
The title means "swordsman," and I think the reason for that is pretty obvious, unless you can't tell that the thing in front of his mouth is a sword. In which case...-_- As of now, it's my favorite SR pic because I actually like the way Amatsu turned out, even a whole week AFTER I drew the pic. *shock* His expression in particular was the way I imagined it, and for once I actually got the pose more or less right, too. This is seriously monumental. I hope I can do it again, except better, because right now there are still problems.
Said problems: His arm's too thin.^^; I think that's like, Shiva-sized arms. Or maybe it's not too *thin* per se, but his wiry muscles have to be better defined. This is why I really need an anatomy class, badly. If your characters aren't flabby and have this thing for tanktops you can't hide your sucky arm drawing skills with fat or sleeves.^^; And as always with the SR guys, I can't shake off the feeling that their eyes are friggin' in the wrong place.-_- Will have to experiment more to see why, I suppose...
But besides the expression and the pose, I also like the way his hair turned out. This is saying a lot because I ABHOR shading hair; I can never figure out where the highlights go and so I always make them up (thus messing them up). Here, I wouldn't say I got the highlights right, but at least it doesn't look terrible...the overall impression is one of softness, which is good since who wants hard hair?^^ And to completely switch topics, I'm also fond of his clothes in this one...I really like giving Amatsu new clothes, since you know, he's such a stud.XD And fashion conscious. And besides, Majo's in charge of designing Shiva-clothes, so I get to mess around with Amatsu!*heee* Other people have mentioned that they like his clothing too (along with chins and collarbones. Flattered am I.^^), so it's not just my imagination.^^ Looking back on the pic, I realize that his armband really didn't come out too badly. The scroll pattern turned out quite distinctive for some hastily scribbled pencil lines (yes, Majo, I'd like to say I spent an inordinate amount of time on his armband and belt after your compliment on their detail, but I'm afraid the truth must be told).^^;;;

Lastly...doesn't he look like he's about to do some major @ss-kicking?? XD *fangirl fangirl!* Gosh, I'm so pathetic...