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Test! Discern the Spirit. Accept what speaks to your soul. Reject the rest.
Fair use 17 U.S.C religious and educational, for those in the African Diaspora who would otherwise not be exposed to such
Medjugorje Day By Day Apr 26 - Love even for those from whom evil co
"I ask this [devotion to the Eucharistic Jesus] in a special way of priests, about whom I am thinking in this moment with great affection. The priestly ministry was born in the Cenacle, together with the Eucharist, as my venerated
predecessor John Paul II underlined so many times. 'The priestly life must have in a special way a 'Eucharistic form', he wrote in his last Letter for Holy Thursday. The devout daily celebration of Holy Mass, the center of the life and mission of every priest, contributes to this end" (Pope Benedict XVI, April 20, 2005).
"Behold, for you I have established a throne of mercy on earth—the tabernacle—and from this throne I desire to enter into your heart. You can come to me at any moment, at any time; I want to speak to you and desire to grant you grace." "My Heart overflows with great mercy for souls, and especially for poor sinners. If only they could understand that I am the best of Fathers to them and that it is for them that the Blood and Water flowed from My Heart . . .
For them I dwell in the tabernacle as King of Mercy. I desire to bestow grace upon souls" (Words of Jesus to St. Maria Faustina).
Mother Teresa
It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.
Meditations by Padre Pio
Apr 26 In our thoughts and at confession we must not dwell on our sins that have been already confessed. Because of our contrition Jesus has forgiven them at the tribunal of penance. There He faced us and our miseries like a creditor in front of a debtor. With a gesture of infinite generosity He tore up and destroyed the bills we have signed with our sins, which we could certainly not have paid without the help of His divine clemency. To go back to these sins, to bring them up again just to have them forgiven again, because of doubt that they were really and abundantly remitted, would this not be considered a lack of trust in the goodness which He proved by His tearing up every document of debt contracted through sin?… Dwell on them, if it is a source of comfort for your soul. By all means think of the offences against justice, wisdom and the infinite mercy of God, but only for the purpose of weeping redemptive tears of repentance and love (GF 169).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
26-The less said the better sometimes!
"There are moments when it is very difficult to express one's views, for example, when a husband is asked how he likes his wife's new hat, or how he likes her new Italian haircut - which to him resembles unstrung spaghetti. Women, when faced with something they do not like, generally go into ecstasies of praise in order to cover up their real mind. Men generally descend to monosyllables or a long grunt. When a man gets mad at his wife at cards he generally calls her `dear' but with such a coolness as to make her think she is a `Frigidear'. Tact, in such difficult moments, does not mean lying, nor smoothness at the expense of truth, but it does mean circumspection."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -
When I went for adoration, I heard these words: My beloved daughter, write down these words, that today My Heart has rested in this convent [the Cracow house]. Tell the world about My mercy and My love.
The flames of mercy are burning Me. I desire to pour them out upon human souls. Oh, what pain they cause Me when they do not want to accept them!
My daughter, do whatever is within your power to spread devotion to My mercy. I will make up for what you lack. Tell aching mankind to snuggle close to My merciful Heart, and I will fill it with peace.
Tell [all people], My daughter, that I am Love and Mercy itself. When a soul approaches Me with trust, I fill it with such an abundance of graces that it cannot contain them within itself, but radiates them to other souls. (1074)
Write this: Everything that exists is enclosed in the bowels of My mercy, more deeply than an infant in its mother's womb. How painfully distrust of My goodness wounds Me! Sins of distrust wound Me most painfully. (1076)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Today the Mother of God calls us to love not only our neighbor, but our enemies as well:
"Dear Children, I call you to the love of neighbor and love even for those from whom evil comes to you. In loving this way, you will be able to discern the intentions of hearts. Pray and love, dear children! By love you can do even that which you think is impossible. (Weekly Message November 7, 1985).
This call of Our Lady in Medjugorje is an echo of Christ 's words in the gospel of Matthew:
You have heard that it was said, "You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy." But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children to your Father in heaven; for he make his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous.
For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? (Mt 5L43-47).
"Love will conquer hate," wrote Gandhi, who was familiar with Christ 's words in the gospel today. Gandhi based his life on that premise, and was empowered to transform his native land. Love never fails, for it is the greatest power in the universe, the essence of God.
In the program of Alcoholics Anonymous, it 's recognized that hatreds or resentments will soon drive a sober member back to drinking. The remedy: pray for the offender each day for fourteen days, and the grace of God will melt the hatred. "He will do for us," says the Big Book of A. A., "what we cannot do for ourselves." Try this remedy, similar to the one Our Lady recommends in her message today, when the need arises.
Holy Week 2011
The Triduum
Holy Thursday - April 21, 2011
The 4th Luminous Mystery: The Institution of the Most Holy Eucharist
What has Our Lord in His Lessons said about His Eucharistic Presence?
“…O’ if my beloved would come to receive Me in My Eucharist, I would cleanse them and comfort them….My sorrow is in viewing the many who do not wish to receive My Body and Blood. If there was only one priest who performed the consecration of My Eucharist in only one sanctuary, people would flock to receive Me. They would want to see the Divine Mysteries. But there are many priests who have the power of My Mystery; and yet, there are so few who receive it with an open heart….” (JOM, Vol II, #19, 11-07-89, SORROW)
The Eucharistic Reign of the Child Jesus
As Shared by Our Lady of Emmitsburg with mystic Gianna Sullivan (1989-2003)
As shared by Our Lady of Emmitsburg with mystic Gianna Sullivan (1989-2003)
I have been blessed to see and speak with Our Lady almost daily since Dec. 19, 1989, first as Our Lady of Joy in Scottsdale, AZ; and since Nov. 1993, as Our Lady of Emmitsburg (in Emmitsburg, MD, USA), the place about which she first said:
"This place is the haven of Life because it is the Center of my Immaculate Heart where all children seek refuge. It will withstand the attacks from evil because I am here with my Child Jesus."(Mar. 9, '95). "In fact, there is no place in the world that has had the power behind this name, the Center of my Immaculate Heart…You cannot go before God unless you become like a child. Only those who are like a child shall enter the Kingdom. So, my Little Child is inviting all people, regardless of age, to return to Him, to be with Him and to seek Him as refuge."(June 8, 2002).
"This refuge of my Immaculate Heart is for all people, but the Center of my Immaculate Heart can only be a place where the community reflects the purity, joy, love and mercy of Jesus." (Apr. 6, 2000). "Thank God above, little children, for His great love for you and for picking this most beautiful, humble place as the Center of my Immaculate Heart, from where the unveiling of my Son's Divine Mercy will commence." (Apr. 27, 2000). This holy place in Emmitsburg will be a living realization of the Gospel. My Immaculate Heart and the Eucharistic Heart of my Son are inseparably united in the plan of salvation." (May 11, 2000).
Our Lady has also spoken about the connection between the Child Jesus and the Crucified Savior:
"It was my Son the Child Jesus who came forth into this world representing the Truth about Life……..The Child Jesus first renewed the world in the hope of God's Truth with the invitation for all people to live in purity and innocence without self-seeking ways or the ways of malice, hatred and violence. Then through His submission to the Will of the Father, the Crucified Savior became your redemption from death. Through Him alone can you have eternal life." (Sept. 14, 2002).
Our Lady has further shared that,
"Your salvation was not the result of only that one action of my Son giving up Himself in His Body and blood for you. If you recall, in the beginning in the Holy Trinity was the Word; and the Word became Flesh. As the Word became Flesh within my womb (through the power of the Holy Spirit), that very act was the beginning of my Son's salvific action for you………..As He was born, He shed His Blood, the first Blood of salvation for all of humanity……… Then in His Life, He was persecuted, blasphemed, mocked and spit upon. When He finally did give Himself entirely on the Cross, that action ended the beginning of what so many people thought would corrupt the world and turn everyone away." (Aug. 25, 2003).
