Lords Darcy of various creations;

Earls of Holderness; Earl Rivers


CONYERS, Lords Conyers


FAUCONBERGE, Lords Fauconberge





Part 1: Faucomberge [Fauconberge]



Sir Walter de Faucomberge, summoned to Parliament from1 295 as Lord Faucomberge, d.1/2 Nov 1304; m.Agnesa de Brus


1a) Walter, 2nd Lord Faucomberge, d.31 Dec 1318; m.1st Isabel de Ros; m.2nd Alice de Killingholm


1b) Sir Walter, k.a. Bannockburn 24 Jun 1314; m.Anastasia Neville


2b) John, 3rd Lord Faucomberge, b. on or just before 24 Jun 1290, d.17/18 Sep 1349; m.his step-sister Ivod or Eve de Bulmer


1c) Walter, 4th Lord Faucomberge, d.29 Sep 1362; m.1st ca Dec 1330 Maud de Pateshulle (d.before 28 Sep 1359); m.2nd before 15 Jan 1360 Isabel, née Bigod (d.19 Mar 1401), widow of Sir Roger de Burton


1d) Sir Thomas, d.9 Sep 1407; he was by modern doctrine de jure 5th Lord Faucomberge but may never have sat in Parliament; he seems to have been mentally incompetent; he m.1st Constance Felton (d.1402); m.2nd Joan Brounflete (d.4 Mar 1409)


1e) [ex 1] Sir John, executed 20 Jul 1405; m.Joan Conyers


2e) [ex 2] Joan (18 Oct 1406-11 Dec 1490), de jure 6th Baroness Faucomberge; m.1st before 28 Apr 1422 William Nevill (d.9 Jan 1463); from 1429 William was summoned to Parliament as “Willelmo de Nevill” and from 1455 as “Willelmo de Nevill de Fauconberg”, both possibly in right of his wife; in 1461 he was cr Earl of Kent; she m. 2nd ca 1463 John Berwycke; on the death of William Nevill (and certainly on Joan’s death) the Fauconberg Barony fell into abeyance among their three daus (for whom see the Neville file); it eventually was called out of abeyance for descendants of their youngest dau Alice:


1f) Alice NEVILL (ca 1437-    ); m.by 1463 John Conyers (k.a. Battle of Edgcote 26 Jul 1469); see Part 2





Part 2: Conyers



Sir John Conyers, d.14 Mar 1490; m.by 20 Nov 1431 Margery (1 Sep 1418-1469), dau and co-heir of 6th Lord Darcy de Knayth (see Part 3)


1a) John, dvp, k.a. Battle of Edgcote 26 Jul 1469;m.by 1463 Lady Alice Neville (see Part 1), a co-heiress of the Barony of Fauconberg


1b) John (d.after 4 Jul 1472)


2b) William (21 Dec 1468-1524), summoned to Parliament from 1509 as Lord Conyers; m.1st Mary, dau of Lord Scrope of Bolton; m.2nd Lady Anne Neville; it seems unclear whether his children were by 1st or 2nd m.


1c) Christopher, 2nd Lord Conyers, d.14 Jun 1538; m.28 Sep 1515 Anne (d.1547/8), dau of Lord Dacre of Gilsland


1d) John, 3rd Lord Conyers, d.Jun 1557; m. before 28 Oct 1539 Lady Maud Clifford; on his death the Barony of Conyers went into abeyance among his daughters and their issue, along with his moiety of the Barony of Fauconberge


1e) Anne; m.Anthony Kempe, of Slindon


1f) Henry KEMPE, dsp


2e) Elizabeth, d.6 Jun 1572; m.Thomas Darcy (d.6 Nov 1605); the Conyers barony, and also the Darcy de Knaith barony, were called out of abeyance for her son in 1641, and the Fauconberge Barony was much later called out of abeyance for her descendant; see Part 3


3e) Katherine; m.John Atherton, of Atherton; her issue became extinct on the death sp 13 Jul 1644 of their grand-daughter Anne, wife of Sir William Pennyman, Bt.


