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                                                        Eternal Darkness

                                                       Sanity’s Requiem


                                                  W A L K T H R O U G H

                                                                            By: Jaetei Sentinel              

This seems to be in demand, eh? Well I’ll give you a full walkthrough for the game and some of the other things like magick, enemies, and fighting tactics.


Version 1.0 6/28/2002


                                                         Table of Contents


                                                           Copyright stuff

                                                            Magick guide

                                                           Character Guide

                                                           Enemy Guide

                                                           Fighting Tactics

                                                           Weapons guide



                                                     THE WALKTHROUGH


                                                                Chapter 1

                                                       The search for Chapter 2

                                                                 Chapter 2

                                                      The search for Chapter 3

                                                                 Chapter 3

                                                         The search for Chapter 4

                                                                 Chapter 4

                                                      The search for Chapter 5

                                                                 Chapter 5

                                                      The search for Chapter 6

                                                                 Chapter 6

                                                      The search for Chapter 7

                                                                 Chapter 7

                                                      The search for Chapter 8

                                                                 Chapter 8

                                                      The search for Chapter 9

                                                                 Chapter 9

                                                          B O S S   F I G H T

                                                      The search for Chapter 10

                                                                 Chapter 10

                                                      The search for Chapter 11

                                                                 Chapter 11

                                                         Alex Roivas: End Game


                                                                   E-mail me!



                                                               Legal Junk

This guide seriously has a copyright believe it or not. If you don’t believe it then something bad will happen. Using this guide on a site without my permission are bound to get fined or sent to jail or something. The sites and have my permission. Credits go to Jaetei and Jaetei alone.





                                                          Magick Guide


There’s a rather interesting and complex magick system to the game. Notice that magick is spelled with a k. Ain’t that cool? *Ahem* anyway this is how magick works. You need a group of things to cast a spell:

A Circle of Power

This is where you put the runes to link them together. The circles can hold 3, 5, and 7 runes. The more runes put together the stronger the spell.

Magickal Codices

These pieces of stone tell you what a rune means since before you have one of these you just get their symbol, which is some hieroglyphic kind of thing.


Magick runes

You need 3 of these at the minimum. One has to be one of the 3 main runes that are linked to one of the 3 Ancients. There’s also a 4th rune linked to the dead god Mandorok, and it’s like combining all 3 of the alignment runes together, but its not necessary to find this one and it is only a secret item found in Dr. Lindsey’s scenario which I will explain on getting in the walkthrough.

The other 2 minimum runes are used to actually make the spell combining a certain 2 together does this.

Though the minimum is 3 you may have up to 7 runes. You can only do this with the according Circle of Power, but when all the requirements are met you simply put on 3 alignment runes then add to the remaining space the Pargon (power) rune.



Each of these gives you the directions for a spell.


New Spell

Access this option from the magick sub-screen to create a spell from scratch. Doing this you can get a spell long before you get the scroll telling you which runes make it up. Here’s a guide for the spells and pictures of the runes and crap. Use this to get all the spells as early as possible.













Making a spell stronger

They tell you in the game, but I’m here for the same perpous. To upgrade your 3 rune spells to 5 or 7 rune do this: Look at the scroll for the spell you want to upgrade and get in your head the 2 runes that you need to select. Now go to new spell and just choose a alignment rune it doesn’t matter which. Now add those 2 runes you memorized to the circle. Now fill the remaining space with _______(power) runes. There you go you have upgraded your spell.


The rock, paper, scissors of magick

The alignment runes work like rock paper scissors, and if your familiar with magic in most RPGs you know how elemental spells cancel each other out. Eternal Darkness’s magick works like that. The alignment runes are color coordinated so you don’t have to remember their alien names.

red beats green

blue beats red

green beats blue

Remember this and you’ll be fine. This is taken into account on many puzzles and is also how the Reveal Invisible and Dispel Magick spells work.


List of Spells

Here are the 12 spells you can learn and what each alignment rune does:


Enchant Item

Ingredients: Antorbok and Magormor



Repairs broken items. Also strengthens weapons.


Alignment Rune variations



Effects of stronger Circles of Power

Using it on a weapon makes it even stronger.





Ingredients: Karokath and Santak



Recovers a certain meter of your character.


Alignment Rune variations

Chattur’gha- Recovers health

Xel’lotath- Recovers sanity

Ulyaoth- Recovers Magick Energy

Mantorok- Recovers health and sanity


Effects of stronger Circles of Power

The stronger the circle the more the meter is refilled.




Reveal Invisible

Ingredients- Narokath and Redgormor



Reveals doors, keyholes, and platforms made invisible by a different spell.


Alignment Rune variations

Use the proper rune to reveal what’s hidden.


Effects of stronger Circles of Power

If a spot is marked by a numbered circle that is the numbered circle needed to reveal what’s hidden. Using a stronger circle then scribed works, too.




Damage Field

Ingredients- Bankorok and Redgormor



Creates a protective barrier around your character and blocks all attacks except for a boss’s.


Alignment Rune variations

A damage field that counters the color of an enemy does more damage and provides longer protection.


Effects of stronger Circles of Power

The damage field will last longer and requires a larger circle used to use a dispel spell successfully on the damage field.




Dispel Magick

Ingredients- Nethlek and Redgormor



Destroys Damage Fields, Shields, and Enchanted Items.


Alignment Rune variations

The proper rune is needed to counter a spell.


Effects of stronger Circles of Power

Required to destroy magick using stronger circles




Summon Trapper

Ingredients-Tier and Aretak



Summons a Trapper for you to control and puts a 3 point Damage Field around your character.


Alignment Rune variations

Chattur’gha- Summons Chattur’gha Trapper

Xel’lotath- Summons Xel’lotath Trapper

Ulyaoth- Summons Ulyaoth Trapper


Effects of stronger Circles of Power







Bankorok and Santak



Puts a number of glowing balls spinning around your character. Protects from attacks but shield’s power slowly decreases then breaks from attacks.


Alignment Rune variations

Using the right rune counters the according color of an enemy and holds up better against their attacks. An enemy with a color that counters yours does double damage. Manorok damages enemies when they damage its shield as well.


Effects of stronger Circles of Power

The stronger the circle the more balls appear around your character.




                                                         Summon Zombie


Tier and Aretak



Summons a big zombie and places a 5 point Damage Field around your character.


Alignment Rune variations

Chattur’gha- Summons a Chattur’gha Zombie

Xel’lotath- Summons a Xel’lotath Zombie

Ulyaoth- Summons an Ulyaoth Zombie.


Effects of stronger Circles of Power




                                                                   Magickal Attack


Antorbok and Redgormor



Blows a shockwave through the area and sends a bolt of energy after each enemy in the room.


AlignmentRune variations

The correct color counters the guardian’s which is the only use.


Effects of stronger Circles of Power

The attack becomes stronger


Summon Horror

Ingredients- Tier and Aretak



Summons a Horror for you to control and puts a 7 point Damage Field around your character.


Alignment Rune variations

Summons different color Horrors.


Effects of stronger Circles of Power



                                                                   Magick Pool


Tier and Redgormor



Causes a rune to float over your head and slowly have you regain a certain meter.


Alignment Rune variations

Chattur’gha- Slowly restores health

Xel’lotath- Slowly restores sanity

Ulyoath- Slowly restores magick power


Effects of stronger Circles of Power

Makes things go quicker.







Bankorok and Aretak



Causes an enemy to shortly attack other enemies.


Alignment Rune variations

You have to use the right color to counter the color of the monster or it won’t work.


Effects of stronger Circles of Power

The stronger the enemy the stronger the circle needs to be.






Each character has certain characteristics and attributes. Here are some of them.


Chapter 0

Name: Alex Roivas

Time Period: 2000 A.D.

Gender: Female

Place: Roivas Family Mansion, Rhode Island

Weapon(s)s: gladius, revolver, shotgun, enchanted gladius


Running: Fast

Attacking: Sluggish

Running Endurance: Good

Combo Description

Gladius and Enchanted Gladius:


Health Meter: High

Magick Meter: High

Sanity Meter: High


Chapter 1

Name: Pious Augustus

Time Period: 56 B.C.

Gender: Male

Place: Persia

Weapon(s): Gladius


Running: Slow from all that heavy armor he has to clumsily jog.

Attacking: Fast, he’s a Roman Soldier what’d you expect?

Finishing: Unlike Alex’s use of the Gladius Pious does a quick thrust a yank and is done.

Running Endurance: Bad because of the extra weight from the armor.

Combo Description

Gladius: Left horizontal swipe, right horizontal swipe, stab, kick off blade.


Health Meter: High

Sanity Meter: None

Magick Meter: None


Chapter 2

Name: Ellia

Time Period: 1150 A.D.

Gender: Female

Place: Temple of Mantorok, Angkov Dom Region, Cambodia

Weapon(s): Short Sword, Blowgun


Running: She’s not accustomed to being bare-foot apparently, but it’s a decent speed.

Attacking: She’s fast though her sword is weak.

Finishing: One stab

Running Endurance: Poor, but there’s not to many long stretches.

Combo Description

Short Sword: Right slash, Left slash, stab, knock down


Health: Low

Sanity: Low


Chapter 3

Name: Anthony

Time Period: France, 814 A.D.

Gender: Male

Place: The Chapel, Anicas, France

Weapon(s): Scramasax, Bastard Sword, torch


Running: Hard to tell since Anthony doesn’t go through any big rooms.

Attacking: Medium but with the Bastard Sword it doesn’t matter.


Scramasx: Slinged downward and pulled out

Bastard Sword: Sqautting stab, pull out

Running Endurance: Small rooms, can’t tell.

Combo Description

Torch: none

Scramasax: Right, Left, stab, kick off

Bastard Sword: Horizontal swing, vertical swing, stab, pull out


Health: High

Sanity: High

Magick: Medium


Chapter 4

Name: Karim

Time Period: 565 A.D.

Gender: Male

Place: Persia

Weapons: Tulwar, Double Tulwar, Tao Den


Running: average

Attacking: Slow

Finishing: Three hacks from Tulwar, one stab from Ram Dao

Running Endurance: good


Chapter 5

Name: Maximillian Roivas

Time Period: 1760

Gender: Male

Place: Roivas Family Mansion, Rhode Island

Weapons: Double Flintlock pistols, Saber


Running: slow

Attacking: quick, because of saber, slow because of flintlocks

Finishing: quick

Running endurance: bad


Chapter 6

Name: Dr. Edwin Lyndsey

Time Period: 1983 A.D.

Gender: Male

Weapons: Kukri, torch, shotgun, pistol

Place: The Temple of Mantorok, Cambodia


Running: fast

Attacking: very quick with his Kukri but gets tired from it fast

Finishing: quick with all weapons

Running Endurance: Low and it gets lower as you get farther into the temple. Oddly Lyndsey doesn’t handle stairs well.


Chapter 7

Name: Paul Luther

Time Period: 1485 A.D

Weapons: crossbow, mace, bastard sword

Place: The Cathedral. Anicas, France


Running: fast

Attacking: slow, he’s a monk, you know.

Finishing: Hacks at stuff, slow

Running endurance: good


Chapter 8

Name: Roberto Bionque

Time Period: 1460 A.D.

Weapons: Saif, crossbow

Place: The Middle East


Running: slow, just like Max.

Attacking: That Saif of his is quick.

Finishing: A quick stab.

Running endurance: Bad, he’s rich and fat.


Chapter 9

Name: Peter Jacob

Time Period: 1916 A.D.

Place: The Cathedral. Anicas, France

Weapons: revolver, rifle, bastard sword, torch


Running: OK

Attacking: Slow for some reason. It lets groups of bonethieves get the best of him.

Finishing: Hacking or lining up the target 2 feet away. Slow

Running endurance: OK


Chapter 10

Name: Edward Roivas

Time Period: 1952

Place: Roivas Family Mansion, Rhode Island

Weapons: Sabre, revolver, shotgun, elephant gun


Running: slowish

Attacking: Fast

Finishing: Slow

Running Endurance: The illusion is given that it’s bad but that’s just because of the huge city

he’s running through.


Chapter 11

Name: Michael Edwards

Time Period: 1991

Place: The Middle East

Weapons: Fire ax, assault rifle, pistol


Running: Good

Finishing: Fast

Running Endurance: Good



There actually aren’t too many enemies in the game, which is ok since I don’t like the idea of seeing a random weak enemy once then never seeing it again.


Mantorok Zombie- A scrawny dried animate corpse. It’s limbs all get severed in one hit. 3 attacks kills it making a sword combo ideal. Hacking off its arms and head have the same effect. I’m not sure what their attacks are since I’ve never let them attack; yes they are very bad at what they do. I assume they slash at you and maybe even grab you. Rotate the control stick if this manages to happen. They range from child size to Sasquatch size.


Big Zombies

A description I will give to the remaining 3 zombies in general. Depending on the path you took you will encounter a different kind of zombie in different places.

Chattur’gha Zombie (Red)- These Zombies still have their muscles and thus stay together better and are much stronger. They attack by clumsily slashing and if they come up from behind they grab you. Rotating the control stick gets them off. Hacking arms off usually takes 2 hits and the head one. It’s a good idea to take its head off since it gets confused and will wonder around blindly sometimes attacking one of its own. Takes its head off then doing a combo and hitting it while it’s down is best. When fighting groups take off all their heads run through the middle of them and back off and they may attack each other more effectively. Also ranging from adult to Sasquatch size. When these see you they drop sanity and if your sanity meter’s at 0 you lose health.


Ulyaoth Zombie (Blue)- These things blue and gruesome looking. They are much weaker then Chattur’gha zombies and take about 3 limb hits from a weak sword. Them seeing you also drops sanity.


Xel’lotath Zombie (Green)- Like the other big zombies except that when you remove an appendage a glowing green form of it remains dropping sanity even more. These are as weak as Ulyaoth Zombies and can’t stand fire. Hitting one with a torch is a one hit kills.


Chattur’gha Bonethief- These things have the build of a spider monkey with sickles on they’re hands. Two hits from a sword to the head kills them. As Maximillian’s autopsy report describes severing they’re neck kills them, but a head hit does the same. These will scramble up and slash at you at close distance. If they’re far away they’ll leap at you. Rotate the control stick to get them off. If you don’t do that in time they’ll go inside you then burst out. They possess people a lot of the time.


Ulyaoth Bonethief- Very similar to Chattur’gha Bonethieves except blue. They attack in the same manner and should be dealt head swipes.


Xel’lotath Bonethief- This is like the Chattur’gha and Ulyaoth bonethieves except it doesn’t have a head. There’s just a bunch of spinning green lights, like a shield spell. The best part to attack is the body.


Possessed Human- They look like any other CPU, but if you attack them they’ll go after you instead of shielding themselves and retreating into the corner. These guys are surprisingly pretty hard. This must be why all these other inexperienced fighters are having such an easy time with the zombies. Sometimes these guys just attack you for being there and sometimes because of a triggered event. They walk toward you like they mean you no harm then suddenly start punching you. They barely flinch from swords or especially your own fists. I’m not sure what guns do but I’m assuming nothing more. When you kill them a Bonethief pops out and then you’ve gotta mess with that.


Trapper- A scorpion like thing that makes a cricket like noise and is the size of a small dog. If they spot you they’ll let out a wave of light that transports you to the trapper dimension which I have an explanation on in a different section. When they do this they die. There’s no way to kill them since you can’t lock on to them or even hit them manually. You have to sneak past them. To do so hold down X or push the control stick lightly to tiptoe. Trappers have no eyes but can ear rather well. If they start glowing that means they hear you and you best tiptoe. Touching them also makes them go off. It is quite possible to run by them at a distance, and if you’re at a different elevation their blast will miss you. Also you can out-range their blast as well. They come in 3 different colors, which determines the difficulty of the enemies in the trapper dimension. I’m not sure but I think green is hard, red is medium, and blue is easy.