"The world is quite mistaken when it believes that the redemption is limited to only what Christ suffered and in His Death. It is also just as important what my Son your Savior suffered in His Birth as a Child, in His first shedding of Blood at His Circumcision, in His tears, in His poverty, in His humility, and in His self-mortification, in His patience, in His obedience, and in His dependency and His innocence." (Aug. 16, 2003). " My Son wasdependent on the Father, and He was innocent. These are the two key virtues of the Eucharistic Reign." (Aug. 25, 2003).
One of the first times Our Lady of Emmitsburg started pointing toward the "coming" of Jesus was in 1996:
"I desire you to have the anticipation of Jesus' coming with hope and joy……….Have hope in Jesus and rejoice, for He is coming to rescue you from the snares of the evil one, and His Mercy is endless" (December, 19, 1996).
She clearly differentiated this second coming from His Final Judgment when she said:
"It is the unveiling of God's Mercy which will lift this world out of its misery. Jesus will come a second time and reign. He is coming and it will be the return of Jesus as a Child to enlighten the minds and hearts of all people, of all faiths, of all nations, and of every race……….His Kingdom shall be an era of peace……….My Son will unveil His Mercy to the world, but He will not walk on the world as you know it……..It will not be His Final Judgment and Coming, for this next era will be the Covenant of Our Two Hearts, a spiritual Eucharistic Reign where the Child Jesus will usher in a Kingdom of Peace." (March 2, 2000.)
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 1325) states that "the Eucharist is the efficacious sign and the sublime cause of that communion in the Divine Life and that unity of the People of God by which the Church is kept in being." Webster's New World Dictionary defines "communion" as the act of intimately sharing one's thoughts and emotions with another. For most human beings, the Eucharist is a communion experienced through the "eyes of faith" and not through the other senses. However, there are many accounts in the Lives of the Saints, most notably St. Padre Pio in modern times, when God has lifted the veil which hides Himself in this Blessed Sacrament and has offered an "enhanced" communion in His Divine Life. Moreover, there are accounts of others, such as St. Philip Neri (1515-1595) who, after the Consecration, saw the Sacred Host transform itself into the Child Jesus. St. Lawrence of Brindisi (d. 1619) also, just after the Consecration, saw the Savior Himself visibly in the Sacred Host in the form of a Little Child who caressed Lawrence and smiled on him lovingly. St. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380), was also privileged one Christmas Day during Mass to see the Infant Jesus emerge from the Host.
If God in the past has chosen to "enhance" His communion with a few of his faithful in the Holy Eucharist, could He not also, if He so chose, do the same with any or all in the state of grace in the whole world? And furthermore, could this also not be just as likely in the form of the Child Jesus (as He has previously done) as well as it could be the Sacred Heart of Jesus? Sister Lucia, too, at Fatima, Portugal, in the sky saw the Child Jesus (Oct. 13, 1917); and again at Pontevedra, Spain, (Dec. 10, 1925), she saw the Child Jesus with Our Lady, as have many other saints throughout history. Are these mystical events not also a "return" of Our Lord in a form other than in His Glorified Body as the Just Judge at the Final Judgment? In each case, it seems obvious that at God's discretion He can choose to "enhance" this communion with any or all of His children.
In March 2001, Our Lady told me again that,
"The Eucharistic Reign involves the Child Jesus. The virtues of the Child, namely His purity, meekness, gentleness of heart, honesty, dependency on God and His innocence will have a profound life changing effect on all people who receive Jesus with filial confidence and trust. These virtues will manifest themselves in an over-whelming and exhilarating way to all those who receive Jesus and choose to live in His Divine Will, following the gift of thewarning or the illumination of their own souls, which will provide them an instantaneous knowledge and freedom in Our Lord's Divine Will. During this Eucharistic Reign, anyone who approaches Jesus with trust will receive Him and be suspended in an ecstatic joy until the next time they receive Him in the Eucharist." (Mar. 13 & 18, 2001). (This is not unlike the relationship St. Faustina Kowalska described in her diary with Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist.)
This built upon what Our Lady had previously said in March, 2000:
"There will be a time of peace and no disease, a time and place where every human being will live in unity and come to know the Truth of Jesus through His Eucharistic Reign. Every human being will understand and embrace Mercy and will know the True Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist……….All will want only to live in the Peace and Truth of God's Love." (Mar. 9, 2000).
Our Lady further explained:
"The more selfless you become, the more I can allow my presence to guide you and the more my Son in His Most Sacred Heart can literally dwell in you, not only for the short time after you receive Him in the Holy Eucharist, but at every moment that you can dwell in the Truth of His Divine Will; and the Eucharist can sustain you from one reception to the next."(June 8, 2002).
Moreover, Our Lady told me that,
"God will also in some way offer His merciful assistance to invite all people, those for whom there are obstacles to them receiving the sacramental Eucharist as well as those who have strayed away, to come back to His Most Sacred Heart, which can only be tapped into by living in His Divine Will through the virtues of the Child Jesus." (Mar. 18, 2001).
In summary, Our Lady has shared that,
"You cannot grow without growing through childhood. You cannot look at my Son in the Most Blessed Sacrament without first going through the Hidden Life of His childhood ways……..to fully understand the total redemption of His one act as your true Salvific Savior." (August 16, 2003). "This is why I am gathering my children and have asked you to listen to my Words from Heaven. My Immaculate Heart will triumph with my Son, and I desire you to be strong at the hour of His Coming. The world will be purged of its evil, for my Son's Mercy will restore your souls to grace through the great trial which has been foretold and which will lift this world out of its misery." (Mar. 2, 2000).
"I have told you that this is my Son, the Child Jesus, who will return again, not in a corporeal body to walk the earth, and not as the Glorified Just Judge as He will come at the end of time, but as a Child of Hope to usher in an era of peace as God's Mercy is unveiled. This has been foretold for many centuries and is not a new theology which many seem to believe.
It is my Son, the Child Jesus, who requested the consecration to God the Father through my Immaculate Heart. It was the Child Jesus who later encouraged my little daughter Lucia from Fatima to spread the First Saturday Devotions in reparation for sins against my Immaculate Heart. It is the Child Jesus who gives joy in life and represents the way of purity, simplicity and littleness, in order to confound both the proud and the works of the evil one……… The Return of Jesus as a Child through my Immaculate Heart will provide a refuge where you will be safe from harm, and He will give you hope to live Life in the fullness of His Joy." (June 29, 2000).
Compiled by: Michael T. Sullivan, MD
Read and approved for distribution by:
Fr. Jacques Daley, OSB, STL, STD, Gianna's Spiritual Director
Fr. Kieran Kavanaugh, O.C.D. , Gianna's Spiritual Advisor
Fr. Joseph McCloskey, SJ, Gianna's Spiritual Advisor
Fr. Oliver Mohan, OMI, Gianna's Spiritual Advisor
Fr. Edward O'Connor, C.S.C., Gianna's Spiritual Advisor
Fr. John Wang, Ph.D, JUD, Gianna's Spiritual Advisor
Urgent message 911 from JESUS to littlest of servants April 22, 2011
Urgent message 911 from JESUS to littlest of servants
April 22, 2011
I AM giving this message to the littlest of servants to warn MY
children of the GREAT CRISIS that is coming to MY CHURCH.
