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Great news! Zelda Cubed has a name! The Japanese relese of zelda, which is set for early December, is titled: The Legend of Zelda: Kaze no Takuto. Now, for we that speak English, this probably doesn't make much sense. Turns out that the translation can mean a number of things:
  • Winds of Takuto
  • Takuto of the Wind (Takuto being a proper noun)
  • Rythem of the Wind
  • Melody of the Wind
  • Cycle of the Wind
  • Wand of the Wind
Now I don't speak Japanese, but Jaetei does, so I'll get in touch with him as soon as I can, and try and get his verdict on this. May I also remind you though, that Nintendo can, and probably will, change the name for the US release (Remember back when Majora was called Majula, and it was "Zelda: Gaiden"?). One last note: Nintendo is sticking to the Feb. 2003 American relese date, and I've found no other vieable sources that say otherwise, so save up your mon-ay for late winter, and pester your local retailer for a reserve list.
Saddly enough, we got very little out of the Tokyo Gameshow, just a few new screens (which will be up soon), the only other thing we learned was: Gasp in awe- Tingle is back! Check out his helpful linking-fun with ZGC
Added a slew of new screenshots I found on Nintendo's page. A word from the wise: There are almost 30 pictures, about 10 p/page, so give it some time to load. I have broadband, and things still get a little slow then I scroll through them all, so be patient. Thanks, and enjoy ^_^
A fan mail from Klbb suggested that we post a poll to allow people to voice their oppinions on Celda. Please vote, because then we can compare these numbers to up-coming polls and get some interesting statistics.
The Tokyo Gameshow will be held form Sept. 20-22, 2002. It's here that we will probably get our next shot of Zelda related into. You can see how many days on the counter at the bottom of the page.
Zelda Box Art unearthed!! Jaetei was looking around Gannon's Tower and lo and behold, The Preliminary art for Zelda GCN! The picture can be found in the screenshots section. As a side note: We're pretty sure this is legit because of a few things:
  • The numerous Nintendo logos
  • That plastic thing
  • The "®" logo by the title.
  • The overall reail-ism of the photo (Lense flare, slightly crooked box, etc.)
  • The ESRB "Rating Pending" in the bottom right.
Zelda has been spotted at E3 '02! See the screenshots or check out the movie at Nintendo's official Zelda Page.
Nintendo was saying Holiday 02, but now its looking like February 03.
Space World 2001-
Miyamoto releses the new cel-shaded toon zelda. While many fans were appaled at the new graphics, this demo showcased what the GameCube could do game-play wise for Zelda. Nintendo Power replies to a fan's outraged cry for answers about the SW2K1 fiasco. NP says it was not so much a test of graphics, but one of the gameplay engine. Contrary to NP, Miyamoto seemed to have his heart set on cartoon-Zelda. Recent reports indicate that Miyamoto may be re-thinking cel-da. (Hat's off to VGX to finding this)
Space World 2000-
An assortment of possible future GCN titles was relesed. Zelda was among these, featuring realistic graphics, but in a scenario almost impossible for actual gameplay (IE: Gannondorf, Majora's Mask sheild, and adult Link all at once).
Ideas, speculation, and theory about what the new Zelda could be like here.

Jaetei expains The Con's of Cell Shading

First exhibits of Zelda's new look.

Nintendo's official page on Zelda3-Great For Downloads

days until the next known shot of Zelda info
(February 1, 2003- ZGC Release)