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Feng Shui Room by Room

FENG SHUI ROOM BY ROOM What is Feng Shui? Feng Shui is the ancient oriental art of placement. A home should rest in harmony with its surroundings with a main entrance in an auspicious direction for its occupants. A home should also have an auspicious configuration inside that allows energy to "pool and flow". Feng Shui literally translates to "wind & water". When you enter the home, your entry should not be blocked. Also, however, a front door should not directly face a back door. If you have this configuration, the theory is that nothing will remain in this, harmony, success, love....good fortune may "fly" into your life in this residence but it will "fly" out the back again. There are corrections for this, like a wind chime hanging between the two entrances, or a screen that will block the "rushing away" of good fortune.

Next, how is the home situated? A home should ideally sit in an "armchair" configuration, that is, with landscape sloping upwards behind it, protection from mature trees beside it and perhaps a brook before it. OK, now if you are a realtor, I know, you can't get your seller to add mature trees and a brook or a mountain, but I'm telling you so that you know what clients who care about Feng Shui, which is, just a few billion people on the earth, are going to be looking for.

There are several schools of Feng Shui. One is a sort of fixed version that will be easy for you to use and the one of the other most frequently used methods depends upon the "birthdate" of the building. This second method became vitally important after 2004 when most home's and building's sitting and facing configurations were transformed by the flying stars into very unlucky dwellings needing lots of cures. There are a very few lucky exceptions and to find our about this second method, please consult Feng Shui Best Buy's website.

The third most frequently relied upon method is based upon the birthdate of the occupants-to-be, that is to say, their Kua number, in relation to the sitting and facing direction of the building they will occupy.

Let's discuss the first mentioned, fixed form. Ideally, a main entrance will be in the order of the past participle of "to sew". A main entrance to the South is best, East is good, West is not so good and North is bad.

If you have two entrances, one may be better to use than the other.

As for the second method, based upon the occupant-to-be's birthdate(s), try Your KUA number is going to be generated there for free along with explanations for your best directions for a main entrance, your bed, etc. If you have any questions, you may wish to inquire after a complete anaylsis from Master Tsai at that site for a fee.



For attracting and keeping love, a pair of wooden Mandarin ducks are recommended for the South West corner of the bedroom. If the South West corner or area is not amenable to displaying objects (occupied by a door, for example), then two red ribbons would be tied around the inside door knob to keep love one already has. To attract new love, place pairs of peonies (if you are a woman) in this SW area of the room. For men and women, do not place solitary objects in this corner, but rather pairs of objects such as rose quartz hearts or love gem trees.

The most important consideration for the bedroom in feng shui is to have NO MIRROR facing the bed from any direction. Ideally, one should have no mirror at all in the bedroom. Mirrors in the bedroom have the fame of causing a separation between the couple, perhaps due to a third party. A dressing room would be the place for a mirror in the Chinese tradition rather than a bedroom. A bed should not be placed beneath exposed beams or ceiling fans. This is thought to cause disruption between couples. Also, the foot of the bed should not face the door to the room. This is called the "killing position" as it is thought to ecco the carrying of the departed from their home feet first. If this cannot be avoided, the large image of a dragon facing the door is recommended for protection. The head of the bed should be firmly against a wall and not "floating" as the Chinese say as this is thought to cause unrest in sleep. A television should not face the bed as when it is turned off it creates a "Sha Mirror", a black mirror which is very inauspicious. To correct this, have a cover for the television when it is not in use: either a cabinet or a cloth cover will do nicely. Additionally, bookshelves are considered too stimulating for the bedroom. If you must have them in there, consider cloth or room divider coverings for the fronts.

The bathroom ideally should be as far from the kitchen as possible. The bathroom in considered a drain to the household wealth. If this is not possible, place a large mirror on the outer door of the bathroom and keep the door closed.

It is vital to know which sector of the home or building contains the rooms wherein the occupants spend the majority of their time, such as the living room. Things have changed so drastically since 2004 that general recommendations are no longer sufficient for the living room. The current 20 year cycle which began in 2004 will last until 2024 and is known as Period 8. As you may know, 8 is the number of wealth so the right cures and enhancers in this period are essential. Opposing this current cycle are nearly all home built before 2004 which have transformed into unlucky dwellings. You may see recommendations for changes to make a home fit the current period such as replacing its roof, main doors and flooring at bare minimum. Please bear in mind that for this to apply, the building must have been exposed to direct sunlight for a period of at least 8 hours during the roof replacement. In addition, if you live in a condominium, the entire building is used to determine its flying stars and birthdate. For homes in a high rise, there are varying theories which assign the lower floors to the flying star chart of the ground floor and the higher floors to their own flying stars. Also, as a living room can frequently be found in the center palace, its feng shui cures and enhancers are vital. The center of the home or building will radiate its energy to all other areas. The precise advice and cures can best be learned by the Period 8 Essentials and Annual Flying Stars for the current year sections available at the Feng Shui Best Buy website

The kitchen is the area of wealth for the home. The colors of earth are favored there, yellow, clay. Keep it tidy for best prosperity luck.

It is typical to have a large mirror "magnifying" the dining table as the wealth of the home, it's fare, it displayed there for dining. You should also consult the recommendations for the living room above.

A staircase should not "empty" into the entryway. This is thought to cause strain on the hearts of the inhabitants. Hang a large round crystal at the end of the stairway to correct this, diffusing the "rushing" energy from the descent from the stairs.

As was mentioned, the ideal location is in what is called an armchair configuration. This means that there are gentle hills behind the house and to the sides to support it with access that is clear at the front. The front should not be too encumbered by roadways that point directly to it, nor by structures that block the entrance. Place Fu Dogs or a Pa Qua mirror to mitigate the blockage. A river at the front of the house is considered lucky, while one at the back is often considered unlucky, though there are schools of Feng Shui which consider a river, stream or brook at front OR back to be auspicious.

For the most precise prescription for the feng shui cure (mirrors, statues, fountains, colors) placements that are most beneficial and specifically for you and the members of your household, you will need to tabulate the kua number of each person CLICK HERE TO TABULATE KUA NUMBER and the "birthdate" of the home or building


Please consult with the Feng Shui Best Buy website for the best advice.