The wolves have surrounded the SHEPARD of MY CHURCH and
are now ready to ATTACK and DESTROY HIM. AM I to say nothing and allow
MY SHEEP to be scattered in confusion. I AM THE GOOD SHEPARD AND I
KNOW MY SHEEP AND MY SHEEP KNOW ME. I have not left MY SHEEP without a
SHEPARD but have given them one in MY PETER (the POPE). MY PETER (the
POPE) is your SHEPHARD and he leads MY SHEEP to GREEN PASTURES and
THE SAFE HARBOR OF SALVATION. Those who attack him are the wolves who
Fr. Doucette: 747] Mon, Apr 25, 2011: "I bless you all"
The Rev. Fr. Melvin Doucette, M.Afr./ 1704 Palmer Road, RR 2
Tignish, PE (Prince Edward Island) C0B 2B0 / CANADA
Tel: 902-882-2004 / Email: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca
Monday, April 25, 2011
"I bless you all"
Dear Friends,
The Appearance to Mary of Magdala
But Mary stayed outside the tomb weeping. And as she wept, she bent over into the tomb and saw two angels in white sitting there, one at the head and one at the feet where the body of Jesus had been. And they said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?" She said to them, "They have taken my Lord, and I don't know where they laid him." When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus there, but did not know it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?" She thought it was the gardener and said to him, "Sir, if you carried him away, tell me where you laid him, and I will take him." Jesus said to her, "Mary!" She turned and said to him in Hebrew, "Rabbouni," which means Teacher. Jesus said to her, "Stop holding on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them, 'I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'" Mary of Magdala went and announced to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord," and what he told her. (Passage from the Gospel of St. John 20:11-18)
We had another fine day yesterday with plenty of sun and it will be sunny again today. I am back from the USA after a great trip to Las Cruces, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas. I will start another journey this evening for Europe. I will sleep in Charlottetown this evening to take the plane tomorrow morning for Prague, the Czech Republic, and then we will go to Poland and from there to Italy and at the end we will be in Medjugorje. I will only be back on May 13. Please pray that this trip will go well.
Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Joseph Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words,
"Peace be with you, My brother Joseph Melvin, and all My brothers and sisters throughout the world who believe in My resurrection. It was on Easter morning that I was raised from the dead never to die again.
The first one to see Me was Mary of Magdala who had come to the tomb early in the morning. What joy filled her heart when she recognized My voice. I told her to go and tell the Apostles that I am alive and I am going to the Father.
My dear friends, it is important that you believe with all your heart that I am risen from the dead and that I was seen by the Apostles and many more. I am your Savior who suffered and died on the cross but after three days I came forth from the tomb alive in body and soul. I now have a resurrected body never to die again. I bless you all."
Father Melvin
Message, 25. April 2011
"Dear children! As nature gives the most beautiful colors of the year, I also call you to witness with your life and to help others to draw closer to my Immaculate Heart, so that the flame of love for the Most High may sprout in their hearts. I am with you and I unceasingly pray for you that your life may be a reflection of Heaven here on earth. Thank you for having responded to my call."
Message, 25. April 2010
"Dear children! At this time, when in a special way you are praying and seeking my intercession, I call you, little children, to pray so that through your prayers I can help you to have all the more hearts be opened to my messages. Pray for my intentions. I am with you and I intercede before my Son for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call."
St Faustina's Diary #961 - She asked for a soul for every stitch. Jesus gave it to her. ASK FOR A SOUL for every WORD you say on your Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet
Message of April 25, 2009
"Dear children! Today I call you all to pray for peace and to witness it in your families so that peace may become the highest treasure on this peaceless earth. I am your Queen of Peace and your mother. I desire to lead you on the way of peace, which comes only from God. Therefore, pray, pray, pray. Thank you for having responded to my call."
"He is my only thought, my memory, my Paradise, my Heaven on earth! He is my Eucharist, my ideal, my very breath, my good and my drink! He is melodious
music to me, sweetness itself, the nectar and scent of my soul, my strength, my delight, my measure, my desire! He calls forth my love in deifying me. He gives me life while taking it away. He sets my heart on fire, inflaming it with his glances . . . His beauty . . . His smiles . . . His love" (Concepcion Cabrera de Armida, Servant of God).
Mother Teresa
It is a kingly act to assist the fallen
Meditations by Padre Pio -
I would undergo death an infinite number of times rather than deliberately offend the Lord (Letters I p 910).
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
25-Honesty and innocence are lost too soon in growing out of childhood
"In regards insincerity, children do not have this duplicity because they are natural and it is acquired. If their mother tells them to tell a stranger at the door that she is not at home, they will invariably say, `My mother told me to tell you that she is not at home.' I know of a mother who, after an introduction to several ladies who had dropped in for tea, asked her child, `Now which one did I say was my best friend?' The child in the presence of all answered, `The one with the big teeth.' It takes some falling away from the childlike simplicity that purchases Heaven, before one develops the film of dishonesty."
St. Faustina's diary http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html -
I am going forward through life amidst rainbows and storms, but with my head held high with pride, for I am a royal child. I feel that the blood of Jesus is circulating in my veins, and I have put my trust in the great mercy of the Lord. (992)
Jesus is commanding me to make a novena before the Feast of Mercy, and today I am to begin it for the conversion of the whole world and for the recognition of the Divine Mercy... so that every soul will praise My goodness. I desire trust from My creatures. Encourage souls to place great trust in My fathomless mercy. Let the weak, sinful soul have no fear to approach Me, for even if it had more sins than there are grains of sand in the world, all would be drowned in the unmeasurable depths of My mercy. (1059)
My Jesus, support me when difficult and stormy days come, days of testing, days of ordeal, when suffering and fatigue begin to oppress my body and my soul. Sustain me, Jesus, and give me strength to bear suffering. Set a guard upon my lips that they may address no word of complaint to creatures. Your most merciful Heart is all my hope. I have nothing for my defense but only Your mercy; in it lies all my trust. (1065)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
On the feast of St. Mark, author of the second gospel, it would be appropriate to review several of Our Lady's messages on sacred scripture. The following was given to Jelena in 1987:
Light won't reign in the world until people accept Jesus, until thy live his words, which is the word of the gospel. (Locution Jelena & Marijana July 30, 1987).
And to the visionaries in 1983:
Read what has been written about Jesus. Meditate on it and convey it to others (First Years June 2, 1983).
The Madonna rarely uses the word "must", but she does so in this message:
Every family must pray family prayers and read the Bible (Excerpt from weekly message of February 14, 1985).
In Peter's second letter, he identifies the divine source of sacred scripture:
First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, because no prophecy ever came by the Holy Spirit spoke from God (2 Pt 1:20-21).
St. Mark was a disciple of St. Paul and the author of the gospel which bears his name. Tradition holds that he also founded the Church at Alexandria in Egypt and was martyred there in the latter part of the first century.
On the importance of scripture, the renaissance theologian Eramus wrote: These writings bring back to you the living image of that most holy mind, the very Christ himself speaking, healing, dying, rising, in fact so entirely present, that you would see less of him if you beheld him with your eyes.
St. Jerome, one of the greatest scholars of the church, taught that, "To be ignorant of scripture is not to know Christ." Like the Eucharist, sacred scripture nourishes our hearts and souls, drawing us ever closer to Christ and his Mother. It is, as Our Lady insists, an indispensable part of our lives.
