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The Beast’s Pack


Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Domains: Bestial, Pain, Animal, Strength

Location of Central Temple:  None

Favored Weapon:  Natural Weapon or Club.

Holy Symbol: A claw or claw mark.  



            As a god the beast is disinterested in little more than feral violence.  It is a god worshipped by pack like creatures without the tactical love that humanoids such as humans and hobgoblins enjoy.  While the beast is one of the more enigmatic gods, it is also one of the easiest to understand.  Its followers celebrate the deadly element of nature, taking pride in its ability to destroy, consume, and damage everything. 

            The beast is rumored to not be a god so much as a Demon, not ruling over a demonic empire or army, but wandering the planes slaying whatever opponent strikes its fancy at the time.  If this is true it is highly possible the Beast will end up in the material plane searching for prey that best suit its desires.  Until that time his worshippers are not so concerned with him as they are with emulating him.

            The beast’s form and name often changes depending on who worships it, and a group of intelligent animals often worship the beast in a feral form of themselves. 


Keepers of the Faith

            As previously stated the Beast’s packs are a number of feral and powerful creatures with more brawn than sense.  These creatures are a menace to any civilized territory, raiding and attacking for the pure joy of it as much as for material gains.  These attacks are unstructured but brutal, and those left alive are often toyed with before being executed. 

            One of the most common forms of worshipers of the beast are chaotic humanoids on the far fringe of society.  Orcs are particularly fond of following the Beast, though he often receives a different name from each culture that worships it.  Humans themselves are not immune to the charm and attraction of worshipping the fury of the natural world, and my wild bands of people stalk the countryside looking for prey. 


Services to the Beast

            A temple to the Beast is usually a small shrine or statue situated inside a den of creatures.  The temple services are unimportant so much as the celebration of the bestial nature of the creatures and their god.  Sometimes sacrifices are made, and these usually take the form of animal or traditional combat.  These combats are not set in any religious schedule so much as when the whim strikes, or when time is available.  Adherents to the beast often take prisoners to serve as combatants.

            While not particularly well suited for the creation of technologies, such as steel weapons and tools, they are not averse to using those that they capture.  This equipment, over time, devolves into a blunt, rusty, ramshackle version of its former self, but can still be quite deadly.