(Lithuanian GIEDRAITISRussian ГЕДРОЙЦ,

Belarus’ian ГЕДРОЙЦЪ, French GUÉDROĎTZ)


[Note: This page was assembled by a correspondent, a member of the family.]


Information on this family has been assembled from several sources, including Ferrand Les Familles Princieres de l’Ancien Empire de Russie; Lenczewski Genealogie rodów utytułowanych w Polsce (Genealogy of Titled Families in Poland); the Almanach de Gotha; members of the family; and other on-line sources; all with corrections and additions from members of the family.


The Second and Third Editions of the Lithuanian Chronicle relate that Giedrius, a brother of Grand Duke Traidenis of Lithuania (late 13th century), built a castle, named it Giedraičiai, and adopted the title Prince of Giedraičiai.


A document issued by Grand Duke Vytautas of Lithuania in the period 1399-1429 settled a dispute between the Bishop of Vilnius and the Princes of Giedraičiai. Numerous members of the family were recorded in the 15th and 16th centuries, and thereafter, with the title Prince.


 The two lines of the family for which coherent genealogies are available (the family’s “central core”) descend from (i) Prince Aleksander (late 15thcentury) and (ii) Prince Bartłomiej (died in 1524).


The 1569 Act of Union inaugurating the Polish-Lithuanian Royal Commonwealth confirmed that, as previously in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Lithuanian families of dynastic origin remained entitled to use the title Prince. Many subsequent Giedroyć family members, both of the Line of Aleksander and of the Line of Bartłomiej, were recorded with the title Prince – including several (of both Lines) whose right to the title was individually confirmed under Imperial Russian legislation of 1832. Other members did not seek such specific confirmation under the Russian Empire, but relied on confirmation of their noble status and princely origins under Russian legislation of 1801/3. The Imperial Russian heraldic authority classified these as “of the Princes”.


Under the usage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, as confirmed by the 1569 Act of Union, princely origins in themselves establish princely status.


Some famous early bearers of the Giedroyć name are not included in the two Lines set out below:


Ř      pre-dating the two Lines:  Blessed Michał Giedroyć, buried in the church of St Mark in Cracow, where he lived most of his life as a hermit renowned for gifts of prophecy and miracles; died in 1485.


Ř      brothers of Kacper-Dowmont (grandson of the eponymous Bartłomiej in the Line of Bartłomiej below): Melchior Giedroyć (c1536-1609, Bishop of Samogitia and champion of the Lithuanian language and culture) and Martin-Dowmont Giedroyć (died 1621, Palatine of Mstislaw).



Armorial bearings:


The Second Edition of the Lithuanian Chronicle records that a centaur was the armorial charge of the forebears of Giedrus. A decree issued in 1401 by Władisław Jagiello, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, confirms the right of Prince Michał Giedroyć vel. Ratybor (baptized c.1387) to the arms Hippocentaurus “as used by his illustrious grandfather" Ginwill (2nd Duke of Giedrojcie and candidate to the grand ducal office of Lithuania).


But the earliest surviving illustrated Giedroyć armorial charge is a rose, on seals attached to state documents of 1431-4 .


Through the 17th and 18th centuries, the centaur was used predominantly by most members of the family, sometimes in combination with the rose; while the descendants of Mikołaj (generation (e) in the Line of Bartłomiej below) continued to use the rose alone. But the centaur (sometimes with the rose, sometimes without) predominates in all the 19th century Russian records, even for the descendants of Mikołaj.


These arms (below) appear on a document recording confirmation in 1800, by the Wilno General Assembly of Deputies for Pedigrees, of the princely descent of several members of the Giedroyć family (descendants of Benedykt Stanisław, five times great-grandson of  the eponymous Aleksander in the Line of Aleksander):








These arms (below) appear on the genealogy known as the “Korwie Tree”, which was commissioned before 1862 by descendants of Antoni Stanisław, seven times great-grandson of the eponymous Aleksander in the Line of Aleksander):




In 1880, Russian Czar Alexander II confirmed the right of Kazimir Michaił (generation(j) of the Line of Bartłomiej) to bear these arms (below):


At the English College of Arms, the arms of Michał Giedroyć (born 1929, generation (o) in the Line of Bartłomiej) include both the rose and the centaur (called a sagittary in English heraldry) blazoned as follows: Per fess Or and Gules in chief a Rose Gules barbed and seeded proper and in base a Sagittary trippant to the dexter the head facing to the sinister his tail a serpent facing to the dexter holding in the hands a Bow with arrow drawn and set towards the head of the serpent all Or:    







Line of Aleksander


Aleksander Prince Gedroitski, late 15th century; m. …. daughter of ….. Mordas


1a) Jakub Aleksandrowicz, Prince Gedrojt (mentioned 1528, d. before 1562);

m. Katarzyna Szostak


1b) Marcin Jakubowicz Aleksandrowicz, Prince Gedrojt (d. before 1555); m. Zofia Ławryn


1c) Mikolaj Marcinowicz (mentioned 1555-63, joint owner of Widziniszki, near Vilnius)


1d) Zygmunt Mikolajewicz, Prince Gedrojc (owner of Gedrojcie Rafałowskie, magistrate in Vilnius 1608, d. 1625)


1e) Ezeasz (Chamberlain of Wołkowysk, d. 1629); m. Aleksandra Pietraczewicz (daughter of Stanisław Pietraczewicz, d. after 1635)


1f) Jerzy (mentioned 1689, joint owner of Giedrojcie)


1g) Wladysław Michał, Prince Giedroyć (owner of Giedrojcie, Governor of Giełdziany); m. Joanna Elzbieta Ostrowska


1h) Józef (owner of Giedrojcie and Podruksze, Governor of Abele and Bernatów, d. after 3 Oct 1774); m. 1st Róza Kiełpsz, 2nd Krystyna Golejewska.