4e) Margaret


2d) Elizabeth; m.George Playce


3d) Jane; m.Sir Marmaduke Constable; she may have been dau of 1st Lord Conyers


2c) Margaret; m. Sir R Cholmeley


3c) Katherine; m. Sir F Bigod


3b) Anne, d.1530; m.Richard Lumley, 3rd Lord Lumley (d.26 May 1510)




Part 3: Darcy



Sir Philip d’Arcy, of Nocton, d.ca 28 May 1264; m.Isabel Bertram


1a) Sir Norman, d.ca 6 Jan 1296; m.1st Julian ___ (d.by 15 Jun 1281); m.2nd by 20 Jan 1293 Margery ___


1b) Philip, summoned to Parliament from 1299 as Lord Darcy, d.shortly before 24 Nov 1333; m.NN


1c) Norman, de jure 2nd Lord Darcy, though possibly never summoned to Parliament, d.31 Mar 1340; m.Isabel ___ (d.16 Sep 1350)


1d) Philip, de jure 3rd Lord Darcy, dsp by 16 Sep 1350; on his death this 1299 Barony fell into abeyance, by modern doctrine; between his aunt and the son of another aunt; it has never been revived


2c) Julian; m.1st ? Philip de Nevill; m.2nd Sir John de Limbury


1d) Sir Philip LIMBURY (ca 1320-6 Jul 1367) à issue


3c) Agnes (ca 1300-d.by 13 Sep 1359); m.1st ?Robert de Friskeneye; m.2nd Sir Roger de Pedwardine (d.10 Feb 1369)


2b) Robert, d.1342/3; m.Joan FitzEustace


1c) Margaret, d.1 Sep 1383; m.John d'Argentine (d.Nov 1382)


3b) John; m.NN à issue


2a) Sir Roger; m.Isabel d’Aton


1b) John, summoned to Parliament from 1332 as Lord Darcy [this being the Barony later known as Darcy de Knayth], d.30 May 1347; m.1st Emmeline Heron; m.2nd 3 Jul 1329 Joan (d.23 Apr 1359), dau of Richard de Burgh, Earl of Ulster, and widow of Thomas FitzJohn, Earl of Kildare


[by 1st m.]:


1c) .John, 2nd Lord Darcy, d.5 Mar 1356; m.1st before 8 Jul 1332 Alianore de Holand (dspm before 21 Nov 1341), dau of 1st Lord Holand; m.2nd  ca 1345 Elizabeth (d.9 Jul 1368), possibly de jure 2nd Baroness Meinill, dau of Lord Menille [Meinill], and later wife of Lord Mauley


1d) John, 3rd Lord Darcy (24 Jun 1350-6 or 26 Aug 1362)


2d) Philip, 4th Lord Darcy (21 May 1352-24 Apr 1399); m.Elizabeth Gray (d.11 Aug 1412)


1e) John, 5th Lord Darcy, d.9 Dec 1411; m.Margaret (d.1 Jun 1454), dau of 5th Lord Grey, and later wife of Sir Thomas Swinford


1f) Philip, 6th Lord Darcy [and 5th de jure Lord Meinill?], d.16 Jan 1469; m.before 28 Oct 1412 Alianore (d.30 Sep1 457), dau of 4th Lord FitzHugh, and later wife of Sir Thomas Tunstall and of 1st Lord Vessy; on his death the Barony of Darcy fell into abeyance between his two daughters and their descendants (as did also any claim to the Barony of Meinill)


1g) Elizabeth (ca May 1417-1 Sep 1458); m. before 20 Nov 1431 Sir James Strangways (d.ca 20 Aug 1480) à issue


2g) Margery (1 Sep 1418-1469); m.by 20 Nov 1431 Sir John Conyers (d.14 Mar 1490); the Darcy Barony was called out of abeyance in 1641 for her descendant, Conyers Darcy, who was also a Darcy in the male line (below)


2f) John, d.1458; m.Joan, dau of 6th Lord Greystock


1g) Richard, dvp; m.Eleanor le Scrope, dau of John, Lord Scrope


1h) Sir William, d.1488; m.ca 1461 Euphemia Langton


1i) Sir Thomas (ca 1467-executed 30 Jun 1537); summoned to Parliament from 1509 as Lord Darcy [this is the Barony called Darcy of Darcy]; on his conviction of treason he was attainted 1537; he m.1st Dowsabel Tempest; m.2nd before 1520 Edith, née Sandys, sister of Lord Sandys and widow of Lord Nevill


[by 1st m.]:


1j) George, restored in blood by Act of Parliament 1548 to the dignity of Lord Darcy, with remainder to the heirs male of his body; though this was surely meant to restore the 1509 Barony, because of the new specific remainder this should probably be treated as a new Barony [sometimes called Darcy of Aston]; he m.ca 1511 Dorothy Melton (d.21 Sep 1557)


