.

As you crest the chilling peaks in the dead of night, you catch sight of a forest, seemingly empty. In the midsts of this forest is a pool of water, shining as if it were a gem in the moonlight. You begin to descend into the valley...

"Halt! Who goes there?" shouts a decidedly alto voice, though it does not lack a musical lilt. Suddenly, you hear the sound of an arrow being notched and pulled back on a taught bow. A breeze allows the moon to illuminate you for a few moments.

"What business have you here?" queries the voice again. "Move and I'll kill you."

You explain to where you think the figure stands that you have come on an urgent mission from your village. You require herbs that can only be grown in that valley.

"Oh, so that's the case, is it?" the voice asks. The voice laughs and a rustling from the trees above indicates motion as the breeze has stopped. The moon appears again and you see another figure before you.

"Hail! My name's Sendarrial, but you can call me Sendar for short. I always have hated that long name me mum gave me. Anyways, the herbs you seek grow only about the Night Jewel Pool. Come, this way."

Sendar leads you on a path that seems to be riddled with undergrowth and various roots. When you note that your guide does not even trip, you get a little edgy.

"Now, up ahead is the Night Jewel Pool. Don't go in the water, though, for an evil curse was laid upon the hot springs here. Fresh water is always available in the caverns that are ubiquitous in this, the Riftdale Valley. Would you like to hear of the curse?" Sendar stops momentarilly and looks at you with the most curious eyes, waiting for your reply.

You aren't really sure if you should say 'Yes' or not. ((If you don't want to hear it, feel free to continue reading))

You say you'd rather not hear it, but continue following the elf along the path.

"That's too bad," Sendar replies, sounding a little disappointed. "Well then do you want to hear the mating call of a blue-footed booby?" He sounds a bit more enthusiastic suddenly.

You decline his offer as kindly as possible.

"That's too bad, too," Sendar replies. "It's not often an elf learns to immitate a funny-looking bird." He sighs and unstrings his bow as you walk along behind him. "Up ahead here's the clearing. Your herbs are all over the place outside the Pool. Remember, though, don't touch the water within!"

You nod in understanding and follow the elf into the clearing.

"Would you like to know why I'm stuck in Riftdale, traveller?" Sendar asks.

This you deem intriguing and answer in the affirmative.

"Dragons are skilled mages and, despite what it may seem at first impression, quite intellegent as well. Also, a dragon is a friend for life. My duty to my clan is to raise a dragon from an egg (though I told my elders that I'd rather make an omelette; they weren't too pleased) and befriend it and return to my clan by the time it has reached adult-hood. This way, we always have a protector against the Orcs. You did know that elves and orcs are mortal enemies, didn't you?"

You answer that you didn't.

"Oh yes! Terrible foes, we are. Would you like to hear the story about how we became such?"

You answer in the negatory again.

"You're my first visitor in a week or so, and you're really boring, you know that!?" Sendar cries in frustration. "You're really no fun at all! What else did I expect from a human?" He sits on a rock, sulking. "There're your stupid herbs, too," he adds, obviously upset.

As Sendar pouts on the rock, restringing his bow, you set about gathering herbs. You explain that the herbs are to cure your ill son, and really you should get back to your village as soon as possible.

"Can you spare a side-trip?" Sendar inquires, brightly.

You wonder how long a side-trip this will be, but nod affirmatively anyways.

"Splendid!" Sendar exclaims, half-singing. "Come this way!" He grabs your arm and drags you off to the wall separating Riftdale from the rest of the world. He leads you into a cave that is lit half-way by luminescent moss and moonlight reflected upon crystals. Water hits your nose. This is a cave that is not finished forming. "The light is from the moonlight that's reflected from the Pool," Sendar explains as he leads you from one part of the cave to another. "Watch your step," he advises.

You almost fall into a chasm below. Almost.

"Just up ahead here, then," Sendar's voice calls from the darkness as he rounds a bend. You join him in a large, high-ceilinged room.

In the middle of the room, seemingly made entirely from stalagtites, is a table. Upon that table rests a monsterous egg that seems almost like a giant chicken egg.

[Stat table has moved to the dragon information page linked at the bottom of this page.]

"Isn't it splendid?" Sendar asks. He is grinning, but you can only tell because a faint reflection of moonlight falls upon his teeth, white and straight. He runs his hand through his green hair before taking you a much shorter way out of the cavern. As he walks, he talks also. "Isn't it simply marvelous?" he asks, rhetorically. "And to think the Elders gave me such a task. Me! An apprentice bard!" He laughs, tossing his head. His green hair flicks you in the face. "Sorry about that," he adds before continuing. "I can't hardly wait til it hatches. I hear they're wonderful creatures, dragons. I hope it's cute! What am I saying, of course it'll be cute!" And it goes on like that until he finally shuts-up as you reach the Pool again.

"Would you like to hear why it's called the Night Jewel Pool?" he asked.

You decline this offer as well, speaking of your son once again.

"Right. I forgot. Humans don't enjoy hearing stories at just about any time." He sat down on the rock and pouted again. Anyways, I guess I'll go to sleep. Dawn's almost arriving and, since orcs only act in the night, the dragon'll need to be reared by the light of the stars." He sighed and departed, still sounding a bit sad. "By the way... If you want your own dragon, feel free to visit Keltic Dragons Adoptions and apply for an egg!" he called, his voice among the forests now.

If you care to see the continued adventures of Sendar and the egg, only through the eyes of another, click here.

The image of Sendarrial was provided to me through a graphics adoption site run by Chibi Ningyo. You can access that site through the following image link.

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