One of the most beautiful and fruitful forms of prayer is scriptural prayer. Simply choose a passage from the Bible and read it slowly and meditatively, pausing to reflect on any phrase that strikes you in a special way (this is the Holy Spirit directing your attention). Spend a few minutes each day in this prayer, in response to the Virgin's message: "Read what has been written about Jesus. Meditate on it…"
Message to Sharon Fitzpatrick April 24, 2011
SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 2011
Message from Our Blessed Mother to Jorge Zavala April 20,2011
April 20, 2011 St. Bruno’s Church, San Bruno, CA
Dear children,
During this holy time, I invite you to stay with me at the foot of the Cross to offer Jesus for the salvation of the world and to obtain the Divine Mercy.
This Easter renew your faith in the One Who left you the example of a self-giving love for others. Little children, Jesus is the Teacher Whom you must imitate in everything; He has not taught you anything you cannot reach, but everything that you can attain.
Little children, in your hearts I have planted the call to conversion; you know your calling very well, therefore, strive to fulfill your dignity as children of the Most High by being joyful signs of peace because Jesus Christ lives.
I love you, I bless you and may the peace of the Lord remain always in your hearts.
Message Thru Marie - April 20, 2011
April 20, 2011 Message thru Marie
7 am at my altar at home, after rosary
Me: Thank you Lord, thank you for everything, thank you for the lessons, thank you for the cross, thank you for teaching me…total trust (my focus was kept on the cross and made to remember the letter ‘t’ that its shape forms and what it means)
Jesus: My precious child, I have been teaching you, teaching you to trust….Trust…Trust in my plan for you.(emphasis on the letter ‘t’)
I have been accelerating your transformation through the cross. I have been teaching you to trust in the way of the cross. I have been, along your struggles teaching you total trust as my beloved son, John Paul has done. To trust and trust in me Alone…Totus tuus.
I have taught you how to suffer, how to wait patiently on my plans for you, for a long awaited resolution/reunification of your family.
I have taught you how to let go your stubborn wilfulness, to let go your desire to follow your plan and trust in my plan for you.
I allow you to experience the cross not to destroy the faith in you, weary though you have gotten. I know too the point when you had almost let go your faith in me. I have felt you teeter at the edge of the precipice. I taught you to see the world broken with your own plans so you can see better with my compassionate eyes how many others out there suffer and are torn, weary and ready to give up.
Answer me my child, has your cross changed, resolved itself? What has changed?
Me: No, my Lord, the cross is still present in my life. I understand now though, I have changed in relation to my cross. It is still there, the family(my siblings and I) is not yet united, there is distrust and pain still in place of harmony that once was. Still, inside me something has shifted, I have a more accepting and patient heart, for you have broken my will and replaced it with your own. By your grace, I have made the shift!
You have taught me to see better and carry this cross better. You have changed me from within! I have come to let go of my own plans(not easy mind you!), my own controls to bring my family together and in place of this, I have begun to dance to your will, to re align to your plans out of a deep trust in You. I see better too that part of my difficulty was my own making, the stubbornness in me to do things my way. Now, I realize you have been so patient in letting your love be felt through the struggles. You waited (many years I might add) until I was open to your teachings. The hardest way, the most painful way was also the only way to teach me to trust fully and solely, wholly and infinitely in you, in your plan for me. I realize now how many flaws I still need to correct inside me, how many aspects of my selfish me I must die to, that I must endure this pain because it is also the means to attaining the cure for my miserable soul’s rebirth in you.
Jesus: (I am shown or he is showing me how my arms are extending also like His, crucified to His cross – I now see it as a glorious thing! He allowed and allows me to carry the cross in order to open wide my heart to compassion for others, for all of us who are struggling, and getting tired.)
As my waiting on his plans have turned past a decade already, something inside me has shifted enormously.
Jesus: This shift is the shift from your 'I'-ness, your wilfulness to your Me-ness (Me in You- my Cross in you, my Heart in you)
Notice how I turned your weaknesses into strengths in my kingdom. Your youth has been marked by your stubborn will,(guilty!)which I allowed to be broken, in so many places and ways, so that I could invite you, to follow me, and submit out of love, to the Will of our Loving Father.
Notice how I removed everyone in your inner circle over the years that you trusted and relied on, and when it couldn’t get worse, how the few remaining whom you trusted most, I too permitted to be removed.(this is painfully true!) We did this so that you could learn to lean totally on Us. Yes, yes this was allowed, painful though it was for you but our grace saved you. Yes, you were on the edge of the precipice, of losing or letting go your faith, your trust in Us in the absence of a tangible trusting relationship to hold on to. We heard how you questioned the purpose of continuing to be faithful and loving child of Ours…we heard your doubts, your cries, your whining, your anger, your resentments! (guilty!!!)
Notice how we turned your natural doubts about the unseen graces and unseen realm of the father and used your impetuosity as the doorway to learn more the inner workings of the spirit. (I felt a pouring of unseen graces and later on, also saw what graces kind of look like even though this sounds weird – it looks like both water and light!)
Notice how we turned your natural impatience to a deeper virtue of patience, of waiting on our perfect plan to be enacted in your life.
It is the plan of the Father to mold you through your weaknesses and use these very weaknesses as the sharpest and shiniest points in your soul!
Did you not learn to grow more accepting and patient as you waited and your inner controls were broken? Me : yes, lord
Did you not learn to accept the cross in a more peaceful way, without resentfulness? Me: yes, lord.
We had to do this, to break your will so you can begin to clear your eyes, your heart, your soul and see that Trust issues forth from Us, and this Love that flows down to you, is then turned into a perfect trust in Us.
Me: (I think I get it more now lord. I used to define trust by the people I could trust in my life, those I loved absolutely and as this was taken from me, I had discovered that trust comes from You, from knowing you, from Loving you, from feeling this love you have for me, including by allowing me to go through the painful process of realizing I did not yet know Trust because I may have felt trust comes from me or from trusting others instead of trust issuing forth from You. You love and therefore I know how to love, You trust and therefore I learn and know how to trust.
Thank you Lord for changing my eyes, to see others now through you. I thank you for giving me these crosses. I understand in a deeper way the reasons behind them now. My trust is in the right place and so too my peace. My will too has been replaced by a desire to want to trust only your Will. I understand too that I must offer more as I listen more to your inner promptings. I now learn to be directed by you in various little details, little reminders. It is actually little only to the old me but to the new me, I hear you better and take better note of these ‘soft’ directions or guides or reminders of what to do.
Jesus: My child I have extended your arms in service though you doubted how you could help. At many moments you doubted how you with your ‘heavy’ crosses could find strength, wisdom to share with your brothers and sisters hurting and needing comfort, struggling as well.
You worried that your doubts, your own crosses might weaken you and drain you or drown you rather than that you be an instrument of help, of greater service in the healing ministry.
Inspite of all these inner fears and doubts, I congratulate you for you learned that embracing your cross is the means to extending your arms outwards to your various circles. As you endured pain and continue to do so, through the difficult constant dying to yourself, as you learned to repay insult with loving silence, silently offering and praying for the situation or person that is difficult to love, as you risk fear of getting hurt and offer still your friendship, your love, you learn to fight according to my heart’s wishes.
The path of humility is a painful lesson because the ego seeks always to re attach itself in so many ways to your soul. When you remove your selfish ‘I’, when you don’t succumb to self pity, or anger, impatience or fear, total self reliance etc, you are living out my Love in you. You must continue to extend your arms to others, for this is how to fight, through charity, through forgiveness, of yourself when you succumb, and forgiveness of others, through a listening ear, through endless opportunities to show Me to others.
Do you not see I need you to accomplish the plan, for through my little ones am I building the New kingdom.
The sanctuary is not one of size but of depth. The sanctuary within is built from endless painful struggles endured out of Love. But once lessons are learned, the pain slowly is replaced by compassion, for a heart lacerated, can bleed and pour balm on others. Your heart, my child, must resemble mine more and more.