Horror- These huge things are very hard to get rid of and should just be avoided if possible. They have 3 heads and heavy muscles. The way to kill them is to take off each of the 3 heads. Two hits per head is required on most weapons. They either take a swipe at you which does the most damage or they let off a charge of magick which damages according to their color. When you see an arc of energy between their hands and feet get away and keep moving to avoid getting struck by it. They’re in the 3 different colors: red, green, and blue. Red’s magick attack takes away health, blue’s magick energy, and green sanity.


Summoner- I don’t know what the real name of these things are. Pious calls them guardians but Max has a different kind of guardian in his autopsy report. These are tall skeletons with wings and a stinger like tail. They walk (or float) around with their wings closed around like a cloak shielding their fronts from assault. When they near you they’ll open their wings making them vulnerable, but if you get to close they’ll sting you with their tail paralyzing you then cast a spell and summon a monster. You will regain control in just a second or two. They can summon Trappers, big zombies, or Horrors. Certain summoners stick with certain things to summon. They try to keep their eye on you and they continuosly drop your sanity this way. Their backs and side are vulnerable even when their wings are closed. They come in 3 different colors. The blue ones have no legs and float around.


Worms- This isn’t their real names but you’ll know what I’m talking about if you see one. There are few. They pop out of holes in the ground. I haven’t let them attack before but they keep their eye pointed toward you fastly dropping you sanity. One slash from a blade to them will apparently kill them and they’ll fall back in the hole they came from.


Chattur’gha Gaurdian- Residents of the ruins. These creatures are fluent magick users. They cast damage fields, summon chattur’gha zombies, and use magickal attacks. The best way to fight one is to dispel their damage fields if possible and attack. When they’re hit they teleport to a different spot in the room. Its possible to attack again and again before they can put up a damage field. Once on the run they’re toast.


Xel’lotath Gaurdian- Xel’lotath’s add to the ruins. It is like the Chattur’gha guardian.


Ulyaoth Gaurdian- Like the other two except it looks like a giant blue craw fish. It’s like the other to in any other way except for one: you can’t hit it with a sword; it’s floating too high.


Vampire Demon- This could be considered a boss I suppose. It runs between rooms in Edward Roivas’s chapter. It’s capable of becoming invisible and only reappears before it swipes at you which is easy to dodge. It can also suck the blood out of people like a vacuum through their head. It demonstrates this when you first see it on a maid in which she becomes a zombie of sorts and tries to beat you up like a posessee. Using the shield spell on yourself before you fight it is recommended. Once it takes to much damage it’ll return to the basement to withdraw power from an alignment rune on a stone. Destroy this and it will no longer be able to heal itself and can be killed. The shotgun is recommended being wasted on this thing since the elephant gun will knock you down and give it a chance to attack Edward. This thing is still solid while it’s invisible so it’s capable of trapping you.





 ---------------------------------------The Trapper Dimension----------------------------------------


This is the place you get sent when a trapper hits you. It’s an area hanging over an abyss shrouded in mist with a couple rock platforms. You can also not use magick here. You start out in front of a teleporter that changes colors. Red will take you to the platform with a health-recharging circle, green leads to sanity, and blue magick. Staying a distance from it makes it change colors faster till you get the color you want. There are zombies here the strength and color depending on the color of the Trapper that sent you. Sometimes there’s a Horror as well that will fire at you from the platform its at. If you happen to teleport to the one it’s standing on it’ll get blown apart though it’s not chunky or wet enough for my taste. After you get to the platform that recharges one of your attributes you have no choice but to the other teleporter that’s colored purple to the other landing that has the teleporter out. If you’ve brought anything here using the Summon Trapper spell it’ll be sitting here. Step on and get out.






                                         Fighting Tactics


Eternal Darkness is not Resident Evil and fighting in this game is fun especially if you know how to torture your zombies. I’ll give a guide to the two weapon groups and tactics and everything I can think of. First the basics of all weapons:



By clicking the R button you will be able to lock on to a certain enemy (or not an enemy!) while it is held down you will not be able to move but you can target certain parts of a victim: head(s), body, right arm, or left arm. Most enemies have a certain strategy to them involving targeting certain parts of their body. If you unclick the R button then click it again you can re-focus on a different enemy.


Finishing move

When you’ve beaten the monster pretty badly it’ll fall and writhe on the floor and eventually disappear in an odd fashion I can’t describe. If you want, however, you can finish it off. The reason you should do this is because you will regain sanity if you do so. This can’t be done unarmed or with an unloaded projectile weapon. To finish them stand over them and the “finish him” option will appear in context to the B button.


Now let’s get into some more detailed stuff.



This is the most trusted of weapons since you won’t need ammo and it does damage just as well as a gun. Swords come in dozens of different models in this game from all different cultures and times. There are some other similar weapons disguised as swords like the mace and axe.

Targeting with swords

This gives the most desired affect as you can chop off limbs and heads. This works best with just zombies and not so well (or preferred) with bonethiefs or horrors. Chopping off the heads of zombies before they see you will stop you from losing sanity. If you chop off the arms and head of a zombie it can’t do anything and will just stand there till they grow back. You can use this time to focus on other foes or simply finish it easy.


3-hit combo

If you are in range of a monster you can perform a sort of combo. Usually when hitting something with a sword you hit it, recoil, rinse and repeat. A combo gets in 3 hits quickly and knocks the lighter enemies (or maybe just zombies) down. To perform this DO NOT target them. Get in range in enough space as not to have your weapon blocked by a wall or ceiling. Then tap the A button three times. Your character should do a wide left and right horizontal slash then stab the enemy and kick them off.


Hitting a downed enemy that’s not dead

Sometimes monsters get knocked down or are to short to hit. To make hitting them possible target them and press up regardless if they stiff have a head or not to do a vertical slash and hit them. Sometimes you have to re-align the hit actually get them however.


Sword list


Gladius- A short sword used by Roman guards. It is rather weak, and as I said: short. Used by Pious and Alex.


Enchanted Gladius- This can only be obtained if you collect the gem ephigies through 3 of the different scenarios. If you use them then you can get this weapon that can only be used by Alex. If you target an enemy with this from a distance Alex will throw it at them only to have a new one appear in her hand. This also does heavier damage since it’s enchanted with the blue rune, and it does stay enchanted if you thought otherwise. Found with the ephigy puzzle by Michael Edwards and used by Alex Roivas.


Short Sword- This is a small creatively shaped and weak sword. It does much worse then the Gladius. Only used by Ellia.


Scramasax- A Frank and Saxon weapon. It’s about as weak as the short sword and is short itself. Used by Anthony given to by a monk after he reveals what happened to one of their own.


Bastard Sword- *Snicker* this goes by many other names but this was the first that stuck out obviously. It’s a long sword and has a hilt big enough for only one hand. This is one of the best swords possibly next to the Ram Dao or the enchanted Gladius. It can sever limbs in one hit and is all around rather strong. Given to by a monk Anthony saves, and taken from him by Paul Luther when he defeated him about 300 years later.


Tulwar- A scimitar sort of sword. You can get doubles and only Karim uses them. It’s slow since Karim uses it and not very strong.


Ram Dao- A giant flat tipped two-handed sword. This thing is devastating, huge, and slow. Karim’s signature weapon.


Saber- Found by Maximillian and Edward Roivas. A ceremonial weapon used for dress on British and American officers. It has medium strength but is a quick sword. Found in the dining room by Edward and the secret study by Max.


Kukri- A large knife Lyndsey used to clear brush away before it was made a weapon. It’s very weak and tires him easily.


Mace- It’s like a sword. It’s short range and kind of weak since broken bones don’t hinder zombies. It’s also slow.




Guns have an abundance of ammo to use so feel free to, unless you’re just wasting it like using the pistol on the summoner at the beginning of Lindsey’s chapter.


Targeting with guns

Only a more powerful gun like the shotgun or elephant rifle can blow off limbs while targeting so keep that in mind. If you have something smaller like the revolver then just aim at the body. Using a gun on light enemies knocks them back and possibly makes them fall over so there’s an advantage. If an enemy is knocked down simply target them. Much simpler then a sword.


Gun list


Winchester Model 1300 Defender shotgun-Found by Alex Rovias in the basement. Holds 7 12-gauge shotgun shells. This is a good gun to use and is rather fun as well. It blows off limbs with little ease even on horrors. Little kick back and an ok reloading time though you have to reload each shell separately.


Ithaca Model ‘A’ Shotgun- Found by Edward Rovias in the basement. Holds 2 shotgun shells. Double barrel and you can change the mode to fire one or two shots at a time. Reload is fine you have to take out the spent shells and put in 2 new ones.

Holland and Holland Double Rifle (Elephant gun)- Holds two .50 x 3” nitro slugs. Found by Edward Roivas in the study’s gun cabinet. This is the most powerful gun. It can set to fire one or two shots at a time. When fired it knocks you down on the ground. Reload is ok.


Enfield Mk1 Star Revolver- Holds 6 .380 revolver bullets. Found by Edward Roivas. This is actually really powerful; a little under the shotgun. The reload is slow since you have to load each bullet separately.


OICW Heckler & Koch G-36 assault rifle- The most versatile and probably strongest gun is found only by Michael Edwards. It holds 30-round clip and also fires 5.56mm NATO grenades. Its modes vary from 1 round burst, 3 round burst, 5 round burst, and a random burst using 5-9 bullets. It also has a grenade mode which oddly has about as much power as a shotgun. Stay away from the grenades it fires cause they do heavy damage to Michael.


Glock 17 pistol- A pistol found only by Michael Edwards. It fires 17 9mm bullets and is semi-automatic.


Smith & Wesson Model 37 Revolver- Found by Alex Roivas in the bedroom dresser. It holds five .38 Caliber Revolver ammo. It’s stopping power isn’t too good and its got the usual revolver load time.


French Flintlock Holster- Holds 1 pistol ball each. You can have doubles of these. Found by Maximillian Roivas. This gun is strong but has a terrible loading time. Its only use is for the boss fight and other then that should be replaced by the saber immediately.


Lee-Enfield Mk III bolt-action rifle- Found only by Peter Jacob. Holds 10 .303 rifle rounds. This gun has plenty of ammo and a lot of force behind it.








                          T H E   W A L K T H R O U G H


 The game starts with an intro from Edward Roivas which you won’t appreciate till you hear it again after you’ve completed the game. After that you’ll take control of Alex in a dream with a shotgun and about 6 zombies. This is about the most interesting fighting scenario you’ll get. The mantorok zombies and shotgun with *assumable* unlimited ammo. Just blow away any that come near you. It doesn’t really matter how good you do because after about 30 seconds you’ll enter a cut scene involving Alex trying to get out with the phone ringing and then a ghost appearing in front of her before she wakes up. Alex will wake up to find the phone actually is ringing and it’s the police in Rhode Island. We never find out were Alex lives I may as well point out. Alex meets some inspector dude at her grandfather’s mansion to identify a body that indeed is her grandfather’s. It’s rather gruesome and you get a good look at it. He’s gored pretty good and missing his head. The inspector and the rest of the police can’t figure out what happens and that’s how the plot to the game begins….


Alex Riovas 2000 A.D.



You start out in the main hall of the mansion as Alex of course. Walk over to the clock on the bottom floor and examine it with the B button. It’ll tell you it’s stuck on 3:33 and ask you if you should wind it. Of course you should why else would it ask you? Press A to say yes. You’ll find the winding key to really be the key to a dresser on the second floor. You’ll find a door leading to the second floor and another door locked. Go ahead and explore if you feel the need but there’s really nothing to find right now except stuff you can’t enter or use till later on when you learn spells and shit. When you’re done with that go to the first door to the right of the camera and enter.



The library is full of books that you can’t read, an entrance to the observatory, and a link to the second half of the library. Go to the second half and look at the clock. It asks if you want to adjust the hands, and of course you do so press A for yes. Wind the clock till it reads 3:30 then slowly wind it some more so it reads 3:33 and a secret door will open. That’s why the clock in the main hall said 3:33. Enter the secret passage and go through the hallway that appears to be inbetween the walls and enter the door at the end.



Alex will walk in and take a look at the room. It’s got a sword on the wall, which she can take. Go ahead take it you got a Gladius now. Equip it and there you go. Unfortunately you won’t be needing it for a time. Now walk to the desk and examine the Necronomi—err… Tome of Eternal Darkness. Alex will have a vision of monsters being seen by different people, and hear someone narrating. You’ll enter your first chapter.




Chapter 1


--------------------------------------Pious Augustus 56 B.C. Persia-----------------------------------


You’ll enter a scene with a Roman commander talking to a pair of soldiers. It starts out in what I suppose is Latin then changes to English showing that they really are speaking different languages in this game and its just being translated for our benefit. Anyway Pious will hear voices calling and find a rock formation. He steps into the middle and gets transported to a temple this is where you take over….



This is just a plain room with a hole and ladder in the middle. The transporter you came through can be examined but that’s it. Notice how Pious actually looks down the hole when you come near and if you wait long enough one of the torches will pop and he’ll glance at that as well. Anyway, go down the ladder.



Climb down and take a few steps. A mantorok Zombie at the end of the tunnel will stand up. There’s a block lying next to it as well. Head down the hall to face the zombie and you’ll be surprised by two more from both sides. They’re weak so it shouldn’t be too much trouble for a beginner. After you’ve killed all them pick up the granite block one the floor you’ll need it a little later.



You’ll find yourself being attacked by 2 large mantorok zombies. Take them out they don’t fare well with out a head. After they’re dead take the granite block in the middle of the room, and proceed through the next door.



 A mantorok Zombie will immediately stagger from Pious’s left. Behead and mangle it. Four more will enter from off camera. Dispatch them and head down to the other end and grab the 3rd granite block. After all that climb down the ladder.



Proceed down the hall and you’ll come to an intersection. To the left is a Zombie and a blocked door. Kill the Zombie and go down the right hall and out that door.



You’ll enter into a dimly lit corridor. Traverse it and you’ll enter into a circular room with 4 mantorok zombies and a granite block in the middle. With this many Zombies in the open it’s best to take them out by cutting off their arms and head since body hits take a few more swipes. After their dead get the 4th and last granite block. Now did you notice the camera pan over those plaques on the wall with square holes and different colored markings? What could those be for? Stand in front of a plaque then go to your item list and select the granite block with the same colored marking as the wall. Then press “use” and you’ll place it on the wall. Don’t put the wrong one in though or a weak zombie will appear to die in battle against you.  Correctly place all 4 in and the door in the T room will unlock.



Go to the unlocked door and enter.



There’s a statue of Pious in the center. A message tells to prove your worth and destroy the statue. It then explains targeting to you. Nice that you don’t have to read the instructions isn’t it? Well walk up and take off its arms and head then it’s body, and the door at the other side of the room will open.



You’ll get attacked by 3 of the same friggin zombies. One however is a little taller then the rest. Send them to hell then go look at the glowing thing in the corner. It’s a button and yes you should push it. That locks the door and turns on the teleporter in the middle. So step on it.



 Go to those 3 pedestals. There’s an artifact on each one, and the one you choose determines a couple minor things through the rest of the story. Choose whichever you want and your done with Chapter 1. I’ll let you see what happens.



                                                       The search for Chapter 2

------------------------------------------Alex Roivas 2000 A.D.---------------------------------------


So after that interesting turn of events your back as Alex with the Tome of Eternal Darkness in your possession. Take a look at the plaque next to the door and you’ll find a new chapter to the Tome. No, I don’t think that was there before. Take it and read it by selecting “use” on the item screen.


                                                               Chapter 2

--------------------------------------Ellia 1160 A.D. Cambodia------------------------------------------


You’ll start reading the Tome of Eternal Darkness where you see Pious talking to a giant beast he calls Mantorok. Saying that the temple will never be known as his he casts a spell and great pointed pillars fall on the writhing mass.



Go over to the statue at the other end and take the necklace. The necklace can be used to heal Ellia but taking it has closed one of the doors, so put the necklace back and explore the door that closed.



You’ll enter a room with 3 candles in the corner the one to the left is lit. A picture behind depicts morning and so does the candle and the picture on the floor. Proceed.



