The family of the Counts of Barcelona






Part 1: The Counts of Barcelona until 1162, including some branches such as the early Counts of Carcassone, Besalu and Cerdagne (Cerdana).

Part 2: The Counts of Barcelona/Kings of Aragon from 1162 to 1410; the Kings of Majorca 1276-1343; the Barones de Ejerica; the Counts of Ampurias 1341-1401; the Counts of Urgel 1328-1413; and the branch of the Dukes of Gandia

Part 3. The Kings of Sicily 1296-1401 and their descendants

Part 4: The Barones de Ayerbe and Princes di Cassano

Part 5: The illegitimate descendants of King Jaime I of Aragon

Part 6: The Counts of Urgel 989-1231

Part 7: The Counts of Ampurias and Roussillon 834-1322

Part 8: The Vizcondes de Rocaberti ca 1100-1324

Part 9: The later family of Rocaberti



Part 1



   The earliest confirmed ancestor of this family seems to have been Ct Bello of Carcassone (fl before 812); he had issue:


1a) Ct Gisclafred of Carcassone and Rasez, 821


2a) Ct Oliva I of Carcassone, d.837; m.1st Ermentrude N; m.2nd Richilda N


1b) Ct Oliva II of Carcassone and Rasez, d.879


1c) Ct Bencio I of Carcassone and Rasez, d.908


2b) Ct Acfredo I of Carcassone and Rasez, d.906; m.Adelinda, dau.of Bernard Plantvelue, Cte d'Autun, de Rodez et d'Auvergne, and sister of Guillaume le Pieux, Duc d'Aquitaine


1c) Guillaume II "le Jeune", Duc d'Aquitaine, Cte d'Auvergne et de Macon, d.926/7


2c) Acfred, Duc d'Aquitaine, Cte d'Auvergne, d.927/37


1d) Arsinda, Cts de Carcassone; m.Arnaldo, Cte de Comminges et de Couserans


3c) Bernard III, Cte d'Auvergne, fl 932


1d) Etienne, fl 936


2d) Bernard, fl 936


3b) Sunifredo, Abbot of La Grasa


3a) Sunifredo, d.849, Ct of Barcelona, Urgel, Girona and Osona; he apparently led a revolt of the indigenous [Visigothic] population against Bernard of Septimania (father of Bernard Plantvelue, above); he conquered Cerdagne (Cerdana) and Urgell in the 830s and checked a Moorish invasion; he was killed in a counter-attack by Guillaume le Pieux 849; m.Ermesinde N


1b) Wifredo I "the Hairy", Ct of Barcelona, Besalu, Girona, Osona, Urgel & Cerdagne, d.shortly after 21 Aug 897; m.877 Guinidilda ___


1c) Rodolfo, Bp of Urgel, Abbot of Ripoll, d.940


1d) Oliva, d.947; m.Eilo ___


2d) Sunifredo, d.924


2c) Wifredo II Borell, Ct of Barcelona, Girona and Osona, d.26 Apr 911; m.898 Gersende, probably dau.of Cte Eudes de Toulouse


1d) Riquilda, d.962; m.933 Odon, Vcte de Narbonne (d.933)


3c) Suniario I, Ct of Barcelona, Girona and Osona, d.15 Oct 950; m.1st Aimilda ___ ( 920); m.2nd 920/5 Richilde (d.after 954) dau.of Armengol de Toulouse, Cte de Rouergue


1d) [probably by 1st m., but parentage not proved] Guinidilda; m.Hugues de Rouergue, Sire de Quercy


[by 2nd m.]:


2d) Ct Armengol of Osona, d.940/3


3d) Ct Borell II of Barcelona, Girona, Osona and Urgel, d.30 Sep 992; m.1st 968 Ledgarda (d.after 977) dau.of Cte Raimund III de Toulouse; m.2nd 977/83 Aimerudis, dau.of Cte Raymund d'Auvergne


1e) Ct Ramon Borell I of Barcelona, Girona and Osona (972-25 Feb 1018); m.990/1 Ermesinde (d.1 Mar 1057) dau.of Roger de Comminges, Cte de Carcassone


1f) Ct Berenguer Ramon "el Curvo" of Barcelona, etc, d.1035; m.1st 1018 Sancha de Gascogne; m.2nd 1021 Sancha of Castile; m.3rd 1027 Gisela de Lluça (d.after 1079)


[by 2nd m.]:


1g) Ramon Berenguer I "el Viejo", Ct of Barcelona, etc (1023-26 May 1076); m.1st Isabel (d.29 Jun 1050) dau.(probably) of Raymond Bernard I Vcte de Nimes; m.2nd before 16 Mar 1051 (repudiated 1052) Blanca ___; m.3rd 1053 Almodis (murdered 16 Oct 1071) dau.of Bernard, Cte de la Marche


