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Gannondorf Lives!

Yes, I said Gannondorf

Early this moring I was pondering the oddity of OoT's plot, and something dawned on me: The Imprisoning War never took place. To explain this, I made a graph:

sorry if your browser doesn't support pictures, but this graph is nessasary to explain my subject

Now, contradict me if you will, but when Link pulls the Master Sword from the pedastal, it does not, I repeat, does not transport him through time. How it works is the removal of the Master Sword sets into action a series of events leading to Link awakening in the future.

Let me clarify, when Link pulls the sword out, he's frozen for 7 years, in which the majoraty of the Imprisoning War takes place. When he puts it back, the Master Sword un-does what it just did (freeze dry our hero for 7 years) and Link is once more back to his original time, his present.

Now, to my point, if what I have just said is true, then when Link defeats Ganon and Hyrule goes back to normal, and he places the sword back into the pedastal, he has just erased the past 7 years, thus, anything he did as an adult, never happened. And more over, Ganon, or Gannondorf for that matter, is still loose. When you really think about it, everytime Link does the sword-thing, he should lose all of his adult equipment, but he doesn't, because that wouldn't be good game play. Fooled us again Nintendo.....

See me stick my foot in my mouth when Jaetei figures the whole thing out.