Stepping in Ellia will immediately trigger a dart trap. Watch for the smoke coming out of the walls because that’s where the darts will be. In these booby trap rooms watch for the strange looking tiles. Stepping on them sets off more traps. Avoid the tiles and you can avoid the traps.



Go into this room and the door will shut behind you and a chattur’gha Zombie will get up. This is a red one and still has its muscles making it tougher. Also your sanity meter is now in effect so make sure to finish this thing once you kill it. Immediately take off its head you may spare yourself some sanity. If not do it anyway. It’ll lose perception. Run behind it and take off its arms. Two hits per arm. Now its helpless so just slash away. Once it’s dead finish it and go look at the candles on the wall. They need to depict the time of day, which is night, so put them all out. The next door in the room will half open. It’ll also show a cut scene of a door somewhere else half opening as well. Head back to the main room.


Remember the tiles.


Just head through.


Go up to the statue and take the necklace again. The door will close but you don’t need anything through it anymore. Go through the only open door.



This is like the dawn room. There aren’t any puzzles to solve and the mantorok zombies on the floor won’t get up so just go through.


Same as the room with darts except there’s blades swinging through the wall. Get the rhythm and go through when there’s an opening. The Zombies won’t get up here either.



The door to this room will close like the night room. In here is a blue chattur’gha zombie. These reduce magick but you don’t have any yet so no worry. They do take sanity away as well. This one is much weaker 3 attacks to its appendages and its down. Finish it to regain your sanity. Take the bronze necklace on the urn to use on the statue in the main room later. There’s also candles you need to change to noon. So put out the ones on the left and right. Keep the middle. You’ll then see a scene of those 2 doors half opened open all the way. Don’t go through it these rooms are a loop around and the new way leads to the dawn room and its blocked because you took the necklace. So backtrack.



Remember the tiles.


The mantorok Zombies that paid no heed earlier are up. 4 of them. Take out their head and arms then swipe till their down. Finish them to regain sanity. For some reason the 5th zombie doesn’t get up.



Back in the main room take the brass necklace and put it on the statue and the door that was closed is opened again. Go through.






Tiles! Next!






This one has the same trap lay out as the last with the blades. At the middle of the room to the left is a Blow Gun on a pedestal. Take it to have a trap door open under you to the next room.



Your sword is broken so all you have is the blowgun and a guard is getting attacked by two green chattur’gha zombies. The blowgun sucks but use it anyway to distract them. The guard will help when they turn away from him. You can also set the blade booby traps to the left of the tunnel, cross them and make the zombies follow, but that’s only if you’re having trouble because you might set the darts off too and they’ll kill the guard. Once the zombies are dead take your broken sword and give it to the guard to get it repaired. There no more blow gun. By the way if you’re low on health use the necklace, but make sure not to move when it casts the spell or it won’t work. Now head through the corridor Don’t run cause halfway through there’s an unavoidable trap switch and it makes a pair of stones slam together in front of you. After they slam run through, and you’re out.



You’ll get attacked by a pair of mandorok zombies here. Dispatch and finish. Take note that on the center structure is a place for a lever to go. Now proceed to the next room. Make sure it’s the right room however because the fighting can turn you around and send through the door you last came out of.



Lot’s of booby traps. Mind yourself.



This is full of chattur’gha zombies. Watch as the pair in front of you fight. The red one will likely kill the green but that’s one less zombie to worry about and another weakened. Rush at the big zombies. Taking off their heads is a knock down but it buys you time to take out the red guy. Take off his head and then his arms. You should be fast enough he won’t have a chance. Now just slash him till he falls, and go after the big zombies which should just be getting up. With the zombies dead head to the next room making sure its not the one you just came out. It’s not a booby trap room so it’ll be easy to recognize.



Head into the middle of the room for a cutscene to start. In it two guards tell Ellia to get away from Mantorok just before they are eaten by it. Then Pious shows up taunts Mantorok and tells you to get away if you wish to live. He leaves and you get zapped by the statue in front of Mantorok. An old guy that looks like one of Ellia’s people tells her she is chosen and gives her one of Mantorok’s hearts…. Lots of eyes lots of hearts I guess.

With that done walk up to the statue and get the metal staff. Time to go back to the lever room to use it as a lever.



You will be greeted by a new wave of big zombies. Take off their heads and their done for. Make sure you finish them. I hope you know the drill by now however.



Same as before except the mantorok zombies that were littering the floor are up. No worry they won’t make it to you with the traps they set off. Finish any you happen to find that aren’t in the middle of a trap.



Ah, here we are. And here’s some big zombies. You know what to do. When they’re dead use the metal rod on the hole in the central structure. You’ll see a cut scene of a door behind Mantorok opening. So go back to Mantorok’s room. Make sure to use the right door as always.



Same old. Remember to use the necklace if you get hit too much.



Nothing new.



Run to the back of the room. On your way there you can use the B button to look around. Mantorok’s ugly ain’t he? You’ll probably get worn out half way there. See? That’s happens. Ain’t it realistic and annoying?



Walk into the middle and that’s the end of chapter 2. You can see for yourself.


                                                        The search for Chapter 3

-------------------------------------------Alex Riovas 2000 A.D.-----------------------------------------

Alex has that look on her face again as she looks up from the Tome. As she does so 3 candles in the room flicker on. There’s a picture of the sun rising behind them as they’re examined. Remember this? Set the candles so only the one on the left is lit. There’s the next chapter!! In the message tube of course. When that is removed you will see a CGI of Pious talking to the ancient who’s relic he possesses. By the way if I needed to remind you this is a good a time as any to save. Once you’re dead you go to the last save you made which if you’ve just been following the instructions in this walkthrough (shame!) hasn’t come up. So save and start the next chapter.


                                                                   Chapter 3

------------------------------------Anthony 814 A.D. Anicas, France---------------------------------

The cut scene shows a boy named Anthony given a message for Charlemagne an actual important person in history. Anthony opens it and is hit by a spell that was intended for Charlemagne. He sets off to warn him.



After entering the chapel head to the front and open the coffin. There’s a body in there that looks like its burst from in him. A monk will say the same and give you a Scramasax as well as saying you need to find the bishop. Equip the Scramasax and head up the stairs.



Now a truly disturbing scene happens. The screen blurs like a pebble in a pond and you find yourself in a room with no exit and a line of a pedestals with two occupied by a broken statue of Pious and a full statue of Ellia. Screams can be heard and as you approach the end you’ll find a giant hand clutching the Tome of Eternal Darkness open. The floor begins to move with the faces on it and the screams get louder. Take it the Tome. You’ll then see a flash of scenes that have happened, and you’ll appear at the top of the stairs you never topped.



As Anthony enters the room he starts to feel the effects of the spell, and he begins to morph. On a shell in the back of the room is a blue urn “use” it and it will break. You’ll get the broken blue urn and your first magickal rune. It’s of no use yet but you’ll get an extra explanation on how magick works. Now look at one of the desks and retrieve the 3 point Circle of Power. You get a fancy lighting thing and the Circle is yours. You get an explanation of this as well. Look at the middle bookshelf on the other end of the room. There’s an odd book and Anthony is asked if he should move it. Say yes and a secret passage opens behind the left bookshelf. Go down it.



Climb down and go out into the hallway to be spotted by a big zombie that has a rune in it. Meet the Zombie and take it’s head off. Your sword is weak so it may take 2 hits to do so. Then hack at its arms and it’s down. A small Zombie will meet you however so dispatch him and finish the zombie with a rune in it. As you make your way to the end of the hallway a third zombie will get up. Run to it and take off its head and vertical slash its body. It’ll fall over without even seeing you and dropping your sanity. Finish it and your sanity’s back to full again.



Enter and you’ll watch as 3 mantorok zombies advance on a monk with a torch. He smacks one on the side of the neck and it catches on fire and runs into a tapestry that reveals a door behind it. Run in front of the zombies to distract them from the Monk and take off their appendages to down them. Pick up the torch and talk to the Monk. He talks about the bishop and breaking an urn, but then he gives you the bastard sword. This thing’s much better so use it instead of the other sword. Equip the torch and go have a look in the dark part of the room. There are 3 pieces of the green urn on the ground. Once you get two you get instructed how to mix items. Mix the first two pieces of the green urn. Now find the third piece on the ground and mix it with them to have an assembled, if broken, urn. Done with that go out the door that was behind the tapestry.


You’ll enter the room and find that there’s a mantorok zombie with a rune in it at the bottom of the stairs. Better kill preferably with the bastard sword and not the torch. The torch is weak. Damn the torch. On your way down the stairs there’ll be a magickal codex on the floor. Pick it up and you’ve got a rune translation. Continue down the stairs and kill that zombie! You’ll get a rune. Now go through the door at the bottom of the stairs.



Anthony will enter and morph a little more again. You’ll be greeted by a big zombie and two mantorok zombies. With your new bastard sword they drop easy. Grab the scroll on the middle pedestal. Then go to the corner by the fountain and get the red urn. Remember that fountain. Now where’s the exit? See the tapestry? Take the Monk’s example and swipe it with the torch. It’ll burn up to reveal a door. Go through it.



Enter with your bastard ready. Hit the mantorok zombie right when it comes around the corner and it won’t see you and drop your sanity. Finish it and your sanity will go up with no cost. Now go through the hall.



Enter and watch the bishop go through a secret door to have it close and lock behind him. Go to the desk and pick up the spell scroll then go to the corner and get the magickal codex. You have now learned the Enchant Item Spell. Note that if you don’t learn after picking these items up you obviously missed an item somewhere else. Backtrack and mark the spots off on the guide. After learning the spell you’ll get some instructions and automatically assign the spell to a button. Use it not on the broken green urn. There, now it’s fixed. Use it on the blue urn also. Now head back to the room with the fountain, but first see the tile on the floor with the 3 indents on it? Place the red urn on it. Now leave.



Head through.



Back in the room use both urns on the fountain to fill them with the water. Now back to the secret door room.



Nothing new.



With the urns filled place them on the tile., and the secret door opens. AAAAAAAH!! Go on through.



Go on.



You’ll enter the room to find the bishop waiting for you. He isn’t looking to good and wants the Tome. He’ll come toward you dropping your sanity. He’ll swipe at you like a Zombie but take hits better then one. Keep slashing at his head with the bastard. Every time he gets ready to swing run around to his back and keep slashing. He’ll go down soon and the two big zombies on the floor will get up. Knock their heads off and their down. The Bishop drops a key when he dies. Pick it up and leave the room after finishing all that is dying.



Entering Anthony will morph some more. There are also a pair of mantorok zombies. Kill and finish and move on.



There’s another pair of mantorok zombies to kill.



On entering the hall you’ll meet your first trapper. It’s not possible to get buy because of the narrow hallways. Though if you’re low on health this may be a good thing. After getting out of the trapper dimension proceed.



You are given the tip about how trappers can sense sound and you should tiptoe by. Do this to get to the next room easily.



You’ll see the back of a mantorok zombie real quick. Hit it quickly enough and it won’t drop your sanity. There’s 2 more so get them, too.



Nothing new but it might be fun to note you can kill the monk. It’s drops your sanity by 3/4s though so it’s not recommended. Cut off his arm to watch him tremble in terror.



Anthony will morph again, and he’s not doing to well agilely. By the way save before you go up the ladder because you’ll be fighting your first chattur’gha horror next. Oh, man, I just saw this. When Anthony sits idle in his zombie disease form he’ll take his sword and stick it through his wrist and pull it out again.



Hope you saved if not go back down the ladder and do so then take a step forward. You’ll meet the horror and the stairs will become blocked. To beat this thing quick cut off all 3 of its heads regardless of how much it’s pulverizing you. Remember, you saved. Once it’s dead finish and go down the stairs.



You’ll see 3 mantorok zombies. Kill them. Now to the right row of the pews is a door that was locked before. Go to it and use the key on it, and you’re done with chapter 3.


                                                        The search for Chapter 4

-------------------------------------------Alex Roivas 2000 A.D.---------------------------------------

Back with Alex. Leave the study and go back to the main hall and to the second floor door. Going through the corridor you’ll start to hear noises. That’s the insanity effects. Use the key on the door and it will break. Here’s how you advance through chapters. Use the enchant item spell on the key. The key will fix and you can unlock the door. Go down the hall to the right. Enter that room and take note of the dresser which you can’t use the key for lack of a keyhole. Go into the bathroom and take a look at the bathtub… Now look at the toilet and you’ll get a journal page from Maximillian Roivas. Read it, there’s not much of a point, but it’s there. Head back out into the hall and down the left corridor. Turn and you’ll see a ghost walk into an odd looking spot in the wall. Walk to examine and find that it looks like a sealed off door. Head down all the way to the window to find it has a spell blocking it. Now go back to the turn in the hall and into the door. Once in the room look behind one of the pictures to find the next chapter page and use it.


                                                                   Chapter 4

------------------------------------------Karim 565 A.D. Persia-----------------------------------------

You are now Karim an Arab going on a quest to take the hand of a woman he loves to find a treasure for her. As he wonders through the desert he reaches the same pillars Pious saw and enters.



Not quite the same temple Pious explored. Go toward the camera to find a dead man. Proceed down the ladder



Just as Anthony Karim has found the same place. Do as you did before and retrieve the Tome. You will again reappear at the ladder you never went down. The mantorok zombies that were on the floor will get up. Either kill them or flee down the ladder prematurely it doesn’t matter. Karim’s Tulwar is odd to handle. It’s best to take down each Zombie with a combo.



As you draw into the turn two big zombies will get up. One at least bites the dust from a beheading while other may take a beheading and a combo. After their dead and finished take the statuette, and head down the rest of the corridor. Two more big zombies will get up. One takes a beheading and a vertical slash, the other takes a beheading and two slashes. One of them has a rune inside them so make sure to get it. When this is accomplished climb up the next ladder.



There’s 3 weight sensitive tiles in here. When each are weighed down something will happen. For now put the statuette on one and walk toward the barrier in front of the next door. The rune you collected will dispel it when you get close to it, and you can proceed.



When you enter get the torch on the wall and go farther into the room. Three big zombies will get up. Their all weak so kill them and finish them, and grab the statuette. There’s also a magickal codex against the wall so make sure to get that. Now leave.



Back in this room place the black statuette on another open tile then have Karim stand on the third. The torch in the center of the room should flare up and will raise with 4 Trappers riding it. Wait for them to get off them stand on it and take it down.



Along this hall are 3 corpses the last one has another Tulwar in its back. Take it to get doubles. The guard with the Tulwar in it’s back will stand up and start attacking you. This is a human possessed by a bonethief. Watch out because the human can take hits and the bonethief is just dangerous. It’s what you saw burst out of the guy at the end of the last chapter. Well, it’s quite all right to run since you won’t be coming back to this room. So may as well.



You’ll meet two big zombies. One has a bonethief in it and the other is fine. Since this bonethief should die here’s the strategy. If it’s a red chattur’gha bonethief. Two hits to the head kill it. If its one of the other two without a head one hit to the body should kill it. With that done pick up the scroll near the corpse. Take not of the door with a hole for your sword in it and go through the next door.



You’ll meet 3 big zombies. Dispatch and head to the end of the room. Remember that there’s a shielded alternate route. We’ll get to that later. By the way save before you go into the next room.



You know how to get rid of these guys though it maybe be tricky with weaker swords. Cut off all 3 heads. It should take 2 hits per head now. When it’s dead you’ll get a new rune. Behind the horror is a magickal codex get that as well.



There’s a Trapper in here now so watch out. Go up to the shield and it’ll disappear. Go down the ladder.



This happens no matter how high your sanity meter is. When you try to go down the ladder you’ll see a cut scene where the ghost of Alex’s grandfather Edward Roivas talks to her about insanity and how he’ll protect her. Now go down the ladder for real.



Another big zombie. Kill it and go to the intersection. There’s a codex on one of the indentations in the wall. Grab it. You’ve now learned the recover spell. You can use this spell to recover insanity, health, or magic. Right now you can only use it according to the first alignment rune you have. Well anyway go to the right and enter the next room, but before doing so it might be best to save just in case.



