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NEWS: -By Webmaster  <May 23rd, 2002>

            Introducing the Tenchi Muyo Page

NEWS: -By Webmaster  <May 21st, 2002>

            It seems Someone has hacked into my site and has deleted alot of stuff in it.  Im trying to fix the problem right away.  So if there is anything missing please contact me. Webmaster  They also deleted the entire Network so i'll try and fix that as soon as possible too.  Someone that would go into somebody else's website has a serious problem!  Just Because you can't create a good enough site or has no life doesn't give you any right to destroy someone else's Website!  Anyway i've put up some more stuff on the left of the site.  Yes it is Gundam , Dragon ball and Tenchi , etc.  but for now only Outlaw Star works!

NEWS: -By Webmaster  <May 20th, 2002>

            Introducing the Outlaw Star Page from ICC Outlaw Star ICC

NEWS: -By Webmaster  <May 19th, 2002>

            I'm hopefully going to put up more pics in the card Captors gallery by the end of next week, come back to see more photo's later!

NEWS: -By Garrett  <May 19th, 2002>

Coming Soon To ICCComing Soon To ICC

NEWS: -By Garrett  <May 18th, 2002>

            I've now fixed this sites layout, it took some time but it was worth the wait!  Anyway Pilot Candidate 4 -The Test is coming to DVD here are the details:
Video Type - Domestic DVD
Series - Pilot Candidate
Genre - Action/Sci-fi
Language - English/Japanese
Region - 1
Publisher - Anime Village
Running Time - 75
Release Date - 5/21/02

Zero's experience inside the Goddess has recently earned him quite a bit of popularity within the G.O.A. When a Pilot is severely injured, the search to select a new top candidate begins! But it is during the candidate selection process in which Victim launches its new offensive. Zero and the others are ordered to support the Pilots in real life combat! Can the Pilot Candidates survive the test?  Preorder yours now at

NEWS: -By Garrett  <May 18th, 2002> 

            I've fixed up the Immortal Card Captors Netwok!  Check it out now. Immortal Card Captors Network!

NEWS: -By Garrett  <May 17th, 2002>

             We have a new affiliate put up.  Cherry Blossom illusion  Check them out today as they are a very cool site!  We are still accepting affiliates so please apply today _ Join.

NEWS: -By Garrett  <May 14, 2002>

            I'm putting up a guitar Tabs page, nothing big.  Just an extra.  Some people already know that I play the guitar.  So it's just some Tabs for people who might be interested.  Check it out! Guitar Tabs

NEWS: -By Garrett  <May 13, 2002>

              I have received emails that people would like to see more in my Galleries section.  I apologize for this lack in effort. (due to my computer dying) Hopefully I can put more pics up soon, but first im going to fix my Network .  If anyone wants to see more of something on this site please notify me!

NEWS: -By Garrett  <May 13, 2002>

              I will be putting in some video game stuff (mostly RPG's) in.  Fan fiction some cheats/codes and stuff.  I'm really not sure yet but I want something with videogames on this site?  and comments please email me

NEWS: -By Garrett  <May X, 2002>

              I'm Accepting Affiliates right now, if you would like to become an affiliate of Immortal Card Captors, Contact me and tell me about your site.  I accept all Anime sites accept inappropriate sites, I will only have so many affiliates  on this site, so apply ASAP!  

NEWS: -By Garrett  <May 12, 2002>

The Card Captor Sakura   Movie came out  on video / DVD and a Collectors addition on March 26.Go to Pioneer for more info! and then go and buy it!!!

NEWS: -By Garrett  <May 12, 2002>

               I haven't been Updating for a while because my computer died on me.  I had to have it sent away to be fixed.  Now that it's back I'm ready to start putting this site back together.

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