
You wanted to know ....


Pen Name: =*ߪb¥*ßlu£*=

Birthdate: April 27th/1982

Zodiac Sign: Taurus (2nd Sign of the Zodiac)

Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog


Color: Mostly blue, red, orange, yellow, tan, gray, silver, black, green.

Food: Salads, tomaotes, celery, fresh peas from the garden, corn on the cob, steak, onions, fish and chips, watermelon, red delicious apples, oranges, strawberries, blueberries, Wendy's garden vegie pita & poutines.

Junk Food: Tootsie Pops, gummi worms, chocolate bars, ice cream (all flavours mostly).

Drink: Iced Capp. French Vanilla Capp., Moutain Dew, Orange, Grape, Root Beer, orange juice (makes me think of Ryan's orange juice pholosophy), hot chocolate, fruit punch, milk (got milk?)

Saying(s): With people saying Justin talks in ebonic's I tend to do that (although I've never heard him talk that way, honestly). I say "Yo" and "Word" quite often, lol. I say "Oops" thanks to 3 great guys... I swear I gotta go to an AA meeting for people who say 'Oops' too much! An then theres "Its ALLL good!".....

Music Groups: Korn, Limp Bizkit, b4-4, O-Town, Backstreet Boys, NSync, 2ge+her, Outkast, Ace of Base, Sugar Jones, Dream.

Solo Arists: Eminem, Mariah Carey, Jessica Simpson, Missy Elliot, Moby, Dido, Joe, Sisqo', DMX.

Genre of Music: Pop mostly, but I love R&B and Rap too. I HATE COUNTRY!!!

TV Show(s): The Simpson's, Survivor, and live shows on Much Music.

Movie(s): Quick and the Dead, Carrie, Corrina Corrina, Legand, House on Haunted Hill, The Sixth Sence, Armageddon, The Craft, The Green Mile, The Bone Collector, The Haunting, It, Wizard of Oz, Autum in New York, What Women Want, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The St. Fransisville Experiment, Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows, Ghost, Stir of Echoes, City of Angels, NSync: N the Mix, NSync: Live at Maddison Squar Garden, Backstreet Boys: The Video, Backsteet Boys: (Backstreets Back) Behind the Scenes.

Actor(s): Leonardo Di Caprio, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Chris Rock, John Travolta.

Actress('): Catherine Zeta-Jones, Neve Campbell, Sara Machelle Gellar, Fairuza Balk.

CD(s): NSync (self titled and No Strings Attached), Backstreet Boys (Black & Blue, Millennium and Backstreets Back), Eminem (The Slim Shady LP and The Marshall Mathers LP), Moby(Play), The Beach and City of Angels Soundtrack, b4-4 (self titled), Mariah Carey (#1s, Butterfly and Rainbow), Ace of Base (The Bridge), All Saints (self titled), Sisqo (Unleash the Dragon and all my burnt cd's, lol :)

b4-4 Music Video: 'Go Go': That's the video that got me interested, or helped boost my thing I have for b4-4, and made me a fan. I also think the video is cute, I mean, the look on Dan's face when Ohad flings him off the sofa, and Dan with Ryan hoisted up on his shoulders... its priceless. And the "oh well" expression Ohad has when the girl goes through his awseome car. Oh yea, and the main thing that's important is RYAN TOPLESS! LOL!! But, whats up with Dan attacking him? Ever notice that he's having a hard time tackling Ryan? And why does Ohad open the door and his way of helping Ryan out from the physcotic Dan is spinning in a circle. I don't think I'll ever know whats up with that part... lol!
'Everyday': Its a beautiful vid, but all I can think of is Jenn going "Why are they singing so slow?" Hahah! The vid made me wanna go to Cuba... the water was sooo blue! I live for the part I dubbed as 'Ryan's Orgsam'. I mean, he climbs up on the back seat of the car, streches out his arms and gets the most dumbassed look on his face that says "God she's givin me good HEAD!" LOL!!! And why is he petting the palm tree? I have to admit, they did look really nice in that vid, and to all of you out there, OHAD LOOKS GOOD WITH HIS HAIR DOWN!
'Get Down': "... at da beach"-Ohad... lol! Sorry, I've watched that Ed the Sock interview too many times. Anyway, I love this vid, although it looks like a really shitty day to be at the beach. It so gray out, yuck. Did anyone notice Dan's permanipple (aka majorly erect nipples)? I guess you tend to notice those things in slowmo! Jenn said something about Ryan grabbing some chick's chest in the vid. Ohad has a bad temper in this vid. 1) He just about drills the football in the sand 30ft. 2) At the basketball game, he throws the basketball in the pavement and lookes at the little kid with his hands going "You wanna go?!" while Dan or someone's holding him back. As all the girls go runnin for the kid, I'm thinkin, "Nows my chance to sneak away with b4-4!!!" LOL!!! AND THEIR DANCIN IN THE RAIN!!!! WAHOOOOO..... too bad they weren't topless....
Sill waitin for 'Ball&Chain'.......