You’ll enter the room Pious used for the granite block puzzle. On one of the pillars in the center is the Ram Dao, a very powerful sword, get it and equip it. As you do so the door closes and 5 mantorok zombies appear. Let’s test that new sword out. If you aim at their head you’ll notice they’ll get cut in half instead. Because that sword’s biiig. This should be over quickly. Make sure to finish them so you can get quicker. Next another group of 5 Mantorok Zombies will appear. Take them out in the same fashion. Now you’ll get attacked by a group of big zombies. Have fun. Two swipes kill. Now there’s another group. One has a rune in it the other two have a bonethief in them. When those come out don’t use a verticle slash. It won’t reach them. After that group is dead you’ll of course have the rune and the door will be open, freeing you.



Go on through. I think there might be an effigy on the wall in a chattur’gha game so look for it. If not proceed.



Back to the bonethief room



Use the Enchant Item spell on your sword with the new alignment rune you found then use it on the door with the sword hole for a lock. It’s unlocked and you’re free to enter.




You’ll be met by 3 big zombies. Which should go quick the lingering enchantment on your sword. At the end of the tunnel is some rubble to climb over or a ladder. Climb over the rubble first to make use of your enchantment.



There’ll be a horror here. It should roar before doing anything so quickly run up to it and chop its head. The whole beast should topple over clearing the way. Make sure to finish it since you’re probably going pretty nutty right now. If you have the green Xel’lotath rune use it with the Recover spell to regain sanity. Now go back to the first half of the tunnel.



Go up the ladder nearby.



Watch out the room’s loaded with Trappers. In the center of the room is a ruby statue for you to grab. Get it you won’t need it for another 1000 years but get it all the same, and get the hell out of there, unless you need some healing from the Trapper dimension of course. Now back to the tunnel.



Climb over the rubble to the next half



Go down the ladder.



The hand is a book holder so let it hold the Tome of Eternal Darkness. That’ll open the bars so go through them. You can’t move without picking up the Tome however. Before going any further save your game. Now go.



Before you go very far you’ll get attacked by a group of mantorok zombies and the way out will be blocked. Also that cool Arabian music starts playing signaling a long fight. After the first wave another wave will appear, this time its 3 mantorok zombies and 2 big zombies. The big zombies will probably proceed to picking on the littler ones so let them be for a sec. Next is a wave of just big zombies. Don’t bother to finish any of them, you won’t have time. There’s 2 of those and one of the big zombies has a bonethief in him. So watch for that. Last is a horror. Back up and use a talisman or two before tackling it. Dodge its magick also. One hit to it’s heads kills. Finish the horror you have the time now. The shield will go down and the relics will appear. Grab one and that’s it for the chapter.


                                                             The search for Chapter 5

----------------------------------------------Alex Roivas 2000 A.D.-----------------------------------

Back as Alex go into the dining room. That’s to the left of the main hall’s first floor. There’s a lock there just like in Karim’s chapter. Enchant your Gladius the same way and use it on the door. Open it and a rat will scurry out. No reason to say that just thought it was a neat detail. Enter the closet and take the spice jar out. Open the spice jar and you’ll find the next chapter. Watch the CGI movie then read the chapter.


                                                                         Chapter 5

------------------------------------------Maximillian Roivas 1760 A.D.--------------------------------



Pick up the flintlock ammo on his desk and leave. Equip the flintlock if you wish.



Check the door right next to the door Max came out of.



Get the flintlock ammo talk to the servant but don’t harm because that’s more then you need to deal with right now. Examine the interior outhouse for a laugh. That’s all. Leave.



Head down to the end of the hallway for the only other unlocked door on the second floor Make sure to grab the flintlock ammo on the desk to the left.



There’s a letter on a desk near the bed to be read about the Tome. And on the mantle is a magickal codex. Go into the next room



All there is in here is some flintlock ammo.



Go back to the hall.



Head to the first floor through the double doors.



There’s a letter on the table between the stairs to be read. Something about the Ancients in control of the house and the Tome again. See the maid in here? She’s evil to like the guy in the bathroom. They’re both bonethief possessees. Let’s go check the kitchen



There’s a magickal codex near one of the doors to be had, and on one of the cupboards is some flintlock ammo. In the pantry is a pump handle, get that as well. Now exit.



Let’s go to the dining room now.



Go up to the fireplace there’s a puzzle to solve. The answer depends on what relic Pious took. Though unless you’ve been messing with the evil servants you should be able to use trial and error, but who wants to do that. Here’s what to do. See that poster above the mantle. The color pointing to the color Pious chose is the answer. Put the crow in front of that one. The opens up a passage to the secret study.



To Max’s left is a scroll. Farther left is a Saber which is the weapon of choice in this chapter. So equip the saber. On the wall to Max’s right is another flintlock pistol. Get that and you have doubles. Now go over to the desk for the key item: The Tome of Eternal Darkness. You get the vision of what happen before and a horror appears in the main hall. Letter #3 slips out of the Tome so read that. It says that the Ruins of Ehn’gha are beneath the mansion and there’s a passage in the basement. There’s also an item on the second floor near the light. I’ll help you with that later. First let’s kill the horror. Better save incase you die however.



Did I mention the servant in here is possessed by a bonethief too? No matter, best kill it since Max can do an autopsy on it. After that’s done let’s go fight the horror.



Same strategy as always except with a fat man. Go for its 3 heads with the saber. The maid will be going after you as well. She’ll probably get in the horrors way and get killed however. After the horror’s dead you’ll get a rune and learn the reveal invisible spell. Before we do anything with that let’s go get the item mentioned in Letter #3. Go to the second floor



Go to the end with the stain glass window and get ready for a bonethief fight. Search the table to Max’s left to find a sealed envelope. A bonethief will burst through the window so kill it before it gets a chance to strike. Let’s open the envelope now. Open it to get letter #4 and the basement key. Letter #4 says says to go do something about the city and the letter was sealed so only someone on their side could open it. Let’s go to the basement.



No matter how high your sanity you’ll find yourself in a yellowish colored arrangement with mist. Go down the stairs and a horror will appear. Let’s fight! Chop off its 3 heads to get a prize. The third alignment rune! You’ll appear back in the hallway because this was something like a hallucination. Let’s go to the main hall for real now.



Go to the right of the camera. At the back is a spell etched into the wall. Examining the painting nearby shows a door. Let’s try the reveal invisible spell. You’ll have to use the same alignment rune you just won from the horror in the hallucination. Yes, oddly you really do have it. Walk up to the wall and use the spell. It should reveal a locked door, so use the basement key on it and enter.



You’ll meet three large zombies here. Because of the weak saber. You should focus on hacking off limbs instead of the body. One has a bonethief in him so watch out. Make sure to perform an autopsy on one of the zombies to get some data on it and a mad rambling later. Go up to the well and get the scroll laying on it. Then go and get the magickal codex on the shelf near the well. After that get some flintlock ammo near the lantern. Now it’s time to proceed. Use the pump handle on the pump to drain the well and reveal a ladder. Climb down



As you enter go to the left to fight a mantorok zombie with a rune that you need in it. Once you get it you’ll learn the damage field spell. You’ll need this very soon. Go down the stairs and look out the balcony for a glimpse at the ruins. Then walk up to the shield to have it disappear. Go down the stairs a little further but before you leave this area make sure to save!!! Then go.



Time for the first boss fight. It’ll be a different monster depending on which path you took but it has the same attacks. When it appears run close to it and cast the damage field spell. You are now protected from its magick attacks and the zombies it summons. The monster also has a damage field set, but it will fade eventually when it uses up all its magick energy attacking you. When the runes around it disappear take out your double flintlock pistols and fire both of them at it. It should turn into that ball of light again and start moving around to restore its magick energy. Reload your flintlocks, heal if need be then follow it till it lands. Or if has landed get close to it. It shouldn’t have a damage field up so fire a shot at it. If a field is up cast your own and wait. When it goes away attack it with two flintlock shots again. When it disappears follow it. When it reappears this time it definitely won’t have a damage field up so fire both rounds at it. As it teleports reload then follow again. Repeating this 2-3 times will have it dead and Max’s chapter over.



                                                      The search for Chapter 6

------------------------------------------Alex Roivas 2000 A.D.-----------------------------------------

Back as Alex once again and time to get the new chapter page. Go to the second floor, then into the bedroom. Remember the dresser? Cast reveal invisible with the same rune you got from the hallucination horror to reveal a keyhole. Now use the dresser key. In the dresser is a revolver and the next chapter page, and then comes the next Pious vision. Next read the chapter.


                                                                    Chapter 6

--------------------------------------Dr. Edwin Lindsey 1983 A.D.-------------------------------------




You start out fighting a guardian. These things open their wings when they get near you and strike you with their tail paralyzing you while they recite their spell to summon a big zombie. When it opens its wings give it a blast to the chest with the shotgun. In fact equip the shotgun. The pistol is useless as is the Kukri at the moment. 2-3 shots from the shotgun kill it. Finish it with the Kukri as not to waste ammo. Now let’s take a look around. There’s something covered in dust in the middle of the floor. Use the Archaeologist’s Brush to dust it. You’ll fine a tile with the alignment runes engraved on it and a brass bracelet. Go over to the statue at the end of the room and put it on it. This will open a door go through it.



Once again…. Get the Tome. See the flashback and end up were you started. Enter the door for real this time.



You’ll be attacked by a big zombie and mantorok zombie. The other mantorok zombie doesn’t get up…. Once again! Head to the next room.



Just like in Ellia’s chapter watch the tiles. There’s a turn off half way through the hall in it is a pedestal with a metal bracelet on it. Take it. At the very end of the room is a patch of spider web use your archaeologist’s brush on it to reveal a magickal codex of course pick it up and head through the rest of the room.



You’ll enter to find a horror encased in a damage field. There’s nothing to be done about it now. However there is a necklace to your left you can grab. You can’t go any further so backtrack.



Go to the statue a put the bronze necklace on it to open a new door as well as the door that was blocked in the damage field room. Go through the new door.



There’s a gold bracelet on a platform with a pissed off snake statue behind it. Take the bracelet and the snake tells you to give it back and starts spitting darts at you as the doors close. Put the metal bracelet on the platform instead and it’ll shut up and the doors will open back up. Proceed with the gold bracelet.



The tiles are very easy to avoid and you should. Half way through a mantorok zombie will get up. Make it get back down. A second mantorok zombie will get as you near it. Dispatch it then use your archaeologist’s brush on the spider webs nearby to get another magickal codex.



Enter the next room to be attacked by 4 big zombies. One has a magick rune to be acquired. Take them down with whatever weapon you want there’s nothing to be saving those guns for. With the rune in tow proceed to the next room.



This also a booby trap room but people usually don’t say the statue half way through the hall. Put the silver bracelet on it then go to the other side of the hall use the archaeologist’s brush on the webs to reveal a scroll. You have now learned the dispel magick scroll. Know what to do with this? The horror of course who conveniently happens to be in the next room.



Before you dispel the damage field use a recover health spell so you won’t die when the horror gets released. Then equip the shotgun and fully load it for an easy fight. Now walk up to the damage field and cast the spell using the same rune you got in chapter 5 from the hallucination horror. Dispel the damage field, and aim for one of its heads, blow it off, then the other, then the other. Finish it with your Kukri and grab the silver necklace behind it. Back to the silver statue room.



Go put the silver necklace on the statue to reveal a hidden passage on the other side of the hall, and go through.



A big zombie will immediately get up in front of you as you enter… so kill it! Go down the stairs to find a big zombie with a rune in it. Get it. On the next level of stairs is a guardian. Shotgun the mo fo and finish it with the Kukri. At the end of the stairway is a shield which will dissipate if you got the rune from the zombie in here. Save and enter.



This thing goes in a circle FYI. Let’s start going in the direction the camera’s pointing since we can see ahead. So go to Lyndsey’s right as he enters. Watch out for the traps the swinging blades are a helluva lot bigger down here. Two mantorok zombies will get up so take care of them and proceed through the blade trap which you probably invoked. Make sure to recover health if need be. Make it through and up the stairs.



A shit a horror! Hack off its heads with the Kukri or shotgun, and finish it with the kukri so as not to waste a shotgun shell on a corpse. Walk up to the damage field in the center of the room and cast dispel magick using the blue rune as a alignment and its gone. At the other edge of the room is a spider web. You know what to do. Under it is a necklace. Now on the other wall is a thing you can press. This stops the booby traps in the next room for a little while so if you make a wild dash you can get through without setting anything off. Press it and run to the next room!



Just run! Ignore the indentation midway through the room it’s nothing. Ignore the zombie, just run!



You made it! Kill the two big zombies and dispel the green shield with the red rune. Two down one to go. By the way this is to get the secret 4th alignment rune the purple mantorok one. It’s worth it. At the end of the room is a giant statue of a head, who cares. Press the button on the wall and make a mad dash again.



Run, damn you, run! Take note of the gold statue in this room but keep running! There’s a lot of those smash trap things in here so run!



There’s a mantorok zombie to take care of that’s all. Then use the green dispel spell on the damage field. With that done all you need now is the summon trapper spell. At the end of the room is a basin that fills with acid. Since the necklace is unIDable throw it in and press the button again. You now have a gold necklace. Don’t put it on the statue just yet there’s more to do. Press the button and make a mad dash through the next booby trap room.



Run! But remember that the shield you destroyed was in this room.



Right, now we have a gold bracelet to get. There’s a suspicious looking statue facing the goddess with her hand over the prize. What you do is go stand on that pressure sensitive tile over in the corner. The statue will now turn away and the goddess’s hand lift. Run over to the hand and retrieve the bracelet before it gets stuck again when the guard turns back. Now press the button and go through the next boob trap room



It appears we’re back where we started. So let’s circle around back to he gold statue. Remember the buttons and running and you’ll do that quick-like.



Back? Ok place the gold jewelry on the statue and a entrance will open on the other side of the hall. Go in.



On your way down you’ll meet a pair of big zombies. Heads off then arms is the best approach. But it gets Lyndsey tired easily. Farther down is a horror that will cause some trouble and the shotgun is the best weapon to use on it. The next room awaits.



Go to Lyndsey’s right when you get to the tiles you can’t avoid walk don’t run. Or the smashing trap will get you. As well as the blades. Better make sure you’re in good health before you even try.



You’ll meet about 5 mantorok zombies here. Hack them up. There’s a spider web on the face to clear away for a magickal codex.



Average run of the mill booby traps with a blue zombie in the middle.



You’ll have to fight 4 chattur’gha zombies and they’re hard to beat with the Kukri. Use the pistol or shotgun if need be or just go to the next room without fighting.



Same thing.



You’ll have to fight about 5 of these the torch is a one hit kill for them. One has a rune in it which you need to proceed to the next room.



About 4 of them one has a rune. They can’t take a lot of damage from the Kukri so use that. There’s a scroll on the table pick it up and you’ll learn the summon trapper spell. Now if you want to get the purple mantorok rune you have to go all the way back to the shield you destroyed. If your up to it read the next room guide. If not skip it.



Go back to where the shield was that you destroyed and summon a trapper. Have it walk through the hole and across the bridge to a token with a rune on it. It’ll cause the wall on the opposite side of the hall the hole and Lyndsey is in to open. Go to the opened up thing to find the purple rune. A horror will burst through the wall shortly after and I suggest you get out of the room and back to where you found the scroll.



Get near mantorok and Pious will send two guardians to attack. Mantorok will kill them and wound Pious sending him away. The door to the back opens so proceed.



Chapter 6 finished



                                                       The search for Chapter 7

------------------------------------------Alex Roivas 2000 A.D.------------------------------------------

Back as Alex go to the library and examine the book you saw in the cut scene. Look behind the book to get the Heart of Mantorok. Now use the dispel magick on the window on the second floor to get the next chapter. The color rune to use is again the one you got from the horror hallucination, or you can use mantorok’s purple rune. The chapter page that was in the window is still there. Take it to see another Pious cut scene. Use the page to begin the next chapter.


                                                                     Chapter 7

-------------------------------------------Paul Luther 1485 A.D.----------------------------------------



Let’s get this thing rolling head through the double doors that the red carpet leads to into the sanctuary.



