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Sanctum Sanctorum

Last updated 4th September 2001

This is the sanctuary. This is the Sacred Space. Through a shattered reflection you have walked, hanging over a precipice overlooking a chasm that splinters into chaos. These are the end times, the brewing apocalypse stirs in our blood a growing sense of urgency that is overwhelmed by our tepid lethargy. Here you will find me, staring numbly into that shattered mirror, while about me the doors slam shut.

Things fall apart,
The centre cannot hold,
And mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

Rant 9th Spetember 2001

"Ted, its like a tide of jam washing towards us. But a jam made of old women."

And the Lord spake unto the masses, and he said, "The Holy words I give to thee my children. Gather around me my small ones and listen. These are the words that will never serve you false, whenever you are down or depressed or about to die, these words will lift you up. They will raise the dead, heal the sick, smite your enemies. And these words are 'Plink, Ptooie, Pnang, Ptang, and of course, the all mighty and powerful Ni'". This has been a public service announcement.

Rant 4th Spetember 2001

Ok, Ok, It's been too damn long since the last time that I had energy to sit in front of this desk top and risk permanent eye damage by updating this sodding site. It's funny, you start to design something, it becomes a labour of love for practically five minutes, for as long as its novel, and then it becomes this niggling itch. "You haven't updated your site for a while man," say the voices in your head. Well the ones in my head do at any rate. So, don't be too disappointed if you wonder around and don't see much different. I'm too lazy and the energy hasn't begun to accumulate in sufficiently large amounts for me to start designing on a proper scale. Need to get my hands on a computer that isn't a frankenstein's monster first. Saying that, i'll attempt to clean up the other pages, add some more links and maybe write some more stories (maybe, don't go and be expecting more now will ya?). So sit back, kick up your feet and chill.

Rant 12th July 2001

Today is thursday. All hail thursday. It is not as great as a friday, but it definitely signals the death of the great grey beast that is the week. When you're caught in that beast's mouth you just have to wait for your opportunity to break free, sometimes that comes before friday, and when it does you take that chance and run dammit. Right now i'm drowning under banality and just have to wait for saturday :( Word of advice; always go out on friday night, it makes the weekend last longer.

Rant 8th July 2001

Yesterday I started running a new game :) A game that actually got my juices flowing again, albeit temporarily. It looks as though we'll be carrying it on for a while instead of Runequest. Those people who have played in my GURPS game will guess that I am reprising old themes, I just hope they don't feel too short changed now that I am falling back on a game with a sort of a Celtic myth feel. Anyway, you can take a look for yourself here

Rant 6th July 2001

Hmmm, odd mood. I went out and got drunk last night, so right about now my stomach is doing curious flip flops and trying to decide whether or not its contents are going to stay there. Words of wisdom, I think not.

Rant 1st July 2001

Right, this is where I say that life is good and froody and that I am happy with myself and at peace with the whole universe. Wrong. At this point in time I am tired and angry. Okay perhaps I don't have a particular right to be angry at any one person or thing, let me explain the circumstances a little better so that if you wander into this place out of Shadow you'll have a better idea of my thought processes. Today my friend Eleanor and I ran a LARP, I'm not a glossary, find a dictionary if you don't know what one of those is. It went ok I guess up till a point when the players began to bitch and moan about what they could and couldn't do, and now I am left with this feeling of utter worthlessness and never want to run another game as long as I live. It'll wear off. Usually after I experience someone elses efforts (yes I am that conceited). I just wanted to share that with you. The other thing is that after the session I found myself at a table with an open flame a spoon and a bare patch of my skin. Put the three together and you have the fulfilment of a masochistic urge. I'm gonna have a mark there tomorrow. But I think that tomorrow isn't going to be such a big deal for me. Headache, bad vibes. I'm off to bed.

Rant 28th June 2001

Here is something a friend sent. She seems to attract an unfair amount of attention from morons and low lives. She's such a great person that those who know her well occasionally have fits of homocidal rage against the rest of the world. Or maybe it's just me :)

Here are my list of the funniest chat up lines I have ever got for your amusement:

American Dude trying to convince me to sleep with him in a Fridays somewhere in Virginia
"I can do push ups with my tongue"

Hamallu Malti at Bamboo Bar when we went for a while: "Jiena nafek hux?! Iva rajtek il-habs...kont sejjer nara il hija u rajtek"
I know you dont i, yes i saw you in prison, i was there visiting my brother and I saw you

Happy Guy somewhere
"Are your legs tired? Youve been running through my mind all day" *mundane laugh*

Peter in Rock Cafe
"Ive been looking at your pictures all week. Where did I get them from? They were in my head *long stary meaningful crazy look* "

Ford escort driver somewhere
"Ejja ha tilaghbli mal-pupu!"
Come and play with my toy

dude who kept trying for 3 months
"Jekk tohrog mieghi ma nhallik taghmel xejn"
If u go out with me I wont let you do anything

Rant 26 June 2001

Last night I had a dream. I was hanging with one of my favourite droogies, a wee snotling by the name of G, and we were doing the sorts of things that G likes to do when he's in his hyper-tense hyperactive mode. There was a transposition of space, an overlaying of two places on one, in one frame we were at PV; a place of pubs and clubs and loud night time music - a deteriorated centre of entropy. In the other frame we were in Birgu, the town in which our little circle just spent the weekend running around pretending to be vampires and wotnot. I floated around after G like a fat little balloon while we both got drunker and drunker, picked fights and escaped banality. A message of hope after my incredibly down downer yesterday? Or my subconscious telling me I need to get out more?

About Me

I am Glummdead (don't ask) a 25 year old freelance bum from the sunshine-happy-joy island of Malta. I divide my time between thinking about writing stories, drawing, and playing incredibly involved roleplay games and drinking lots of alcohol, hanging with my droogies and playing dumb stupid roleplay games. I would place a pic of myself right about here, but i'd be afraid of damaging anyone's delicate sensibilities...

Ah, to hell with you all!!!! This is me


As you can tell I was in a really good mood when this picture was taken :)
Send me a message, click on my nose. twould be nice if you'd mail me if you spot any mistakes just click here

Right at the moment I am playing in my good buddy Chris' Cyberpunk game. My character is an annoying scottish ex-black ops solo called Stumpy. I have this psychosis so even if the game is totally banal and crap, as long as I am playing something I can hear no wrong against it. But Cyberpunk 2030 is really really really good. What am I running right now? Hmmmm, good question. On Saturdays there's Amber, maybe i'll link to Xole's Amber page later on, she's incredible, I'm ashamed to say that i've borrowed quite heavily from her email campaign 'Mirrordark' which is simply fantastic. Also on Sunday afternoons I'm running Runequest

The Hall of Doors