The sanctuary within is played out on the outside world through various ways I will play out your inner struggles. Everyone in your life is planned. The spouse I chose for you was planned in order to mold you in my patience, my suffering, my endless waiting. The family (your children) I gave you is the abundance of blessings I shower upon you. Though you doubted and resented Divine Love’s ways, you held on by a thin thread. After the continuing embrace of your crosses, I have planted seeds of My love in you, supplanting and uprooting the old you. Your sanctuary is Lit in My Light, my child, and you must let My Light shine outwards, expanding my love to others, strengthening those who I plan to cross your path, your circle.
Remember too that the plan unfolds faster now since the unseen world is slowly, beginning to be seen by my faithful ones. Everything is in readiness so prepare to fight. Listen always to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and you do this through a deep prayer life. Do you not see what is for most still part of the unseen world? It is no accident you see better now, you hear better too. For the battle is reaching its crescendo. ( Several times these past few weeks, I am shown a saint or angel in an odd place but only I could see – for ex. like I saw on a metal post while coming home from a store, image of St. faustina head bent down like bowing and somewhat sad expression and her wings on the side of her headdress were emphasized and then remembered ah, she is reminding me about 9 day divine mercy novena so perhaps I do not forget. This occurred in the middle of the month of april. Also I saw pope john paul smiling sweetly when I would reflect on the words totus tuus like in this message. Etc. I used to not see them and while vision lasted only perhaps less than a minute it was enough to impress upon me how the unseen world of saints is real. Also I did not know it was them right away except only after I got a clue that it was them.)
MESSAGE via HIS unworthy servant - April 20, 2011
Received via inner locution from Jesus - April 20, 2011
My children, today I am asking you to meditate on My Passion in a special way for there are only a few days of Lent left.
Meditate on all the pain and the suffering I have endured to redeem you, and how little you are willing to suffer to expiate your sins: reflect on this.
Ask for the grace to do better for on your own you are capable of nothing. Do not be afraid to ask for the graces you need for I have a very generous Heart.
Come to Me for all your needs: I am here waiting for you.
I love you and I strengthen you this day.
His unworthy servant
Message to Eileen Renders April 22, 2011
Good Friday, April 22, 2011
We attended 3:00 Mass at our parish and prayed for all with special needs
and intentions. After receiving Holy Communion, Jesus spoke these words to
my heart for our spiritual growth; “My child Eileen, whenever one of my
children surrenders their will to Me completely, they are relieved of all
anxiety and stress because all resistance is gone!
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord, continue to pray for your brothers
and sisters. Amen”
Messages to John Leary April 6-19,2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you have tainted your food with many toxic preservatives, and you have genetically modified many of your crops along with making hybrids. Because of these changes in your food and the polluting of your air and water, you are now seeing a proliferation of many kinds of cancers and other chronic diseases. It is sad to see many people suffering with terminal diseases, and chronic conditions as diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, and other ailments of pain. My faithful need to pray for these people to have the grace to endure their suffering. Sometimes you may have to be a caretaker for such members of your own family. Do what you can to make them comfortable, and visit the sick to show your concern for their health. This is all the more reason to adjust your diets to eat healthy so you can fulfill your mission.”
(Camille Remacle’s Mass)Camille said: “Hello everyone, every spring I am reminded how much I liked to get out into my garden. I feel sorry for poor Amanda with another broken leg. I will be praying for a successful operation tomorrow. I thank all of you for coming to my Mass intention. Say a special hello to Larisa and John. I am sorry for the loss of her mother. I see a lot of souls moving up and down as some are born, while others leave their bodies in death. Tell Lydia how much I love her, and I thank all of you for helping your mother get around. I still make a couple of visits to encourage people to attend Mass. You can make my work easier if you could encourage those who do not go to Mass to make the extra effort to go. Again, thanks for all the prayers and Masses for me.”
Jesus said: “My people, you currently have a struggle between the cuts of the Republican House and the Democratic Senate. The House passed only a $61 Billion cut out of a $1.3 Trillion deficit, and still the Democrats did not pass it. Two short term resolutions were passed with only $10 Billion in cuts. Now there is talk of another short term bill, but there is still an impasse in the Senate that threatens a government shutdown. Some last minute meetings are taking place, but it may be difficult to get something passed in time to stop a shutdown. This is just the first battle since the next battle will be over Trillions of dollars of cuts for the 2012 budget plan. Another battle will be over raising the National Debt limit. If America cannot get its debt payments under control, then there may be a threat to the dollar or even possible bankruptcy of your financial system. Your major deficits have been caused by wars, this latest bank crisis, and excessive entitlement payments. Without some control over your interest payments, your deficits will become larger than your economy’s production. Pray that your lawmakers can come to a compromise and straighten out your debt payments without a shutdown.”
Thursday, April 7, 2011: (St. John Baptist de la Salle)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I was telling the people how My testimony was greater than that of St. John the Baptist. His testimony pointed to Me as the coming Messiah, and he called people to repent and be baptized. His message is much like you are doing in Lent by prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. St. John the apostle writes a Gospel with an emphasis on My Divinity. I am truly Divine and human at the same time. My testimony is that I bring eternal life through Myself when you share in worthily receiving My Body and Blood in Holy Communion. I bring everyone salvation through My death on the cross. My testimony is verified in My miracles, and the witness of My heavenly Father as He spoke at My Baptism and Transfiguration. I told the people that the Father and I are One, and that I was sent to the earth by My Father. The people thought I was a blasphemer to claim equality with God, and that is why they killed Me. They thought that they knew My origins, and they could not believe that I was a God-man or the Messiah. This whole question of My Divinity was hard for the Jews to accept which is why Holy Week is focused on this dispute. Evil had its hour in My Crucifixion, but then I conquered death and sin by My Resurrection from the dead. It was then that all worthy souls were allowed entry into heaven. Give praise and thanks to Me and to St. John the apostle for explaining My Divinity to you.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have information that the HAARP machine can be used to make earthquakes with low 5 Hz frequencies, and it can be used to alter the jet streams to create violent weather. Seeing this beam active means the HAARP machine has been turned on to cause earthquakes and bad weather. You can do some more research for its latest activities.”
Jesus said: “My people, one severe crack has been sealed to restrict high radioactive water from escaping. The normal cooling pumps are not working and adding seawater is creating a corrosive problem to the working problem of cooling the hot rods. Even nitrogen has been introduced to reduce any further explosions of the hydrogen by smothering any oxygen with this inert gas. Without some way of cooling better, more radioactive water will be poured into the ocean. Pray that this radiation can be minimized and controlled.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you analyze who is behind these uprisings, there are terrorist elements connected to Iran and Hamas. Many older leaders are being forced out of power, and it is leaving a vacuum for the Brotherhood to take over. Libya has been slow to change because of Gaddafi’s resistance. During these takeovers, you are seeing oil, gold, and silver prices reaching high levels in dollars. These same terrorists will eventually find their way into Saudi Arabia. When this happens, you could see $300 a barrel oil prices which could send many nations into recession or depression. Pray that this insurrection can be lessened or your world economy could fail.”
Jesus said: “My people, as oil prices continue to rise because of possible supply disruptions in the Middle East, there will be an increasing demand to drill for oil in America. These wells could be started, but by the time they are providing fuel, your country could go bankrupt without cheap fuels for heating and transportation. This is another reason why an independent energy plan should have already been put in place. A disruption in oil deliveries will create a drastic shortage in fuel supplies which will be hard to replace causing many businesses to shut down and could create a chaotic depression. Pray again for an energy transition with less dependence on foreign oil.”