From 1st marriage:


1i) Romuald Tadeusz (Bobcin 7 Feb 1750 - Warsaw 15 Oct 1824; owner of Bobcin and Nowotrzeby, Deputy in Sejm 1790; Major General 1792; General in the Grande Armée 1813; Lt. General, Kingdom of Poland 1815; Order of St Stanisław; Order of Ojczyzna Obrońcy – “From the Fatherland to its Defender”); m. Karolina Anna Borzymowska (23 Jan 1766 - Paris 20 Feb 1858)


1j) Józef Stefan Franciszek Ksawery (Nieciecz 3 Dec 1787 - Paris 22 May 1855; owner of Bobcin and Podruksze; Colonel, Grande Armée 1808-15; promoted Brig. General on the field of Waterloo; naturalised French 26 Aug 1835 as Joseph Etienne Francois Xavier, Prince Giedroyć); m. Franciszka Szymańska (24 Jul 1802 - France 29/30 Mar 1852)


1k) Napoleon Tadeusz Romuald (6 Nov 1821 - 1850)


2k) Eugeniusz (30 Oct 1822 - 14 Sep 1829)


2j) Kunegunda Franciszka Róża (Bobcin 1 Feb 1793 - Radzików, nr Warsaw 24 Apr 1883; Lady in Waiting to French Empress Josephine and Russian Empress Elizabeth); m. 5 Nov 1825 Jerzy Białopiotrowicz (Nieciecz 12 Apr 1785 - Paris 18 Mar 1871)


3j) Barbara Łucja (Bobcin 22 Jun 1798 - Puławy 3 May 1886); m. 12 Nov 1820 General Józef Rautenstrauch (Warsaw 13 Jan 1773 - Warsaw 27/8 Aug 1842)


4j) Aleksander Konstanty Julian (1 May or 5 Aug 1805 - Warsaw 16 Apr 1844); Chamberlain at the Russian Imperial Court; m. Aleksandra Alina Podoska (d. 25 Mar 1846)


1k) Romuald Władyslaw (29 Jun 1842 - St Petersburg 6 May 1899; Knight of Malta; confirmation of princely title in Russia 12 May 1866); m. 5 Feb 1867 Barbara Baroness Brewern (b. 21 Nov 1848)


2i) Piotr Kacper (priest, monsignor; Secretary of State in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 1790-95; Order of St Stanisław; d. 5 Jan 1797)


3i) August


4i) Justyn; m. ….


1j) Romuald (d. France 18 April 1850)


5i) Benedykt; m. …


1j) Hipolit (Wilno 1792-Bourges 1846)


2j) Wincenty (priest, monsignor; d. 1854)


3j) Melchior Justyn (1797-Warsaw 7 Nov 1866)


2c) Piotr Marcinowicz (mentioned 1550-63; owner of Giedrojcie, joint owner of Widziniszki); m. ….


1d) Jan (Janusz) Piotrowicz, Prince Gedrojc (mentioned 1604; owner of Giedrojcie)


1e) Arnolf Janowicz (mentioned 1612-56); m. Judyta Widziska


1f) Jan Arnolfowicz (mentioned 1647-89; joint owner of Giedrojcie);

m. ….


1g) Benedykt Stanisław, Prince Giedrojć (mentioned 1718-33; owner of Giedrojcie with dependent properties); m. Zofia Wołczek (Wołłk?)


1h) Krzysztof (d. after 8 Jun 1804; owner of Giedrojcie with dependent properties; Deputy in Sejm 1784; Chamberlain of Vilnius District 1773-86; Order of White Eagle; Order of St Stanisław); m. Franciszka Staniewicz


1i) Marcin (Marcjan) (owner of Giedrojcie with dependent properties; magistrate of Vilnius 1795; Order of St Stanisław)


2i) Antoni (Chamberlain of Kobryń 1799; m. … Countess Kossakowska


3i) Antonina; m. Jan Rygmunt


2h) Antoni (mentioned 1765-82; Major General; Order of St Stanisław); m. Marianna Wieczfińska


3h) Stefan Jan (1730-1803; Bishop of Samogitia 1778, Order of the White Eagle; Order of St Stanisław)


4h) Stanisław (1765-1801); m. Barbara Pawłowska


1i) Józef (mentioned 1789-1806; owner of Antopol; Colonel)


2i) Aleksander (mentioned 1790-1823; owner of Rybno, Rybienko, Krągi and Olszemka; Colonel; Order of St Stanisław); m. Aleksandra Młocka (mentioned 1830)


1j) Julian Jakub Józef (b. circa 1800, died after 1856; confirmation of princely title in Russia 29 April 1875; owner of Krasne; magistrate of Końsk); m. Ctess Salomea Marianna Wielhorska


2j) Emilian (mentioned 1830)


3j) Adolf Stefan (b. 1805; princely title confirmed in Russia 26 May 1866; owner of Kierniowce); m. Anna Szymańska


1k) Cezary Szymon (Maciej?) Marcjan (Kownoi Jul 1836 - 1899; princely title confirmed in Russia 26 May 1866; owner of Wojszuny and Maćkiany; Chamberlain of Troki); m. Salomea Jaźwińska


3i) Józef (mentioned 1789-1806; owner of Antopol; Colonel)


4h) Aleksander (mentioned 1777-1787; d. after 1793; owner of Żołów; General; Quartermaster-General of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania); m. Tekla Męcińska


1i) Stefan


2g) Jan, Prince Giedrojć (mentioned 1718; co-owner in Giedrojcie,  Łowkiany and Korkorzyszki); m. Elżbieta Prozor