NSync Music Video(s):Ok, the reason I don't have legnthy speaches on these videos is because I haven't seen them as recently as the b4-4 ones and I also have quite a few to list.
This I Promise You: I love this song, and the video was beautiful.....
Its Gonna be Me: I laughed, it was cute, funny and adorable. GO NSYNC, BEAT THE ARMY BUDDIES!! I love the dance for this song.
Bye Bye Bye: I love this for Justin's cute little laugh, the dance, JC and Lance drving in the car and Lance looks like he's gonna shit himself, Joey and Chris running for their life, and the car itself, lol!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays: Its cute! That's all I can say. The humping scene was quite priceless... and a sled surfing?! OOO-k :P
I Want You Back: I laugh my ass off when their playing pool, and I laugh yet again when JC's bitchin out his chick. I don't get whats up with them drivin around town like that, and then suddenly, Justin and I don't remember who the other two are, get out of the car and start dancin in the middle of the highway, then jump back in the car.... wtf is up with that?!
For the Girl: "For the girl that eats everything/I bring you fudge/Cookies and stuffffffff!!!!" Thanks JC, its cute. Anyway, I like this vid... I mean, hey, WET NSYNC!! Even though its old and they look so.... young.... I love the horses, "Isn't this the most beautiful ceature you have ever seen? I swear...." LOL!!!!!
I Drive Myself Crazy: One Word: FUNNY! Its cute and funny all in one... I LOVE it when JC freaks out on the buddy and starts beating on him!

Backstreet Boys Video(s):
I could be here awhile, lol...... but same as with the NSync vids, the only recent BSB vid I've seen is 'More Than That'.
Quit Playin Games: OOOOOOOO WET BSB!!!! GRRR ..... this is also my favorite BSB song EVER!!! I dunno why, it just is... I haven't heard it in the longest time. But anyway.... I just wanna know one thing, why is Howie feeling himself?! And Nicks wearing leather... doesn't leather shrink when its wet? I can just imagine Nick trying to pull his pants off while screaming for the jaws of life. Speaking of shrink, the rain supposeivly was cold and when a guys cold and wet it causes shrinkage... well that didn't happen in Kevin's favour.. heheheheheeeeeeeee >:)
The Call: This video is cool, and I love the song, but as usual, I have things to ponder. What happends to Howie? What is Brian gettin shot at and why is he runing around a supermarket and almost gets sideswiped by a shoping cart? When did Kevin become Jackie Chan? Kevin looks like he had sex in the car when it spins outta control.... he looks up going "whoa... that was gooood" and panting. I wonder what Amanda thought when AJ was making out with that chick...
I'll Never Break your Heart (Canadian Version): Awww Nicky beat up the snow man, awww Nicky got a snowball in the side of the head, thus making him fall off his sled.... lol! Did anyone notice Kevin grab his 'girlfirend's'breast in the snowball fight? My brother of all people who HATES BSB picked that out!!!
Anywhere For You: 2 words: Brian topless. 'Nuff said.. lol!! Kidding, although the video is nice, on a beach.... but their's all these chicks around feelin our guys and stuff people! LOL!!!! And... they look soooooo young, lol! Ok, so I only like it coz Bri's topless! Oh and I love the song... Its another of my fave's.
More Than That: I LOVE this video, it captures emotion.... and I LOVE this song.....*siigghh* Not to mention that the guys look very nice in the video :)

Songs By:

NSync: Its Gonna Be Me, This I Promise You, Just Got Paid, Makes Me Ill, Digital Get Down, Bye Bye Bye, Giddy Up, I Drive Myself Crazy, Sailing, Tearing Up My Heart, I Want You Back, I'll Be Good For You, O Holey Night, Merry Christmas Happy Holidays
Backstreet Boys: The Call, Get Another Boyfriend, Thats What She Said, 10 000 Promises, Hey Mr. DJ, Anywhere For You, More Than That, Yes I Will, How Did I Fall, Sining Star, Quit Playing Games, Get Down, Just to be Close, I Wanna Be With You, Larger Than Life, Show Me the Meaning, Thats the Way I Like It, Everybody (Backstreet Back), Don't Wanna Lose You Now, The One, Everyone, I Need You Tonight, Set Adrift on Memory Bliss, If I Don't Have You.
b4-4: Go Go, Get Down, Savin For A Rainy Day, Everyday, Ball & Chain.

Memembers of:

NSync: I honestly can tell you that I like all the members of NSync, but if I had a gun pointed to my head to pick out my favorites, I would have to say Lance, JC and Justin. I love Joey and Chris just as much, I mean Chris has a wicked sence of humour that ALWAYS has me laughing, but he's a bit old for me. Sowwie Topher!!! And Joey, well he has a kid and that means he's pretty serious with his girlfriend.

Backstreet Boys: Nick and Brian.... do I have to explain why? LOL! I just think they're cuties!
b4-4: I love all 3, but I feel some connection to Ryan and Dan the most... sorry Ohad!!

O-Town: Jacob (cos he's real) Ashley (cos he's such a sweetie) and Erik (cos he's both, real and a sweetie, lol)

Song You'll Love Forever

Angel Eyes by Ace of Base (The Bridge): I love this song to death. It's the perfect love song and I don't think I could live without it really. I love to sing it and its my song I dedicate to the man I love. Its all about knowing that you found true love, and you can tell by looking in his eyes. And the eyes is my favorite thing to look at on a guy.... I love how they sparkle and .... well you know.

Odds N Ends

Personality: I'm told I'm a funny person, and a biggest chunk of my personality is being humours. I love and enjoy to make people laugh. If I can make a person who's really down smile, I feel good about it. Another big chunk of mypersonality is sensitivity. I'm an extreamly sensitive person. But when you get me mad, be prepared. I know I have a quick temper and one thing is anything I can think of that might hurt a person I say, although I don't mean it. So if I get mad and you know... just try not to get me worse coz then I usually end up in a wreak... yea I'm pathetic.
Hobbies: I love to write fiction (mainly fanfic's at the moment), swim, bike, skate in the winter, laugh, make people laugh, listen to music, chat online, work on my website, take pictures, doodle, fill in little survay thingies, deocrate my room, paint and make collogues.

Dislikes: I hate racist and people who are against homosexuals and bisexuals, people who abuse animals and get away with it, or get in trouble but get nothing but a slap on the wrist, people who judge others based on looks. I hate suffering from depression and having an easy temper to flare. I hate squash, green red and yellow pepers, pork, yellow and green beans, feeling sticky, the smell of rotten fruit, never getting my way (lol), slow old people in front of me when I'm in a rush, bordem, being cold, feeling fat, how my father acts sometimes, drugs, drinking, country music and being tired.

Questions of the Ordinary

Do You Have Any Pets?: Yup! Putt-Putt, my cat. Princess, my doggie and Dianna, my birdie

Fave Snack?: I love to munch on Oranges or salad at night. I dunno why.... anything munchie actually.

Righty or Lefty?: Leftie pride!!!!! WE FUCKING ROCK!!!! lol!

Tall of Short Men?: Tall or course!! I'm 5'4" so I think a guy shorter than me would just feel odd.

What Crayon Would You Be?: Every shade of blue but teal... yuck!

What Animal Would You Be?: A cat because I love to sleep, lol!!

Long Distance Love?: I wouldn't knock it till I tried it....

How Many Pillows?: I sleep with 3.

What Do You Belive?: I believe in ghosts, equal rights for people and animals, the Devil and God, aliens, angels, people having 6ths senses or psycic powers and individuality.