[by 1st m.]:


1h) Pedro Ramon, d.after 1071


2h) Arnaldo, 1045


3h) Berenguer, 1045


[by 3rd m.]:


4h) Ramon Berenguer II "Cabeza le Estopa", Ct of Barcelona, etc (ca 1055-murdered 6 Dec 1082); m.1078 Matilda (d.1111/2) dau.of Duke Robert Guiscard of Apulia and Calabria


1i) Ramon Berenguer III "el Grande", Ct of Barcelona, atc, Ct of Cerdagne (11 Nov 1082-19 Jul 1131); m.1st before 1103 Maria (d.1106) dau.of Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar "el Cid"; m.2nd 1106 Almodis de Mortain ( 1110); m.3rd 3 Feb 1112 Dulce I de Gevaudun, Cts de Provence, Vcts de Milhaud, de Gevaudun, et de Rodez (d.1127/30), dau of Gilbert de Gevaudun by Gerberga Css of Provence


[by 1st m.]:


1j) Jimena, b.1105/6; m.1st 1 Oct 1107 Cte Bernardo III de Besalu (d.1111); m.2nd ca 1117 Roger III, Cte de Foix (d.1147/8)


[by 3rd m.]:


2j) Ramon Berenguer IV, Ct of Barcelona, Cerdagne, Besalu, Girona and Osona (1113-6 Aug 1162); m.11 Aug 1137 Queen Petronilla I of Aragon, Sobrarbe and Ribagorza (d.1173); for their descendants See Part 2


3j) Berenguer Ramon I, Ct of Provence, Vcte de Rodez, de Gevaudun et de Carladet (1114-murdered 1144); m.1135 Beatrix, Cts de Melgeuil, dau of Bernard Cte de Melgeuil by Guillemette de Montpellier (and later wife of Bernard Pelet d’Alet)


1k) Raymond Berangar V, Ct of Provence and Melgeuil, Vcte de Rodez, de Gevaudun et de Carladet (1140-1166); m.after 1162 Richeza ( 1185) dau.of Pr Wladislaw II of Silesia and Cracow, and widow of King Alfonso VII of Castile (and later wife of Albrecht Gf von Everstein)


1l) Dulce II, Css of Provence et de Melgeuil, etc, d.1172


4j) Bernardo, 1117


5j) Berenguela (1116-Feb 1149); m.Nov 1128 King Alfonso VII of Catile and Léon (d.1157)


6j) Estefania, b.1118; m.1st 1128 Centulio III, Cte de Bigorre (d.after 1128); m.2nd ca 1130 Ramon II Arnaldo, Vcte de Dax (d.1167)


7j) Mafalda; m.1st Jasperto, Vcte de Castelnau ( 1151); m.2nd Guillermo, sn de Castellvell ( 1166)


8j Almodis, b.1126, d.after 1171; m.1148 Ponce de Cervera, Vscde de Bas (d.1155)


2i) Almodis, d.1140; m.Bernardo Amat, Vscde de Cardona (d.1151)


5h) Berenguer Ramon II "el Fratricida" of Barcelona, etc, 1097


6h) Sancha, d.after 1079; m.Guillen Ramon, Cte de Cerdagne et de Berga (d.1095)


[by 3rd m.]:


2g) Ct Sancho Berenguer of Olerdota


3g) Ct Guillen Ramon of Osona, d.after 1057


4g) Bernardo Berenguer


1h) [parentage unproved] Berenguer Ramon, Bp of Barcelona


5g) Sibylle (1035-1074); 1056 Henri de Bourgogne


2f) Borell Ramon


3f) Adelaida; m.1st Roger de Toeny; m.2nd Richard, Cte d'Evreux


2e) Armengol I, Cde de Urgel; for his descendants see Part 6


3e) Ermengarde, d.1030; m.Geriberto, Vscde de Barcelona ( 1014)


4e) Riquilda, d.after 1041; m.Udalardo, Vscde de Barcelona


4d) Ct Miron of Barcelona and Osona, living 965


5d) Wifredo, d.after 986


6d) Adelaida=Bonafilla, Abbess of San Juan de Ripoll, 955


4c) Mirón II "el Joven", Ct of Besalu and Cerdagne, d.Oct 927; m.Ava (probably de Ribagorza)


1d) Ct Sunifredo II of Besalu and Cerdagne 927-965/7


2d) Ct Wifredo II of Besalu, murdered at Besalu Nov/Dec 957


3d) Ct Oliva II Cabreta of Cerdagne and Besalu 965-988, entered the Benedictine monastery at Montecassino ca 988, d.990; m.Ermengarde (d.994) probably dau.of Ct Gausberto I of Ampurias


