The Fallen Angels

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The Fallen Angels

"Welcome to the home of the Fallen Angels" (The home page to the Starcraft and Baldurs gate 2 clan/guild). This was originally home to the starcraft Clan only but now that I have decided to start up a BaldursGate 2 Guild I thought, what the hell i'll make it a multi site (easier than doing another site) so if you are part of the starcraft clan but have Baldurs 2 feel free to e-mail me and find out how to join Please return at another time soon
Veiw members of the Guilds
Join the Guilds

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Case-sensitive - yes
exact fuzzy

Sites I reccomend

[Characters of the Campaign]
[Chris Bush's site] (highly recomended)!!!!
[wizards of the coast]
[The Ki web site]
[Stuart's Bryce 4 Page ,quality Bryce 4 page]