1h) Kazimierz (owner of Jagminiszki; Governor of Dubinów 1798); m. Anna Mirska


1i) Antoni


2i) Szymon Tadeusz Michał (1764 - Olsiady Sep 1844, Bishop, Coadjutor and Administrator of Samogitia 1829)


3i) Ignacy Franciszek (b. 1771; Lt Colonel, Lithuania 1783); m …


1j) Kazimierz Antoni Aleksander (1808-1840); m. Zofia Wawrzecka


2j) Albin Józef Nicefor (1809-1876; confirmation of princely title in Russia 26 May 1866, with name Gedroic); m. …Lomańska (?Łomańska)


1k) Bronisław


2k) Cezary Wincenty Telesfor (1838 - Lithuania 1919; owner of property near Tver in Russia, and of Ojrany); m. Katerina Markow (d. 8 Sep 1907)


1l) Aleksandra (b. 1868, d. young)


2l) Władimir (Twer 15 Sep 1869-Courbevoie, France 14 Jan 1941; Chairman of the Commission for Control at Russian Ministry of Finance); m. St Petersburg 1895 Olga Karmalin (Drywań 18 Feb 1872 - Courbevoie 21 Jan 1946)


1m) Nikołaj (St Petersburg 12 Apr 1896 - Khorgoch, Hungary 24 Jul 1923); m. Sebastapol 23 Oct 1920 Aleksandra Striżewskaja (b. Doukhovoie 11/24 Dec 1899, d. Brussels 15 Feb 1984)


1n) Olga (b. Constantinople 10 Oct 1921; d. Gesves 21 May 2002); m. Faulx-les-TombesBelgium 27 May 1942 Cte Eric de Diesbach-Belleroche (b. Saint LunaireFrance 6 Aug 1918 – d.1998)


2n) Alexis (Pancevo, Yugoslavia 9 Jun 1923 - Uccle 1 Feb 1992; used form of name Guédroďtz); m. 1stSandyford, Dublin 30 Mar 1948 (div) Oonagh Ryan (Dublin 13 May 1929-25 Oct 2012); m. 2nd Saint Gilles-les-Bruxelles 19 May 1962 Csse Jeanne Marie de Hemricourt de Grunne (Forest 11 Jun 1929-Uccle 10 Oct 2016)


From 1st marriage:


1o) Agnes (b. Dublin 15 Jan 1949); m. Uccle 1973 Jean Claude Theophile Remy Frison (b. Uccle 6 Jul 1946)


From 2nd marriage:


2o) Nicolas (b. Brussels 5 Jul 1963); m. 23 May 1992 Solina de Chezelles


1p) Alexis (b. Boulogne-sur-Seine 17 Feb 1996)


2p) Sveva (b. Paris 10 Feb 1998)


3p) Assia (b. Paris 28 Dec 2001)


3o) Michel (b. Brussels 13 Oct 1964; m. Rhode, St Genese, Belgium 7 May 1994 Kaya Wolff (b. Schaerbeek 22 Mar 1963)


1p) Tatiana (b. Uccle 14 May 1995)


2m) Michaił (St Petersburg 29 Oct 1899 - Biarritz 15 Nov 1966)


3m) Aleksej (31 Jan 1904-1918)


3k) Jewgenij; m. ….


1l) Jewgenij (b. Nikołajewsk 20 Nov 1889)


1m) daughter NN


4i) Antoni Wincenty Wiktor


3g) Andrzej, Prince Gedrojc (mentioned 1718; owner of Woronka and Naliszki); m. Róża Krzeczowska


1h) Stanislaw; m. Wiktorja Klopmanówna


1i) Józef Ferdynand (b. 1771)


2i) Stefan Mikołaj (b. 1782)


2h) Ludwik (Chamberlain at Court)


3h) Tadeusz (Governor of Niekrasin, owner of Antoszwince); m. Anna Towiańska


1i) Antoni Stanisław Fabian (b. 1770; d. Korwie 13 Sep 1830; owner of Korwie and Antoninowo; Chamberlain of Vilnius District; confirmation of princely title in Russia 29 Jul 1811); m. Julianna Miedzichowska (b. 1776; d. Korwie 7 Mar 1851)


1j) Ignacy Rafał Antoni (b. 1793; owner of Korwie; confirmation of princely title in Russia 26 May 1866); m. Elżbieta Dobrzańska


1k) Witold (1826 (1830?) - 28 Sep 1885; owner of Korwie; an anti-Russian conspirator 1863; confirmation of princely title in Russia, 20 December 1863, subsequently denied); m. 1852 Stefania Wołłk (d. 1896)


2k) Emilia (1828-Sulejów 1923)


3k) Jarosław Jan (Wilno 10 Feb 1832 - Sulejów 17 Jan/10 Feb 1912; included in family with confirmation of princely title in Russia 1 May 1873; owner of Dołhowla); m. 1st Horodec 24 Aug 1858 Paulina Orda, 2nd 3 Jun 1893 Henryka (Helena) Karolina Spława-Neyman (1860 - Uriage les Bain, France 1945).