1e) Ct Bernardo I "Tallaferro" of Besalu and Ripoll, d.1020; 992 Toda, probably dau.of Ct Guillaume II of Provence


1f) Ct Guillermo I of Besalu and Ripoll, 1052; m.1020 Adelaida ___


1g) Ct Guillermo II Trunus of Besalu and Ripoll, murdered 1066/70; m.Estefania ( 1085) dau.of Ct Geoffroy I de Provence


1h) Ct Bernardo III of Besalu and Ripoll, 1111; m.1107 Jimena, dau.of Ct Ramon Berenguer III of Barcelona


2h) Estefania, living 1095; m.Roger II, Cte de Foix (d.1124)


2g) Ct Bernardo II of Besalu and Ripoll, d.1100; m.Ermengarde, dau.of Ct Ponce of Ampurias


3g) Adelaida, 1055; 1050 Ct Armengol II of Urgel (d.1065)


2f) Wifredo, Bp of Besalu and Carcassone, d.1054


3f) Hugo Berenguer


4f) Adelaida; m.Ct Ponce I of Ampurias (d.1078)


5f) Garsenda; m.Berenguer I, Vcte de Narbonne (d.1067)


6f) Enrique


7f) [parentage unproved] Constanza Velasquita; m.Ct Armengol II of Urgel (d.1038)


2e) Ct Wifredo III of Cerdagne and Berga 988-1036, then a priest at San Martin del Canigo, d.1050; m.1st Guisla (probably de Pailhars]; m.2nd Isabel ___


1f) Ct Ramon Wifredo I of Cerdagne 1035-68; m.Adelaida ___


1g) Ct Guillermo Ramon I of Cerdagne and Berga, d.1095; m.1st Adela, dau.of Ct Pedro II of Carcassone-Rasez; m.2nd Sancha, dau.of Ct Ramon Berenguer I of Barcelona; m.3rd ca 1071 Isabel ( 1071) dau.of Ct Armengol III of Urgel; both children were from 2nd m.


1h) Ct Guillermo Jordan of Cerdagne, Ct of Tortosa [Syria], d.1109


2h) Ct Bernardo I of Cerdagne and Berga, d.1117/8; m.(probably) Sancha de Alvar


2g) Enrique, d.1102/17


2f) Wifredo, Archbishop of Narbonne, d.1079


3f) Berenguer, Bp of Elna, d.1053


4f) Ardoina, d.1050


5f) Guillermo, Bp of Urgel, d.1075


6f) Ct Berenguer Wifredo of Berga, Bp of Girona, d.1094


7f) Ct Bernardo of Berga, d.1050


8f) Fe; m.Cte Hugo I de Rouergue (d.1053)


9f) Isabel


3e) Ct Oliva of Berga and Ripoll, Bp of Vicq, d.1046


4e) Berenguer, Bp of Elna, d.1003


5e) Adelais, d.1024; m.Juan de Oriol, sn de Sales


6e) [by Ingiberga de Besora] Ingiberga, Abbess of San Juan de Ripoll, 1046


4d) Ct Mirón III of Besalu, Bp of Girona, d.984


5d) Fredeburga, Abbess of San Juan de Ripoll


[Mirón II had the following illegitimate issue by Vigilia de Ampurias (d.957)]:


6d) Cixilona; m.Ajalberto ___


7d) Gotruda, d.956/63; m.Lope I, Cte de Pailhars (d.947)


8d) Guilinda


9d) Sesenanda


10d) Fredelon, d.after 964


5c) Ct Sunifredo of Urgel, d.948; m.Adelais, dau.of Armengol de Toulouse, Cte de Rouergue


1d) Armengol


2d) Borrell


3d) Gisla; m.Bernardo de Conflant


6c) Emmon, Abbot of San Juan de Ripoll, d.942


7c) Riquilla


8c) Ermesinde, d.after 925


9c) Cixilona, a nun, d.945


10c) [parentage not proved]Guinidilda; m.Cte Raymond II of Toulouse (d.923)


2b) Ct Mirón I of Roussillon and Conflent; m.Cixilona ___


1c) Gotlana; m.Ct Bencio I of Ampurias (d.916)


3b) Ct Rodulfo I of Besalu, 920; m.Redlinda, probably dau.of Ct Bera I de Rasez


4b) Sunifredo, Abbot of Arles, 890


5b) Riculfo, Bp of Elna, d.916


6b) Sesenanda


7b) Ermesenda, 898


8b) [parentage unproved] Cixilona, d.after 890; m.Ct Dela I of Ampurias


4a) Ct Suniario of Ampurias; for his descendants See Part 7