The Family of RURIK



Part 4




David, Pr of Novgorod and Smolensk (1140-1197; see Part 3) had issue:


1a) Mstislaw, Gr Pr of Smolensk, d.1231; m.1185 a dau.of Khan Talguyj of the Polovetzians


1b) Rostislaw, Gr Pr of Smolensk, d.1238; m.NN


1c) Gleb, Gr Pr of Smolensk, d.1277; m.NN


1d) Aleksander, Gr Pr of Smolensk, d.1313; m.NN


1e) Ivan, Gr Pr of Smolensk, d.1358; m.NN


1f) Swjatoslaw, Gr Pr of Smolensk, k.a.1386; m.NN


1g) Gleb, Gr Pr of Smolensk, k.a.1399; m.NN à issue, the Princes Sizemski


2g) Jurij, Gr Pr of Smolensk, d.1407; m.before 1386 a dau.of Gr Pr Oleg of Rjasan


1h) Fjodor, Pr of Porchow


2h) Anastasia, d.1422; m.1400 Gr Pr Jurij IV of Moscow (d.1434)


3g) Ivan, living 1422


4g) Aleksander à issue, the Princes Dashkov


5g) Anna, d.1418; m.before 1387 Gr Pr Witold of Lithuania (d.1430)


6g) Agrafena; m.Pr Iwan of Holczany


7g) a dau., d.after 1408; m.1384 Pr Boris of Katschin (d.1395)


8g) Juliana; m.1st Pr Stowtiwil of Lithuania; m.2nd Moniwid N


9g) [parentage uncertain] Wassili à issue, the Princes Kroptkin


2f) Wassili; m.NN


1g) Ivan, k.a.1386


3f) Lew, Pr of Smolensk, d.1369


2e) Dimitrij, k.a.1300


2d) Roman, Pr of Brjansk, Regent of Smolensk; m.NN


1e) Wassili, Pr of Brjansk, d.1314


2e) Ivan, Pr of Brjansk; m.NN


1f) Wassili, Pr of Brjansk, d.1356; m.NN


1g) a son fl 1355


2f) Jelena, d.after 1373; m.1329 Gr Pr Wasilij I of Tver (d.1367)


3e) Dimitri, Pr of Brjansk; m.NN


1f) Feodosia, d.1343; m.1341 Gr Pr Iwan II of Moscow


3d) Swjatoslaw, Pr of Brjansk; m.NN


1e) Gleb, Pr of Brjansk, k.a.6 Dec 1340


1f) Dmitri, Pr of Briansk


1g) Ivan, Prince Solomersky


1h) Jurij, Prince Solomersky


1i) Wassili Tatistsch à issue, the family Tatistchev


2c) Mikhail, Gr Pr of Smolensk, d.1279; m.NN


1d) Swjatoslaw, Pr of Moshajsk; m.NN


1e) Fjodor, Pr of Dorogobusch and Wjasma; m.NN


1f) Wladimir, Pr of Dorogobusch, k.a.1380


2f) Jewpraksia; m.1st 1345 (repudiated 1346) Gr Pr Semjon I of Moscow (d.1353); m.2nd 1346 Pr Fjodor of Fomin


2d) Andrej, Gr Pr of Smolensk, d.after 1300; m.NN


1e) Ivan, Pr of Wjasma; m.NN


1f) Mikhail, Pr of Wjasma; m.NN


1g) Aleksander, Pr of Wjasma fl 1403


3c) Fjodor "the Black", Gr Pr of Smolensk (1240-1299); m.1st ca 1260 Maria, dau.of Pr Wassili of Jaroslawl; m.2nd Anna, dau.of Khan Mengu-Timur of the Tatars


1d) Mikhail, Pr of Jaroslawl, d.1287/8; m.NN


1e) Wassili, Gr Pr I of Jaroslawl, d.1345; m.Jewdokia (d.1342) dau.of Gr Pr Iwan I of Moscow


1f) Wassili, Pr of Jaroslawl, d.after 1380; m.NN


1g) Ivan of Jaroslawl, d.1426; m.Anna, dau.of Pr Iwan of Rostov


1h) Roman


2h) Aleksander, d.1455; from Aleksander and his brother descended the Princes Alabytschev, Alenkin, Trojekurov and Syssejov


