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the dark side of the sun

writing........ artwork........ blah³........ the visitors........ my blog........ links........ about me

Welcome to my world. I don't know if you're lost or if you actually chose to visit, either way you're free to look around. Here you will find a lot of crap that I wrote, drew, liked or thought was worth being here.

10.20.02 Wow, more updates. Someone had better come check my temperature. Actually, it's not a real update, it's just yet another 'article' added to the blah³ section. This one's on Utada Hikaru.

10.19.02 I actually updated. Aren't you proud? I know I am. Anyway, all I really did was add an 'article' to the blah³ section. It's almost about the second Harry Potter movie, but mostly about the screencaps I took of the trailer. Enjoy.

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site designed by ember jewel october 2002... officially alive since march 2001