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Greetings, and welcome to "D/s: The Realm of Honor". This site is dedicated to A/all who are just embarking on their journey ~ be they Dominant or submissive, and is intended to offer some answers but more importantly to guide the reader in finding their own answers ~ for the truth you seek is within you...and "Your" truth is not mine, nor does it belong to anyone else.

Each of us, Dominant and submissive have been attracted to the lifestyle for different reasons varying from spicing up the bedroom, or escaping realities by playing a role as in a game of Dungeons and Dragons, to those that hear that still small voice and feel the burning need within to nurture, and to serve.

Few are Dominants or submissives by nature and with those few its not something they can put on or take off, nor does it go away when the computer is turned off, or the play party is over for it is truly what they are.

The submissive places her very life and emotional health in the hand of her Dominant, always with the belief He is truly dominant and in control of Himself and therefore realizes the tremendous responsibility of her care. If He is not motivated to give as much to the relationship as she, emotionally as well as physically, the relationship is likely to fail. D/s is a power exchange meaning all involved give one-hundred percent of themselves.

The relationship between the two should be for the mutual benefit of both. It is not about the submissive giving everything and the Dominant sitting back and taking it all, offering little or nothing in return. Once again ~ this is a POWER EXCHANGE. The depth of the power yielded by the submissive is equal to the level of responsibility assumed by the Dominant.

The Dominant is empowered by the submissive ~ control is not something taken but something that is given and accepted. This measure of control is earned as the trust is earned. This is a two way street, in that in return for the submissives surrender of control the Dominant is obligated to assume responsibility for those things surrendered.

Communication between the two is of the utmost importance. Both parties need to make known to each other what their needs, desires, and limits are. Failure to communicate honestly the expectations can lead to serious physical or emotional injury and possibly the failure of the relationship. It is important to be specific ~ the submissive may need something the Dominant cannot or is not willing to offer, just as the Dominant may need something from the relationship the submissive is not ready to give.


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