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Yet another vision

OK, something came to me the other day: GBA is a 32 bit system; SNES was/is a 16 bit system; LTTP was on SNES; BANG! It hit me, why not remake LTTP on the GBA!!?? While basking in glow of my raw geneous, Jaetei reminded me that the GBA, while technicaly superior, still had limited graphic boundaries. Damn I thought, if only there was a way to hook up the GBA to some form of graphic driver... BANG!(again) I got a vision, something that could only come from the depths of a mind crammed full of technology and Zelda alike.....

Yeah, thats what I thought. (Pretty cool, isn't it?) Let me explain now: The GBA cart has the ability to operate on its own, but graphics are reverted to the standard Zelda-GB scheme. If, however, if you hook the GBA up to your GC, and put this disk in, tada! You now have the option to play the game in with the new enhanced graphics, or the original ones, exactly identical to the SNES, pixle to pixle.

UPDATE- Apparently Nintendo thought this was a good idea. They've since ported LTTP to the GBA in addition to the Four Swords quest. Mind you CZ isn't taking credit for this, but we did think of the idea way before Nintendo announced they were going to actually make this game.