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The Temple Of The Stitched Eye


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Domains: Darkness, Chaos, Knowledge, Magic

Location of Central Temple: 

Favored Weapon:  Any piercing.

Holy Symbol: A circle with a triangle pointing into the center of it.  The cord is threaded through the wide end of the triangle, so it points down. 



The Temple of the Stitched Eye worships Cyn, the betrayed sister of Surfie.  Legend states that Surfie turned on her sister Cyn, put out her eyes, and stole her domains.  The reasons behind this vary in their telling.  Those loyal to Cyn say that Surfie was envious of Cyn’s beauty and following, and in a rage attacked her innocent sister and stole what was hers.  Other stories claim that Cyn had become greedy, gobbling up territory and followers and stealing the few loyal followers Surfie had.  It was when Surfie confronted her sister about this that she attacked, and in self-defense Surfie put out the eye of her sister.  No matter which story is true, in her blinded state she was cast out into the world, and most of her temples were converted to instead worship Surfie.  What few enclaves of Cyn worshippers still exist harbor an extreme hatred of the Empire of Roake and the devout followers of Surfie.  They would go to almost any means to reinstate their goddess, who longs for the days when she managed an empire that spread over the entire peninsula. 

All except a large percent of the population of the Empire of Roake are at least mildly familiar with the stories regarding Cyn.  Most of the population is kept in the dark through heavy restrictions and internal spies.  While some have heard a story or two, particularly merchants, most know to keep their mouths closed.  The Temple of the Divine eye does not wish to share power and prestige with anybody.  In fact, the only reason followers of Erät are even tolerated is because such a large percentage of the rural population holds the beliefs intrinsic to that religion.  Most other belief systems and religions are carefully kept out of the minds of the common populace.

What few strongholds of the faith there are have been hidden away in remote wilderness areas; small, self-sufficient enclaves and underground complexes devoted to the worship of Cyn and the bringing down of the Temple of the Divine Eye.  The most public stronghold of Cyn’s faith is located in the Free City of Sade.  Where a sizeable complex was purchased and maintained by an unknown source of revenue.  This isn’t to say that is the religion’s headquarters.  The Temple of the Stitched eye knows that the followers of Surfie would gladly destroy them and all they hold sacred, so they try to stay fragmentary.  Usually they hide their faith, often within the Empire of Roake. 


Keepers of the Faith

            There are two different kinds of worshippers of Cyn.  The first is someone who derives a knowing lineage from a worshipper.  These members have a strong feeling of tradition and insecurity about their actions, as they do not want to end a bloodline that has taken so much effort and so many risks to exist.  These followers are often leaders, but not exclusively.  Many are just as happy to follow, as long as they know they are paying their goddess homage and not betraying the oaths laid out by their ancestors. 

            The second kind of worshipper is one who turns away from Surfie.  This kind of worshipper is generally more zealous and less likely to ask questions.  They are front line troops, to say, they often keep their original positions, sometimes in the priesthood of Surfie, but dedicate themselves to a perversion of her word, and attempt, though “accidents” or bureaucracy, to drive away loyal followers in the hopes they will be picked up by the Temple of the Stitched Eye.  This is the least patient kind of follower.  They want to see the Empire of Roake shattered and brought under a new rule, their rule.  Some just use Cyn as an excuse for actions they likely would have taken anyways, others see the Temple of the Stitched Eye and its followers as tools, while some are truly faithful and believe in Cyn as a goddess to be revered above Surfie.


Services to Cyn

            Services to Cyn generally follow a path of lamentation and revenge.  They are furious with what happened to their goddess, and their clergy lead them to a height of emotion where people tear at their clothing, sob openly, and scream for bloody vengeance.  Services can range anywhere from under an hour to the better part of a day.  It is all a goal to reach the emotional height that the priests draw their power from.  If the group practices sacrifice, and the only sacrifices allowed are animals and Surfie followers who have broken their own vows, the frenzied congregation usually carries out the act at this emotional height. 

            The rest of a priest’s time is taken up with writing.  They attempt to create propaganda that will serve their purposes, or sermons that will drive their followers to a new height.  They work in secluded rooms, bent over and scrawling notes on pieces of parchment and vellum.  The study is a vital part of any Cyn fortress monastery. 


Religious Holidays

·        Thihray 8th – Day of the Bloody Tears.  This day is said to be the day Cyn’s eyes were put out.  Members of the Temple of the Stitched eye spend the day lamenting and praying.  Some of the more militaristic cults sacrifice members of the Surfie faith.  The prayers are done at Cyn strongholds and all members are required to attend.  At the crescendo of the lamentations, wailing, and prayers a clergy member often puts out a sacrifice’s eyes, or even one of his own.  The blood from this is collected and often put into some kind of magical concoction. 

·        Sprast 27th – Night of Noises.  As part of this ceremony members are blindfolded and tormented by their leaders.  This symbolizes the torments Cyn undertook by her fellow gods and all those that hated her.  It is another way for worshippers to will themselves closer to their goddess. 

·        Chardum 23rd – The Unrolled Parchment.  Members of the Temple of the Stitched eye, while believing in the power of pure emotion, also try to emphasize the power of knowledge and study.  They spend this day deep in a group study.  They read, debate, and discuss writings and teachings of both Cyn and Clergy.  While this day is not the only day such events occur, it is the most celebrated.