Energy Attacks

- For the most part these take a massive amount of energy and/or concentration to use. But they are worth it since they cause damage greater then the fighters own power level. Some can even kill the fighter using it.

Big Bang Attack - Vegita's trademark after the fight with Freeza. Its damage is done over a small area. Do it by extending one arm out, staigther the hand up, concentrate and fire. Drains energy.

Death Ball - Freeza's planet killer. It is a gigantic ball of concentrated energy. Gathered at the fingertips or between the palms. It vaporizes the ground until it reaches the planetary core or when Freeza desides to explode it. Must get to the core to blow up a planet.

Destructo Disc (Kensime) - It is and unstoppable buzz zaw of energy. It is Krillins trademark. It can cut through anything, from a mountain to Freeza's tail. It is gathered above the palm and over the head to prevent any accidents. Energy is concentrated tightly and spun untill is reaces the circular shape. The more powerfull you are the more you can repeatedly trow. Freeza took it one step father and made one that can be controlled in flight. Can only be stopped by spinning real fast and causing it to go around you.

Eye Lazers - A compact and fast energy blast that comes from the eyes. It has to be very accurate since all you have to do to aim it is look directly the other fighter.

Final Flash - Another of Vegita's attacks. It does similar damage to the Big Bang Attack but over a larger area. Extend both arms out to your sides, gather energy at each palm, bring the together in front of you, and fire. Even more draining.

Galec Gun - Vegita's planet killer blast. Very powerful and can almost double your fighting power. Similar to Goku's Kame Hame Ha in it is apperance and how it is gathered.

Kikoho - Tiens trademark. He puts his hands over his face in a triangle and fires. Damage is done over a concentrated area. This is the one he uses to keep Cell pinned down while 18 and 16 escaped. This move is very dangerous to use since it uses up the fighters own life force not just ki.

Kame Hame Ha - Goku's trademark move. He learned it from watching Master Roshi use it. It is done by bringing your palms close together. Gather the energy between the hands. Then extend your arms toward your enemy and fire. In the show it has multiplied Goku's power at least to 3 times over. It can be combined with the Kaioken to make it more effective. Can be comtrolled in midflight.

Machine Gun Ki Blast - Everyone can do this one. It is easy you just shoot energy blasts out of your hands real fast one after the other. This creates the affect of a machine gun. Expendes energy rapidly. I think everyone can agree who is the master of this move (Vegita).

Masenko - Gohan's equivalent of the Kame Hame Ha. Most likely Piccolo tought it to him. Its done by bringing both hands to meet over your forehead. Concentrate the energy at your hands. And fire it are your enemy. Can also be done with one hand.

Renzoku Senkoudan - Similar to a the Machine Gun Ki attack. In this variation the small ki attacks don't explode, the stay hovering in the ar until the one that shot them desides for all of them to attack, at the same time. This causes massive damage.

Special Beam Cannon (Makannko Sappo) - Originaly developed by Piccolo to kill Goku, and it did its job. It is done by putting your middle and poiter fingers near your forehead. Then gather the energy and the fighters and fire. Aiming is a good idea since it cannot be redirected. The beam will consist of a shot in the middle sorrounded by a coil. The beam first penetrates then the coil should drill in. Not very effective if it is done without gathering lots of enery. Example Piccolo singes Turles' fingernails.

Spirit Bomb (Genki Dama) - Only Goku can do it. It is gathered from the energy of everything around you. The only limit in its power is how much energy can be gathered. It takes great concentration to manage its great power. A drawback is that much time is required the to gather the energy.

Suicide - The fighter gathers everybit or their energy. Their ki and life energy are used to inflict a massive amount of damage. At the same to the user dies. It works best when the enemy has no chance to put up a defence.

Power Ups

When a fighter powers up there energy level increases to the desidered amount. Normally, when not battling, the Z Fighters are around 1% or less. This is to conceal the true nature of their power.

I divide power ups in 3 ways. Regulars, Beyond Regular, and the Saiyan Forms.


- The form of powering up brings a fighter to the max amount of their power in their current body. The reason I say current body is because max power changes when a fighter transforms

Beyond Regular

- These power ups either need specialiced mechanisms or techniques. The fighters power becomes far greater then their regular one.

Body Absorbtion - The ability to absorb an opponent completely. When this happens the absorbers power increases and they attain characteristics of who they absorbed. This was the main power up for Cell during his imperfect stages, and later for Buu.

Kaio-ken - A very dangerous powerup technique. The rush of energy into the body cause a massive surge in power, speed, and perseption (enhanced sences). This causes tremendous damage on the body and can kill the user. The power up depends at what level of the technique you use level 1 gives you a small power up of about 60% more, Level 2 multiplies by 2, 3 by 3, 4 by 4 etc.

Power Absorbtion - Power is absorbed by the androids through devices in their wrists.

Transforming - A technique that changes the body. With a change in body the fighter can use higher power levels then with their older one. Takes time to gather th energy.

Saiyan Forms

- The saiyan forms are tricky to describe. There are similar to the Beyond Regulars in power increases and changes in the saiyans body. However to transform there is no need for a large amount of energy or risk to ones body, and the super saiyan forms are only learned through great emotional trauma.

Oozaru - Monkey stage of a saiyan. When they stare into a full moon, rays from the moon react in the tail and transforms them. Power multiplies by 10.

Super Saiyan - A transformation that very powerful saiyans can undergo. It can only be brough out in moments of extreme anger. The saiyans hair turns blonde and their eyes turn blue.

Super Saiyan 2 - Second super saiyan level. Possibly twice as much power as SSJ 1. The saiyans hair turns blonde, their eyes turn blue, and they increase in body size slightly.

Super Saiyan 3 - Third form of a Super Saiyan. The saiyans hair grows tremendously, turns blonde, their eyes turn blue, and they become huge.

Super Saiyan 4 - A disputed SSJ form. The saiyan grows a red fur all over the body. The eyes also turn red.

Ultra Super Saiyan (Ascended) - An in-between form, SS1 - SSJ 2. The classic traits of a super saiyan are exibited but the saiyan is muscularly larger and more powerful. However the increase in muscle slows the fighters down tremendously, they are literaly muscle bound.


- These techniques take the least amount of energy to perform.

Bukujutsu (Fly) - You basic run of the mill flying. Only people who can manipulate Ki can do it.

Hikou - The way that androids can fly without Ki.

Instantaneous Movement (Instant Transmission) - Only used by a few people outside of the Yadrat race. The user can travel between two points instantaneously. Others can hop abord the ride by touching the user.

Zanzoken - Not realy a technique. It is mearly the affect of the fighters super speend. When someone moves to fast that the sences of the other fighter cant pick it up they leave a temporary silhouette.