Something You Couldn't Live Without?: I couldn't live without my computer because I've met alot of neat people online and gotta keep up with the b4-4 news, lol! I couldn't live without my mom, my cat, my music, my Grammy, Shauna (hehe), my grad ring (doctors didn't think I was going to graduate) and my sense of humour :)

What do You Treasure the Most?: I treasure my Mom, Grammy and pets, my grad ring, my friends (even the online ones) and being able to live my life one day at a time, when some people can't :(

Whos your crush?: My new crush at the moment is Jacob Underwood :D

This is for everyone out there that means alot to me. Take a look, you might be here! :)

Chad-"Your steam stinks... you got stinky steam." I'll forget about you if you don't come up to my house soon, dammit! We gotta make a new tape... how bout this time Dan goes on a murderus rampage? Can you FINALLY realize YOUR Dan? *Ring Ring* "Hello?"... "Hello, dis is Fabio....". Man, I'll never forget how much you make me laugh with that Roddy Voice and how you mistook Roddy for Mr.Tompson. I'll never foget how Adam called you 'Sparky' and Ben called you 'Biff' and 'Biffolipigus'. Remember that weird guy that used to just come up and steal our paper when we where reading it? Don't forget Mr. Gun...."Have fun with the REE-TARD!" and his weird assed movies. Gonna go lookin for Arlo Guthrie anytime soon???? "You can get any-thang you want, at Alice's resturant.. cept for Alice". "YOU CAN'T BEAT ME ON THE GRADE!!" *weird gay laugh*. Lets look for "the lonely guy" at the BIG EX this year. Oh the memories. I hope there's more to add soon. Cheers to you "Feener Man" *holds up Dack-quarrrrie*

Shauna-Girl you fucking rock. You're like, the coolest person I know (personally) and I dunno how thigns would be if you weren't around. Remember the potaoes? The "all fucking week" of being lectured about rice? "Sit on it Bubby", "Nip it in the but" and our little sayings: "Yo Hommie Gilligan" and "Sticki icky icky". "ALL LEATHER INTERIOR!!!!". Good luck with your job, and you better get paid so you can come up and see these tapes before Ohad (Ohead) turns 30!!! "But he's sooo cute!!"

Stina-Oh the crazy thins that went from a van to a room somewhere.... Ahhh the warm fuzzy feeling I get to know "Ryan" loves me... I wish it twas true. But, you are like, one of my best online buddies right now. I love you too, man!!!! AWWW CAN'T YOU FEEL IT?!?!?!!? THE LOVE WE HAVE?!?!!?!!?!??! "I got angel eyes stuck in my head" hahahahahahaha... good keep it there! LOL! "Do you know you slaughtered Ohads name?" "I did?" "Enbider?" LOLOLOLOL!!!!! Someday I hope to meet, and if we do, I gotta show you Nova Scotia life at its finest :)

Laura-"Do you ever sleep?" lol! Yes, indeed I do. HAHAH :) I want to meet you to someday, you really brighten my day. I'm glad that with everything you've been through you don't let it get you down and you make me feel better about myself. Thanks so much. I want you to know that I would miss you if anything ever happened to you, and you're a real important person to me. I really enjoy making you laugh and talking to you :) I can't wait till the day I can actually call you. Have nice, sweet dreams of "nailing" Ohad ;p!!!!!

Fran & Julie-Ahh yes, my RPG girlies! Getting sick of drama yet? Hey Julie, slash is gooooood ... I'm still waiting for my b4-4 porn!!! Fran, oh silent one, talk more girl, and join in on our LIVE RPG, its not that hard.... Payce guys... Lubba U!!!!! "Group hug"

To everyone else.... you're specail to me, I just dunno what to say to make it a legnthy paragraph so here is my shout out to you: YOU ALL ROCK!!!
Ohad Einbinder, Brian Littrell, Amy Dorey, Mike Legg, Joel Cross, Jennifer Langille, Tara, Heather, Justin Timberlake, Ryan & Dan Kowarsky, JC Chasez, Chris Kirkpatrick, Lance Bass, Nick Carter, Joey Fatone, Kash & Vanessa, and Enilda.
You guys will always be special :)

I LOVE lava lamps =) Currently I own 4.

*Importance & Insporations