Once in here head down the red carpet through the middle of the pews to start Paul’s story.

There’ll be a cut scene of Paul finding a bonetheif’s victim and the head priest dude accusing Paul of the murder.



You’ll automatically be brought to this room. The door’s locked so examine the rest of the room. There’ll be a painting at the far end examine it and take the emerald.

A man will enter and tell Paul he’s in danger. He says brother Andrew, the dead man, suspected something as well. Paul doesn’t want to leave until he clears his name. So the custodian says to meet him in the bell tower. Now is a good time. Leave the room.



You’re warped here again. Go retrieve the Tome. Once back at the door you never left, leave.



Back here again go across the room and up the stairs.



Up the stairs and through the only door in the room.



Make your away across the room and you’ll awaken mantorok zombie. Paul still isn’t armed so if you want to kill it you’ll have to rely on your fists. These things really are weak 5 hits to the body kills it. When it swipes at you make sure to run around to the back of it. Go into the next room.



Here it is go up the stairs and ring the bell to call the custodian then talk to him.

He says this place is evil and that they need evidence against them. He’ll give you a key to the old tower. What you are now looking for is 3 pages of Brother Andrew’s diary so as to have enough evidence to convict the order. Once you have 3 pages you should go talk to the custodian again. Now let’s backtrack to the sanctuary.



Go up to the alter. Remember that the old tower entrance is to the right of it down the red carpet, but we don’t want to go there yet. We need a weapon. Go down the stairs behind the altar. They’re a little hard to see because by the camera angle they just look like some misplaced guardrails. Find them and go down.



Head straight then turn left and go into the room there.



On the same wall as the door are some crossbow bolts on a shelf so get those. On the desk is a Book of Reliquaries. Go ahead and read it now. It says that many orders need a better income so they make up ancient relics to attract tourists. The Hand of Jude which Paul came to see is one of them. Leave the guest room



Continue down the hall and turn right on a plaque on the wall is a mace. Of course you want to take this. Equip it and you have a weapon. To the left on some crates are some crossbow bolts. Check what’s behind the door to the left of this area.



There’s a pair of Trappers in here. They’re really going to get in the way so let them both zap you. Once out of the trapper dimension with both dead start examining the wine barrels. Luther will knock on each one. Search all of them till you find one that makes a hollow thud, and turn the spigot. This reveal a secret passage at the end of the room. Go see what’s in there.



You’ll fine a Ulyaoth horror in here. Same strategy as usual will kill it and reveal it had a sapphire with it. Go take a look at what it was standing in front of. It’s a carving on a circle of power. The holes look like they could hold something. Try using your emerald and sapphire. Looks like they both fit but nothing’s happening. There’s one more space meaning one more jewel. Head back up to the sanctuary.



Back on the first floor go to the left of the camera along the carpet. There’s a door to enter go ahead and do that.



Go and have a look in the chest to find a crossbow. It’s of no use but take it anyway. Next look in the closet with the purple robes in it. Something will fall out to reveal the podium key. That’s all. Leave.



Let’s use that podium key. To the right of the altar is a barred off stand. It’s hard to tell but this is the podium. Use the key on it and open the drawer. There’s a Diary Page inside. Take it. 1 down 2 to go. It’s time to look in the old tower go to the right of the camera down the red carpet. Before you enter it’d be best to save sine you gotta mess with a lot of monsters. Use the key on the door and enter



You’ll enter just as a bonethief grabs a monk and gets inside him. This is now a possessee so handle him as one. With that guy out of the way, go up to the altar and get the scroll. You will then learn the shield spell.



There’s a bonethief in here. This is cramped space making your mace unwieldly. Run over and get the desk between you. When it comes over walk around the desk and pound it. On the desk is the second diary page, and on a shelf is a music sheet. Both are important so get them. That’s all for here so leave.



Now go to the door to the left of the pews. This was the room that Anthony died. Upon getting near the door you’ll hear screams. Make sure to recover your health before you enter and now would be a good time to use the shield spell on yourself since you might have trouble coming up.



Enter and Anthony will get up. Appears he didn’t really die he’s just a zombie. This guy’s really hard. When he gets near you he’ll try to hit you with his bastard sword. Run behind him and he’ll miss and recoil. While he’s stunned do a combo to his back. Rinse and repeat and eventually he’ll get knocked down. He’ll flash yellow and get back up. While he’s getting back up you can actually get a hit or two at him before he can start attacking again. Either way he only takes about 5 more hits.

Paul will pray over him and get a vision of what happened to him. You’ll then get the ruby and the Bastard Sword. I suggest equipping the bastard sword… since it’s better. Leave the room and head back to the crypt to use the ruby, but first let’s use that music sheet.



Go up to the organ at the left of the altar and examine it. You can now play the music sheet on the organ. The notes are marked according to the buttons on your controller. So just press these buttons in this order. A, B, Y, X, B, Y, A. Do this and the tabernacle will open on the other side of the altar. Retrieve the 5 point Circle of Power. Bloody good now you can power up all your spells. To do that get the runes for the spell in mind, go to new spell and enter those runes. Replace the empty space with the power rune. You don’t have that rune yet but just remember what to do when you do. Now go back down the stairs behind the altar and back to the crypt to use your ruby.



Back in here use the ruby on the circle. The tomb will open so of course step down.



This place is not good. There’s 3 mantorok zombies here and the hallways is too narrow to use your weapons effectively. Leave the room if you need to recover health, but then kill those zombies and go through. The crossbow may prove useful here.



You’ll meet a group of big zombies. One has a rune so make sure to get it. The Bastard sword will make quick work of them. Notice that if your sanity is low that that statue in the middle of the room looks at you?



Circle down kill the mantorok zombie and continue on.



Upon entering you’ll watch as a pair of horrors beat each other up. Their busy so pause the game and do something. Get the runes in your head for the shield spell go to new spell and select the 5 point Circle of Power. Put those runes in there with the alignment rune of your choice. Then fill the 2 remaining spaces with that rune you just got from the big zombie. That is the power rune and now that you’ve used it you’ve got a powered up shield spell. Use it right now while the horrors are busy. Once one of the horrors kills the other go up to the victor and chop off his heads with the bastard sword. With your shield up you shouldn’t feel a thing. Grab the crossbow bolts in the middle of the room and examine the laying down statue in the corner of the room. It has a slit in the middle of it which probably unlocks the locked door in this room. It is actually. There’s a 3rd door in here that’s a little easy to miss. Go through that one.



You’ll find the back of a mantorok zombie to you. Quickly cut off its head and you won’t lose any sanity. There’s another behind the corner but it seeing you is to late to prevent. Kill them and move on.



Two Chattur’gha Zombies will be in here. Beheading and comboing is the best way to go. There’s some crossbow bolts on the shelf to the left. With everything accomplished here go up to the movable bookcase. The same on from Anthony’s chapter and push on it. It’ll open and you can go on.



A pair of big zombies are in here. Kill them and continue.



There’s a big zombie to get rid of. On a candle outlet to the right is a magickal codex. Getting it will reveal the pargon (power) rune and you’ll get the instructions I already gave you on making stronger spells. At the shrines pedestal is the 3rd diary page. You’ve got all 3 now so go talk to the custodian in the bell tower. That’s means make your back up.



Talk to the custodian. The guy’s in danger and gives you a sacrificial dagger. Go back to the sacrifice room.



EEK! A mantorok zombie!



A bonethief.



A pair of mantorok zombies.



Two Trappers.



A pair of little zombies now.



There’ll be a bonethief waiting for. Kill it and go over to the statue and use the dagger on it. A new door will be revealed. Go through.



There’s a damage field blocking your way. You’ll have to use a powered up dispel spell to destroy it. Either use mantorok’s rune as a alignment rune or the rune that cancels the other one.

Red cancels green

Blue cancels red

Green cancels blue

With the damage field destroyed proceed onward. Make your way to the altar in the room and examine the sacrifice. It’s the custodian, dead.

A cut scene will start. The head monk will talk about stuff then send a pair bonethieves to attack you. Do not rush them or they’ll jump on you. Stand to the side of the passageway leading to the opening wait for them to come toward you then let them have it. Go back to the room you cam from.



You’ll see the head monk unlock the door and go in. Follow him.



Nothing to see here. Move along.






Paul senses evil. To bad just go through. You don’t really need to save once you enter the chapter’s over.


                                                         The search for Chapter 8

-------------------------------------------Alex Roivas 2000 A.D.-----------------------------------------

Alex will find a not from Edward. Read it. He’s been leaving you a trail and says now to look for the 88 keys. That’s a piano so go into the dining room and over to the piano. You can play it so play the same thing Paul Luther did. A, B, Y, X , B, Y, A. The piano will open revealing the next Tome chapter. You get a vision of Pious conquering someone. Then you can start the next chapter.





                                                                 Chapter 8

---------------------------------------Roberto Bionque 1460 A.D.--------------------------------------



Roberto has to survey the site. To do this you’ll enter certain rooms and be able to examine them with the B context. I’ll tell you when to in each room. Go through the tunnel and up the ladder. Equip the torch since you have it.



Nothing here go to the ladder on the other side of the room.



Go away from the camera. There’s a big zombie in here. If Pious chose the Xel’lotath artifact then you can use the torch on the zombie. If not just ignore it and keep going.



Go near the fire pit and examine. Roberto will survey the room. 1 down. There are some crossbow bolts to the side of the ladder you came up. On the other side of the room near the ladder you are to go down is a Saif. Take it and equip it it’ll be your weapon of choice. Go down the ladder



Pull the lever to start some fighting. The first group will be one Ulyaoth zombie. He shouldn’t be much trouble. Pull the lever in the cage he was in. The cage on the other side of  the room will open and you’ll have to fight a pair of Chattur’gha zombies. Wait for them to get out of the cell completely or your sword will be blocked. Kill them and pull the lever that was in their cage. That’ll open the way up. When you try to leave 3 mantorok zombies will attack you. They go down easy. So go up the next ladder.



Go over to Roberto’s right near where all the dirt is falling on the floor to survey the room. 2 down. There’s also a crossbow on a wall for you to pick up. Do so and continue.



Same as usual. After you’ve got it head down the ladder for real.



There’s 3 Trappers and a guy in the corner scared shitless. Proceed to the end and go up the next ladder.



There’ll be one of those winged skeleton things that summons Trappers. Kill it by slashing it from a good distance when it opens its wings or run behind it and slash it there. On the table in the middle of the room is a scroll take it and you’ll learn the Summon Zombie spell. Go to the next room via the ladder.



Go down the tunnel to Roberto’s left to find two horror’s duking it out. Let one die and kill the other. Go through the door they were in front of.



As you enter you’ll watch as a zombie walks into a space and gets squished. There’s something to be done here but first let’s go through the door that’s open.



Kill all the zombie and go into the door on Roberto’s right.



See those 3 people in here? They’re all posessees. They won’t harm you till you survey the site or you attack one of them. Use the recover health spell before you survey the site then leave before they get to you.



Go down the ladder.



This place once again. There’s some Trappers here to annoy you. You’ll enter to find some zombies beating up a horror. They won’t make it unless their Chattur’gha zombies or if you help. Summon your own zombie. Make it a red Chattur’gha since they’re strongest. When your zombie’s dead. Go for the horror’s heads. Once it’s dead examine the key surrounded by lava. That circle of power on the block is the clue. Use the reveal invisible spell with the alignment rune that counters the color of the spell on the block.

Red beats green

Blue beats red

Green beats blue

Use it with the 5 point Circle of Power or it won’t work. Once the bridge appears grab the key and leave.



Go up the ladder.



Go through the big double doors that you’ve skipped before. It’s locked so use the key you got to enter the forgotten corridor.



See how the floor’s glowing yellow there? That’s dangerous it electrocutes you as you run through. Use a 5 point shield on yourself and make a mad dash across. Make it? Good.



As you enter a portcullis snaps shut behind you. There’s a hole with a lever on the other side, but how do you get across? Simple. You drop a bridge there. There’s just one rope holding up about 20 tons of concrete. Target it and cut it with your Saif. You now have a bridge. Why don’t you try crossing it. Eek! worms! There’s two and all you need to do is take a vertical slash to each. I’m not sure what they do and I’ve never taken the time to find out. They drop sanity real heavily however. Any way examine when your on the bridge to survey this room. Cross the bridge and throw the switch to get out.



Again cast a 5 point shield on yourself and run across. Once across leave the room.



Go back to the smash room.



It’s time to unlock that door. Summon a zombie and walk it into the trap. It’ll get squished and the bars will be raised. Go down.



You’ll see another one of those guys summoning Trappers. Kill it or run by.



Entering this room you’ll be confronted by Karim’s ghost. He’ll strike you with his Dam Dao and nothing will happen proving the fat architect is the chosen one. Take the artifact and the ruby effigy if you got it in Karim’s chapter and survey the room. You have now completed the survey of the labyrinth. Return to the entrance to leave.


Congrats the chapter is over.



The next chapter page is in this very room. Near the back the roof will be crumbling. Survey it to find a chapter page hidden behind a picture. Take it and watch the cut scene. Then start chapter 9.



Chapter 9

Peter Jacob Anicus France 1916 A.D.



And here we are in the great WW1. As you start out grab the letter off the table and read it for a story insight. Enough of that. Go up to the podium by the alter to find a sealed envelope. Open it to get the soldier’s orders. Take it to a soldier in the main hall. That’s behind the double doors near where you started.



Use the letter on the guard in this room and he’ll leave leaving the door open for you.



In a sense anyway. Go up to the bench and take the revolver and a bomb will knock the power out. Try to leave.



Get the book and leave for real.



You’ll find a bonethief in here. Just run into the sanctuary



Watch as a bonethief possesses a nurse, then make a dash to the old tower chapel. That’s to the right of the altar.



You’ll watch another nurse get possessed. Tough luck. Head up the stairs to get a real weapon.



In the back you’ll find the bastard sword and some revolver ammo. Equip the sword and go back down for some slaughtering.



Kill the pair of bonethieves, and go into the door to the left.



This is not occupied by a mantorok zombie and 3 big zombies. Kill them and make sure to finish since your sanity’s taken a beating. There’s a torch and a small wealth of ammo in here as well so make sure to get it. Let’s do some more exploring. Exit!



Back into the sanctuary.



Don’t bother with any people it’s too hard and frustrating. Run to the main hall.



Kill the bonethief if you can then go to the bell tower on the other side of the room.



There’s a possessed nurse up here to destroy. After doing that (or not) move to the balcony.



A good way to pick off some targets. Go up to the edge of the balcony and take a look. The 2 bonethieves are in plain view. The two possesses are up against the wall. Take out your revolver and press R keep releasing it till Peter is pointing it straight down and let off a shot. If you hear the bonethief scream it’s probably dead. Take a look with B to make sure. Then take out the other one. With 2 out of 4 of the enemies in the sanctuary dead head into the bell tower.



On a box near the door is another letter read it to find out more about what’s going on here. Go up into the bell tower to find a possessed nurse. Kill here and a odd looking bonethief will pop out. I don’t know why this is the only time you see a bonethief of a different color, but you do. That’s all for the bell tower go back to the sanctuary.



Now to take care of the humans. It shouldn’t be too difficult if you just do a vertical swipe at both of them at them same time by not targeting. After that it’s time to go down the stairs behind the altar. While passing the altar pick up the rifle on it.



Start out going through the door to the right at the left turn in the hallway.



There’s some rifle ammo in here and an odd clue by the look of the desk. That’s about it.



Go to the door across from it now.



There’s some ammo and another observation clue on the desk.



Head all the way to the end. You’ll find 2 packs of rifle ammo. Enter the door nearby.



There’s no secret entrance this time just two doors near the one you came in. Let’s start at the one to Peter’s right.



Turn the wheel to get the steam going. Get out your torch so you can see what’s in here. There’s a small hole a small dog could get through, and a door that’s blocked from the other side. Summon a Trapper, lead it through, the hole, target the dead body blocking the door and zap it. The door will be unblocked and you can get the 7 point circle of power. Leave and go to the door across from this one in the wine room.