From 1st marriage:


1l) Jadwiga (1859 - Warsaw Sep 1922); m. Leon Jaxa-Chamiec (1860 - Warsaw Mar 1944)


2l) Władysław Ignacy Marek (Horodnica 25 Apr/8 May 1862 - Żubracze 7 Apr 1943; used form of name Gedroyć; owner of Miękisz Nowy, Mosty Małe, Kulików and Żubracze); m. Horodec 4 Jun 1904 Margueritte Renée de Pourbaix (Fourmie, Belgium 23 Jun 1880 - Białograd 5 Jan 1953)


1m) Paulina Irma (Mosty Małe 30 Mar 1905 - Warsaw 4 Feb 1993); m. Lwów 1927 Roman Emil Dąmbski (Borysław 2 Jul 1901 - Gliwice 22 Nov 1967)


2m) Jadwiga (b. Miękisz Nowy 2 Jan 1907; d. Koszain 16 Apr 1992; joint owner of Żubracze); m. Horodec-Antonówka 27 Dec 1928 Marek Kociatkiewicz (Lwów 10 Jun 1903 - Koszalin 16 Jun 1992)


3m) Zofia (b. Miękisz Nowy 15 Dec 1908; deported to USSR 1940-42, d.California 12 Oct 2008); m. Horodec-Antonówka 1930 Wiktor Kieniewicz (b. Orły 1903; deported by NKVD to Smolensk April 1940, missing)


4m) Witold Jarosław August Michał (b. Horodec 10 Sep 1915; d. London 1 Aug 2003); m. 1st London 1 Aug 1953 Mira Katarina Svarc (Zadar 4 Oct 1916 - London 16 Jan 1982, widow of Zbigniew Jan Dubas), 2nd Warsaw 10 Sep 1983 Teresa Zofia Majewska (b. Warsaw 15 Oct 1922; d. 18 Apr 2003; widow of Zbigniew Turlik and Jerzy Gregolajtys)


From 1st marriage:


1n) Władysław Michał Witold (b. London 22 Dec 1954); m. St Margaret’s of Cliffe, Kent, UK 19 May 1979 Hilarie Jane Williams (b. 10 Mar 1955)


1o) Geoffrey (b. London 4 Oct 1986)


2o) William (b. London 3 Jul 1989)


From 2nd marriage:


3l) Maria Jarosława (Sulejów 5 Jan 1900 - Warsaw 12 Jan 1988); m. Stanisław Gilowski (Uherce Niezabitowskie 5 Mar 1896 - Horyń 16 Feb 1936)


2j) Józef Dawid (b. circa 1794)


3j) Karolina (b. circa 1795); m. Ignacy Sienkiewicz


4j) Jan (b. circa 1797)


5j) Ludwika (b. circa 1804)


6j) Grzegorz Teofil Bernard Marcjan (9 Apr 1807 - 1884; priest, monsignor)


7j) Melchior Serwacy Urban (25 May 1814 - Wilno 3 Feb 1846); m. Ludwika Kuszczyc


1k) Michalina (b. 1841; d. 6 Feb 1846)


8j) Edmund Karol Tadeusz (Korwie 4 Nov 1815 - Wilno 15 Aug 1873;  confirmation of princely title in Russia 26 May 1866; owner of Antoninowo); m. Giedrojcie 26 May 1846 Ludwika Wirginia Oktawia Chrzczonowicz (Jurażyszki 24 Aug 1824 - Korwie 20 Jun 1864)


1k) Antoni Karol (Korwie 20 Feb 1848 - Wilno 26 0ct 1909; confirmation of princely title in Russia 26 May 1866; owner of Antoninowo); m 1st Felicja Zabiełło, 2nd 1889 Helena Stankiewicz (Góry 4 Jun 1865 - Wilno 20 May 1952)


From 1st marriage:


1l) Zofia (Sinołęka 18 May 1884 - Baden 27 Jul 1907); m. Wilno 13 Jun 1904 Count Michał Miączyński (Krupie 1 Nov 1876 - Washington 1916)


From 2nd marriage:


1l) Antoni (Antoninowo 23 Jun 1891-London 30 May 1966; deported to USSR 1940-42; owner of Antoninowo); m. Łódź 29 Dec 1925 Stefania Helena Krauze (Łódź 10 Jul 1897 - London 10 Jul 1988)


1m) Ewa Maria (b. Antoninowo 11 Oct 1926; deported to USSR 1940-42); m. 1st Townstown 1949 (div c 1969) Terence Reilly (born 1926), 2nd London Jack Worley


2m) Witold (Antoninowo 28 Jan 1929 – Al Farad, Kazakhstan 4 Dec 1942; deported to USSR 1940-42)


3m) Andrzej Maria (b. Antoninowo 8 Dec 1933, d. 19 Jan 2014; deported to USSR 1940-42; owner of Antoninowo); m. 1st London 24 Aug 1957 (div Montreal 20 Jun 1974) Sławomira Feliksa Szymczyńska (b. Małe Soleczniki28 Nov 1934), 2nd c. 1979 (div c. 1985) Janina Bielska (widow of Wacław Gebethner; b. Atteczyzna 10 Mar 1919)


From 1st marriage:


1n) Kamila Izabella Maria (b. London 1 Dec 1958); m. Toronto 23 Jun 1982  Robert Francis Lear (b. Toronto 11 Jan 1950)


2n) Karol Zygmunt Michał Maria (b. Toronto 1 Sep 1961; Order of Malta – Knight of Honour and Devotion; owner of Antoninowo); m 9 May 1998 Ivana Orrico (b. Toronto 15 Aug 1966)


1o) Savannah Lena Maria (b. 20 May 1999)


2o) Celeste Samantha Maria (Pitsy) (b. 8 Feb 2001)


3n) Witold Stefan Maria (b.Montreal 25 Feb 1965); m. 1st Toronto 8 April 1996 Ayeki Hajor (b. 30 Sep 1971); div. 8 Mar 2008; m. 2nd Toronto 31 May 2008 Wei Wei Zhang


From 1st marriage:


1o) Julian (b. Toronto 15 May 1997)


2o) Kristian (b. Toronto 1 Oct 1999)


2l) Anna (Antoninowo 17 Jul 1892 -  Kocborowo 4 May 1925)


3l) Jan (Antoninowo 2 Jan 1894 - Gdynia 26 Dec 1968); m. Jadwiga Giedgowd-Trocka (1900-Gdynia 5 Mar 1973)