1k) John, 2nd Lord Darcy, d.18 Oct 1602; m.Anne Babington


1l) Michael, dvp 13 Dec 1588; m.Margaret Wentworth


1m) John, 3rd Lord Darcy, d.5 Jul 1635; m.1st Rosamond Frescheville (bap 5 Jun 1576-18 Apr 1607); m.2nd 7 May 1617 Isabel Wray (dsp 27 Jan 1622); m.3rd 7 Nov 1624 Hon. Mary Belasyse (bap 11 Apr 1606-14 Sep 1625); m.4th Elizabeth West (bur 24 Jul 1669); on his death the Barony as restored in 1548 became extinct; any rights to the original 1509 Barony vested in his sister Anne and her descendants


1n) John (ca 1602-21 Apr 1624)


2n) Rosamund (bap 9 Feb 1606-d.young)


3n) Elizabeth (bap 10 Apr 1607-18 Jun 1624)


2m) Margaret


3m) Anne; m.Henry Savile, of Copley


[by 2nd m.]:


2k) George


3k) Agnes; m.Sir Thomas Fairfax


4k) Mary; m.1st Henry Babington; m.2nd Henry Foljambe


5k) Edith; m.Sir Thomas Dauney


6k) Dorothy; m.Sir Thomas Metham


7k) Elizabeth; m.Bryan Stapleton


2j) Richard


3j) Sir Arthur; m.Mary Carew à 10 sons, 5 daus, of whom:


1k) Sir Henry, of Bremham and Leighton; m.1st Katherine Tyrwhitt (dsp 1567); m.2nd Mrs Katherine Pulteney, née Fermor


1l) Katherine; m.ca 1591 Gervase Clifton, Lord Clifton (1569/70-Oct 1618)


2k) Thomas, of Hornby Castle, d.6 Nov 1605; m. Hon. Elizabeth Conyers (d.6 Jun 1572); she was co-heir to the Conyers barony, as well as the Baronies of Fauconberge and Darcy de Knayth; in 1644 her issue became sole heirs to the Conyers Barony, which had already been called out of abeyance in 1641 for her son; for their issue see Part 4, below


3k) Sir Edward, of Dartford Place; m.Elizabeth Astley à 15 children


4k) Arthur, of Aldrington

5k) Nicholas

6k) John, of Potter Newton

7k) Francis, of Gysborne; m.Catherine Leigh

8k) Elizabeth, bur 1590; m.Lewis Mordaunt, 3rd Lord Mordaunt (21 Sep 1538-16 Jun 1601)


3j) Elizabeth; m.Sir Marmaduke Constable


2g) John

3g) George

4g) Thomas

5g) Philip


3f) Elizabeth

4f) Maud


2e) Thomas

3e) Philip

4e) Elizabeth

5e) Joan; may have m.1st John Beaumont; m.2nd ? Sir Giles Daubeney, de jure 8th Lord Daubeney (25 Oct 1395-11 Jan 1446)


3d) Isabel


[by 2nd m.]:


2c) Roger à issue


3c) Adomar; note that Burke’s Extinct Peerage has him and Roger as sons of 1st m.


4c) Sir William à ancestor of many Darcy families, the most prominent being Irish LG families


5c) Elizabeth, d.24 Mar 1390; m.James Butler, 2nd Earl of Ormonde (4 Oct 1331-1382)


3a) Sir Thomas, dsp ca 1301





Part 4: Darcy


Thomas Darcy, of Hornby Castle, d.6 Nov 1605 (see Part 3); m. Hon. Elizabeth Conyers (d.6 Jun 1572); she was co-heir to the Conyers barony, as well as the Baronies of Fauconberge and Darcy de Knayth; in 1644 her issue became sole heirs to the Conyers Barony, which had already been called out of abeyance in 1641 for her son


1a) Sir Conyers, of Hornby Castle (bap 27 Aug 1570-3 Mar 1654), summoned to Parliament 1641 and 1642 as 7th Lord Darcy [de Knayth] and 4th Lord Conyers; in 1644 he became sole heir of his maternal grandfather and thus was entitled to the Conyers Barony by right anyway; although the 1641 declaration by Parliament awarded him these Baronies with remainder to heirs male, a later decision by Parliament ruled that the 1641 and 1642 actions operated merely to terminate the abeyances in the Baronies of Conyers and Darcy de Knayth, which remained Baronies by Writ; he was also a co-heir to the Barony of Fauconberge and probably to the Barony of Meinill; he m.ca 1594 Dorothy (bur 11 May 1653), dau of Sir Henry Belasyse, Bt.