There’s some rifle ammo on a box. Go over to the circuit board at the far end of the room. Use the lucky penny in your inventory as a breaker. Now go over to the generator and pull the lever. Power is now restored to the Cathedral. Return to the sanctuary and walk over to the organ.



Walk over to the organ to the left of the altar. As you do so a bomb will land very close and knock out the stain glass windows. Also 4 bonethieves will join you. Stay near the altar so they won’t get room to jump on you. The sword works best. With the bonethieves dead go up to the organ and grab the sheet of paper. It’s the same tune Luther played except the paper’s kind of messed up. Here’s the buttons if you can’t decipher it. A, B, Y, X, B, Y, A. The tabernacle will open revealing a door handle to grab. You’ve got everything from the first half of the cathedral. Now go the left of the altar to find a wall with a spell on it. Hack a 7 point Reveal Invisible spell and use the appropriate color:


Red > green

Blue > red

Green > blue

Using the right spell will reveal a door with no handle. Use the handle you got from the tabernacle on it. Your way is revealed. Proceed.



There’s a bit of ammo here. Make sure to get it and climb down the ladder.



Go on.



Four big zombies. Two have bonethieves in them. If a bonethief pops out immediately see to it. They tend to do nothing a for a little while when they just pop out. Go to the next room.



Before you enter the next room cast a 7 point shield spell on yourself.



You’ll be faced by 2 big zombies and a horror. Quickly kill the horror while your shield holds. If it’s fighting the zombies let the battle end first. Enter the door to the right of the one you came in.



I think you have to take a couple trips to the trapper dimension to get through. Notice the body by the exit? That’s where you sent the guy blocking the door. Oh, you can shoot them if you want.



There’s a bonethief in here and its kind of cramped. So get a good angle. Once its dead get the letter off the chair. Next push on the door in the back of the room and your through.



Same thing applies.



There’s a trapper and a big zombie. Quickly shoot the trapper and kill the zombie. There’s a key on the shrine to get. Take it and go back to the 4 door room



Go into the other door on the upper level of the room.



This is where Paul found the custodians body. Head to the altar and take the Magickal Elixir. There’s 3 trappers here so blast them. The magickal elixir restores your magick power immediately. It has 5 doses to it. Use it in the upcoming boss fight.



Now use the key on the locked door with the black circle on it, and go on through.



Three big zombies await.



There’s a pair of dead soldiers and a scroll on the wall. Make sure to take the scroll, it’s important to your survival. When you grab it you will learn the Magickal Attack. This spell allows you to send a shockwave of the certain alignment rune’s energy out. Continue.



Save before you enter this next room. For beyond this evil door is the guardian. Make sure you’re at full health before you enter as well because you won’t have time to heal once you enter.



Depending on what relic Pious chose there will be a different guardian. They each require the same strategy they just summon different zombies and use different attacks.

Here’s a separate strategy for each guardian. I’m sorry but I haven’t play the Ulyaoth scenario yet so I can just give vague hints for that.






-------------------------------------------B O S S    F I G H T-----------------------------------------






                                                       Chattur’gha Gaurdian


This guy’s red and has big claws he can attempt to crush you with.


Wall- He’ll use this at the beginning of the battle to stop you from escaping by firing a bunch of fire balls at the back of the room and creating an orange wall of flame.


Claw crush- The first 2 parts of this battle consist of fighting him far away. However, if you come to close to him he’ll attempt to smash you with one of his claws. Run to the side and then away to avoid them.


Chameleon Tongue- When he leans over and opens his mouth this says he’s about to lick you. To avoid this stay in the middle of the room then run to the side. If you happen to get caught by the tongue break free by rotating the control stick and get away.


Fireballs- He will begin launch fireballs from both his claws. Sometimes they fly real low and are very hard to avoid. Run away at a slant and they may not hit you. Sometimes they fly high into the air like a mortar. That is simple just run around and it won’t hit you. The shockwaves they emit do not hurt.


Summon Zombies- He will chant a 5 rune spell and 3 Chattur’gha zombies will appear and come toward you.



Session 1

He’ll begin with the wall and then you take control. Make sure to keep a very good distance from him or he’ll try his claw crush on you. He’ll start with some fireballs. After about 6-10 shots he’ll give that up and try to tongue you. After that he’ll likely start to recharge. As soon as he starts glowing red use the Magickal Attack spell. Use it only with the 3 point Circle of Power and make sure the alignment rune is not the red Chattur’gha one because that doesn’t work. If you hit him with the attack while he’s still glowing red he’ll be hurt. This list will repeat 2 more times. So if you hurt him 3 times session 2 will begin.


Session 2

The guardian will make the wall come closer so there’s less space between you. Get rather far back. He’ll begin summoning zombies. As soon as the circle of runes disappears start casting the Magickal Attack. The guardian won’t glow very long so you need to goose it. As soon as you cast the spell he’ll start glowing. Don’t move. Wait for it… there he’s nuked. That did damage to the zombies coming for you too. Take your sword and chop them up, or use the rifle if you see fit. Once the zombies are all dead and fade away the guardian will summon 3 more. Again as soon as the runes to the spell disappear start casting Magickal Attack. Hitting it 3 times will bring you to session 3.


Session 3

The Chattur’gha Gaurdian brings the wall right up to him so you are now in range of his claws. Keep moving and he won’t smash you. You only have to walk to the side you don’t have to run. Running does provide more room however. After he tries to squish you for a while he’ll stop to glow red again. You have breathing space since he’s so close so by so you don’t have to predict this while he pauses. Wait till he closes and cast the attack. Repeat this 3 times and he’s dead.



                                                               Xel’lotath Guardian


She’s green has 4 arms, and no head. She’s much smaller then the other 2, but just as hard.



Telekinesis- Four green bolts will shoot from her hands toward you. Move to the side and they’ll miss. If your dragged away by it rotate the control stick to break free.


Unavoidable Telekinesis- Sometimes she fires a telekinesis beam that can’t be avoided. No matter since you can still break free with the control stick.


Summon Zombies- Casting a 5 point Circle of power spell brings forth 3 Xel’lotath Zombies that come for you.


Explosion- Get to close and you’ll find 3 runes circling you. If you don’t move quickly a green blast will shoot up from them, hitting you. This only happens when you get to close to her or in the 3rd session.



Session 1

Lame. She’ll keep firing telekinesis at you. Keep moving to avoid and rotate the control stick when an unavoidable blast hits you. After doing this a while she’ll stop to recharge, glowing green. When she starts to glow green cast the Magickal Attack spell. Only use the 3 point Circle of Power since you won’t have time for something bigger. Also make sure that the alignment rune is something other then the green Xel’lotath one because it won’t work. Repeat this 3 times to begin session 2.


Session 2

The wall moves closer and the guardian begins to summon zombies. Back up and wait for the runes to disappear from the spell. As soon as they disappear begin casting the Magickal Attack spell. Don’t move until the guardian recoils. This attack should have killed the zombies so go finish them. Make sure you’re not close enough to get hit by an explosion however. Repeat this 2 more times for a total of 3 to end session 2.


Session 3

The wall move very close to the guardian putting you in range of the explosions. Keep moving around the hold to avoid the explosions. Each time one is going off keep moving but only walk so you won’t get tired. When you see more runes appear around you run out of them and continue to walk. When she stops to recharge wait for her to start glowing then cast the Magickal Attack spell. She will begin casting the explosions. Repeat this 2 more times to kill her.



                                                               Ulyaoth Guardian




Session 1

It will cast a wall stopping you from leaving. Keep your distance because coming close to it will invoke an attack. It’ll conjure 3 glowing orbs that fire at you one at a time. Run to the sides to avoid them. After it performs this attack, it will stop and glow blue. Cast the Magickal Attack spell. Make sure that you only use the 3 point Circle of Power since you won’t have to time to use something bigger. Also don’t use the blue Ulyaoth rune as an alignment rune since the attack won’t work. Doing this 3 times will begin session 2.


Session 2

The wall will move closer and the guardian will summon 3 Ulyaoth Zombies. As soon as the magick runes making up the spell disappear, begin casting Magickal Attack. It’ll stop to recharge and a few seconds later it’ll get hit by the attack. Don’t move before then. This spell will also probably kill the zombies. Go finish them making sure you keep your distance from the guardian. When they’re all dead it’ll begin summoning again. Attack it in the same fashion 2 more time to begin session 3.


Session 3

The wall will move you within striking distance of the monster. Simply walking around the pit will make it miss when it tries to step on you. After attacking for a while it’ll stop and start glowing. Use Magickal Attack to damage it. It’ll begin attacking again. Two more attacks will kill it.



                                                     The search for Chapter 10

------------------------------------------Alex Roivas 2000 A.D.------------------------------------------

Upon finishing the chapter Alex will find Peter’s lucky penny taped to the back. You should know the use for this would light up the dark room on the second floor. As you enter the library you’ll find the ghost of a maid scrubbing the floor. Talk to her and she’ll say she can’t get the blood out and give you the basement key. Go to the door to Alex’s right as you enter the main hall. This is the basement door use the key to unlock it. Go downstairs and take note of the safe in here. There’s some shotgun shells on the ledge of the well, on a shelf nearby, and some revolver rounds near the safe. The actual shotgun is on a plaque on the wall near the stairs. So take that. There’s a fuse box on the far wall. Open it. Now use the lucky penny and trip the breaker. Now you’ve lit the room go up to it. On the chest you’ll find a page from Max’s journal. Open the medicine cabinet to find the next chapter page. Grab it to see a cut scene. Then start the chapter.




                                                               Chapter 10

-----------------------------------Dr. Edward M. Roivas 1952 A.D.------------------------------------



Up on the mantle is the book Edward just set down. Pick it up and check it. You’ll fine the minute hand to a clock. Enter the foyer.



Now go into the kitchen.



In here you’ll find some revolver bullets and nothing more. Leave.



Go to the dining room.



There’s a saber hung on the wall that you need to get. Grab it and equip your main weapon then leave.



Go to the second floor.



Go to the right and into that room.



On the mantle you’ll find some revolver ammo, and on the dresser some shotgun shells. Go back to the hall. Don’t mind the bathroom there’s nothing in it.



Head down the hall at the end near that sealed off room you’ll hear gunshots and screaming. Besides that go up to the turn and go into the right door.



In here is a gun rack. Remember that later when you get a key for it. On the table is a book. Pick it up and check it to get the hour hand to a clock. Also in here are some shotgun shells on the desk. Leave.



Go back to the first floor.



Go back to the library



Go to the second half of it.



Here you’ll meet the ghost of Maximillian Roivas. He’ll tell you to set the clock to 3:33.  To do this you need hands on the clock. Before doing this take the scroll on the chair. Use both the hands on the clock then set it to 3:33. The same secret door in Alex’s time will open.



Here, Max will tell you to take the Tome and avenge him. Before doing that get the revolver from the plaque and the elephant gun ammo from the bookshelf. Also get the ammo at the far end of the room. Now get the Tome. The flash of scenes will happen and you’ll learn Magick Pool. Leave the study.



Continue on



Upon entering you’ll find a new type of monster sucking the blood out of one of the maid’s. It’ll leave knocking over a jar with the first half of a key in it. The maid will get back up however and begin attacking you. This zombie maid is harder to kill then a possessed human because she doesn’t get stunned when you hit her. Four swipes from the saber will kill her. You’ll experience a very small loss in sanity when you do so. Walk over to the broken jar and pick up the first half of the key. Now leave.



Go to the second floor



Go to the right. When getting close to the door you’ll see a cut scene of the vampire monster appearing in front of the servant in the next room. Cast a 7 point shield spell on yourself and rush in.



Run in and quickly slash the monster that’s sucking the blood out of the servant. He’ll turn his attention toward you. He’ll appear a second before he swipes the rest of the time he’s invisible but still solid. Slash him about 10 times and he’ll leave the bedroom. It then shows a cut scene of it sucking energy out of a stone with a rune on it in the basement. If the servant survived he’ll give you the key to the gun cabinet. Let’s go use it.



Go to the display room



Go and use the key on the gun cabinet to get the elephant gun. You’ll then be instructed on setting the mode to a gun. Piss around for a while and the creature will come visit this room. You may have to be out of it I’m not sure. Anyway when you see the cut scene of it appearing in front of the butler go get it. You’ll find it sucking out his blood. Swipe it quickly to make it quit. Beat it up and it’ll leave. The servant will thank you with some elephant gun bullets. The next place the thing’s going to appear is in the foyer. So head back there.



Wait for it. A cut scene will play of it appearing by a door. It’s going to go for a servant first, and you don’t want to mess with these kind of zombies so distract it quick like. Once it’s done for this time it’ll drop the top half of the basement key. Now that you have both halves mix them then use Enchant Item on it. With the key ready you can enter the basement and finish the vampire creature. Before you enter cast a 7 point shield spell if you need to and recover your health. Now unlock the basement door and go in.



That stone it’s been using is in here and to destroy it is your first priority. Shoot it with your revolver while dodging the creature is a good idea, but the saber and elephant gun work, too. Once the stone’s destroyed it can’t recharge and you can kill it. Do so and that’s all. The room is abundant with ammo so collect all of it and definitely make sure to get the double barrel sawed off shotgun on the wall. Also make sure to get the summon horror scroll on one of the shelves. You’ll then learn it. Now its time to go to the ruins. Climb down the ladder that was under the stone.



Head down take a look at the city then before you enter the next room cast a seven point shield that is not the color rune Pious chose. Then enter.



There’s a pair of horrors here and they’re both working together. Using your shield and shotgun blow off all 6 heads. Save before you enter the actual city.



All roads lead here. There’s a horror and a guardian here. You should kill both of them since they will make returning here hard. This should be easier with more advanced spells and weapons. First kill the horror by blowing off each head with the shotgun then get near the guardian and set up a damage field. When it finishes casting a spell cast your own spell. A Dispel Magick spell. Use a 5 point circle and make sure the color of the alignment rune counters the guardian’s color. Once shot it’ll teleport to a new spot. Follow the ball of light and wait for it to land. If you need to reload your gun do that. When it lands blast it again. Repeat till it’s dead. Once that’s done enter the door on the far side of the road.



You’ll be returning here a lot too. Stationed around the teleporter are a ring of energy fields. You can only touch one at a time then take the teleporter to the top of one of the towers. This will be hard to describe so I’ll draw a picture. Don’t laugh.


                                             ___               |#1|            __

                                             | #2 |                               |#3|

                               __                                                               __

                               |#4|                                                             |#5|

                               __                        _________                     __

                               |#7|                      |Teleporter|                     |#6|

                                       __                                                __

                                      |#9|                                               |#8|




                                           Entrance-- > |__|


Use this picture to figure out where to look for a solution to what has you stumped.



There’s a Trapper up here. Be wary. Cross to the other side of the place and look at the monitor. You’ll able to choose from the 3 alignment runes. The rune you need to pick depends on what relic Pious chose. You must choose the color rune that counters that relic.

Chattur’gha (red) counters Xel’lotath (green)

Ulyaoth (blue) counters Chatture’gha (red)

Chattur’gha (red) counters Ulyaoth (blue)

 Choose the correct rune then leave through the teleporter you came in.



You’ll appear in a giant room with a guardian and a shielded door. No, you don’t have to kill the guardian and I advise against it. Go up the stairs you see in front of you and pull the switch at the top. The shield that was behind you will disappear and you can leave.



You’ll find yourself back here. Go back to the main teleporter.



Pressing switch #2 and getting on the teleporter.



Go up the hub and scribe the power rune. No choices here. Take the teleporter.



You’ll be in a room with a big square hole in the middle. The blocked door out is behind the camera. Pull the lever by the hole and watch as a giant worm makes you go insane. Edward quickly takes a swig of Liquid Courage and is back. Leave.



Go to the main teleporter.



Time to engage tower #3.



Another power rune.



This is a room loaded with Trapper’s the switch is straight in front of you and the exit behind.



You know the way out.



Back to the main teleporter.