Jesus said: “My people, you see many physical means to purify water for drinking and isolating pure metals for industrial uses. Many people are so busy in the workplace and raising their families that they do not take enough time to see how much they need to purify their sinful souls. Unless you slow down to look at how you can improve your spiritual life, it will be hard to make any progress in seeking your spiritual perfection. Daily prayer and frequent Confession would be a good start to draw close to Me. Instead of letting money, jobs, or entertainment control your lives, you should set Me in the center of your life, and do everything for Me, instead of your own selfish interests. When you let Me run your life, you will have whatever you need and peace in your soul as well. Use this Lenten time to grow in your faith and follow Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, Holy Week is your most important time of spirituality of the whole year. You need to have all of your Lenten devotions prepare you for this holy time of the year. As you realize how much I suffered for your souls, you should give Me praise and thanks that I have brought salvation to everyone who reaches out to ask for My forgiveness. I have opened the gates to heaven, but you are to love Me and your neighbor in order to be worthy to enter. Your whole life is a journey toward heaven, and you need to keep your focus on Me every day. Call on Me to help you on your way to spiritual perfection, and you will one day see your reward in heaven.”
Friday, April 8, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of these three young children is a message to you of how I want you to act in your Christian life. A young child is always trusting in his or her parents without any fear or worry. In this same way I want My faithful to live their faith as this little child with complete trust in Me as your heavenly Parent. Some people as the priest said, do not want to be showed up by others as being better than themselves. When you see the innocence and trust of a young child, you see how much more you need to improve. You all were innocent children at one time, but the world and the evil one have taken away your childhood innocence. Remember that in order to enter heaven, you must have the trust, love, and innocence of a little child. When you ask Me for this gift of living as a little child, I will answer your prayer and bring you close to Me because I love all of you so much. Make Me the center of your life, and I will guide you on your journey through life so you can rest with Me in heaven for all eternity.”
Jesus said: “My people, I want to thank all the people who are making this refuge possible which includes the prayer warriors, the financial sponsors, and all those doing the construction. I have mentioned before that at every refuge I will use all of the talents of the people that come to your refuge. You will all be living a community life under My protection and that of My angels. This is another confirmation for Karen to carry on with her work on this refuge and her work to promote Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. When I am the center of your life, you can listen to My words of calling and discernment in the quiet time before My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. Call on My help to ease any worries or anxieties that may be attacking you. When you ask in My Name, Jesus, I will bring you any healing grace that you need.”
Jesus said: “My people, this clock that is ticking down to 12 o’clock represents a deadline for the one world people when the major events are going to start happening. The signs for this is how these evil ones are putting millions of meals into their secret underground cities so they will have food and a safe place to go. You are seeing the perpetrated unrest brought about in the Arab oil countries, so the oil and food prices would rise beyond what people could afford. This is part of the evil one’s plan to bring down the euro and the dollar. The HAARP machine will be used to cause earthquakes on the New Madrid fault and the fault in California. Your Masses will reduce the deaths and damage that will result. These major events will contribute to martial law and a world famine. I will warn people when it is the proper time to leave for My refuges. Once it is time, My angels will put shields of invisibility around My faithful to protect them from the evil ones who are trying to kill them. My angels are marking My faithful with crosses on the forehead as ‘the mark of the faithful’. During this tribulation time My angels will lead those with this mark on the forehead to My refuges. Those without this mark, will not be allowed to enter My refuges. Fear not the evil ones with guns because My angels will make you invisible and the evil ones will not see you or be able to kill you. Rejoice in the protection of My faithful, but woe to those who reject Me and could be lost. I love all peoples, but it is how people exercise their free will, that will determine their judgement.”
Saturday, April 9, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read about Jeremiah, the prophet, and how he and the prophets suffered persecution for proclaiming My Word. Many of My prophets have suffered martyrdom for their faith in Me. In the Gospel I even described to you what is expected of My prophets. When I call My prophets, they are being graced with the opportunity to share My Word for that time. They should be willing to say ‘yes’ to My mission and not look back, but to follow My lead. They also need to call on My grace to have courage to go where I call them to share My message. My Word is a spiritual message and it is not always to the liking of the body, but it is for the betterment of souls. Some may want to reject My message, and as a consequence may even want to reject My prophets. My prophets are called to endure any rejection and even to be willing to die for spreading My Word. My son, I have called you to this mission of preparing the people for the end times. You are not to mellow the message for a better hearing, and I even asked you to carry on until you could no longer move. You have been faithful to Me for these many years and I am grateful for your efforts. Now, you will be entering the beginnings of the coming tribulation. You know that the evil ones will be coming more into power and this will pose a threat to My prophets and My faithful. You are to be steadfast with My message, even if it may endanger your life. Your reward awaits you in heaven. I call all of My faithful to be priests, prophets, and kings by virtue of your Baptism. So you all are called to evangelize souls to the faith and help them to avoid hell. Give praise and glory to Me for sending My prophets with My warnings for this time.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision about a prison is about two prisoners. The first prisoner is Myself in all the tabernacles all over the world. Where there is perpetual Adoration, it is a joy for Me to give graces to those who make their assigned hour to give Me praise and honor. Your holy Savior waits to greet everyone who comes to visit Me, even if for only ten minutes. It is sad when I am alone night after night and no one comes to see Me. It is at those times that I feel like an ignored prisoner. The second prisoner is your soul that is trapped in this physical body that I have given you. The soul can be constantly tormented by the desires of the body and the many temptations of the evil one. The soul is all love, but at times it is hard for the soul to have control over the body. The best means for the soul to control the body is through prayer and fasting. It is when the body is in control through sin that the soul feels like a prisoner without being able to express itself. The soul needs to direct the body on the path to heaven without allowing the things of the world to control the body as with addictions. By keeping Me as the center of your life, then you can keep the whole person on the right path to heaven.”
Sunday, April 10, 2011: (Lazarus, I am the Resurrection & the Life)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been preparing throughout Lent with your prayers, fasting, and Confession in order to greet Me on Easter cleansed of your sins. When you think of Lazarus in the tomb and bound in strips, you understand how you are bound in your sins of the world as well. I call you to change your lifestyle of any addictions that may be controlling you. You need to free yourself so you can have My true peace in your soul. Guard that grace and peace from any of the world’s distractions and any temptations of the evil one. I told Martha that ‘I AM the Resurrection and the Life’, and you cannot enter heaven unless you come through Me. By cleaning up your spiritual life during Lent, then you will be ready to leave your tomb of worldliness so you can come out into My Light when I call you to come forth. Cleansing your sins in Confession is your best chance to seek My forgiveness of your sins. Every time that you leave My confessional, you are given new life in My grace, and you feel like a new person. This is why I have given you this vision of Lazarus coming out of a confessional, so when I call you to repentance, you can say ‘yes’ to Me and I will cleanse your sins. Now you truly are pure in your soul and ready to walk in My Light of life and love.”
Monday, April 11, 2011: (Susanna story, Daniel 13:1-64)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read how the two elders tried to have Susanna killed because she would not lie with them in sin. She chose not to sin and took her chance to fight them. Fortunately, Daniel questioned their testimony and the two elders lied about which tree they found her under. The law said that the false accusers should face the punishment that they were trying to force on Susanna, which meant that they were to be killed. This sense of injustice can even be found in America’s court rooms. If you have many high priced lawyers on your side, you may be able to win almost any case. The judge and lawyers make backroom settlements for money or pleading guilty to lesser charges for less time in prison. There are many injustices done to people, especially in the abuses of American courts. Many women are taken advantage of in divorces because they do not have enough money to hire a lawyer to plead their case. Pray that these injustices can be resolved as Daniel was able to settle this case of adultery.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of destruction of the buildings in a city, represents earthquake damage coming to a Japanese city. Currently, you are seeing 6.0 and 7.0 earthquakes occurring almost daily in Japan as this whole island is more vulnerable to earthquakes than most places. The Pacific Rim of earthquakes and volcanoes is most active in Japan right now, and these quakes could cause further damage to their cities. Pray for these people who have lost homes, loved ones, and are now facing nuclear pollution.”