4l) Ludwika (Antoninowo 26 Jul 1903 - 16 Jul 1971); m. 1st 1925 Eugeniusz Leopold Karkosiek (15 Jan 1886 - 13 Mar 1934), 2nd 1940 Stanisław Dygajtis (d. 1952)


5l) Helena (b. Atoninowo 12 Jul 1908; d. Wilno)


2k) Maria Aniela (b. Korwie 2 Feb 1850)


2i) Ignacy Michal (20 Aug 1771 - May 1829; Bishop, Coadjutor of Samogitia 1791; titular Bishop of  Casio 1824; Russian order of St Stanisław)


3i) Jan (Janusz) (d. 1852; owner of Antoszwince and Bijuciszki; Marshal of Wilno District; Order of St. Anne, 2ndClass); m. 1st Aniela Wołłk (d. 1826), 2nd …Abramowicz


1j) daughter m. Gedeon Jeleński


2j) Mikołaj Karol (Bijuciszki 1825 - Czarnorucz 24 Apr 1894; owner of Ołkuny; designated Governor of Wilno region; one of the anti-Russian conspirators of 1863, imprisoned 1863 to after 1870); m. Jozefina Stankiewicz


1k) Jan (d. after 1868)


2k) Władysław (d. after 1865)


2f) Adam Arnolfowicz (joint owner of Giedrojcie; living 1704);

m. …….


1g) Michał, Prince Giedroyć; m. …


1h) Jan (confirmation of noble status “of the princes” 11 Feb 1833)


2h) Jakub (confirmation of noble status “of the princes” 11 Feb 1833)


3h) Bartlomiej; m. …


1i) Franciszek Paweł (mentioned 1835); m. ….


1j) Lucjan Walerian (landowner near Śmiłowicze; m. ….


1k) Bronisław Lucjan (mentioned 1875; landowner near Śmiłowicze); m. ….


1l) Ignacy (b. Minsk, killed Warsaw 1944); m. Franciszka Starzycka (killed Warsaw 1944)


1m) Jerzy Władysław (Minsk 14/27 Jul 1906-Maisons-Lafitte, nr Paris 14 Sep 2000); founder/editor/publisher of Kultura); m.Ewa Tatiana Szwecow (Warsaw 29 Oct 1913-London 14 Oct 2002)


1n) Louise Elizabeth (b.Beirut 4 Aug 1947); m.London 28 Oct 1978 Ralph Jack Pfefer, aka Rolf Julian von Pfefer (b.Syracuse NY 2 Dec 1952)


2m) Zygmunt (1909 - Warsaw 1973); m. Barbara … (d. Warsaw 198?)


3m) Henryk (Warsaw 2 Jan 1922 – Paris 21 Mar 2010); m. Paris 3 Aug 1961 Leda Pasquali (b. Bologna 7 Nov 1919, d. Paris 7 Dec 2002); no issue


2k) Julian Kazimierz (confirmation of noble status in Russia 19 Jun 1875); m. …


1l) Wiktor (confirmation of noble status in Russia 31 Oct 1895)






Line of Bartłomiej



Bartłomiej Prince Gedroitski (d. circa 1524; owner of Giedrojcie); m. Felicja Mlekus


1a) Krzysztof Prince Gedroitski (Gedrojt) (mentioned 1528-58)


2a) Mateusz Prince Gedroitski (Gedrojt) (mentioned 1528; envoy to Ivan the Terrible 1551; Grand Ducal Governor of Vilnius; Grand Ducal Marshal; d. 1562/63); m. 1st Anna Princess Kroszyńska, 2nd Zofia Narbutt


1b) Kacper Dowmont Matuszewicz Prince Giedrojc (b. circa 1535; signatory of the Act of Union 1569; Chamberlain of Kaunas 1581; d.1601/2); m. Anna …..


1c) Bartłomiej Prince Giedrojc (mentioned 1609-13; owner of Widziniszki, Świr, Spory and Gale); m. Ewa Princess Świrska


1d) Fabian


1e) Mikołaj (owner of Owile, Janokumpie-Rymdziejszki and Wojdakowszczyzna; killed Tykocin 1657)


1f) Stanislaw, Prince Giedroyć (mentioned 1640-64; owner of Owile-Janokumpie, Dubury and Krupieliszki); m. …..


1g) Marcin (mentioned 1709; owner of Dubury and Krupieliszki); m. ….


1h) Stefan (b. 1675?, d. between 3 Aug and 15 Oct 1752; owner of Owile-Janokumpie, Staniszki-Gale, Dubury and Krupieliszki);  m. 1st Franciszka Sągajło, 2nd Zofia Malicka


From 1st marriage:


1i) Andrzej (b. before 5 Dec 1704; owner Staniszki-Gale;

 d. after 1793); m. Petronela Zacharewicz


1j) Dominik (b. before 6 Sep 1772); m. Józefata Chojnowska


1k) Ignacy (b. before 1 Feb 1829); m. Rachela Pieściak (?)


1l) Michał (b. 23 Oct 1856)


2j) Józef (b. before 6 Mar 1774); m. Ludwika Kondracka (Kondrewska?)


