"...who are you?"

*scan fixed* Because I fixed the scan, most of my old comments are obsolete.^^; So...this is a manga version of a scene I wrote, because I've been bitten by the "turn-all-your-stories-into-manga-format" bug.^^; Kokuhi in the lower right hand corner did nearly give me a stroke while I was working on him, but now his eyes are fixed, so I'm happy. They were freakin' on his forehead the first time around.^^; (They also appear to have changed in size...0_o Oh heck, whatever.-_-) And now you can also see Amatsu's manifested sword disappearing into flame, which is a good thing, because that's my favorite panel. My least favorite panel has got to be the one where Kokuhi yells out, "Wait!" I hate hate hate hate that picture of him.>_<
As for layout, I like it in general.^^; Majo pointed out that the first time around, her eyes did not go to the right places on the page, so I moved that shot of Amatsu's head down more. Hopefully now one's eyes will not go to the last panel before they're supposed to.^^; (Oh, and yes, I know this has the same title as the second Sentinel-elven princess pic...^^;;; The dotdotdots separate them.^^;)
My only problem now is...Well, I'm not sure... I just feel like I didn't flesh out the art in each panel as well as I should. It feels...empty (?) somehow. Maybe it's the lack of shading... Well, try harder next time, I suppose...^^;
Lastly, Majo was bitten by the manga bug too and the results of HER infection put mine to shame.^___^ She took a scene I wrote (*dies of pride*) and turned it into two pages of manga. It's gorgeous. Words cannot do it justice. Please take a look at "Sorry for everything": Page One Page Two
"Sorry for everything" is my own title for it, since that's the line it illustrates.^^ Majo just called it sapg1 and sapg2.^^;;;;; (We're gonna have to work on those titles, Majo...)