3h) Maria; m.1412 Pr Alexander of Mikutin


2g) Fjodor, Pr of Jaroslawl; m.NN


1h) Aleksander, Pr of Jaroslawl, d.1471; m.NN


1i) Daniil, d.1520 à issue, the family Penkov


3g) Semjon, Pr of Novlensk; m.NN


1h) Daniil, Pr of Novlensk à issue, the Princes Yukorsky


2h) Anna, d.1411; m.1408 Pr Jaroslaw of Jaroslawetz


4g) Dmitri, Pr of Saosyersk; m.NN


5g) Ivan


2f) Gleb; m.NN


1g) Ivan; m.NN


2g) Fjodor; m.NN


1h) Fjodor; m.NN


1i) Andrei, Pr of Saosyersk, d.1457


2i) Semjon, Pr of Kubena à issue, the Princes Kubensky


3i) Sophia, d.after 1456; m.1436 Pr Dmitri of Tschemyaka


2h) Ivan à issue, the Princes Zassekin


3h) Semjon à issue, the Princes Stschetninin and Sandyrev


3f) Roman, d.after 1380; m.NN


1g) Iwan, m.NN


1h) Afanassi, Pr of Tschekonya; m.Agrafena N à issue, the Princes Schekonsky


2h) Fjodor à issue, the Princes Mortkin and Bielsky


2g) Dmitri, d.1414; m.NN


1h) Ivan, ancestor of the Princes Deyev, of whom I have no details


2h) Wassili


3g) Wassili


4g) Danila à isue, the Princes Lvov


2e) Mikhail, Pr of Mologa, d.after 1362; m.NN


1f) Fjodor, d.1408; m.NN


1g) Dmitri, Pr of Mologa; m.NN


1h) Pjotr, Pr of Mologa; m.NN


2g) Wassili; m.NN


1h) Dmitri "the Blind"


3g) Semjon, Pr of Sitzki; m.NN


1h) Boris, d.1445


2h) Pjotr, Pr of Sitzky à issue, the Princes Sitzky


4g) Ivan, Pr of Prosorov; m.NN


1h) Jurij à issue, the Princes Sudzky


2h) Andrei, Pr of Prosorov à issue, the Princes Prosorovsky


5g) a dau.; m.1397 Gr Pr Alexander II of Tver


2f) Ivan, d.1380; m.NN


1g) Andrei


2g) Gleb, Pr of Tschumurov à issue, the Princes Tschumurovsky


3g) Fjodor à issue, the Princes Uschaty-Jaroslavsky


3f) Lev à issue, the Princes Dulov


2d) David, Pr of Jaroslawl, d.1321; m.NN


3d) Constantine


4d) a dau., m.Pr Daniil of Galitsch (d.1280)


5d) a dau., m.1278 Pr Mikhail of Bjelosero (d.1293)


4c) Constantine, Pr of Smolensk; m.before 1262 Jewdoksija, dau.of Gr Pr Aleksander of Kiev and Wladimir


2a) Isjaslaw


3a) Constantine, d.1218


1b) Jurij, Pr of Pominsk


1c) Constantine, Pr of Pominsk and Berezui


1d) Fjodr Krasny, Pr of Pominsk and Berezui, d.Moscow 1387; m.1346 Jewpraksia, dau of Pr Fjodor of Dorogobush à issue


2d) Fjodr Slepoj, Pr of Pominsk and Berezui à issue, including the families Bokejev and Dolmatov-Karpov


3d) Fjodr, d.1367


1e) Wassili, Pr of Berezui and Kozlowka à issue the Princes Kozlovsky


2e) Fjodr à issue, the family Rjevsky


3e) Ivan Tolbuga à issue, the family Tolbuzin


4a) a dau., m.Pr Gleb of Rjasan (d.1219)


5a) a dau., m.Pr Wasilko II of Polotzk and Witebsk (d.after 1216)


6a) a dau., m.Gr Pr Swjatoslaw of Wladimir (d.1252)