Another power rune



The lever is visible. Go pull it and 3 monsters will break free. Just get out of there.



Back to the main teleporter






A power rune.



A circular room with a mantorok zombie or two and a guardian in the middle of the exit. You can just walk by it. The lever’s up some stairs along the wall. Once pulled the exit is on the opposite side.



Go to the city link.



Back to the main teleporter






This tower has a trapper on it. This time you must make a choice between a list of runes. Now it’s better to say what kind of spell you’ll be casting. It’ the Dispel Magick spell on a huge level. That requires a Nethlek (Dispel) and a Redgormor (Area) rune. On this tower there’s only the Redgormor rune so choose that and leave.



This room has a huge coffin, a couple trappers and a guardian that’s blocking your way. You have to kill it or at least get it to move. So get near it cast a damage field with a gun ready to shoot. As soon as it gets done casting a spell run up and use the dispel magick spell with the 5 point circle and the color alignment rune that cancels guardian’s color. Once it’s down shoot it to make it leave. If it gets in the way again shoot it before it puts up a shield. The lever is up the stairs behind it pull it and leave.



Go back to the main teleporter.






The other multiple choice console. You’re trying to make the Dispel Magick spell, and the only rune for that to choose from is the Nethlek (Dispel) rune. Choose that and leave.



There’ll be a horror in front of you. Run past since killing it may bring ill news. Cross over to where the switch is and pull the lever. There’s a Trapper in your quickest route out so shoot it.



You’ll find yourself still making your way back to the city link. If this is your first time at the place go pull the lever in plain site and exit through the downed shield. The horror off camera shouldn’t cause a problem.



Go to the main teleporter.






Just a power rune.



This is rather difficult. You’ll notice the guardian and the horror. Snipe the horror’s heads off with the shotgun or maybe elephant gun. With that dead go over to the guardian. It’s got a damage field and you can squeeze through and pull the lever by it to get out.



The doors straight ahead just go through. Look farther up if you haven’t been to this room yet.



Go to the main teleporter.






Just a power rune. If you’ve followed this puzzle straight through you’ll see the sound cut scene now. If there’s a sound that doesn’t go with the rest you’ll have to go back to the teleporter and scribe a different rune.



You may have already been through here. If not cross the room pull the lever and leave through the opened door. There’s also a horror here. Kill it if you want but its quite possible just to run by.



Back to the teleporter



You should be done now. If one of the runes didn’t work turn the switch back on and go to that tower. Try a different rune and if the cut scene makes an unmirrored noise examine the console again and change the rune till the cut scene has all runes making the same sound. If the rune you get wrong is the alignment rune however go back to that tower and choose the one it has pre-selected for you. Chance is a spell rune will be wrong so you’ll have to loop around and fix that rune in the way I described.


With the spell set in place you have to get out of the city quickly. Head through the road and back to the city link. Then out back to the city gates and halfway up the stairway to hell. Edward will watch as a giant Dispel Magick spell nukes the city, ending the chapter.



                                                      The search for Chapter 11

------------------------------------------Alex Roivas 2000 A.D.---------------------------------------


Alex will immediately find a note from Edward. He says that a couple barrels of his liquid courage are in the basement and you should help yourself to some. Do what he suggested and go to the barrels in the basement. There’s something stuck between the barrels look to find a pickaxe. Remember the sealed door on the second floor? Go use it on that. You’ll find the old servant’s quarters. As Alex walks in she has a vision of Max killing the 4 servants that occupied it. Obviously mad and suspecting them of being possessed by bonethieves. There’s a barrier on the floor that Max cleverly set. I think the color of it differs from what relic Pious chose. So use the appropriate alignment rune to dispel the damage field. Check the pile to find a stethoscope and the last page of Max’s diary. It says he did suspect them of being bonethieves, so there. I think he may have just been mad though because the servants acted humanly scared when he killed all of them. That stethoscope can be used to unlock the safe. Leaving however you’ll find the mansion now has monsters in it. In the hallway you’ll find a two bonethieves and a Trapper. But since their around the corner and the Gladius is short and the guns work fine it won’t be any trouble. Go ahead and exterminate all the added monsters to the mansion if you want. Finished? Ok go to the basement and use the stethoscope on the safe. Your turning it till you hear a noise. Turn it right then left then right again and on the last click press A to open it. The combination is 60, 80, and 55. Inside the safe are 4 useful items. The essence of a relic, a crankshaft, a chapter page and a letter from Edward. If you read the letter from Edward there’s an actual voice to it. The crankshaft can be used in the telescope room to fully adjust the mirrors. You can’t do that till after this next chapter. Now let’s start that chapter.



Chapter 11

-------------------------------------Michael Edwards 1991 A.D.----------------------------------------



Michael will wake up after the explosion to find himself in a room under the buried pillar of flesh. I find this the best emotional scene since Michael’s about the only character who really gets freaked out by some of this stuff. Roberto will appear and give Michael one of the relics and the ruby and emerald effigies if they where collected. Now let’s do some exploring. Your team members are crisp and have nothing on them. Scattered around the circular, large room are some big zombies. Michael has a Fire Ax on him so equip that to take them down. With all the zombies dead go to the only door in the room to leave. But wait! There’s another corpse right next to the door. He’s a soldier and loaded with weapons. Take them and you’ll get an assault rifle with a couple grenades and a wealth of ammo. You’ll also get a pistol with not so much ammo. The assault rifle is the weapon of choice but use it wisely. It has a bunch of different modes and should be used according to the monsters and their health. The bursts on heavy creatures like horrors and Chattur’gha zombies, and the one shot mode for easily dispatched enemies. The grenades should only be used on tight groups of enemies you want dead quickly and horrors. Don’t get close to the explosions, they hurt. You can always fall back on the pistol and fire axe is well. The Fire Ax is actually a good weapon and I went through this chapter the first time only using that. Well that’s enough with the weapon diagnosis leave through the door.



There’s a summoner and a mantorok zombie in here. Pick off the zombie from far away with a gun then equip the ax because for some reason the rifle doesn’t do well on summoners. The summoner can only be attacked from the ax from behind or to the side. It can be hit in front when its wings are open. If you wait for it to come to you and are against a wall it can’t sting you to stop you and summon a big zombie. Once you’ve done what you wish with the monster climb down the ladder in the opening.



There’s 3 big zombies and a pair of Trappers. Shoot the trappers with the pistol since that’s its use, and swiss cheese the first zombie. Try to line up the other 2 since rifle shots go through them. Finish anything with the fire ax. Go up the first ladder you saw with the blue light streaming down it.



One of these summoners can summon a horror so accomplish the task in here quickly. On a pedestal nearby you that doesn’t have a summoner between it is a Gold Amulet. Grab it and go back the way you came.



Back in here continue heading down the hall. Go up the next ladder you see.



There’s a load of mantorok zombies to do something about, there’s also an item in this room to get. The staff is in the middle of the room on a dirt mound. Get it and leave.



Go all the way to the last ladder and climb up it.



There’s a model of a city in here with some reflective surfaces. Go to where the sunlight shines in and mix the staff and gold amulet to assemble it. With that done put it in the hole in the sunlight. Aim the reflected light at the two domed gold structures to heat them and open a pair of alcoves with mirrors in them. Then shine the light on the middle pointed gold structure and a passage behind the sunbeam will open. Go down the revealed ladder.



Once again we find ourselves here. Go retrieve the Tome then go down the ladder for real.



There’s 3 trappers here. Dispatch them with the pistol if you don’t want to go to the trapper dimension. Go up the ladder at the other end of the hall when finished.



There’s a pair of horrors, which are nothing but trouble. I recommend just running through to the other side and leaving. If you really want to kill them a grenade to the front does the trick.



Go down this tunnel and around the corner. Keep going ignoring the ladder in the blue light for now. You’ll reach a square hole to find 3 worms. These things heavily reduce your sanity and fall back into their hole with one ax swipe to each. With them out of the way you’ll probably notice a damage field guarding the last effigy on a pedestal. Cast the Dispel Magick spell using the right alignment rune and collect the last effigy. There’s a ladder at the end of the tunnel but it just circles you back to the 3 ladder room. Go back to the ladder in the blue light. It’s near a doorframe of support beams and is a little hard to see.



A Chattur’gha zombie and another big zombie depending on your game will walk toward a horror to do battle. Don’t move so they won’t be distracted towards you. Anything but a chattur’gha zombie will fall quickly. Let them start engaging the horror. Now run up behind it with your ax and start doing combos. Doing this will kill it quick then you can take out the zombies. Of course you can just avoid this and go down the ladder in the middle of the room immediately but you had a chance.



A mantork zombie, a big zombie, and a summoner in that order’ll face you. Kill the zombies and then kill the summoner as usual if you want. Go through the door at the other end of the hall.



There’s 4 Trappers in here. Use the pistol on them to avoid the Dimension. Then go through the next door. There’s another door in here that you can’t even try to go through. Remember this because you’ll be using it in your escape from here.



Man, this room is tricky and where everyone messes up if they do in this level. There’s a chest blocking a ladder, a door that you can enter and then an invisible door at the back of the room. There’s also 4 big zombies. Kill them since you’ll be making numerous trips here. If you have all 3 jewel effigies go into the only room you can enter without force. If you didn’t manage to collect all 3 then skip the next room guide.





There’s 3 big zombies to get rid of. With that done take a look around the small room. There’s a red soldier a blue sorcerer and a green scholar. I know what you’re thinking: place the effigy in front of the pictures that match it. Wrong. This is a rather clever and frustrating puzzle the creators cooked up that once figured out seems so simple. The effigy goes according to the color of the shrine it beats. Here:

Emerald Effigy goes to the Red Warrior

Ruby Effigy goes to the Blue Sorcerer

Sapphire Effigy goes to the Green Scholar

BEWARE: If you place these in front of the wrong picture a horror will appear. Be ready by casting a shield on yourself.

Once all 3 Effigies are in place a secret stairway will open in the circular room. You’ll get a glimpse of the room and you’ll fine it straight away if you backtrack. Go down the stairs and lying on a table will be a gladius. Not any gladius however an enchanted one. Pick it up to find that you can’t equip it. Its info says it’s only for the Guardian of Light. Wanna guess who that could be? This sword isn’t necessary to get but it makes the final boss fight easier.


**** END SIDE QUEST ****



Ah, back here again. There’s two routes to take but that odd granite chest blocking one way is time efficient. I had to ask other people to find this one out. Summon a Trapper, target the chest, and zap it. It’s now out of your way and can be seen at the exit every time you enter the trapper dimension. Go down the cleared ladder.



Formerly known as the T room. Both the formal doors have been blocked and a new link to a room has been renovated. There’s 2 trappers in here to blast. After they’re out of the way go down the new ladder



In the camera’s view is that bookshelf you used to open a portcullis in Karim’s chapter. It’s now holding a scroll. Unless you want to hack the spell I suggest you get it. Michael has now learned the Bind spell, which will be put to use in this very room. Head back towards the camera to enter a new room.



There’s no relic to get this time, just some C4 to enchant and turn into a “Davy Crocket”. First you have to get by an odd shield blocking the main part of the room. Examine to find the shield is being generated by that pair of horrors on the other side. This is where the Bind spell is put into play. If you read this spell you’ll know it makes an enemy side with you. Well to get it to work on a horror it needs to be pretty strong. This will have to be a 7 point Circle of Power spell so hack out that power level with the new spell option. Also it needs to be the right alignment rune to counter the monsters’ own magick. Here’s the guide if you need it:

Red beats green

Green beats blue

Blue beats red

Use the according alignment rune with a 7 point bind spell and one of the horrors will turn on the other and the shield will drop. By the way, Michael needs a full magick meter to pay the price for the spell. If you’re not at full run around in circles till Michaels small power meter is full. When one of the horrors kill the other, hope that it’s the one on your side. If its not then use the random burst on the assault rifle’s mode to take it out real quick. A grenade to the front of its body does the same thing. After the horrors are disposed of finish them with the fire ax to regain a good chunk of sanity. With the horrors gone look on the floor in the back of the room to find a C4 plastic explosive. The bridge room will beckon. Let’s go find it. Backtrack to the 2 puzzle room. Nothing is surprising along the way.



There’s another door here that need to be revealed. It’s in the back of the room and Edwards will be suspicious enough to examine it. You’ll need to cast the Reveal Invisible spell of course but it needs some detail. First it has to use the 7 point circle, second the alignment rune has to counter the color of the relic Pious took. Here’s the guide once again with the actual names to help:


Chattur’gha (red) beats Xel’lotath (green)

Ulyaoth (blue) beats Chattur’gha (red)

Xel’lotath (green) beats Ulyaoth (blue)


Use the right spell and a door will appear at the far end of the room with not even so much as a cut scene. Enter it.



Same as Roberto’s chapter even with corpses. One of these corpses is important, however. The one outside of the dangerous spell on the ground has a detonator right next to his hand. Pick it up and mix it with the C4 to have a working bomb. Now what to use it on? You’ll find out soon enough. Cast a 5 point shield spell on yourself and run across the yellow electrical field on the floor. You can cast a 7 point if you want some breathing room but Michael is faster then Roberto was. Cross and enter the bridge room.



Go to the middle of the bridge and 3 worms’ll attack you. An ax swipe to each kills and they take a while to attack if they even do so. I never give them the chance. With them dead take a look at where your standing with the B button go to the very middle of the bridge to do so. So it suggests blowing up the entire city with a bomb. You got one of those. Try using it though and it won’t work. It needs more power! SAVE!!! Before you do anything else save your game so if you mess up you don’t lose much. Ok, now you have to use the Enchant Item spell finally once again. The alignment rune doesn’t matter but you need to use the 7 point Circle of Power. Hack it and use the spell on the C4 then use it on the middle of the bridge. The bomb will be set and you have 3:00 minutes to get out of the city. Get the hell out of here. Go back to the forgotten corridor. Cast a 5 point shield spell on yourself first. Do use a 7 that takes to long and taking the damage while crossing without the shield slows you down horribly. Ready? Get to the forgotten corridor.



Run across the spell on the floor and through the room. Don’t stop to cast any spells especially since there’s a horror now in this room. Ignore it and run by and out.



There’s some Ulyaoth zombies in here. Don’t pay them any heed and run across to the circular room.



There’s some big zombies in here too. They may be blocking your way to the door you previously couldn’t open before the whole damn place was about to explode. A group of zombies is blocking a door that you couldn’t go through but that’s not the one you want and it’s booby-trapped to make you explode somehow if you try to use it. The door you want to go through is the door congruent to the one you just came out.



There’s a large tunnel here and a bunch of little mantorok zombies will scramble for you. They can be avoided and there’s a bit of them so that’s recommended if not then use the random burst mode on your assault rifle. Go up the ladder at the end of the tunnel.



Part of the wall has collapsed in here so you have to take the steps down into the middle of the room then back up the other set and down the ladder on the opposite side.



There’s two horrors in here. You can run by the first at least with no trouble. The second may take a swipe at you, but keep moving. Go up the ladder at the end.



Easy. There’s a double door facing the camera on the far end of the room.



That’s all there is in here. Take it up, and that’s all. End chapter 11.