1b) Conyers, 8th Lord Darcy [de Knayth] and 5th Lord Conyers, cr 1682 Earl of Holderness (bap 24 Jan 1599-14 Jun 1689); m.14 Oct 1616 Grace Rokeby (bur 4 Jan 1658)


1c) Conyers, 2nd Earl of Holderness (bap 3 Mar 1622-13 Dec 1692); m.1st 14 May 1645 Lady Catherine Fane (bur 30 Aug 1649); m.2nd 8 Feb 1650 Lady Frances Howard (d.9 Apr 1670); m.3rd shortly before summer 1676 Frances (bur 5 Jan 1681), dau of William Seymour, 2nd Duke of Somerset, and widow of the Earl of Southampton and of Viscount Molyneux; m.4th 8 Jan 1685 Mrs Elizabeth Warwick (1 Jan 1635-22 Feb 1690), dau of Lord Frescheville; he had issue by 2nd m.:


1d) John (5 Nov 1659-6 Jan 1689); m.Bridget, dau of Robert Sutton, Lord Lexington


1e) Norman (26 Jan 1679-bur 18 Apr 1681)


2e) Robert, 3rd Earl of Holderness (24 Nov 1681-20 Jan 1722); m.26 May 1715 Lady Frederica Schomberg, Condessa de Mertola (1688-7 Aug 1751), later wife of Earl Fitzwalter, a maternal gdau of the Elector Palatine and a great-great-granddau of King James I


1f) George Schomberg (14 Apr 1716-10 May 1716)


2f) Robert, 4th Earl of Holderness (17 May 1718-Syon Hill 16 May 1778); m.The Hague 29 Oct 1743 Mary Doublet (d.London 13 Oct 1801)


1g) George, Lord Darcy & Conyers (Sep 1745-27 Sep 1747)


2g) Thomas, Lord Darcy & Conyers (7 May 1750-20 Jul 1750)


3g) Amelia Darcy, 12th Baroness Darcy de Knayth and 9th Baroness Conyers (12 Oct 1754-27 Jan 1784); m.1st London 29 Nov 1773 (div 1779) Francis Godolphin-Osborne, Marquess of Carmarthen [later, 5th Duke of Leeds] (29 Jan 1751-31 Jan 1799); m.2nd London 1779 John Byron (7 Feb 1756-10 Apr 1786); for full details of her issue see Leeds page; of relevance here are:


1h) George William Frederick OSBORNE, 1784 13th Lord Darcy de Knayth and 10th Lord Conyers, suc 1799 as 6th Duke of Leeds, b.London 21 Jul 1775, d.London 10 Jul 1838; m.East Rainham, Norfolk 17 Aug 1797 Lady Charlotte Townshend (b.16 Mar 1776, d.Hornby Castle 30 Jul 1856)


1i) Francis Godolphin D'ARCY-OSBORNE, 7th Duke of Leeds, b.London 21 May 1798, d.London 12 May 1859; m.Chelsea 24 Apr 1828 Catherine Caton (d.St.Leonard's on Sea 8 Apr 1874)


2i) Lady Charlotte OSBORNE, d.17 Jan 1836; m.22 May 1826 Sackville Walter Lane Fox (24 Mar 1797-18 Aug 1874); for fuller details of her issue see Pitt/Fox page; of relevance here:


1j) Sackville George LANE-FOX, 12th Lord Conyers and de jure 15th Lord Darcy (London 14 Sep 1827-St.Clare, Walmer, Kent 24 Aug 1888); m.London 14 Aug 1860 Mary Curteis (b.London 15 Feb 1841, d.12 Nov 1921); on his death the Baronies of Conyers and Darcy fell into abeyance, as did his moiety of the Barony of Fauconberge


1k) Sackville Fitzroy Henry (London 9 May 1861-Durban, Natal 27 Aug 1879)


