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BiGT has a pretty good theory but I have my own that took me oh... 3 days to think up and prove and all that. Well the whole time flow thing's kind of confusing especially when the ending roles around. Well I've got an idea about what's going on and here it goes. Ok ever wonder what happens when the master sword is gone from the pedastle of time in the past? We'll never know because Link gets put forward 7 years. I think what happens when the master sword is gone from the pedastle in the past is that it opens a portle to the sacred realm. It doesn't lift some kind of spell or something that was blocking ganondorf from just transporting there or something. It makes an actual entrance to it. Well Ganondorf goes through that entrance, appears in the sacred realm, and touches the Triforce gaining his powers. Well as you know if you read Hyrule's history at the home storyline page Ganondorf didn't get the Triforce leave and destroy everything. He first stayed in the sacred realm and recruited an army by beckoning people from Hyrule to join him. After he did that then he left the Sacred Realm with his army and stormed Hyrule Castle and took over Hyrule. So while Link's a kid that's all going on. Well at the ending he goes back puts the Master Sword in the pedastle and closes the Door of Time. That means either Ganondorf from the past is sealed in the sacred realm permanately or he's out wandering around with his army. Ah! That brings up something else if Ganondorf from kid Link's time is stuck in the sacred realm to then there's the chance that the Ganondorf from the future is too. See, there's been this theory going around that time in the Sacred Realm moves outside of Hyrules timeline. So if that's the case the Ganondorf that Link imprisoned in the future is in the Sacred Realm still even when he's a kid. And the Ganondorf from the past that Link accidently locked in the Sacred Realm might be there too... Nah. I don't think the Scared Realm has a eradic time line. It probably moves with Hyrule's. Ok well back to my idea. This would be best described by making a graph.

Well, that's a little shitty looking since I'm not the best with drawing things on the computer especially. It should get things across better, though. See when Link goes forward in time he doesn't get warped forward he remains in the Sacred Realm for 7 years then wakes up. Ganondorf only stayed therea little while while he was collecting the Triforce and an army. Well I'm not exactly sure what I'm getting at even I'm just giving out information. Well here's another thing when Link finishes his quest he starts over where he left. This creates two Links. This is bazare but this it what should be going on. See when link starts over that means he's merging with his past timeline. So now there's one Link out in Hyrule, the Link that's defeated Ganondorf in the future and completed his quest, and another asleep in the Sacred Realm, the one that has just pulled up the Master Sword and is waiting to be old enough to become the Hero of Time. Now what is this going to cause? Two Links exist now, that is totally messed up. Now what this is going to do I can't be to sure. You see Hyrule Link may have locked Sacred Realm Link out. The Master Sword has been replaced which seems to be the real door to the Sacred Realm. If its replaced then Sacred Realm Link may not be able to leave it. So that does kind of fix everything unless having two of the same beings makes them cease to exist or something. So everything's ok, sort of. You see I think Ganondorf has left the Sacred Realm already with his army. It's the only way that the story can take place since in Lttp the Imprisoning War's still in the history books. So chance is Z3's gonna take place during the Imprisoning War. Exept this time Hyrule isn't gonna lose since Link's there. That should be good I wanted to see what the Imprisoning War was really like. Should be interesting to see all those wussy Knights Of Hyrule get killed. Eh, well let's see I guess that's all. I'll add anything as I think of it.

Belive it or not, we thought some more, and finally figured this mess out.