Decisions, decisions...

In celebration of the 3rd April 11th since I've known Majo, I drew this quick piccie for her (a lot less elaborate than last year's...not even colored...gomen ne^^;). This is based on a late-night IM conversation, and you don't need to be a genius to figure out what the conversation was about.^^;;; Er...other than that, there's not much to say, except for the fact that Shiva's eyes look like they're too far up AGAIN (not enough forehead @_@), which is really annoying. Or maybe it's the fact that I didn't draw a nose in, since it's supposed to be a chibi.^^; But I do like Amatsu's expression, it turned out the way I pictured it, which is the whole point of drawing, I think.^^;;

Betcha all can't figure out who Amatsu will choose! XD