2k) Marcia Amelia Mary (Wellesbourne 18 Oct 1863-Brocklesby 17 Nov 1926); the abeyance in the Barony of Conyers was terminated in her favor in 1892, whereby she became 13th Baroness Conyers; the abeyance in the Barony of Fauconberg[e] was terminated in her favor in 1892, whereby she became 6th Baroness Fauconberge; m.London 5 Aug 1886 Charles Alfred Worsley Pelham, 4th Earl of Yarborough (London 11 Jun 1859-London 12 Jul 1936); for full details of her issue see Anderson/Pelham page; of relevance here:


1l) Sackville George PELHAM, 1926 14th Lord Conyers and 7th Lord Fauconberge, suc 1936 as 5th Earl of Yarborough (17 Dec 1888-7 Feb 1948); m.23 Sep 1919 Nancye Brocklehurst (d.27 Oct 1977); on his death the Baronies went again into abeyance


1m) Lady Diana Mary Pelham (5 Jul 1920-2 Mar 2013); in 2012 the abeyance was terminated in her favor, whereby she became 15th Baroness Conyers and 8th Baroness Fauconberge; m.15 Nov 1952 Robert Miller (d.Harare 1990); on her death the Baronies went again into abeyance


1n) Marcia Anne Miller, b.1954; she was adopted by her aunt in 1959 and renamed Anthea Theresa Lycett


2n) Beatrix Diana Miller, b.1955; m.7 Sep 1991 Simon William Jones Armstrong


1o) Guy William Robert Armstrong, b.1996


2o) Matthew Charles Armstrong, b.1998


3k) Violet Ida Evelyn (1 Jun 1865-29 Apr 1929); in1903 the abeyance in the Barony of Darcy was terminated in her favor, whereby she became 16th Baroness Darcy de Knayth; m.21 Aug 1890 George Charles Herbert, 4th Earl of Powis (d.9 Nov 1952); for fuller details of her issue see Powis page; of relevance here:


1l) Mervyn Horatio HERBERT, Viscount Clive, 17th Lord Darcy de Knayth (7 May 1904-k.on active service Mar 1943); m.18 Oct 1934 Vida Cuthbert


1m) Davina Marcia, 18th Baroness Darcy de Knayth (10 Jul 1938-24 Feb 2008); m.1 Mar 1960 Rupert George Ingrams (d.28 Feb 1964)


1n) Miranda, b.1960


2n) Caspar David INGRAMS, 19th Lord Darcy de Knayth, b.6 Jan 1962; m.14 Sep 1996 Catherine Baker


1o) Thomas Rupert, b.23 Oct 1999


2o) Henry [Harry] St.Clair, b.2001


3o) George Richard, b.2004


3n0 Catriona, b.1963


3f) Louisa-Carolina, d.15 Nov 1778; m.London 6 Nov 1735 William Henry Kerr, 4th Marquess of Lothian (1710-Bath 12 Apr 1775)


3e) Sir Conyers, of Aske (ca 1685-1 Dec 1758); m.1st 2 Aug 1714 Mary (1679-20 Aug 1726), dau of 1st Earl of Portland and widow of 2nd Earl of Essex; m.2nd 11 Sep 1728 Elizabeth (d.30 Nov 1741), née Rotherham, widow of Sir Theophilus Napier, 5th Bt., and of 6th Lord Howard of Effingham


4e) Elizabeth (17 Oct 1686-Oct 1720); m.May 1708 Sir Ralph Milbanke, 4th Bt. (ca 1688-9 May 1748)


5e) Charlotte; m.Wardell George Westby


2d) Philip



2c) Ursula; m.Sir Christopher Wyvill, 3rd Bt. (bap 6 Dec 1614-bur 8 Feb 1681)


3c) Elizabeth (bap 8 Dec 1624-    ); m.18 Oct 1650 Sir Henry Stapylton, Bt. (ca 1617-1679)


4c) Grace, d.by 1658; m.18 Oct 1655 John Legard, of Ganton [later, 1660, 1st Bt.] (ca 1631-1678)


5c) Margaret, bur 18 Jun 1660; m.19 May 1658 Henry Marwood [later, 1680, 2nd Bt.] (ca 1635-1 Nov 1725)


6c) Anne


2b) Sir William, of Witton Castle (1608-    ); m.Dorothy Selby


1c) George

2c) Thomas

3c) Arthur

4c – 5c) two daus


3b) Henry, of New Park; m.Mary Scrope à issue

4b) Thomas, of Winkburne (1613-    )

5b) Marmaduke, d.1687


6b) James, of Sedbury Park (1617-    ); m.Isabel, dau of Sir Marmaduke Wyvill, 2nd Bt.