Tuesday, April 12, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in many instances I talked with authority to the religious leaders and to the demons that I cast out of those who I healed. In today’s Gospel I referred to Myself as ‘I AM’ which the Jews knew from Moses were the words of God the Father’s Name. I said this so that the people would know that the Father and I are One. Because I spoke with authority, the people came to believe in Me. When they witnessed My miracles of healing and even raising Lazarus from the dead, they began to believe more that I was the Son of Man. My apostles also through the power of the Holy Spirit came to know that I am truly the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. When the people believed that I was the Messiah, then the Pharisees became threatened, and they wanted to kill Me for being a blasphemer in their eyes. As you approach Holy Week, you will be reading stronger accounts of how they were going to kill Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the sheiks in Saudi Arabia is a sign that they are the next target for regime change. There were some disturbances earlier, but order was restored. The Brotherhood and Hamas are determined to cause enough havoc in Saudi Arabia so the fear of lost deliveries of oil could drive oil prices much higher. If these terrorists cannot gather enough support for a successful uprising from the people, then they may resort to sabotage at the oil wells or the refineries. It is part of the one world people’s plan to bring down America to threaten an oil shortage that could affect many nations. This is one more step toward a one world government led by the Antichrist. Control of the oil supplies is crucial to controlling the countries of the world. America depends on foreign oil for much of your energy, so any threat to these oil supplies could threaten your economy. Pray that these plans to disrupt Saudi Arabian oil deliveries will be nullified as long as possible. This is another reason for America to quickly reduce its foreign oil dependency so your involvement in wars could lessen.”
Wednesday, April 13, 2011: (St. Martin I)
Jesus said: “My people, throughout history all the civilizations that purposely worshiped other gods instead of Me were brought down in shambles. In the vision the people who built this tower were brought into confusion by many languages. The Jewish people who worshiped the gods of their neighbors were brought down and exiled to Babylon. Even this Great Babylonian Empire was brought down when they mocked Me and they were defeated by the Medes and Persians. There is even a message for America in that you are worshiping money, the stock market, and your possessions more than Me. Your abortions and sexual sins are calling out for your punishment. America is the Babylon of Revelation that will also be taken over because of your worship of false gods. I am the only One true God and I will not have any strange gods before Me. This is My First Commandment that you love Me with your whole mind, soul, and heart. Those who sin by idol worship against Me, will receive My just punishment for their disobedience.”
Jesus said: “My people, this Passover meal that you celebrated tonight gave you a small feeling of what it was like at the Last Supper. It was the bread and wine that I consecrated which became My Body and Blood because the next day I died on the cross. This vision of a flame that was snuffed out represents how the world rejected My Light and set out to crucify Me unjustly if they knew that I truly AM God. I also showed you how I suffered the scourging, the crown of thorns, the carrying of My cross, and the nails in My hands and feet. After I died, they even speared Me in the side where blood and water came forth. All this suffering I did on one day, but on the third day I resurrected from the dead to prove to My apostles and the world that I truly had risen and I was God’s Son. As Holy Week approaches you can go through another enactment of the first Mass on Holy Thursday, the veneration of My cross on Good Friday, and the celebration of My Resurrection on Easter Sunday.”
Jesus said: “My people, at My refuges I am going to prepare a place for everyone to stay in your own dwelling. Some people do not want to think of how hard it will be to leave your comfortable homes and come to an unknown place at My refuge. Do not worry or have any fear of where you will stay because My angels will feed you daily Communion, provide food and water, protect you, and provide a place to stay. As more people come to My refuges, I will have My angels replicate any buildings on the grounds so everyone will be accommodated. Be grateful for My angel protection from the evil ones, and My healing of your ailments by My luminous cross and My miraculous spring water. This tribulation time will test your faith, but those, who read My words in My Scripture and My messages, will see the glory of My defeat of the Antichrist. Rejoice that you are living in this time when you will soon receive your reward in My Era of Peace.”
Thursday, April 14, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with how to send packages to a destination, and that extra charges are made for a faster delivery. Traveling by airplane should arrive sooner than by ground transportation. In the spiritual life there are also means to speed up the delivery of your soul to heaven. After you die, your soul meets Me for your particular judgment for your sins. The purer your soul is, and the less remission for sin that you have, the less purgatory time you will need to enter heaven. You can even follow the Divine Mercy Novena promises to have all remission for sin forgiven. You may also place Masses for yourself in your will, or have people offer Mass intentions for your soul. Prayers and Masses can also speed the delivery of your soul to heaven. I desire all souls to be with Me forever in heaven, but My justice also needs to be satisfied in purging any punishment due for sin or worldly desires from your soul in purgatory. I am showing you the way for yourselves and others to arrive more quickly into heaven from purgatory. Please remember to have Masses and prayers said for the dead in purgatory because everyone does not go automatically to heaven after one dies.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been over in Europe to see that very few people in general are attending Sunday Mass in huge beautiful churches. Many churches are closing and becoming museums. In America you also are seeing churches closed, but you still have a reasonable number attending Sunday Mass. Pray that young families will keep your churches vibrant with new members.”
Jesus said: “My people, America consumes 25% of all available fuel sources all over the world. Since you are the biggest consumer, America needs a serious energy plan, especially now that the Middle East oil is more in jeopardy. You have many places to drill, but the one world people have purposely restrained more drilling so they could threaten your foreign suppliers. America needs more conservation, more drilling, and more fuel efficient cars. Pray for a change in policy before your gas prices will ruin your economy.”
Jesus said: “My people, your President wants Gaddafi to leave, but he is not really meaning to use American air power to bring his words about. America is already stretched thin by being involved with three battlefields. America cannot afford spending so much on these wars that have no exit and no winning. Pray more for peace in these areas with less involvement in continuous wars that are destroying your military.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some who are advocating a balanced budget amendment, but when it comes to reducing the spending or increasing taxes, there is little light for agreement on the basic problems. Wars and unaffordable entitlement programs are bankrupting your country. The $4 trillion in cuts in the budget even over ten years only represents $400 billion in cuts a year with a growing $3.5 trillion budget. Such severe cuts may not even get voted with all the interest groups against such cuts. You need to stop your deficit budgets before you cannot find anyone to buy this extra debt. Pray that a compromise can be found quickly before no one will want your dollar.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been to various countries as Trinidad and Venezuela where oil is being produced and their gas prices are .50 to $1.00/gallon. America could produce more fuels that would drive down these prices. Many of the food and commodity prices are going up because the value of the dollar is dropping. The Federal Reserve easing policy is flooding the world with dollars which is making your currency less valuable. This is counter productive to lowering prices. Your economists are also minimizing the real inflation rate with their manipulated figures. Pray that your leaders would support your currency instead of debasing it.”