1k) Ferdynand (b. 19 Jan? 1844)


2i) Stanisław (b. 7 Dec 1706, d. between 5 Mar 1765 and 7 Aug 1766; owner of Owile-Janokumpie); m. Marianna Princess Giedroyć


1j) Antoni Jan (b. before 10 Apr 1740; owner of Owile-Murowanka); m. Rozalia Mackiewicz


1k) Ignacy (b. before 23 Jul 1782, d. 1862; owner of Owile-Murowanka); m. 1813 Barbara Szejk


1l) Feliks Ignacy (8 Nov 1830 - Owile 27 Jan 1900; owner of Owile-Murowanka); m. Paulina Dąbrowska


1m) Franciszek Ignacy Dowmont (Jeziorosy 29 Jan/10 Feb 1860 - Milanówek 6 Oct 1944; Order of Polonia Restituta 2nd Class); m. Stefania Bona Hoch (b. circa 1874, d. Konstancin 3 Dec 1939)


1n) Maria (Warsaw 28 Dec 1912 - Kielce 29 Jun 1980); m. Warsaw 30 Dec 1933 Wacław Knoll (Warsaw 19 Jun 1904 - Montreal 10 Mar 1976)


2m) Stefania


3m) Maria Zofia


4m) Janina


2l) Florenty Piotr (20 Jun 1836 - 1 Aug 1886); m. Leokadia Stempel (1874-1915)


1m) Emilia (b. 14 Feb 1867); m. Antanas Meskauskas


2m) Aleksandra (b. 6 Aug 1868); m. Z Ilinskas


3m) Kazimierz (4 Apr 1870 - 19 Jan 1941; owner of Owile-Murowanka); m. 1st J K Krzywicka, 2nd M Bender


1n) Birute Maria (8 Sep 1923 - 17 Aug 1982); m. Alfonsas Juodikis (b. 8 Jun 1920)


2n) Algirdas Eduardas (b. 29 Mar 1925 – d. Cleveland 19 Sep 2015); m. Irena Ulickaite (b. 19 Jul 1932)


1o) Ingrida Natalia


2o) Audrone Elena


3l) Ksawera


4l) Zofia


5l) Aleksandra


6l) Paulina; m. …Karolewicz


7l) Benigna; m. …. Gutarowicz


2j) Jerzy (b. before 22 Apr 1742; owner of Owile); m. Anna Nowicka


1k) Jan Piotr (b. 25 Jun 1783; owner of Owile); m. Eufrozyna Nowicka


1l) Józef Michał Kajetan (b. 6 Aug 1815)


2l) Aleksander Wawrzyniec (13 Sep 1825 - 1896; used the name Giedrojć; owner of Bejany); m. Joanna Bukowska


1m) Edmund Jan (28 Jan 1854 - circa 1902); m. Helena Chodakowska


1n) Leonard (6 Nov 1883-1947); m. Maria Giejga


1o) Aldona Regina


2n) Wanda


2m) Jan Maurycy (Bejany 9 Sep 1858 - Żorany 20 Aug 1935; owner of Owile (Aviliai)); m. 1885 Kazimiera Radwiłłowicz (1865 - Owile 29 Feb 1945)


1n) Jan (Linków 11/24 Jan 1886 - Kaunas 11 Dec 1959; owner of Owile and Magnuszewo-Ostrowszczyzna); m. 1st Helena Magnuszewska, 2nd (civil) Rakiszki Jul 1945 Helena Naginionite-Chodkievitiute (Kaunas 2 Feb 1926 -  Kaunas 5 Dec 1993)


From 1st marriage:


1o) Jan Olgierd (b. 1920, killed nr Kursk 1943)


2o) Janina (b. 1924; d. ?); m. Czesław Falkowski (d. ?)


From 2nd marriage:


3o) Ligia (b. Rakiszki 9 Aug 1947); m. Kaunas 26 Dec 1970 Vytautas Juozepas Zolubas (b. Krupiszki 19 Jan 1940)


4o) Aleksandras (b. Kaunas 11 Oct 1950); m. Virginia Miksaite; has issue


2n) Tadeusz (b. Bejany 25 Dec 1889/7 Jan 1890; killed by Soviets nr Ihumeń circa 26 Jun 1941; Cross of Valour; Cross of Independence; Senator of the Second Polish Republic; owner of Łobzów and Kotczyn); m. Wilno 10 Sep 1919 Anna Dunin-Szostakowska (Wilno 29 Apr 1894 - Epsom 2 May 1976; deported to Siberia 1940-42)


1o) Anna Maria Kazimiera (b. Opoczno 10 Jul 1920; deported to Siberia 1940-42); m. London 24 Mar 1951 Adam Perepeczko (St Petersburg 8 Jan 1908 - Harare 8 June 1999)


2o) Teresa Ludwika (Wilno 3 Jan 1922 - Salisbury, Rhodesia 25 Dec 1973; deported to Siberia 1940-42); m. Beirut 31 Mar 1945 Stanisław Lickindorf (Wlodzimierz Wołyński 8 May 1914 - Salisbury, Rhodesia 17 Oct 1979)


3o) Michal Jan Henryk (Łobzów 25 Jan 1929; deported to Siberia 1940-42-d.Oxford 29 Dec 2017); m. London 26 Jul 1958 Rosemary Virginia Anna Cumpston (London 13 Apr 1937-Oxford 17 Mar 2024)


1p) Michał (Miko) Graham Dowmont (b. Southampton 5 May 1959); m. Celle, Hanover 1 Nov 1986 Dorothee Alexandra Ulrike Jung (b. Geneva 4 Jun 1959)


1q) Anna Viva Magdalene (b. London 25 Aug 1992)


2q) Jan Tadeusz Friedrich William (b. London 30 Oct 1994)


3q) Melchior Ernst Graham Matthias (b. London 3 Jun 1996)


2p) Anna Catherine (Kasia) Astrid Louise (b. Hong Kong 5 Oct 1960); m. Oxford, 7 Sep 1985 Philip John Parham (b. Nairobi 14 Aug 1960)


3p) Mary Rose Helen (Coky) (b. Hong Kong 6 Feb 1963); m 1st St Peter’s, Vatican 3 Jan 1986 (div 1998) William Mark Heath (b. Esher 28 Feb 1959), 2nd London 26 July 1998 Sir Thomas Weyland Bowyer-Smyth (later Bowyer) 15th Bt (b. Cannes 25 Jun 1960)


4p) Melanie Clare Sophie (b. Epsom 5 Jun 1968); m. London 2 Nov 2001 Benedict Michael Morris (b. Cambridge 29 Mar 1968)