-----------------------------------------Alex Roivas 2000 A.D. -----------------------------------------

                                                               END GAME


Back to Alex. The planets have aligned and her sanity meter’s empty. Use a recover spell before the voices drop your sanity. A beam of light has entered the telescope room so go in there, and you can finally make use of the room. Go in and adjust the crankshaft on the telescope. If you haven’t touched anything in here before hand you should only need to move the cranks to left. Your objective in this puzzle, by the way, is to line up some mirrors so the ray of light from the planets is reflected on to the globe on the floor “where there be dragons”. So on the cranks on the telescope adjust the cranks till the light is reflected on to another mirror in view. With that done leave the cranks and go to the next underneath the second mirror. Reflect this one onto a 3rd mirror now in view. Get it to hit and make the ray angle off it. Now go to the crankshaft under that mirror. Adjust this one onto the small mirror on the globe on the floor. Upon a accomplishing this, a cut scene will immediately play showing you what was accomplished. A seal that was in a room in the basement has been lifted. I haven’t mentioned it I realize but I’m sure you’ve explored the mansion without my aid as well. Before you proceed to that room be sure you have the Heart of Mantorok Edward has hidden behind a book that stands out in the library. Lift it to reveal the Heart of Mantorok IF you don’t have it already. With that in possession for sure leave to the foyer. The doorbell will ring and a package will be dropped off. Go to the front door and get the package. Open it to get the last relic, and if you did the effigy puzzle, the enchanted gladius. The enchanted gladius should replace the normal gladius as sword. It can even be used as a projectile weapon. By targeting an enemy with it equipped from far away and swinging it you’ll throw it at them doing mediocre damage. A new gladius will appear in your hand when you do this to be repeated. This tires you out quickly. With your new items go into the basement and into the next room of it. Of course climb down the revealed ladder and into the guardian city. I will now continue this walkthrough like a normal chapter walkthrough since this is a chapter really.



The stairway to the guardian city in all its former glory. You can take a look from the balcony to confirm it really does exist then head down to the gates.



Nothing in here just head straight through. Notice the little damage that Edward’s visit caused?



I’m sorry to say you’ll have to repeat a puzzle similar to Edwards with more mini puzzles on the roads. But first there is business at hand in the actual link. The floor has the same spell as the forgotten corridor in Roberto’s and Michael’s chapters. Before you try to cross cast a 7 point Magick Dispel spell. There’s a damage field pre-casted in front of the door to the main teleporter you will try to reach. You’ll find the damage field there and won’t be able to dispel it or make it back to safe ground. So cast the spell here. The alignment rune must counter the relic Pious chose. Cast it on safe ground and if you see a cut scene of a damage field being dispelled, you did it right. Cast a 7 point shield spell on yourself now. If it uses the alignment rune that goes against the relic Pious chose then your shield will hold better as you run across to the door. Save before you do so incase you die.



You’ll find the teleporter to not be working. The 3 pedestals that where here when Edward visited are here but one is broken. Two pieces of it are on the floor in the room. Mix them together and use the Enchant Item spell on them. The type of Enchant Item spell doesn’t matter. It can be 3-7 point and can use any alignment rune. Once the piece is put together use it on the piece of the pedestal still attached to the floor. With all 3 pedestals assembled gather your 3 relics and place one on each pedestal. The teleporter will turn on. Time to tackle the giant spell once again. Here’s the map to reference which towers I’m talking about:


                                             ___               |#1|            __

                                             | #2 |                               |#3|

                               __                                                               __

                               |#4|                                                             |#5|

                               __                        _________                     __

                               |#7|                      |Teleporter|                     |#6|

                                       __                                                __

                                      |#9|                                               |#8|




                                           Entrance-- > |__|



Go press console number one and take the teleporter to tower #1.



Choose an alignment rune. I think you need to choose the rune that counters Pious’ relic. Here’s the guide:


Red counters green

Green counters blue

Blue counters red


Use accordingly and exit the teleporter you came in to road #1.



This time you got it easy. Exit the same way you did with Edward. Only trouble is the Trappers in here now. Sneak by or use the revolver on them.



That spell’s still there so before you cross back to the main teleporter cast a 7 point shield on yourself.



To tower #2!



There’s a Trapper here. Watch out. Just a power rune here.



Remember that giant worm Edward did so easy with. Alex doesn’t do so well. Run up to the hole in the middle of the room to be wrought insane. The room will turn colorless and misty. Use the recover insanity spell to return to normal. Unfortunately your back where you started. So the hell do you get by the worm? Ever seen tremors? Same thing applies. That is: they can’t see but hear very well. So tiptoe by the hole and to the already dropped shield to your freedom.



Shield and go to the teleporter.






There’s a Trapper here, too.  It’s a power rune.



Full of invisible trappers, great. You can’t target them so you’ll have to suffer if you accidentally bump into one. Leave through the door off camera.






Got the drill? Shield and go to the teleporter.






Power rune.



In here you’ll be shown three platforms. They’re there for a reason. Each platform requires a monster of the right color to step on. Unfortunately there’s a lack of those so you’ll have to make some. Go to the platform for the horror first since you need the most magick for that. The color is displayed on the plaque and differs depending which game you’re playing. Summon the horror using the alignment rune of that color and make it step on the circle to teleport it to a glass prison. Next is the zombie. Summon one according to the color on the plaque and make it step on for the same fate. Next is the Trapper in the same fashion. You may run out of magick energy so run around a little to regain it. When all 3 monsters are placed in the shield over the exit will disappear.









Power rune.



Bet this one has you stumped. Attacking one of the 3 magick stones here causes the other 2 to draw power to it and make it summon a horror according to its rune. Simple attack all at the same time. How? With a Magickal Attack spell. Not just any Magickal Attack spell though. A 7 point one. Needs to be strong. The alignment rune doesn’t matter so just pick which color you like. Once casted all the stones will fade and the shield will drop. Get out.



You know the way back by now.



Same here



I shall be heading to tower #6



Here’s a multiple choice of runes. The rune you need to choose is Aretak (creature).



The coffin room! There’s a spelled floor and a damage field blocking the way out. While up off the floor cast the same Dispel Magick spell you used when you first entered the city link. Also cast a shield spell on yourself to get across the floor.









Here’s the other multiple-choice tower. Choose Tier (Summon).



The way out is obvious, but there’s trappers. Shoot any that get in your way.



If this your first time visiting your going to need to clear the way. You have to use a Reveal Invisible spell. Only the 7 point spell with the red Chattur’gha alignment rune works. The lava pit will disappear and you can go on through.






Numba 8



Power rune.



Time to put the Bind spell to its last use. Take a 7 point Bind spell and use the color alignment rune that counters the relic Pious chose. The same spell you used in Michael’s chapter. The horror possessed behind the shield should get taken down quick by the other 2 horrors. Cast the spell again. The two last horrors will fight. When the 2nd one is killed the shield will drop. Use the shotgun on the last one’s heads or run by and get out of the room.



Back here. Before you step out cast a shield spell. Also if this is your first time here cast the same Dispel Magick you used when first entering the city link to dispel a damage field blocking your way out. Then cross the floor to the exit.






Time for #9



There’s 3 trappers up here. This should be means for the revolver. There’s just a power rune.



If this is your first time here you have to use a Reveal Invisible spell to make the lava pit disappear. It requires a 7 point spell with a red Chattur’gha alignment rune. Once the lava is bridged go out through the left door.



With your spell complete, return to the main teleporter.



Your giant summon spell is complete. But the perpous it will serve you is to teleport you to Pious Augustus to do battle in his “chat room”. It will ask you if you wish to save before entering. This is the final boss so I highly recommend it. Also before entering make sure your revolver and shotgun are fully loaded. Especially if you don’t have the enchanted gladius. If you do have the enchanted gladius equip that and throw it during battle. Also before entering use your magick to recover your health and sanity. Mantorok’s rune comes in handy here for saving magick power. One more thing! Enchant all your weapons. You need to lay a blow to Pious especially if you don’t have the enchanted gladius. If you do have the enchanted gladius have that ready and disregard enchanting something else. Once ready enter the teleporter.



                                                          FINAL BOSS FIGHT

                                                               Pious Augustus



Pious is a master at magick and probably could kill you if spells didn’t take so damn long to use. The alignment rune he uses depends on the relic he has.


Shield- Uses a 5 point Circle of Power and doesn’t dissipate till his relic is destroyed. Every time you hit his shield with an enchanted weapon the power he withdraws from the relic to keep his shield up makes it visible.


Dispel Magick- Also uses a 5 point Circle of Power. If Alex has a Shield spell or a Damage Field cast this will destroy them no matter what, even if they were used with a 7 point circle.


Enchant Item- His staff is permanently enchanted so let’s assume he used this spell on it.


Teleport- Something Alex can’t learn. Pious will warp across the arena. I’ve only seen him do this in round 3 when he gets wary of you.


Magickal Attack- This attack is similar to a horror’s. It can be dodged if you keep moving while he casts it and if you are at least 10 game feet away. The affect the magick has on you depends on Pious’ relic.


Swipe- Touch Pious while he’s not casting a spell and he’ll make a large motion with his staff. This obviously hurts and this’ll cause him to drop your sanity, too. It’s rather easy to dodge and he doesn’t do anything a second or two after he does this. A good way to put some distance between you so you can enchant a weapon if one wears off.


Round 1

Pious will summon his Ancient into this dimension and so will Alex. So while Pious and Alex are doing combat, so are the Ancients. Pious will have a shield up so you can’t directly damage him, and it can’t be dispelled. He’ll randomly try some spells. The dispel magick excluded if you don’t have any shields up. If you have a damage field or shield on: shame on you he’ll just turn it off, but his Dispel Magick also dispels the enchantment to the weapon you have equipped. If you see the Dispel spell in motion unequip your weapon so you’re unarmed till the spell is done. Now here’s how the actual battle’s going to go. You need an enchanted weapon. If you prepared and enchanted them before you teleported here: you’re in good shape. If not then do that with a 3 point Circle of Power while he’s casting a spell or you can do something a little trickier:

Pious will routinely try to hit you with his staff. If you walk up and touch him he’ll drop your sanity (big deal under the circumstances) and try to swat you. It’s quite easy to run out of range. You can run behind him and quickly attack or use his lapse to gain some distance and enchant a weapon.

Here’s how you go about attacking: Pious’ shield will only take damage from an enchanted weapon. The gladius is preferred. You’ll want to use your guns later. To hit him with the enchanted gladius without getting countered. Hit him during one of two things. Either while he’s casting a spell or after he recoils from trying to swat you. When his shield is hit by an enchanted weapon he’ll draw power from his relic. A line of power will arc from him to the now visible relic. The relic is your target. Run up to it and use the gladius on it (it can only be the gladius and yes it still has to be enchanted). When you do this the screen will blur for a split second with a picture of the keep of the Tome of Eternal Darkness.

Once hit the relic will disappear again. You’ll have to hit Pious with an enchanted weapon to reveal the relic again. The relic doesn’t appear on a certain place in the battlefield each time, it’s a random spot. Watch where the arc of power from Pious points to find it quickly.

After striking the relic 3 times a scene out of battle will start. Watch as Ellia steps out of her statue in the keep of the Tome of Eternal Darkness as a ghost. You can now control her. Run up to the claw clutching a ghost of the Tome and take it.

The ghost of Ellia will appear in Alex’s place with her short sword. Make sure not to get hit by Pious now of all times, or Alex will reappear and you’ll have to hit the relic another time. Go find the relic and hit it with Ellia’s short sword. The screen will blur and Alex will be back. Hit Pious and reveal the relic so you can hit that. Another ghost of a dead character will take Alex’s place. Hit the relic with the sword of this character as well. Repeat these events a couple of times and round 1 is over.

You will view a CGI of the pair of Ancients fighting. Your Ancient is winning.


Round 2

Repeat what you where finishing in round 1. After about 4 attacks the relic will break. You’ll view a CGI of some more winning being done by your Ancient.


Round 3

The relic is destroyed and Pious can take damage, though not without a fight. He’ll immediately cast a 7 point Shield spell on himself as protection. While this spell is casting this is the perfect opportunity to score a 3 hit combo with your gladius on him, maybe even two. Once the Shield spell is up however the galdius is not the best means. Pious may try to get some breathing room by teleporting to the other side of the arena. That’s no problem since you can use that to your advantage. If you have the secret enchanted gladius use that as a projectile weapon. If you don’t have the secret gladius then use the enchanted revolver or shotgun. Revolver preferably. When his shield breaks switch to the shotgun and blow the hell out of him. If he gets to close, dash away, and shoot some more. Pious can’t take much from an enchanted shotgun and falls quickly. That’s it, Pious’ dead, you’ve won. There’s one last game play thing to do during the ending and that’s when Edward’s ghost goes to the towers to cast another spell. You need to choose between runes on your own for some reason. Edward won’t let you pick the wrong one, but just to tell you the right one, it’s Bankorok (Protect)



                                                                    The End

                                                                    Or is it?



What to do after the ending

This game has a bit of replay value. Here’s a list of things to do:


3 alternate stories

Remember at the beginning of the game when you where Pious when he was still human? When you entered and there where 3 relics you chose just one. There’s 3 to choose from and each one gives some slight variations to the story. Pious will try to summon a different Ancient to this world, all the monsters will change colors, and there will be a different guardian for the artifact in the cathedral are the largest.


A secret ending

If you save the game after you complete it you can start another game with the info that you’ve completed it with a certain relic already. Pious will then have a choice of only two relics at the beginning. Choose one and beat the game again.

The 3rd time you beat the game with the last relic you’ll get a different ending. You’ll have to see it for yourself.


View Credits

Not really an interesting secret, but after you beat the game for the first time you can view the credits on the start up screen whenever you want.


Jump to Game

After beating the game with 2 different relics on the same memory card you’ll get the option on the start up screen to choose and play any chapter you want from the entire game.


Eternal Mode

After you beat the game for a 3rd time you’ll get eternal mode unlocked. This makes your character invincible, they never get tired, and they have unlimited ammo for their guns and don’t have to reload. This can only be used in the jump to game option.


The Enchanted Gladius

In Karim’s, Roberto’s, and Michael’s chapters they each find an effigy. Three effigies made of a gem. One ruby, one emerald, and one sapphire. Each effigy is passed on to the next chapter that has an effigy to collect. If you collect all 3 and use them to solve a puzzle in Michael’s chapter a secret room will open with the enchanted gladius in it.

The enchanted gladius is like a normal gladius except permanently enchanted with a 7 point Circle of Power. I’m not sure but I think the alignment rune used on the spell is the neutral rune in that story. If you target the enemy with this sword from far away and swing it. It will be thrown at them. You will then have another one immediately appear in your hand. Only Alex, the Guardian of the Light, can wield this sword.


The fourth Purple Mantorok rune

The corpse god, mantorok, also has his own rune like the other 3 Ancients. It’s a secret found in Dr. Edwin Lyndsey’s chapter. That shield you remove by dispelling the 3 damage fields has a hole that can be entered by a summoning a Trapper to crawl through. Doing so will get you the rune. Mantorok’s rune counters the other 3 runes and the other spells either have a very powerful or at least entertaining effect. Using recover with the rune restores both health and sanity. Using it to Reveal Invisible instead makes you invisible. This rune cannot be used in summons so to bad for those who really wanted to summon a Mantorok Zombie.


A Sequel?

This game’s already doing well in the first week it’s out and was widely anticipated beforehand. The story has some blank areas that can be explained in another game. For example: what happened to Michael? He told Edward that he probably wasn’t going to make the night being pursued by the guardians, but who else gave Alex the package with the relic and optionally the enchanted sword? Not the mailman, he wouldn’t accept there being no postage. Also he doesn’t have a statue in the Tome’s keep and you don’t play as his ghost in the fight against Pious. So there’s a mystery.

Also there’s mention of a contribution from the Roivas family to the light before Maximillian came about.

Yet more there’s the oddity of the Ancient Pious is summoning. It suspects him of betraying it. At least 2 of the stories do this and Pious never betrays them, or does he? Maybe just a part of the story we haven’t seen yet.

And now the biggest hint of all. At the end of the game Edward says it’s not over. That may be strategically leaving room. Like when you make a movie you leave a mystery at the end just in case it does good enough in the box office so you can make a sequel. Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem is doing very well. There’s room for a sequel that may fill in what happened inbetween some of the chapters.


                                                           E-MAILING ME

You may use the following e-mail address to send me e-mails asking questions that I have not clearly answered in the guide, or something I messed up on.


This is my first guide and my first version of it for that matter, but I’ve heard some nasty info about guide-makers getting swamped with stupid questions that are already in the guide. If this happens anyway and doesn’t stop this address is getting stripped of the guide and you’ll have to find some other means for unanswered questions. So:


If you do ask me a question and it’s answered on the guide plainly, I will send you a list of expletives and block you from future messages. Make sure to add the subject of the e-mail to the title.

Without further ado, here is my e-mail address: