Black Saints and Martyrs? Thousands of them in the early African Church to 599 A.D.

Now once again I see …
If you would like to join us in prayer here or at your home…please let us know…
As the faith of My followers becomes stronger attacks on them increase
Tuesday 6th September 2011 20.30 hours
My dearly beloved daughter how you suffer for Me and how strong you have become as a result.
My protection is all around you. Do not fear. As this work continues to convert souls, so too, will the attacks by Satan. Accept this. Do not let it bother you. Rise above the challenges and keep your eyes on Me at all times. For when you do, nothing else will matter.
The same suffering will be felt by all My followers as the Holy Spirit continues unabated to attract the souls of all My children everywhere. As their faith in Me becomes stronger, so too will the attacks on them by others increase. They, My followers, will notice that they have to face arguments, deal with unusual and abusive comments and reactions from unbelievers which will be difficult for them to deal with. Please tell them to expect this now as the time for The Warning draws near.
Satan and his demons, invisible to the naked human eye, are trying to destroy the love in My childrens’ souls. He inspires distrust towards one another. He cause arguments and plants doubts. He is full of hatred for mankind. He will cause war between countries, fellow countrymen and friction within families. These are all his favourite tactics and are always a sign of his devious work.
Recognise this for what it is – Satan at work. Fight him children by being strong. Ask My beloved Mother to protect you as she is his greatest adversary. Satan’s power will loosen if you call on her to help you.
These times are challenging for all My followers everywhere. Every attempt, from every kind of source, friends, family and colleagues will be made, through the work of the deceiver, to encourage you, My children, to turn your back on Me.
Stop him as I have told you. Prayer and devotion to the immaculate heart of My Blessed Mother will be your armour.
Be strong now. I love you all.
Virgin Mary: Always listen to your heart
Tuesday 6th September 2011 20.20 hours
I come in the name of My beloved Son Jesus Christ. I am your Blessed Mother.
You, My child, are being persecuted. Every attempt is being made by The Deceiver to trick you. You My child, must obey only one voice and that is the voice of My precious Son Jesus Christ.
Arm yourself now my child for attacks on you will increase as too will your suffering. You, through the graces I will bestow, will get through this. Stop your fearful thoughts and put aside all doubts.
Do not allow distractions for they come from the work of The Deceiver. They do not come from My Son.
Always listen to your heart. Then you will know the truth. I, your beloved Mother, love you so please allow me offer you all my protections from the evil one.
Go in peace and love
Apostolate of the Green Scapular September 6,2011
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2011 @ 12:43 AM
Anna Marie: My Lord, are you calling me?
Jesus: Yes dear one.
Anna Marie: My Lord are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?
Jesus: Beloved one, it is I your Savior Jesus of Nazareth.
Anna Marie: My Lord, may I ask you please. Will you bow down and adore God your Eternal Heavenly Father
who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, seen or unseen?
Jesus: Yes my dear one. I your Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, will now and always bow down and adore My Holy
Eternal Merciful Father, Who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, seen or unseen.
Anna Marie: Yes my Lord, please speak for your sinful servant is now listening.
Jesus: My dear little one, I have come to explain the missile which I showed you during Sunday’s Mass. It is a
missile of death and destruction sent by those who hope for war and plan to attack the lesser nation of comparable
strength. I showed you this vision so that you would act, as you have done. To pray that it is
thwarted and that My Father would intervene and not permit its attack on the people which it is intended to
harm. Your prayers and sufferings over these past few days have made a difference, although the threat is
still employable. Do not stop in praying for all nations to find peace and do not stop praying for your own
nation. My Father’s wrath will continue, but your pleas of mercy have been heard. You must continue this
great mission which My Father has chosen you to do.
Anna Mare: Yes my Lord.
Jesus: Soon a gentle peace will fill your land, this peace will be for a short time. But My Father has accepted
your prayers and the prayers of other Apostle members and has granted grace unto your land. Behold, the
rains will come, not with vengeance but with a gentle rain. Be in peace now and thank my Father for this
mercy He has shown your land.
Anna Marie: Yes my Divine Lord, I love you Jesus, thank you. My Lord, may I share any of this message with
the Apostles?
Jesus: Only the parts regarding My Father’s mercy.
Anna Marie: Yes my Lord. Thank you my Lord. Thank you Father God. Praise You Father God. I love you
Father God and all Apostles love you too!
Holy Spirit: “Mercy is what I pray for, Mercy is all I plead for, Mercy Is my Lord. Mercy is His Name.” Thank
you Jesus.
Anna Marie: Do you have any Scripture my Lord? Ephesians 4:2-19.
Jesus: Ephesians 4:2-19.
Ephesians 4:2-19 (Taken from the Douay-Rheims Version of the Holy Bible)
St. Paul exhorts the people of Ephesus to unity: to put on the new man, and to flee sin.
1. Therefore, a prisoner in the Lord, I beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation in which you are called,
2. With all humility and mildness, with patience, supporting one another in charity.
3. Careful to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
4. One body and one Spirit; as you are called in one hope of your calling.
5. One Lord, one faith, one baptism.
6. One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in us all.
7. But to every one of us is given grace, according to the measure of the giving of Christ.
8. Wherefore he saith: Ascending on high, he led captivity captive; he gave gifts to men.
9. Now that he ascended, what is it, but because he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?
10. He that descended is the same also that ascended above all the heavens, that he might fill all things.
11. And he gave some apostles, and some prophets, and others some evangelists, and other some pastors and doctors.
12. For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.
13. Until we all meet into the unity of faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the
measure of the age of the fullness of Christ;
14. That henceforth we be no more children tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the
wickedness of men, by cunning craftiness, by which they lie in wait to deceive.
15. But doing the truth in charity, we may in all things grow up in him who is the head, even Christ:
16. From whom the whole body, being compacted and fitly joined together, by what every joint supplieth, according to
the operation in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body, unto the edifying of itself in charity.
17. This then I say and testify in the Lord: That henceforward you walk not as also the Gentiles walk in the vanity of
their mind,
18. Having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them,
because of the blindness of their hearts.
19. Who despairing, have given themselves up to the lasciviousness, unto the working of all uncleanness, unto covetousness.
Witnessed on Sunday, during Mass, September 4, 2011 by Anna Marie
As I was in prayer during Mass, I fell into a very deep state of mind pleading to Almighty God our Father to
have mercy on Texas, and to send us rain to alleviate the drought. The day before, the Lord showed me to
write the “drought in Texas” on a blessed Green Scapular. So I was praying for mercy for our nation, for the
entire world. At this, the Lord then showed me a gray missile flying from the West to the East. It had no
markings and I understood that this missile was of foreign origin and was intended to strike another foreign
country. The missile was flying through the clouds, I could see it flying through white fluffy clouds because itwas daylight, not nighttime. I opened my eyes, alarmed and frightened because of this fearful vision. I
closed my eyes once more and again the Lord showed me this missile. Afraid for those it was intended for, I
placed this missile into the Holy Chalice and begged Almighty God to NOT ALLOW this event to take place.
Please dear Apostles of Jesus Christ, let us pray the Lord will mitigate this destructive instrument aimed to
harm others and for peace throughout our world
Latest Messages to Valentina Messages
3rd June 2011
Lord Jesus appeared, holding His arms out with hands turned up. In His palms He Held a crucifix in one hand and His Sacred Heart in the other. He was clothed in red.
He spoke, “Adore My Sacred Heart. Think how much it is wounded by so much blasphemy, sacrilege and offences that I receive every day in the world. No compassion is offered to Me. Offer yourself in reparation.”;
Lord Jesus please be merciful to us all.
15th July 2011
In the morning at 5am, a powerful wind noise awoke me.
It came into my room with such a power it transformed into a brilliant light, so bright. It glowed in a golden bronze colour. The whole house was illuminated which gradually became brighter.
I was raised up, holding my arms above my head. I felt a great happiness and I started to praise the Lord Jesus.
“You show Your power. How great You are, my Lord. How almighty and great you are. No-one is above You. You pour Your grace upon us.”;
Slowly the light diminished until it vanished.
Then the Lord Jesus appeared, smiling. He asked, “My child, do you love Me?”;
He repeated this a few times.
I replied, “Yes my Lord, I do love You. You know that.”;
Jesus said, “Remain faithful to Me and tell others to do the same. I came to tell you that you are living the most terrible times than any other previous generation in history. Your government and society will suppress you more and more, controlling you by ordering you what to do (Christian Church). If people refuse, they will even arrest you and put you to death for your beliefs and religion. I beg you, My children, remain faithful to Me, no matter what they will try to convince you. It is all lies. These are the worst times you will all go through.” “You saw My power which I showed you.”
“Fear not, call My name often. I promise I will remain with you always.”;
“I bless you My children, in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost.” Amen
Say Jesus I Trust in You and love you stay with me.
25th July 2011
This morning while praying an Angel came to me.
He said, “You have to come with me”. Instantly we were in an unknown place. There were a lot of people, happy and cheerful. For a moment I thought we were in Purgatory.
I said to the Angel, “these people are very joyous. Who are they?”;
He answered, “Wait and see. “Then I saw more Angels arriving. Everyone was singing and praising the Lord.
The Angel said, “People, make way, for the Prince of Peace is coming.
Suddenly, our Lord appeared, dressed as a crowned King, accompanied be many Angels and Saints.
He passed right near me, and stopped and offered His holy hand to me.
All those present smiled, even though I felt uncomfortable, thinking, “why me.”;
As our Lord took my hand, He asked, “My child, which country do you come from?”;
I answered, “Slovenia, my Lord, you know which country I come from.
He walked on then turned toward me and said, pointing with His hand. “I shall visit your country soon.”;
I said, I know you will like my homeland Slovenia, it is nice.”;
I felt in my heart with foreboding, “Oh, something will happen soon there.”;
Be merciful, Lord, to my country, Slovenia.
I tell you people, 3 days later I heard that part of my country suffered severe storm uprooting trees and ruining all the crops. Roofs were torn off homes.
God is visiting and passing through the world but can we tell Him not to?
He is in charge of all creation.
He can no longer watch and tolerate this sinful humanity. They are out of control.
Lord be merciful to us poor sinners.
29th July 2011
In the morning I prayed the Creed and the Holy Rosary.
A Vision came to me, God the beautiful Father visited me accompanied by Angels.
”My daughter, I come to tell you that I am not happy with this country Australia. It is out of proportion, uncontrollable. I want you to write down this message. Tell everyone and spread it widely.”;
“I am very much ignored and denied but I know that Australian people like to drink beer. I know their weakness for drinking beer. Tell them that their Creator, God the Father will withdraw all the wheat from them. Then they will see and know who is in control of everything.”;
At that moment, God the Father made me see a vision of what is to come to this country of Australia. A terrible drought I saw parched land.
In farms I saw the first flush of the wheat crops, small green shoots. Suddenly, the entire crops wilted and died.
God the Father then said, “Unless they change and behave better, I can still be merciful. Write, My daughter, and tell people that I shall visit every country in the world, over and over again until they learn and repent of their sinful behaviour and know that I am God and Creator of everything, not man.”;
He spoke very firmly and His face looked very sad.
I thought, ‘I feel very sorry for my Father.’;
Then I said, “Let it be you will, not ours.”;
Then the Eternal Father rose up towards Heaven accompanied by many Angels.
(God the Father was clothed in a long robe coloured a bronze gold, with soft slippers matching.)
People we had better pray to avert this terrible punishment.
The same day after Mass, and the weekly cenacle in which we gather together in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta.
I had thoughts about the vision given to me that morning. I prayed to our Lady, “Oh, my Mother, please intercede for this country Australia.”;
Immediately, Holy Mary appeared near the alcove dedicated to Her. She spoke, “My daughter, you had better take this message seriously. The cup is full and overflowing. God the Father chose to tell you this message Himself. He really means what He told you and showed you. Now it is up to you tell people to change.”;
Holy Love September 5, 2011
September 5, 2011
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Today I have come to invite everyone to become laborers for the Kingdom of God. Help Me to reinforce faith with these Messages of Holy Love. Do not fear provoking controversy - even persecution. I have walked that path before you."
"Your position must be to spread the Message. It is free will that determines how it is received. Great changes must be effected in hearts to change what is coming - even to mitigate it. Pray for all unbelievers - most especially those who spread error."
Message to Sharon Fitzpatrick September 5, 2011
Warning website September 5, 2011–the-warning-is-close/
Hold Divine Mercy Vigils now – The Warning is Close
Monday 5th September 2011 Time 21.00 hours
(Note: Two messages were received this evening from Jesus Christ. In the first message, a private revelation, details of the period when The Warning will take place were given to the visionary. The publication of these are at the discretion of the visionary who has decided not to publish them at this point. They have, instead, been given to a priest for safe keeping. This message will be published after The Warning takes place. The second message is a message for the world right now)
My beloved daughter the time is close now. Prayer has helped My beloved Vicar Pope Benedict withstand the internal battle he faces from Evil forces. His time in the Vatican has been extended.
I urge all My followers to hold prayer meetings and Divine Mercy vigils for all My poor children who have wandered away from Me and My Eternal Father. They urgently need your prayers. Prayer, and much of it, is needed now to save them. Have Masses offered up for those who, because of the state of their souls during The Warning, may not survive physically. They need your prayers. Unite. Hold hands in unison with Me.
Your Beloved Jesus Christ
"Dear children; With all my heart and soul full of faith and love in the
Heavenly Father, I gave my Son to you and am giving Him to you anew. My
Son has brought you, the people of the entire world, to know the only
true God and His love.
brothers and sisters. Therefore, my children, do not wander, do not
close your heart before that truth, hope and love. Everything around you
is passing and everything is falling apart, only the glory of God
Lord. Adore Him alone, because He is the only true God. I am with you
and I will remain with you. I am especially praying for the shepherds
that they may be worthy representatives of my Son and may lead you with
love on the way of truth. Thank you."
Sep 1, 2011 message to Ned Dougherty,_2011_-_Jesus_of_Nazareth
Sep 1, 2011 - Jesus of Nazareth
At the Shinnecock Inlet, Atlantic Ocean, Southampton, New York, 2:00pm
Once again, my son, I bring you to the edge of the Atlantic Ocean and for very good reasons. Recently, in your weather patterns, you have seen that the ways of the world - in terms of wind, rain, and storms - have been changing dramatically due to all of the sins of the world. Your scientists and your leaders want to mislead you into believing that they have the answers to the climate changes that are happening even more rapidly now, but they are truly at a loss for answers, because their sciences and philosophies are based on a secular reality, and they have dismissed the universal laws that truly prevail over mankind and your inhabitance of planet Earth.
In reality, the cause of all the turmoil in nature is the sinfulness of humanity, and, as you can see, the sinfulness of humanity is wreaking havoc on the laws of nature.
You have heard me warn you of the impending Great Shaking that is going to take place in the blink of an eye and without a moment’s notice, and when this great event does happen, all will be changed. The changes will be for the betterment of mankind, but many of you will not be accepting of the good that will come about from the changes, because many of you are stuck in the old ways of what has happened to humanity that have allowed many of you to turn away from God.
So what is it that you can expect in the not too distant future? You can expect that it will be a period of great hardship and difficulty for most of you. It will be a time of great losses in many different ways. For those of you who adopt readily to the changes, you will see that the Father in Heaven has always had a plan for humanity, when things have gotten too difficult for you, and you will recognize that the Father is with you in leading you through the impending journey from darkness into light.
So now it is a time for you to prepare; it is a time of preparation for the great events that will unfold in the not too distant future. One would have to be living in total darkness now, not to recognize that the great changes are coming. You have been given many warnings from the prophets of your times, as well as the prophets of the ancient times, warning you that to deny the Father in Heaven will result in great changes that may be too painful for many of you to bear. But the changes must come for the benefit of all humanity throughout all times here on Earth.
I ask each and every one of you to begin carefully to plan for the events that are to come. You must prepare to provide for your family members and loved ones, who are still living in the dark and not ready to accept the great changes. You must, yourself, prepare through prayer and meditation, to understand what it is that the Father in Heaven is expecting of each and every one of you individually.
You must be vigilant to the signs of the times, so that you are prepared and knowledgeable, when the great events are about to take place. Although many of you will have a sense of warning signs, the events will happen suddenly and swiftly without time for humanity to reverse the course of your destiny.
The power brokers of the world, who are mostly responsible for the events that are going to take place, cannot stop the wrath of God from descending upon them for the terrible crimes that they continue to commit against humanity. For those of you who are innocent of these crimes, you will thrive in the spirit of the times, because the Father in Heaven will be imbuing you with the knowledge, strength, and fortitude to survive during these troubling times.
I know that many of you are already preparing yourselves and your families to face the times ahead and that is prudent of you to have already prepared, but now it is necessary to be even more vigilant to the signs of the times. For the Great Shaking that has been reverberating through the core of the Earth is about to erupt in many different locations throughout the planet, and this Great Shaking will bring humanity to a higher level of conscious awareness of the plan of the Father in Heaven.
So in this regard, you must prepare with a sense of celebration, because after all of the terrible events are survived, a New Heaven and a New Earth will be the prize for those of you who have remained true to your Lord and Saviour.
God blesses you on your journey!
Message ended 2:20pm
Jesus of Nazareth
Mary Statue weeping in Medjugorje
Patsy Soto sent this video. I think she thought that this was just occuring but it says 2007 on the web site. Statues eyes look real and move, you should watch
Mary Statue Crying In Medjugorje Lady of Lourdes Statue to the right of the Altar in St James Church, Medjugorje weeps tears.
Message fromJesus to patsy soto September 5, 2011
Sept. 5, 2011 @ 4:15 pm Approved for Release by Rev.Bernard Carmen, Rev. Fr. William Lauriola
My Dear Jesus I plead Your Most Precious Blood over the following words, please do not allow me to hear anything that is not of you...Praise be to Jesus for Jesus is Lord, Saviour, Redeemer, Reconciler of all nations....Beloved little one of My Most Wounded Sacred Heart, I thank you for opening your heart to My Words. Know that I know how difficult the days have become for you but I have been and am with you through all. It is My desire that you open your heart to take My Annual Novena For World Peace to Medjugorje and I AM OPENING THE WAY AND IF MY CHILDREN OPEN THEIR HEARTS THEY WILL BE TOUCHED AND KNOW IT IS I Your Jesus of Mercy who desires to bring many Graces to all my children. Many question why do I inivite My children for such sacrifice? If only they would see that My Love is always part of their sacrifice. It sometimes takes time alone with Me away from all the woes of the world, away from all that can distract them from Me to bring them closer to Me your Jesus of Mercy. If you My children will see that this invitation to each of you from Me, Your Jesus of Mercy to come to My Novena For World Peace Medjugorje Pilgrimage or My Prayer Pilgrimage to the Land where I was born, where I was Cruicfied for each one of you, to share in My Love, with My Love, through My Love. For many who see a pilgrimage as a Sacrifice of Love it will be a Sacrifice of Love WITH MANY OF MY GIFTS OF LOVE FOR EACH OF YOU who are willing to open your Hearts to My Call. But if you see a pilgrimage as a deterent, something unimaginable that Your Jesus would never invite of you then you are not opening your hearts to be touched from your own free will. Always remember I love you no matter what your answer is and I NEVER LEAVE ANYONE OF YOU I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU, your Jesus of Mercy
Ephesians 4: 7, 11 - 15
7 But grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ's gift.
11 And his gifts were that some should be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers,
12 to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ,
13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ;
14 so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the cunning of men, by their craftiness in deceitful wiles.
15 Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ,
FR.WILLIAM SAYS its very beautfiul message .... and Fr.Bernie says:Trust in His Words that He always understands.
Latest messages from Warning web site August 31-Sept.4,2011
My army will swell to a group of over 20 million
Wednesday 31st August 2011 21.00 hours
My dearly beloved daughter the love I have for you and My followers surges through Me and brings Me such joy. How I love you all. Your dedication, humility, trust and pure love for Me is getting stronger by the day. Can’t you feel this? This is My gift to each and every one of y ou My pure souls who have been plucked from your daily lives to follow Me on the Path to Paradise.
My children who have been awakened by the Holy Spirit which was poured out over the world in May will now feel a devotion to Me not known to many of them beforehand. I am gathering My army quickly now and this will swell into a group of over 20 million souls soon. The larger the army the more powerful will be the Holy Spirit in bringing My children together as one to fight The Deceiver. My Divine guidance is now instilled in your souls whether you realise this or not. It is like as if you have an internal switch. When My love calls, you will respond naturally to convert others. This is the power of the Holy Spirit and it is now being felt in every corner of the earth.
All religions, all creeds, all races and all nations will respond to the light of the truth now. They are all so precious to My Eternal Father. He is now reaching out to every man, woman and child so they will hear His call. Satan will be unable to withstand the prayers which are recited by My followers. His grip will loosen and soon. Prayer and the faith of My followers is making him furious. Because he is powerless in his attempts to place doubts in the minds of My faithfull he will switch his attention to weak sinners. These children are so confused already and destroyed by mortal sin that they will be drawn towards him. Because of the darkness of their souls they will be unable to defend themselves. Pray hard that their souls can be saved.
This is an age where My church, although facing extraordinary obstacles brought about by sin, will now be rebuilt by My followers on earth. This will take time but when it happens, My church will return to its former glory and will be renewed in strength.
It will, along with all my chosen people merge into My Father’s glorious kingdom. The sweetness of this event when the world will be rid of Satan and all things evil is to be welcomed children. This is the new era of peace that you have to look forward to on earth. Times may be difficult ahead of you children. Focus on Me and you will survive. Then will come the peace you are waiting for.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ
How hard it is to climb the stairway to Paradise
Saturday 3rd September 2011 23.50 hours
My dearly beloved daughter do not be under any illusion, The Deceiver has turned your head away from Me for the last few days. You put this down to the fact that you were busy but this is not quite true. So cunning is he that he deliberately interrupted every single minute of your time. During this time you were aware that you were not devoting time to Me did you not? You felt distracted and lost and then you realised that you were empty inside without Me. Close by you the entire time I, nevertheless, allowed you to feel abandoned by Me. For now you have experienced the despair felt by souls whom I reject because of sin. All of this is important for your spiritual development. While it may seem pointless that I allow this, it is part of your training towards the holiness that I require and demand of you. You, My precious daughter, will continue to feel a form of abandonment from time to time as will many souls who are on this same path.
The stairway to spiritual perfection is a very long one. Souls will take one, two and more steps backwards for every single step they take towards Me. I ask you My daughter to tell all My followers to prepare carefully for this stairway which is essential before the top step is reached. In My message of November 24th 2010 when I first told you about this stairway I explained how some people climb these steps much too quickly. But you know that would be a mistake. Be aware that it is I who guides you along the steps the entire time.
Children of mine you must now climb every step of the spiritual stairway before you reach the top steps to the door of Paradise. Be patient. Do not be disappointed when you fall. Simply stand up again and begin climbing all the way.
Children I will hold you by the hand and take you to the top if you allow Me.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ
Virgin Mary Message – Abandonment as a victim soul
Sunday 4th September 21.50-22.00 hours
(This message was received after the Visionary recited the Holy Rosary and after an apparition where the Blessed Mother appeared for a period lasting 20 minutes in a private prayer room)
I come in the name of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ. I am the Holy Mother of God.
My child you are suffering for My son and the last week has not been easy as you battle the force of evil in order to remain loyal to My precious Son. I come to you tonight to try to explain what is happening. As a victim soul you will experience periods of abandonment when thoughts of My Son are banished from your mind. Then as you try to devote time to pray you will find you cannot do this. After this you will be confused and then the loneliness for My Son’s presence will cause you anguish. Do not fret because, hard as this is, it is a form of suffering which you must experience as a victim soul.
Please pray for courage and for the graces to accept this new form of suffering which will confuse you. Keep to your daily Mass and to receiving the most Holy Eucharist no matter what lies ahead. You will be goaded by The Deceiver to turn your back on this work. You will soon, once again, begin to allow the doubts invade your soul. Ask all to pray for you now. For you gift to My Son is continuing to save souls everywhere. Never forget this no matter how difficult your suffering is.
My child I will always communicate with you when you lose your sense of direction for I am your beloved Mother. I will always be here to protect you and guide you towards My Son so that His wishes are adhered to. Go in love and peace.
Your Beloved Mother
Queen of Peace
Loving your neighbour as yourself is much more difficult than you think
4th September 2011 22.00 hours
My daughter this is now the time to listen to My instructions to alert My children of the times ahead in terms of preparing all My followers of their need to stay in daily prayer. They must also receive My Body in the form of the Holy Eucharist and pray for the saving of souls.
My children are taking more heed of My messages as they join together to pray for all My children every day before The Warning takes place.
Look on your brothers and sisters through My eyes which sees them as miracle creations bestowed by My Eternal Father as a gift to mankind. Every soul concerned is loved equally. No difference is made in the eyes of My Father.
If you, My followers, love Me you will Love My Father. In turn, if you are genuine in your love for My Father, you will love your brothers and sisters. You must especially show love to those who may offend you through their behaviour. Some will insult you, mock you and damage your reputation which may hurt you and your family. They may be known to you personally or they may hurt you by their actions which can badly affect your ability to clothe and feed your families. No matter how much people hurt you I ask you, in My name, to follow My lead. Pray for them especially those who harm you. For when you pray for them you dilute the hatred spewed by Satan. A hatred that could spring forth thoughts of revenge.
This is one of the most difficult of all My teachings. Love they neighbour as yourself. It is much more difficult than you think. When you can achieve this act of great generousity you will help Me fulfil My plan to save more souls.
Your beloved Teacher and Friend
Jesus Christ
Holy Love September 4, 2011
September 4, 2011
Sunday Service - The Triumph of the United Hearts both in Hearts and in the World; Unity in All Families
St. Joseph is here and says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Establish within your hearts, and then within your families, the domestic church. Teach your families the fundamentals of the faith, how to pray and how to love God and neighbor. You will be blessed. Do not depend on outside sources to do so."
"I'm extending to you my Fatherly Blessing."
Holy Love Ministries
Just released messages to The Two Patricks
Thanks Bill for sending
Wednesday 29 June 2011
Look to the Truth and do not deceive yourselves into thinking that I am not among you.
I am here with you, children, I am the Lifeblood that flows through your veins.
Come, My little ones, let Me protect you from the tempest that falls upon this world.
Do not be afraid but, come, follow Me and you shall be released from all fear. For, I am the One that strengthens you.
Come, beloved children of My Heart, and hear My calls within you.
Come, I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Thursday 30 June 2011
Look at the Truth, My little ones, and see what I am offering to you. I hold out an outstretched Hand so that you can come follow Me into the joys of this life with Me. The more that you learn, the easier it will become for, you will be able to see the truth of this world that you live in. It will not be a burden to you to do the things that I ask when you become filled with My Knowledge. But, you must prove to Me in your free will that you are willing to take the burden of this world upon your shoulders and help your brothers and sisters. The way that you do this is by dying to self: the more that you die to self, the more that you will see and understand and the less fear you will have in doing My Work.
Come, My little ones, and listen to My call for there is little time left to do My Work. There is little time left to prepare for things are about to change and, if you are not ready, you too shall be swept away in the tide of deceit.
I Love you, My little ones, and I call out to you in these Words to come, follow Me and do not be afraid for I am your Saviour, I am your Lord and your Love and I shall strengthen you. I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Thursday 30 June 2011
Look to the Truth, My little ones, and do not be ashamed of Me, your God, for I am the One who stands beside you always. I will not abandon you, so do not reject Me in front of your friends and family and those that you do not know. This is not friendship, children, I am not a God to be hidden.
Bring Me out into the light and let those around you see that you believe. I am your Guide. Through you I will bring many back into the Light of My Truth but I cannot do this if you hide Me from My children.
Come, My beloved children, do not hide Me or be ashamed any longer but stand up for the One that you believe in. I am Coming soon, children, and I ask you to prepare the path for My Coming. I Love you.
Feast of the Sacred Heart
Friday 1 July 2011 2.55pm
This is the Hour of Mercy, the Hour when great Rivers of Mercy and Love flow from Me. More so, on this Day, the great Feast of My Heart. Its Fire Burns incessantly but on this Day it Burns evermore, increasing beyond its bounds of Love.
Think, My children, think of My Heart!
Think of My Love and be about My business. Let love flow from you.
I ask of you to increase My Houses for, from them, My Love and Mercy can flow in great torrents. Be not afraid of this for it is My greatest Desire to make alive all that is dead and sinful in this world.
Come to Me! Come to Me for My Desire is that you, who hear these Words, would wear the Garb of My Heart to become My little Army of Love. Increase in numbers, gather quickly, muster as an army for My Heart wills it.
I am your Master and I tell you that the harvest is great but the labourers are few. Come to Me! Come to Me this Day! I call you, will you ignore Me?
My Houses are in great need, they become like blocked pipes that cannot let My Mercy and Love flow. Come to Me, Your Lord has great need of you. I Love you.
Released on 29 July 2011
Wednesday 20 July 2011
Come, beloved children of My flock, and listen to My calls. Do not desert this Path of Truth which I have set before you. Do not listen to the lies of this world as they call ever louder. I am calling you to stand firm and listen to Me. Accept this Love that I am offering and give it freely away to those that you meet. I Love you, My little ones. Trust in Me, your God. Trust!
I, your Jesus, Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Wednesday 27 July 2011
Only look to the Truth, My children, and do not despair in these times of darkness. Trust in Me and believe that I will Come to remove all that is not of Me and My Love.
Trust that I am giving all a chance to return to Me before it is too late.
Trust that I am with you, children, and that I am Coming to free you from the burdens of this world.
I Love you, children, and I am Coming.
You must simply prepare by loving all that you meet and do not judge them. I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Wednesday 27 July 2011
Look only to the Truth, My little ones, do not allow yourselves to be deceived by the lies of lucifer for you are My children and I am calling you to stand up for the Truth.
You know the Truth within your hearts.
Do not deny it as it calls to you from within.
Come, children, come listen to My calls. It is I, Jesus, who calls to you.
Come, beloved children of My Heart, I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Sunday 31 July 2011
My children, I greet you this day. I am like one who is ill. I wait for My friends to come to Me, to see Me, to wish Me well. Few come.
Abide in Me, stay in Me. The world’s voice is strong and loud but Mine is a quiet voice; listen within your heart and you will hear it. It is not a mighty wind but a gentle breeze to cool your face on a hot day. Come to Me.
Thursday 4 August 2011
Jesus, it just seems as though we are fighting a losing battle. We are such a small voice in this world and the world is changing so fast. Your Church is being crushed underfoot and it seems as though there is nothing we can do to stop it. If we try to speak to the priests or bishops they just look upon us as though we are stupid or mad and will not listen. This is why I feel as though we are fighting a losing battle. There are very few who are willing to listen.
Do not worry, My son, the time is coming when My children will hunger for the Words that I speak through you. The time is coming when My Voice will be heard in the four corners of this earth. Do not worry, My little son, for soon, all things will change and those that believe that they are in power will begin to topple. They do not understand My Ways and so they walk blindly into the traps of lucifer. I simply allow these things so that Scripture be fulfilled.
It is the ‘Time of Sifting’ when the grain is being removed from the chaff.
Those who have entered My Church and only seek their own ways will be removed and My Church will shine brightly once again.
Trust in Me and fight against the self that tries to draw you away from Me and you shall see the Truth of My Words come to pass.
I Love you, My little son, I Love you. Go now and do My Work and be at peace. I Love you.
Look only to Me in these times of need and do not despair. Trust in Me, My little ones, trust in Me, your God, and I am Coming to release you from your bondage. Soon you shall see for all is about to change, this earth will rebel in ways that has never been seen from the beginning of time. The only ones who will survive this are those who walk with Me and trust in Me. I shall release you from the chains of this world and you shall know the Truth of My Ways. I Love you, My little children, I Love you.
Friday 5 August 2011
Jesus, I have found it very hard to come to You. It is as if the world has tried to totally blind me and push You away. I have been struggling so hard but I am going to try again and again to overcome this.
You know, My son, the more that you listen, the more the evil one must be allowed to try to turn you away from Me: it is the balance of free will. Yes, My son, it has been a struggle but you have remained with Me although you may feel as though you are far away from Me, I have never left your side. You know what to do, My son, the more that you fight, the easier it will become. Do not put yourself in situations of temptation and you will find it much easier. Be aware at all times that the evil one will try to lead you off the Path and so away from Me. Avert your eyes from this world and its glitter for it is nothing but dust and unto dust it shall return.
Come, My beloved son, and allow Me to strengthen you and you shall see the straight Path open before you.
These Words are important to My children so that they, too, may understand the struggles that go on within them and they, too, can realise that they are not alone in this fight.
Friday 5 August 2011, later
Behold, My children, My Love for you. I give these Words through My son so that you may understand the struggles of this life. Realise that you are not alone. I will never leave you, children. Call out for Me and believe and you shall see the Truth of My Words.
Jesus, I can understand what You mean when You say, ‘call out to You’ but, the truth is many times we call out to You in times of temptation but they are empty calls for, if we look at the truth, we are enjoying the situation we have placed ourselves in and do not really want Your help and so You are blocked from You helping. I know this for You have shown me many times that I have asked for Your help but, in truth, I do not want You to help and then blame You for not helping. This is a big reality of mankind: we always need to blame someone else and so, we do not have to look at ourselves.
Yes, this is so. You must always be willing to look at the truth within yourself, this is true dying to self. There are none so blind as those who will not see for most of My children are unwilling to look within and see the truth about themselves. Most of My little ones justify the sin within their lives because of their unwillingness to change.
Open your hearts, My children, and see the Truth that I speak of. Look at your lives in truth and remove the darkness, the sin and then you will be able to follow Me in truth. You will begin to understand this world and you will understand that this world is nothing but a time for you to decide if you want to be with Me in My Kingdom or not. It is only a time of choosing; a time when you must decide in your own free will who to follow, Me or lucifer. The choice is yours, My little ones.
I say, come, follow Me for the reward of My Kingdom is ultimate.
Yes, you may struggle in this life but what you struggle for is Life Eternal. I cannot explain to you the rewards that await you for there are no words in your language that can explain the Kingdom of Our Father. Struggle on, My little ones, and the rewards of Life Eternal shall be yours, the Joys of Eternal Love shall be yours and you shall understand all things in Me.
I Love you, My children, and the greatest desire of My Heart is that you be with Me for all eternity but I will not force you to follow Me, I simply desire that you choose to follow Me in your own free will.
I Love you, My beloved children, I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Monday 8 August 2011
Jesus, it is so very hard for us to understand Your Ways. The big problem that I find is that self is always making allowances for the things of this world. That is why we say things like; Jesus would not want us to do this or that. I suppose a better way of putting it is: for instance, when it comes to fasting, so many times I've heard people saying, Jesus would not want you to starve yourself.
This goes for sin as well. We accept sin in our lives and justify it by saying, “but everyone else is doing it, so why should I not?”
In other words, self is our biggest enemy and, self, many times, is unwilling to look at the Truth of the Words that You are speaking and so the Journey toward You becomes much harder.
This is why I have said, trust in Me and My Ways. If you trust in Me you will walk the Path of self dying and then you will begin to see the Truth of the Words that I speak. You will begin to understand when you deny self, the desires will be overcome for you will become stronger in Me and the world will weaken in you. The human self only desires the things of this world, whereas, the spirit is what desires Me. So, as you see, the spirit must become stronger and the human weaker in order to follow Me in truth.
This is why I call you, My little ones, to open your eyes and see the Truth of the Words that I speak. The more that you die to self, the more you will understand My Ways.
I know in these times that you live in, you are looked upon as being foolish if you go against the ways of this world but this world is not My Ways. This world and its ways will gain you nothing only eternal death, if you follow it.
Whereas, My Ways will gain you Eternal Salvation.
Come, My little ones, and walk this Path of Truth with Me and you shall know the joys of this world; you shall feel Me within and you shall desire to help your brothers and sisters to come to know Me also.
I Love you, My little children, and My only desire is that you be with Me in My Father's Kingdom. Come, follow Me and We, together, shall walk this Path and you shall know Peace, the Peace that surpasses all understanding.
Come, My beloved children, I call out to you this day to come follow Me in truth. I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Jesus, in the Messages, You so often say, look at the truth within yourselves or, look to the Truth. Will You explain this in more detail?
When I say look to the Truth, I am telling you to look to My Scriptures and My Truth. If you do not read My Scriptures then you do not know My Truth. So, it is simple, I am asking you to read My Scriptures and see the Truth of My Life for, if you want to be a follower of Mine, you must walk in My Footsteps.
When I say look to the truth within, I am asking you to listen to My inspirations within your heart for I will guide all My children but you have to be aware that self will also inspire you and self will always go against Me. The more that you follow in My Footsteps, the easier it will become for you to recognise My Voice and reject the voice of self.
Self is your enemy for it is the voice of this world calling you away from Me. These are the inspirations of lucifer. My own shall recognise My Voice, those who are truly willing to follow in My Footsteps.
So many who say that they follow Me do not recognise My Voice within. It is My Voice that calls you to prayer, it is My Voice that calls you to help others, it is My Voice that calls you away from sin. If you look in truth within, I am telling you what you need to change within your lives and this is the Voice that you reject so many times.
If you are willing to follow Me, then you will wake up out of your complacency and go against self in order to get to know Me. In truth, this world has forgotten Me and My Ways.
Where are the greater things that I said that you would do?
Where are My followers that cast out demons in My Name, who heal the sick, raise the dead, give sight to the blind, give the dumb a voice and to the deaf, hearing?
Where are My true followers?
You hold on to the outward form of holiness yet deny My Power within. As I sent My Disciples out, I wish to send you out to use My Name so that this world may see that I Live in you but, if you do not believe then, how can you use My Power?
Look at the truth within and then you will be able to build your life in Me. So many of you, My children, are unwilling to look at the truth within your own lives for you know what you must change but you are unwilling to do so. It is time, children, to change for the storm is coming and I need you ready to walk out into this world and shine the Light of My Truth to all nations.
Children, I am calling you to look at the truth within yourselves in order that you can become My Disciples so that you will know Me and believe in My Truth and so, My children of this world will see that I am Alive but I await your answer and your answer can only come through dying to self. I Love you.
Monday 8 August 2011
Come, beloved of My Heart, and hear My calls. Do not be afraid to follow Me but believe in these Words that I speak. Believe, My little ones, for all things are possible in Me. I am your God and these Words are the Lifeline that I throw to you in this world of darkness.
Sin surrounds you yet, you remain blind to it.
Come, My little ones, turn away from this world and its ways and believe and you shall see great changes take place. All you must do is believe in Me, Jesus, the Son of the Living God.
I am your Power:
I am the Lifeblood that flows through your veins.
I am your God and all I wait for is for one to believe and then I shall walk free once again and all will begin to change.
But, first you must take on this Burden of My Love and be willing to love all that you meet and, yes, I say ALL, even those who have offended you.
Love is pure and simple: it accepts all and does not judge.
Come, My beloved children, and walk this Path of Truth with Me into this world of darkness and let My Light shine through you to all men.
I Love you and I need you to do this for Me.
Come, children of My Heart, and listen now for My calls. I Love you, I, your Jesus, Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Tuesday 9 August 2011
Look at these Teachings I give to you, My little ones, and see the Truth. Do not be afraid to follow Me even if this world rejects you for, remember, it first rejected Me and will reject you as a follower of Mine. See past the rejection and see the joy of your life with Me. Know that I will not leave you nor reject you.
Come, trust in Me, your God, and allow Me to Teach you in My Ways: the Ways of Truth.
Come, beloved children of Mine, I, your Jesus, Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Wednesday 10 August 2011
Come, My beloved children, and listen to My calls. Do not deny Me through the ways of this world but come and listen to My Heart; hear it call to you, hear its song within your soul and allow Me to woo you into the Joys of My Love.
Come, My beloved children, and listen to Me; hear My Lovesong as I sing it to you in these Words.
Come, beloved of My Heart, and listen to Me this day for I am your God and I am in need of you.
I have need of your love. I Love you.
Friday 12 August 2011
Look to Me now, My little ones, and do not be afraid. Come, adhere to My calls for there is little time left; the darkness builds and you are in much danger.
Can you not see the sin of this world building around you?
Can you not see the greed of men as it encroaches into all men’s lives?
Come, children, and allow Me to bring you to the safety of My Heart.
Look now at the Words that I give to you. See their Truth and come follow Me for I am Coming soon and you are not prepared. I Love you, My children, I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Monday 15 August 2011
Feast of the Assumption
Jesus, I am going to try again but I need Your help for I fall so many times by myself.
Look to the Truth, My child, and you will succeed. You know what you must do. If you do, these things will change greatly and My House will begin to grow in Truth. But first you must take the steps that My children will follow; all it takes is one and the rest will follow. Do this for Me, My child. I Love you. Take the time to be with Me each day so that I may fill you with My Words and My Strength.
I Love you, My little child, trust in Me, do as I say and what is needed will come into My Houses. But first, you must begin this Journey with Me. I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Wednesday 17 August 2011
It is very hard to follow in Your Truth, Jesus, for, in truth, I know none of us want to look inside ourselves and acknowledge our sin. We would rather blind ourselves to the Truth and say things like; what wrong do I do? I hurt no one. This is the normal justification that we use to blind ourselves to the Truth.
So, as I say, it is very hard to follow You in truth when we are not willing to look inside ourselves.
I love You, Jesus, and I so much want to do this for You but I am so weak and so unwilling in my humanness but my spirit cries out to walk this Path.
Help me, Jesus, to become stronger, so that I can overcome self and its desires for this world and its sinful ways.
I place myself in Your Hands and I will take each minute as it comes and try to fight for Your Truth in My life.
I will try to stop looking at other people and what they are doing for I know this is one of my greatest justifications; why should I be the only one to try when no one else is?
I know this is not the way of humility: it is the way of self.
The more that I look within myself, the more I can see that I am not following You in truth.
I blind myself to so much and hide it within the justifications of self.
I am coming to realise that we, who say that we are Your followers, are more inclined to follow self and so the ways of this world.
It is hard to follow the straight Path, without first overcoming self for self tells us the greatest amount of lies.
In other words, we are constantly lying to ourselves about our own lives.
This is why I have told you within My Scriptures: unless the wheat grain falls into the ground and dies, it cannot produce fruit. Likewise with you, My little ones, unless you die to yourselves, you cannot produce fruit for My Kingdom for, self will always be an obstacle in your path. Self will always look to its own needs and not the needs of others. I take you upon this Path, My son, so that My other children may see your struggles and so they, too, can follow and overcome.
You must first look at your own life in truth and see what is the greatest obstacles between you and Me. These are the things that you will justify and say to yourself that they are not a problem but I tell You, in truth, the things that you do not want to look at are the things that you must first remove from your lives. Self will always try to blind you for it will not want to give up the ways of this world. You must allow the desires of this world to pass away and then, and only then, will the desires of the spirit come to the fore.
I Love you, My little ones, and I have come to show you the Path through My Words of Love. Follow this Path and this world will see, once again, that I am Alive. They will see the Truth for My Power will rest in you and all that you do will be to the Glory of Our Father.
Yes, it will be a struggle and you shall suffer much as self rebels against My Ways but, if you would discipline self, you will be able to control it.
Self must be broken like a wild horse before it can be controlled and ridden. It will rebel much in the beginning but will finally become calm and trustworthy.
Trust in Me, children, trust in My Ways and you shall see the Truth of My Words if you are willing to take this step and come follow Me in truth. I Love you, My little ones, and I need your help in this time of darkness.
Wednesday 17 August 2011
I Love you, children, My calls become urgent for the time soon approaches and you have not prepared.
My Love is not a game to be taken up and left down whenever you feel like it. I am Coming soon but this earth must be cleansed first. Soon all will change, all that you have known will be no more. This earth is in its death pangs and soon it will begin to fight back to cleanse itself of your sin. You must be ready for My children are in need and there are so few who are willing to help.
I Love you, My little ones, and I call to you now to take up your cross and come, follow Me into this land of milk and honey where you will know True Peace.
Come, beloved children of My Heart, and hear My calls. I Love you and I call for the last times for soon it will be too late for many. I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Thursday 18 August 2011
I speak to you who are willing to follow this Path that Jesus is asking of us. This Path is not an easy one to get onto. It is a Path of great struggles, it is a path of self-denial. I can only tell you of my experience so far.
As I have tried to walk this Path, the desires and temptations of this world seem to have increased a thousand fold. I have learned they have not increased but, rather, I have seen the freedom that I have allowed myself in this world but yet blinded myself to what I have been doing. I have learned that I accept many things in my life that are contrary to Jesus. Things that I have justified to myself and so they remained hidden within.
When we walk this Path, we begin to see the truth about ourselves and I have realised how weak I really am.
Sin and overindulgence are enjoyable, dying to self is not. In the ways of this world, it is nice to gossip, lie, steal, fornicate, etc. but we all tell ourselves we do not do these things but, when we truly look within ourselves, it is surprising what we find. We tell ourselves that we do not have all these desires, the desires of the world.
I tell you the truth: when I looked within myself, I was shocked at what I really am. I found that I was a selfish liar who only thinks of himself and not others.
Yes, I believe, in my humanness, that I am trying my best to follow Jesus in truth but, when you break away the shell, the justifications and see what is within and what we are truly capable of - it is a shock.
Self-denial, in other words, dying to self, is not about fasting once or twice a week. It is about learning to control the desires of self, every minute of every day.
We have to remember Jesus said if you think it, you have done it. If we look at a beautiful car, house, woman, man and desire them in an unholy way, then we are sinning and giving self freedom. We must learn to look at this world through the Eyes of Jesus and not the eyes of desire.
Jesus has shown me the only way to overcome self is to deny it at every opportunity. For instance, when we are eating we should not always eat what we like but simply eat to stay healthy. It is self that desires the good things in life, it is self that desires to do the things that are against God.
We must always look to the Truth and the Truth is Jesus. To overcome self, we must always be willing to give of ourselves, giving of ourselves is the Way of God.
Looking into the Truth is seeing the opportunities to offer sacrifice like eating something that we do not like, getting up early and denying ourselves too much sleep, fighting the thoughts and desires of self, going to prayer, helping, turning away from sin and so on, these things overcome self. The more that we fight against self, the easier it will become.
Self is like a spoiled child that will wear its mother down until it gets its own way and, as Jesus says, like a wild horse that does not want to be ridden. At the beginning they will rebel and be wild but, as you teach them, they will begin to understand and so be able to be controlled.
When we step upon this Path, self will rebel. It will go wild and try to wear us down. lucifer will throw so many inspirations at us through self in order to turn us away from the Path but, if we hold on tight to the Truth, we will be able to overcome and so self will break and will be able to be controlled.
At this point the scales will begin to fall from our eyes and we shall see the Truth that Jesus speaks of: the Journey will become easier for self will have no power over us.
But, be warned, at the beginning of this Journey is like fighting through a raging sea that is always threatening to overcome us and accept us into its depths.
If we are to take this Journey with Jesus we must be committed to trust Him and believe that we can overcome the self that holds us back from Him. This, we can only do by trusting in Him and His Words and, as Jesus says, if we do not read the Scriptures then we do not know His Words, His Way and His Life. We must be willing to undertake this Journey every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day for, if we allow the lies of self a foothold, we will fall back into its depths and become blinded, once again, to the Truth.
I am not trying to frighten you away from this Path but show you the reality of what must be done to walk it. Once we get on the Path and have learned to control self, then joy will begin for we will see Truth as Truth is and we shall see lies as lies are and we will have no need to justify for we will have Jesus as our Guide and the Peace that surpasses all understanding will be a part of our everyday lives.
Come, My beloved children, and take this Journey of Truth with Me and do not fear for I will be with you every step of the way. When you learn to control self, you will understand the Truth and know how you have been deceived. You will not be ashamed or embarrassed of Me any longer for you will understand how blind that this world is and it is they who should be ashamed and embarrassed for their blindness.
Come, My beloved children, follow Me in truth and you shall know the joys of this life, you shall see Truth and know Truth and I shall bestow My Gifts upon you and many will follow you to Me and so into the Kingdom of Our Father.
I have no hands but your hands, no feet but your feet and no lips but your lips.
Become the ‘Servants of Love’ and We, together, shall save your brothers and sisters from the darkness of this world.
Come, My beloved children, I await your answer. I Love you.
Friday 19 August 2011
Truth is what we seek on this Journey of Love but this world has moulded us into blind and foolish people. We think that our lives on this earth are so important and we spend every day worrying what others think about us. In truth, do we worry what Jesus will think about us?
If a situation comes up where we have to stand up for Jesus but it will mean us looking foolish in front of our friends, what will we do?
Will we stay quiet and deny Jesus?
Or will we speak out and tell our friends the Truth and risk losing their friendship?
We must look into our own lives and see how we accept sin as an everyday part of our lives in thought, word and deed. Look in truth, it is only in the last twenty years that two people living together has become accepted as a part of life. The word ‘partner’ is used now instead of husband or wife.
Homosexuality is another thing that is accepted as being natural, as well as greed, overindulgence, jealousy.
I could go on and on. All these things are accepted as being a natural part of life.
Following Jesus in truth has become a thing of the past. Look at how many of us, who call ourselves Christians, accept all these things as being a natural part of life. Look at how the Scriptures are changed so that all the sins can be accepted.
Is dying to self taught within our churches?
Are we taught that sin only leads to hell?
We have blinded ourselves to so much and accept so much that we cannot call ourselves true followers of Jesus. Well, yes, we can call ourselves true followers of Jesus if we want to remain blind. Many will argue that I am speaking nonsense in these words but, the only problem is, we all must die and, when we stand before Jesus, will He listen to us calling His Ways nonsense or will He say to us, go depart I never knew you?
This is reality, we are all going to die and the things that we have fought for in this world will cease to matter for all that really matters is our answer to God, if we want to be in Heaven or not. And, when we say His Laws and His Ways are nonsense, our answer is ‘no I do not want to be in Your Kingdom because I do not believe in Your Precepts, Your Ways.’ And, as Jesus says, if you are not for Me you are against Me.
Self has been given so much freedom in these times of wealth and sin that it has rebelled against its Creator and His Ways.
We must look around this world and see the truth. Everything is changing. Sin is being accepted, the great apostasy that we were Warned about in Scripture is upon us. Many cardinals, bishops and priests no longer teach the people the Ways of Jesus but, rather, they teach them in the ways of this world which will only bring us eternal death not Eternal Life.
I know these words will scare many people but they are nothing to be scared of for, if we turn back to Jesus, He will guide us into Life Eternal and away from the lies of this world. If we open our eyes and see, we will be able to see there is a Great Chastisement coming as happened so many times within Scripture. If we read the Scriptures without listening to self then we will be shocked at what we read.
We live in a world that is one hundred times worse than the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. They were destroyed because of the sin of sodomy which goes against everything that Jesus Teaches. We accept the sin of sodomy when we accept homosexuality.
We murder fifty million innocent children every year in their mothers’ wombs through abortion and contraception. These things are an accepted part of life.
Christianity and its Truths have been watered down so much by its so-called leaders, that it can no longer be recognised as the Church that Jesus built by His Death and Resurrection. We are living in a barbaric, pagan world where we worship every sort of false god that could be conceived.
This is the truth of this world and the life that we are accepting over Jesus.
This world is in total darkness if we care to look at the Truth and, we cannot hide from it. If we take a computer and connect it to the internet with wireless satellite connection anywhere in this world, in a church, in the desert, in the jungle, North or South Pole, it does not matter how holy or how evil the place, we will be able to pull up pornography, gossip, lies, murder, child abuse, etc. whatever sin you want. All this evil is travelling through the airwaves in every corner of this planet. We cannot see it but sin is going through us, around us, over us and under us in radio waves. This world is surrounded by the darkness of sin, we are in the dark times in which the Light of Truth can no longer shine.
This is Truth and this is why I know that God is about to strike this earth with His Justice to free His people from the darkness.
This is why Jesus calls out to each one of us to deny self and come, follow Him in truth.
When we follow Him in truth, we become a light in the darkness for the darkness cannot stand before the Light.
It must be the Light of Jesus that is within us for it is only the Light of Jesus that can disperse the darkness.
Jesus said to us in the Scriptures that we would do greater things than He had done. This promise is still open to us if we are willing to accept it. It only takes one spark to start a forest fire and it is the same with mankind, it only takes one to follow Jesus in truth and the Light shall spread out through the rest of His people.
We have seen this in the past when we look at people like the Apostles, Saint Francis of Assisi and many other Saints. They were people who were willing to step out and walk this Path.
In these Words of Love, Jesus is calling to each one of us to take up His Cross and follow Him and let His Light shine through us into all the dark places of this earth. It is by our actions that we will show Jesus our willingness to do this. If we put our foot upon this Path, He will see our willingness and help us follow Him every step of the way but, we must be in Truth.
I Love you, My little children, and I call you to come, follow Me. Walk this Path of Life with Me and We, together, shall bring many into the Kingdom of Our Father. Once again My Light shall shine upon this earth and the peoples of this earth shall see that I live through you and in you and many, many will come to believe in the same way as many came to believe through My Apostles.
Come, My beloved children, and follow Me for time is short and I am in need of your help. I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Saturday 20 August 2011
Look to My Love, My little ones, and see My Truth.
Let My Love Burn within your hearts and do not doubt that I am with you.
I will never leave you, My little ones, for you are part of Me as much as I am a part of you.
Call out to Me in faith and believe I am with you in your time of need.
I will be with you.
I will never leave you.
Listen to My Lovesong within your heart as it calls you ever closer to Me.
I will not leave you, I Love you.
Come, beloved of My Heart, and listen to My calls.
I ask you to walk this Path of Truth with Me so that We, together, can go out into the darkness of this world and find those who are lost and lonely, those who are in need and lead them back into the safety of My Fold.
Come now, beloved of My Heart, take My Hand and We, together, shall begin this Journey of Truth and you shall become strong in Me, shall fear nothing that this world may throw at you.
I am calling to you this day and I await your answer for I cannot force you.
I can only stand and wait for your answer.
Come, beloved of My Heart, and listen to My Lovesong. I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Monday 22 August 2011
Come, beloved of My Heart, and hear My cries of Joy as you turn to Me.
Do not reject Me in favour of this world but hear Me and run towards Me.
I Love you, My little children, and I call out to you in these Words to come, follow Me.
I am in need of your help for so many of your brothers and sisters are dying in these times of great sin.
They need your hands, your feet and your lips so that We, together, can begin this Battle of Love.
This world has rejected Me for My followers have lost sight of Me and I can no longer be seen as a Strong and True God.
Come, My beloved children, die to yourselves and take on My Gifts and show this world that I am Alive in you.
I need you to go out into this world and give sight to the blind, healing to the sick, raise the dead so that My people may see, once again, the Truth of My Ways.
Come, My beloved children, take on these Words in humility and you shall walk this Path with Me. I Love you.
Wednesday 24 August 2011
Open to Me as the flower opens to the sun; open to Me as the sky is open to the bird that flies. Spread wide your arms and embrace this Love that surrounds you for it is within My Arms that you will find this Love of Mine.
Gather as cold people around a fire and feel the warmth as it embraces you, feel the cold heart within you begin to thaw in My Love.
My Heart is a Fire; an all consuming Fire that will consume you with its Love. All Love, all Mercy, all Forgiveness is to be found within its depths. I desire that you open your hearts so that I Am may enter you this day.
Saturday 27 August 2011
Jesus, I often think of the people who donate and give so generously to Your Houses of Prayer, from the person that puts a pound in an envelope secured by lots and lots of sellotape, to the one that gives thousands. They are so generous and I often wonder, do they really know that it is they, by their generosity, that help the Houses of Prayer to stay open? For without them, there would be no Houses of Prayer. I pray, Jesus, that when their time comes that You will come for them and take them personally into Your Heart and so into Your Father's Kingdom.
These children of Mine are those who listen to My calls within their hearts and in their willingness to help Me, they respond to My calls. Many think that I am far away from them but they do not realise that they are responding to My Voice.
Yes, My son, these children of Mine I will come for if they stay with Me and allow Me to draw them on the Path of Love for it is in giving that you receive and, as you know, there are many forms of giving of self.
Come, My beloved children, and accept My Love for, We, together, shall overcome the darkness of this world. We, together, shall bring many into the Kingdom of Our Father.
Take on this Love of Mine and We, together, shall reach into the dark places of this world and bring My lost sheep back to the Light.
Generosity is giving of oneself: the more that you give of self, the closer you will come to Me. This is not only in material goods but the greater part is dying to the sins that clutter your lives. It is easy to give material wealth but it is harder to give of that, that holds you back from Me: sin.
Look into the depths of your hearts, My little ones, find the blocks and remove them and come, follow Me for We have much work to do and time is short. I need My Army ready to move into the darkness of this world for many are in great danger of losing their eternal lives. I need your hands, your feet and your lips so that We, together, can show this world that I am Alive in you. I Love you, My beloved children, I Love you.
Yes, Jesus, it always comes back to the same thing: we must die to the sin that holds us back from You. And so much sin has become an intricate part of our lives that we can no longer see it as sin. This is very hard to overcome as You have said, “...There are none so blind as those who will not see...” and this could probably be said about all of us who say that we follow You. We blind ourselves to so much in order to live these lives that we have become comfortable with. There is a piece of Scripture in which You said: My Yoke is easy and My Burden light, I personally must be so weak for I find Your Burden to be quite heavy for I am always falling under its weight. I wish I was stronger and more able to carry it. You know I want to carry it without stumbling but I am like a drunken man as I walk this Path, I am stumbling about and falling all over the place.
Look at the Truth, My little son, I am Teaching you to carry My Burden. The more that you learn, the easier it will become. You, My child, walk this Path. Yes, you fall many times but I am always there to lift you and help you to follow Me as I am with all My children.
If you are willing to walk this Path, I will not leave you orphans.
I will be always at your side guiding you into the Truth.
Do not worry but trust in Me, your God, and allow Me to draw you along this Path of Truth and so into Eternal Life.
I Love you.
Wednesday 31 August 2011
Jesus, I find it so embarrassing that we have to ask for help from Your children all the time, to pay the bills, buy Your Houses, to do work in Your Houses. We always seem to be asking people for money and they have been so good already. They have helped so much already. It is they who have built the Houses, bought the Houses, bought and donated every stick of furniture, piece of paper. It is Your people, Your children, who have done everything; through what they have prayed for and donated. Yet, we have to keep on asking. It is really embarrassing, they are bound to be so fed up listening to us begging.
My son, you must realise that My children have free will and it is they who choose to help Me in their free will. This is their giving to Me. Why then, My son, should you feel embarrassed? It is I who inspires you to ask for this is My children's part in My Work.
A body is made up of many parts and each part is important. I have given My children the means to help Me in this way. Why then should you feel embarrassed? Allow My children to help Me, this is their giving. This is what they do for Me in their free will.
I Love you, My children, and I give My Strength to you this day. I call upon you to help in this Work: walk forward and be strengthened in Me. Allow Me to Teach you in the Ways of Truth and We, together, shall stride forward into the darkness of this world and My Light shall shine and the darkness shall disperse.
Come, beloved children, do not wait but acknowledge My calls now. Come forward in truth and allow Me to Teach you in the Ways of Love. I am in need of you, My children. I need your hands, your feet and your lips in order to do this Work. Yes, many are called in different ways but allow Me to speak within your hearts so that you will know what I am calling you to do. Do not harden your hearts against Me but walk forward in My Truth and allow Me to Teach you in the Ways of Love. Come, My beloved children, and listen to My calls, I Love you.
I know embarrassment is a lack of humility but, I still feel it. Another thing to die to. I think my list is getting bigger instead of smaller.
Be humble, My son, and be in truth. Do not think that I cannot see for I am with you always. Many desire to help Me in many ways but each must be allowed to do their part in the ways that I have provided. You do not understand, My son, for each is given their own Path to come to Me and each are able to help in different ways. Yes, some may help financially and some physically and others with prayer. Trust in Me, My son, and allow Me to Teach My little ones in My Ways. Be a humble, trustworthy servant of Love and all shall be provided. I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
When we look around this world we see many things, we do not always recognise what we see for we like to blind ourselves to the truth. We ignore so much in order to live our selfish lives. If truth be told, we are children of God and we can recognise the untruth, the lies, the deceit of this world. If we are only willing to open our eyes and look.
When we look around ourselves in truth, we will begin to realise how insignificant each one of us really is in the eyes of this world. We must remember we live in a world of nearly seven billion people and every person in this world thinks that their lives are all important.
We have forgotten that our life in Jesus is all important for we are here for such a short period of time before we must stand before Him. It is time to realise the truth of what is really happening.
To follow Jesus, we must walk in His Footsteps. Always looking and seeing what others need, rather than looking at ourselves all the time. In this society that we live in, we are taught simply to think about ourselves. We must begin to look at others and their needs and begin to fight against this society of greed. It is time for us to wake up and see the truth that Jesus is calling each one of us into this Battle of Love.
I know it is a struggle to break away from the things of this world, it is not easy for any of us. That is why Jesus is asking for prayer groups, little communities of love so that we will be able to build on each other's faith. He does not want us to meet and then sit and gossip about others within the meeting, He wants little communities of love. Places that we can be refreshed and strengthened knowing that we are not alone in this fight against the darkness of lucifer.
I know that many disagree with the two Patricks but, what we would say is, ‘forget about us and follow Jesus.’ Read the Words that Jesus speaks in these Messages, they are the same as what He spoke about in Scripture: there is nothing different. He is telling us to love one another; to go out and help our brothers and sisters and not to be afraid.
I know the “Pope thing” is a great stumbling block to many who have read these Words. Believe us, we also doubt many times but, within our hearts we know the Truth. Jesus also said in Scripture that these things would not come to pass until the great deceiver would sit in the place where he should not be. Remember, when Jesus was on this earth, very few believed that He was the Messiah, the Son of God.
So, do you think that we are any different?
Do you think that we are any more intelligent?
Do you think that we will recognise the deceiver when he comes?
All that I can say is Jesus has said, “...Wait and see...” and we shall see the results of the deceiver’s work.
If we care to open our eyes and look within the churches and see what is happening: someone is deceiving someone already!
Scriptures are being changed, sin is no longer spoken about.
We are NOT called to avoid it.
hell is not spoken of.
We are not told that if we die in mortal sin that we will end up in hell.
The seminarians are no longer being taught Truth but they are taught by a faithless people within universities and, yes, many of these are priests.
So many cardinals, bishops and priests are on the road to perdition and are leading the people with them just as Our Lady has already told us in Garabandal. These are the same type of so-called followers of the truth that Crucified Jesus. These are the ones that condemn Prophets, Visionaries and Seers and anything that is good. These so-called shepherds are the ones who are destroying Scripture and the Laws of God. These are the ones that do not allow the seminarians to be taught in the Ways of Jesus. These are the ones that, if they do not repent, will be screaming out for all eternity in the fires of hell.
These words are harsh but, they are truth.
Who is their father?
Who is their leader?
Why are they allowed to do these things within the Church?
Is there no one in power willing to stop them?
Or is there someone guiding their every footstep?
Where have the True Teachings gone?
The Teachings that Jesus gave us within the Gospels?
In some parts of the Protestant church, they accept ‘active’ homosexual priests or ministers and bishops yet, within Scripture it tells us that this is a grave sin.
Look at the convents: the nuns have thrown away their habits and prance around in the fineries of this world! They have rejected their bridehood and have turned to self and so they are reaping the fruits they have sown, as their convents close.
Look at how the faith has been watered down!
Look at how many chapels or churches are emptying of their people!
Look at the sin that surrounds us everywhere we go!
The internet is pumping its filth through the airwaves: we live in it, breathe it, sleep in it.
Yet, we are still waiting on the times of darkness!
This is why Jesus, in the Messages, is asking us to wake up and see what is happening before it is too late. We are a blind and foolish generation: the very same as those who did not recognise Jesus when He walked this earth.
Come, beloved children, and see what I say in these Words that I inspire through My son. They are given to you to help you in these times of great darkness. I call out to you and I shine a Light before you so that you will not become lost to Me.
Do not turn away, My little ones, for you do not realise the danger that you are in. I come in these Words to guide you back into the safety of My Fold where you will be kept safe until the torment passes.
Come, beloved of My Heart, and listen to My calls for I call out to you in these times so that you will be able to help your brothers and sisters follow in My Light. I Love you.
Thank You, Jesus, I love You.
Message to Eileen Renders September 4, 2011
Sunday, September 04, 2011
The Heart of Jesus!
At the 8:00 AM Mass at our parish, Our Lady of Sorrows, I made small offerings to Jesus and Mary and prayed for all with special needs and intentions.
In preparation of receiving the most sacred Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in the sacrament of Holy Communion, I made an Act of Contrition.
With the sacred Host on my tongue, I knelt in silent commune with Jesus, both hands covering my face. I gave thanks to Him for safely bringing home my grandson from Afghanistan. I felt tears come to my eyes and was very emotional. I told Jesus of my great love for Him and before I asked, Jesus spoke saying; “Eileen My child, always you take Me into your heart, today I briefly take you to My heart.”
At once my tears vanished and I felt a great sense of love and peace. In the heart of Jesus I felt an acute awareness of my surroundings and an intellectual objectiveness that might be expected of such a merciful Guardian, Jesus.
Note: All of the above feelings were felt and observed in what seemed to be no more than two seconds!
Today, September 2, 2011, Our Lady appeared to the visionary Mirjana Soldo and delivered the following message to the world:
"Dear children; With all my heart and soul full of faith and love in the Heavenly Father, I gave my Son to you and am giving Him to you anew. My Son has brought you, the people of the entire world, to know the only true God and His love. He has led you on the way of truth and made you brothers and sisters. Therefore, my children, do not wander, do not close your heart before that truth, hope and love.
Everything around you is passing and everything is falling apart, only the glory of God remains. Therefore, renounce everything that distances you from the Lord. Adore Him alone, because He is the only true God.
I am with you and I will remain with you. I am especially praying for the shepherds that they may be worthy representatives of my Son and may lead you with love on the way of truth. Thank you."
Discuss this message with other believers at the Medjugorje Forum.
Warning website message August 29,2011
God The Father ‘My hand will fall with force on nations who legalise abortion’
Monday 29th August 2011
I come in the name of My Son Jesus Christ. I am the Alpha and the Omega, God of the Most High. I wish to give My children the world over this message.
My hand is being withheld from punishing man for the sins he commits through the power of prayer. I will cast down a severe chastisement if man does not turn away from the sin of murder and abortion. Already you, My children, have seen My anger through earthquakes, floods, Tnunamis and other ecological turmoil. I must chastise you children for you cannot avoid punishment for your offenses against your fellow man.
The sins of abortion will be punished when My hand will fall with force on those nations which condone this abomination. You will not be allowed murder my helpless creation and should your Governments continue to pass laws, condoning this cowardly practice you will see My anger descend with such force that you will beg for the mercy of life. Yet you never stop to think of taking the life of the unborn.
Murder will no longer be tolerated by Me. You will be stopped and soon. Pray for the souls of these helpless beings and ask for redemption. Do not accept such laws passed by your Governments, run by Heathen, who have no respect for life.
My punishment on countries guilty of legalising abortion will wipe out nations. Your countries will divide into little pieces and fall into the ocean. Your vile clinics and hospitals where you carry out these practices will close and you, the guilty among you, will be cast into the fires of Hell for your heinous crimes.
I come to give you this Warning now. Never condone abortion. Put your foot down in your countries and fight to prevent this global genocide from continuing. If your Governments continue to inflict their act of horror on My creation you will be dealt a powerful reprimand.
Heed now this, one of My most urgent warnings to the Human Race. Take the life of My unborn and I will take yours. Pray hard children for the faith of all My children as they continue to ignore the teachings given to you since the beginning of time.
God the Father
The Lord's Supper
Fair use religious and educational purposes, for those in the African Diaspora who would otherwise not be so exposed.