3n) Zofia (d. Dominican Republic 1976); m. Bolesław Lutyk (d. Argentina)


4n) Zygmunt (Birże 11/23 Sep 1896 - Warsaw 14 Jan 1976); m. Warsaw 16 Sep 1933 Irena Kokeli (Grodzisk Mazowiecki 23 Nov 1902 - Warsaw 25 Oct 1979; m. 1st …Trzepiński, div)


1o) Krystyna (b. 1935, d. Warsaw 3 Apr 1959)


2o) Danuta (b. Kowel 6 Jul 1938); m. Warsaw 14 Jun 1961 Janusz Niewiadomski (b. Warsaw 4 Sep 1927)


3m) Aleksander-Narcyz (d. circa 1922)


4m) Celina (d. 1924); m. 1st …Wiwulski, 2nd … Jarnuszkiewicz


5m) Stanisława; m. Jan Chodakowski


6m) Wiktoria; m. Jan Widugier


3l) Wacław Ksawery (9 Mar 1830 - circa 1900); m. Apolonia Dąbrowska (?)


1m) daughter


4l) Teresa


5l) Ludwika


2e) Gabriel; m. Katarzyna (Krystyna?) Raczyńska


1f) Władysław Antoni (Justyn) Prince Giedroyć; m. Konstancja Bialyńska


1g) Jan (Colonel; owner of Kossakowszczyzna-Giedrojcie); m. Konstancja ….


1h) Józef Arnolf (Kossakowszcyzna Giedrojcie 1757 - Olsiady 17 Jul 1838, Bishop of Samogitia 1801; Order of St Stanisław and Russian Order of St Anne)


2g) Kazimierz; m. …Lasocka


1h) Ignacy (mentioned 1763-92; owner of Widziniszki; Quartermaster General of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 1768, Governor of Osiek; Order of St Stanisław); m. Marianna Grabińska


1i) Kazimierz; m. ….


1j) Hieronim Jerzy; m. ….


1k) Felicjan Józef (included in the princely family by Russian authorities 25 Aug 1894, annulled 4 Jun 1915, 17 Mar 1916)


2i) Stefan Kajetan Antoni Jan Nepomucen Michał (b. 3 Sep 1788; owner of Widziniszki; Knight of Malta; Marshal of Nobility of Wilno district 1816); m. Anna (Marianna?) Broel-Plater (d. after 1854)


1j) Antoni Feliks (Felicjan) (b. 1813); m. Paulina Kuszelewska


1k) Stefan Ignacy Antoni Wiktor (b. 1835(6?), confirmation of princely title in Russia 26 May  1866); m. ….; had issue


3e) Krzysztof (owner of Litwinówka, Sieliliszcze and Żeliwie)


1f) Mikołaj Prince Gedroic; m. ….


1g) Józef; m. ….


1h) Tadeusz (Deputy in Sejm); m. ….


1i) Franciszek; m. Serafina Józefowicz


1j) Stanisław Franciszek (1815(6?) - 26 Jul 1891; confirmation of princely title in Russia 14 April 1877; owner of Sabarów); m. 1st Klotylda Dagner (Degner?),

2nd …


From 1st marriage:


1k) Bronisław August (b. 3/16 Sep 1858; confirmation of princely title in Russia 14 April 1877)


From 2nd marriage:


2k) Konstantyn Piotr (b. 25 Dec 1885; included in the princely family by Russian authorities 24 Oct 1900)


3k) Piotr (b. 25 Jun 1890, living 1900; included in the princely family by Russian authorities 24 Oct 1900)


From 1st or 2nd marriage:


4k) Stefania; m. …Kamieniecki


5k) Matylda


6k) Marija


2j) Anton Osip (b. 1817; princely title confirmed in Russia 24 Jul 1878; Lt Colonel, Russian army); m. ….


1k) Jewgienij (b. 1851; princely title confirmed in Russia 24 Jul 1878)


2k) Nikołaj (Michaił) (princely title confirmed in Russia 24 Jul 1878)


3k) Wiktor (princely title confirmed in Russia 24 Jul 1878)


3j) Arkadij Andrej Anton (b. 1818; Colonel in the Russian army)


4j) Nikołaj Piotr (b. 1820)


5j) Iwan Fadiej (22 Feb 1824 - before 1912; Colonel in the Russian army); m. Katerina Dobrosławska (b. 22 Nov 1831)


1k) Walerij (d. USA 1941; Lt Colonel in the Russian army); m. 1st …, 2nd Lidia Aleksandrowna Baroness (?) v Paghels (St Petersburg 1872-Shanghai 1944)


From 1st marriage:


1l) Aleksander (b. 1888)


From 2nd marriage:


2l) Nikołaj (Nicholas) (St Petersburg 19 Dec 1905 - Long Island, New York 21 Apr 1982; aide to Chiang Kai Shek); m. Shanghai 1930 Zoya Pawłowna Hworastina (Charbin 5 May 1910 - Stuart, Florida 29 Dec 2003)


1m) Alla (b. Charbin 4 Jun 1928); m. 1st 31 Jan 1948 (div) Thomas Strish, 2nd 14 Nov 1980 Reginald Humphrey


2k) Aleksander (Riasno 17 Jul 1878 - Gdańsk Wrzeszcz 1957; included in the princely family by the Russian authorities 25 Oct 1912); m. Maria Siemionowa (7 Jul 1889 - Gdansk Wrzeszcz 1948)


1l) Wiktor (b. Psków 30 Nov 1910 – d 28 Oct 1998); m. London 26 Apr 1949 Margaret Mary Phinn (Leeds 19 Jul 1920 - Glasgow 1 Aug 1986)