Jesus said: “My people, Holy Week is next week, and it would be a good meditation to see if your spiritual life has profited from your Lenten devotions. Lent is a good time to work on any problem sins, and to improve your prayer life. If you have not made any improvements, there is still a short time to be serious about controlling your worldly desires and doing what you can to get closer to Me. See all of My suffering on Passion Sunday as the price I had to pay for your sins. When you see how much sin offends Me, then you need to restrain your sins and come to Confession at least once a month.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in the past that troubles with cars, houses, and computers are constantly occurring, and they test your peace in having to fix them. You need to try and control your emotions without letting your anger control you. It is when you get upset that you do things that you normally would not do. This is the area where sin enters your life when you have difficulty with your daily trials. Pray to Me to be stronger in your resistance to sin under pressure, and you will be better able to avoid your sins.”
Friday, April 15, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see how the Pharisees did not want any prophets or a baptizer interfering with their authority. This is why many of My prophets were killed, because the religious authorities were threatened by the truth. I told the people to follow the words of the Pharisees, but not their actions of hypocrisy. The Pharisees did not like Me criticizing them, yet they could not explain My miracles. After these leaders crucified Me, they were even more afraid of My Resurrection on Easter Sunday. They paid off the soldiers to say that My disciples stole My Body. This miracle of rising from the dead was way too much for them to accept, so they believe this lie about the soldiers even up to today. As you approach Holy Week give reverence to My very act of salvation for all mankind.”
Saturday, April 16, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating a feast of mixed emotions with the coming of Palm Sunday on one hand, but Passion Sunday on the other hand. At first the people of Jerusalem were celebrating My entrance with palms waving as I came on a young donkey. In another sense there is a celebration that souls in the place of the dead are going to be allowed into heaven because I have paid the ransom for their sins. This is true for all souls who have died or are still alive. On the other side of My Passion, it is hard to witness how much I had to suffer and die. To some, My crucifixion may be a sign of weakness or defeat, but this death on the cross was My means of salvation for all mankind. At one point in the Garden of Gethsemene I wanted to let this cup be passed, but I then accepted the Will of My Father, and allowed evil to have its way with Me in a cruel death. Now that you will be reading My Passion, you are preparing to enter Holy Week with the sorrow of the death of your Savior which was caused by your sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be recounting My Passion and death on the cross. Ever since Cain killed Abel, I have decried any form of killing because it is denying My plan for each soul that is killed. The most blatant form of killing is how many people are killed in wars, whether civilians or combatants. It is the one world people who are led by Satan that are forever causing wars because they profit from the money spent on weapons, especially companies who are working for your Defense Industrial Complex. One of America’s recent problems is that your Presidents have been declaring wars on countries without the real consent of your people in the Congress. War powers belong to the Congress and the Executive branch is usurping the will of your people. There is also another war on the unborn which is killing millions of My little ones. These poor children are defenseless against the mothers and doctors who are killing their children. What you have now is a total disregard for the value of human life. You also have killing of older people in euthanasia, and the evil one world people are using their inventions and diseases to kill more people. Satan is leading this evil of killing man because he hates all of you. He has formed this culture of death, but I am calling on My people to work against wars, abortion, and euthanasia. Pray for an end to this death culture because it is calling for My justice.”
Sunday, April 17, 2011: (Palm or Passion Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s long Gospel reading of My Passion you see the close parallel between the lamb’s blood that was offered as protection, compared to My Blood that is offered to save all souls. The last plague against the Egyptians was when the angel of destruction slew the first born of their people, and even their animals. It was the lamb’s blood of this Passover that protected the Israelites from their first born being killed. Now, in My time on earth, I fulfilled My mission by offering up My own Blood for all the souls of mankind. So when My people come to My judgment, you will have My Blood on your soul. I will pass you over, and you will not be condemned to hell, but I will welcome you into heaven. Those, who do not accept Me as Savior and Master, will refuse My Blood of redemption, and they will be cast into hell by their own choosing. Pray for all sinners that they may be converted to accept My gift of salvation, and that they may be saved in heaven from being lost in hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you see an emotion filled movie, it deals more with love that touches your heart. Other movies of effects, bad language, and violence do not touch the heart with love. This movie pointed out to you how strong the love ties are between the parents and their children, even in the case of adoption. I am using this example also to emphasize the love between Myself and My created people. I am infinite love, and I have demonstrated this love the most in how I took a human nature upon Myself so I could die as the perfect sacrifice for all of your sins. I love all of you, even if you reject Me in sin. I leave the door open to My Heart when you return to Me in Confession seeking My forgiveness. Even loving parents accept their children back when they go astray. A loving being, as Myself, is also seeking you to love Me as well from deep down in your heart by your own free will. You show Me your love in your prayers and when you make special visits to My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle or Adoration in the monstrance. You can also show love for Me when you love Me in your neighbor by helping them. Sometimes just talking and listening shows your love for people when you care about their lives and families. You can share this love in visiting the elderly, the sick, or even those in prison. This life is too short not to make an effort to show your love for others, and especially to love Me.”
Monday, April 18, 2011: (Barbara Roccanti Mass)
Jesus said: My people, in todays Gospel (John 12:1-11) you see Mary, the brother of Lazarus, anointing My feet with an expensive ointment and drying them with her hair. Judas Iscariot criticized her for not selling this ointment and giving the money to the poor. I told the guests that the poor you always have with you, but Me you do not. I commended Mary for her gift and said that this was for My burial when I would die later. This story is similar to Mary Magdalene (Luke 7:36-50) when she washed My feet with her tears and wiped them dry with her hair. She also kept kissing My feet. Because of her faith in Me, I healed her by forgiving her sins. The Jewish leaders saw that many Jews were leaving to believe in Me because I raised Lazarus from the dead. Because they were afraid that their positions as leaders were being threatened by Lazarus and Me, the Jews were plotting to kill both of us. You can see how even among religious leaders, there is a struggle for power and influence.
Jesus said: My people, as food, gas, gold, and silver become more valuable, this is a sign of how much the dollar has decreased in value. Many people are stocking up on food and coins as a means of barter for the coming famine. As Americas debts keep increasing, it becomes harder to sell more Treasury Notes to pay for it. Your people have sent a message to cut these debts in your 2010 election, yet there has been very little done to curtail more deficit spending. Even a reduction in the credit worthiness of your debt instruments has only slightly affected the stock market. Debts in Ireland and Portugal are also causing concern in the European Union. Other countries are trying to avoid your currency as a reserve currency for world trade. If there is no compromise in reducing the US deficits, then your dollar will fall out of favor, and your economy could be brought to a standstill. Pray that your leaders will make the right choices soon, or there could be some drastic consequences if nothing changes.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011:
Jesus said: My people, you are reading in the Gospels how St. Peter denied knowing Me three times, and today how Judas betrayed Me. Judas had Satan enter him and the betrayal went forward to the chief priest. It was then that Judas brought the men armed with clubs and swords, and he kissed Me to identify Me as the one to capture. After his betrayal, he was so heart broken that instead of asking My forgiveness, he hanged himself. St. Peter also was sorry for denying Me three times, but his response was one of sorrow for offending Me, and he sought My forgiveness when I asked him to love Me three times. All people are sinners and you also offend Me with your sins. I give you My sacrament of Penance to come and confess your sins to Me in the priest at the confessional. It is one thing that people sin in their weakness, but it is your response that is more important. If you truly are sorry for having offended Me, you would come to Confession as quickly as possible, and I would forgive you. Yet, there are some sinners who are not only weak to sin, but they are too lazy in their spiritual life to even seek My forgiveness. Some are embarrassed to confess their sins. Some do not want to admit that they have committed any mortal sins, and do not see the need for Confession. You need a properly formed conscience to admit to mortal sin, and serious sin needs immediate Confession, especially for sexual sins. You should come to Confession at least once a month, and My Church requires Confession as your Easter duty at least once a year. Do not be lazy in putting off Confession, because dying in mortal sin could risk the fires of hell forever.