1c) James, cr 1721 Baron Darcy of Navan [I], in tail male, with remainder to his grandson James Jessop, later Darcy; he d.19 Jul 1731; m.1st Bethia Payler (d.19 Nov 1671); m.2nd Hon. Anne Stawell; m.3rd ca 1693 Mary (d.1710), dau of Sir William Hickes, 2nd Bt.; m.4th 6 Apr 1725 Margaret Garth (d.9 Aug 1758)


[by 1st m.]:


1d) Mary, d.17 Jun 1737; m.1697 William Jessop, of Broomhall (1665-8 Nov 1734) à 1 son, 4 daus, of whom:


1e) James JESSOP, later DARCY, 2nd Lord Darcy of Navan, d.15 Jun 1733


2e) Barbara JESSOP; m.Andrew Wilkinson, of Boroughbridge Hall (1697-29 Mar 1784)


3e) Isabella JESSOP; m.John Eyre, later Gell, of Hopton


[by 2nd m.]:


2d) Anne; m.John Yorke

3d) Elizabeth, d.1739; m.5 Mar 1726 John Hutton, of Marske (d.16 Jan 1768)

4d) Isabel


2c) Isabella; m.Sir Ralph Carr (14 Jul 1634-5 Mar 1710)


7b) Barbara; m.Matthew Hutton, of Marske


8b) Ursula; m.John Stillington, of Kelfield


9b) Dorothy; m.John Dalton, of Hawkeswell


10b) Anne; m.Thomas Metcalf, of Routh Park


11b) Grace; m.1st George Best, of Middleton; m.2nd Sir Francis Molineux, of Mansfield


12b) Margaret, bur 1668; m.Sir Thomas Harrison, of Allerthorpe Manor and Copgrove (bur 13 Apr 1664); this per a modern edition of Burke’s LG; per Burke’s Extinct Peerage this dau Margaret m. Acton Burnell, of Winkburn Hall; possibly it was the same dau, with two husbands?






Part 5

(This family is presumed to be related to the Darcy family in Parts 3 and 4, but, if so, the relationship is unknown.)



Roger Darcy, d.Sep 1508; m.Elizabeth, née Wentworth, widow of John Bourchier, Earl of Bath, and before that of Sir Thomas Wyndham


1a) Sir Thomas (1506-28 Jun 1558), cr 1551 Baron Darcy of Chiche; m.Lady Elizabeth de Vere


1b) John, 2nd Lord Darcy of Chiche, d.3 Mar 1581; m.Hon. Frances Rich, who predeceased him


1c) Thomas, 3rd Lord Darcy of Chiche (ca 1565-21 Feb 1640); he m. shortly before 20 Apr 1583 Mary Kitson (d.1644); in 1613, Thomas’ only son having dsp, his son-in-law, Sir Thomas Savage, obtained a reversion of the Barony of Darcy of Chiche with remainder to his issue male by Elizabeth Darcy; in 1621 Thomas was cr Viscount Colchester, with remainder to Thomas Savage and his issue male; in 1626 he was cr Earl Rivers with the same remainder


1d) Thomas, dvpsp; m. ___, dau of Sir John Fitz, and widow of Sir Alan Perci


2d) Elizabeth (1581-9 Mar 1651); she was cr 1641 Countess Rivers [for Life]; she m.14 May 1602 Sir Thomas Savage, 2nd Bt., who was cr 1626 Viscount Savage and who in 1640 suc. Elizabeth’s father as 2nd Earl Rivers, 2nd Viscount Colchester and 4th Baron Darcy of Chiche


3d) Mary; m.Roger Manwood


4d) Penelope; m.1st Sir George Trenchard; m.2nd 1611 Sir John Gage, Bt. (d.3 Oct 1633); m.3rd 1642 Sir William Hervey, of Ickworth (21 Mar 1585-1660)


5d) Susan


2c) John


3c) Elizabeth, d.2 Feb 1617; m.1582 John Lumley, Lord Lumley (ca 1533-11 Apr 1609)


2b) Thomasine; m.Richard Southwell


3b) Constance; m.Edmund Pyrton


2a) Eleanor


3a) Thomasine; m.Sir Richard Southwell


4a) Elizabeth; m.John Legh