1m) Christina Maria (b. London 26 Apr 1949); m. Glasgow 1972 Christopher Paul Mackie


2l) Aleksander (St Petersburg 27 Oct 1913 - Poland circa 1927)


3l) Jerzy (St Petersburg 11 Feb 1916 - Gdańsk 2 Jun 1991); m. Gdańsk 1948 Bronisława Sawka (9 Oct 1919 - Gdańsk 2 Jun 1989)


1m) Jerzy Wiktor (b. Gdańsk 3 Oct 1950); m. Gdańsk 13 Sep 1986 Małgorzata Kryszewska (b. Sopot 13 Jul 1960)


1n) Zuzanna (b. Gdańsk 26 Sep 1987)


2n) Joanna (b. Gdańsk 3 Sep 1990)


3n) Katarzyna (b. Gdańsk 26 Feb 1993)


6j) Michaił (b. 1830; confirmation of princely title in Russia 24 July 1878; Colonel in the Russian army); m. ….


1k) Michaił (confirmation of princely title in Russia 24 July 1878)


2k) Grigorij (confirmation of princely title in Russia 24 July 1878)


7j) Katerina


8j) Wiktoria


9j) Sofija


2f) Jakub Prince Giedroić; m. ….


1g) Michał; m. ….


1h) Bonifacy (b. 1760, living 1806); m. ….


1i) Ignacy (b. 25 Jan 1797, living 1821; owner of Ostankiewicze and Tatarynowo); m. ….


1j) Ignatij Władysław (princely title confirmed in Russia 4 Aug 1878; owner of Słobodyszcze); m. …


1k) Marija (b. 1861)


2k) Ignatij (b. 1864)


3k) Siergiej (b. 1871, d. before 1876)


4k) Wiera (b. Kijów 26 Mar/7 Apr 1876, d. Kijów summer 1932; princely title confirmed in Russia 26 June 1907; surgeon at the Imperial Hospital in Tsarskoe Selo; Professor of Medicine at Kiev); m. …Biełozierow (div circa 1907)


5k) Nadieżda


6k) Aleksandra


2j) Kazimir Michaił (princely title confirmed in Russia 14 May 1880)


3j) Adolf Nikodem (included in the princely family by the Russian authorities 18 Dec 1879); m. ….


1k) Wasyl


2k) Lew


3k) Marija


4j) Anton Franc (included in the princely family by the Russian authorities 18 Dec 1879)


5j) Osip Ludwik (included in the princely family by the Russian authorities 18 Dec 1879)


2d) Jan (mentioned 1663); m. ….


1e) Kazimierz (d. before 15 Feb 1705; owner of Świr Laskowski and Czuczelewicze); m. Katarzyna Kossakowska


1f) Jan Prince Giedroyć (owner of Szpaki); m. ….


1g) Bogusław (mentioned 1764); m. ….


1h) Tadeusz; m. ….


1i) Władysław Ignacy


2i) Jan Bogusław (1804 - 1876); m. ….


1j) Rafał Mieczysław (b. 24 Oct 1830)


2j) Jan Antoni (b. 19 Jun 1833)


3j) Antoni Kalikst (Wilejka 20 Feb 1841 - Tarnopol 12 Feb 1909); m. circa 1872 Helena de Molinari (1852 - Tarnopol 21 Feb 1900)


1k) Tadeusz (b. 1874, d. New Jersey 1936)


2k) Kazimierz Juliusz (Lwów 15 Apr 1875 - Trenton, New Jersey 1923); m. 1906 Clementine Isabella Podurgiel (23 Feb 1878 - Passaic, New Jersey 13 Sep 1952)


1l) Aldona Maria (East Rutherford, New Jersey 25 Apr 1909 - Oradell, New Jersey 25 Feb 2007); m. 19 Oct 1935 Passaic, New Jersey 1935 Martin Arnold Lauritsen (Carlstadt, New Jersey 4 Aug 1908 - Wood Ridge, New Jersey 30 Oct 1984)


2l) Olgierd Franz Josef (Francis Joseph) (East Rutherford 15 Feb 1914 - Teaneck, New Jersey 6 Apr 1955); m. White Plains, New York 28 Dec 1946 Mildred Dorothy Schwerin (b. New York 25 Sep 1923 – d. Allendale NJ 9 Jun 2015)


1m) Richard Francis (b. White Plains 24 May 1948); m. Matawan, New Jersey 27 Dec 1975 Jewell Lynn Fry (b. Washington DC 12 Dec 1951)


1n) Melissa Nicole (b. Summit, New Jersey 26 Jun 1979); m. Ghanna, Ohio 9 Jun 2007 US Air Force Major Kyle Richard McAtee (b. Washington State 25 Mar 1977)


2n) Daniel Joseph (b. Summit, New Jersey 14 Apr 1982)


3n) Philip Michael (b. Sidney, Ohio 20 Oct 1985); with Nicole Maria Kennedy (b. 15 Jul 1986), has natural daughter


1o) Kaitlyn Kennedy (b. Sidney, Ohio 6 Nov 2003)


2m) Thomas Joseph (b. Englewood, New Jersey 9 Jul 1952); m. Dumont, New Jersey 6 Jun 1981 Susan Rutter (b. Fort Lee, New Jersey 10 Jul 1953)


3k) Józef (1877 - 1879)


4k) Zygmunt (Sigmund) August (Lwów 2 May 1880 - 2 Feb 1931); m. Vineland, New Jersey 1922 Dorothy Aitchison Hayes-Pearson (b. Vineland, New Jersey 20 May 1895); no issue


4j) Witold Remigiusz (b. 1 Oct 1851); m. …


1k) Helen, died young


5j) Józef Jan (b. 25 Feb 1852)


6j) Augustyn Gustaw (26 Aug 1857 - 1924)


3i) Ignacy