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Midi when angels cry


Ground Zero 

by R.J. Fernalld

Shattered concrete, shattered lives, shattered dreams,

The peace of the world collapsed with the towers.

Tears of men, wails of widows, the new orphan's fear…

Shattered trust and new nightmares haunt the nation.


Below ground zero, beneath twisted iron and broken bodies,

Lies something only angels can see. It weeps, bathed in blood,

Stabbed four times with evil and buried alive. It no longer

Breathes easily. Its mouth lays agape, eyes full of tears.


Among the people of the living and the people of the dead

Through the city walks an unseen spirit. She searches for the

Ground zero point. The angel waits, watches, comforts and

strengthens each loving hand and heart that has come to help.


She bottles each tear, holds each heavy heart close, she

Watches and waits, comforting the best of mankind as they

Recover each broken body and as each family grieves.

The candles burning in remembrance and love warm her.

Then, she disappears into the rubble. Though unseen, the

The hearts and hands feel her essence. She bends low at

the sight before her. There, at the center of ground zero

Beneath the death of thousands, the Dove of Peace lay gasping.


The angel approaches the wounded dove and sees the deep wounds.

Beneath the dove, she sees a mountain of prayers and the hopes and

dreams of the dead thousands. "Hush," she whispers to the

Weeping dove. She gently lifts its broken body, and the prayers


Began to rise. Up through the mangled remains of the building

and through the hearts of the volunteers, the prayers and dreams

move upward toward Heaven's Ear. The angel draws out the wounded

Dove of Peace to the mound of rubble still atop ground zero.


It is there, among the loving hearts, hands, and the unspoken

Prayers of volunteers and frightened citizens that the Dove

Takes heart. Their courage heals. "Come," says the angel.

"Evil cannot kill peace, and we will again come home to them."


Permission has been granted to use this poem on this site.

Written by R J Fernalld

copyright 2001

do not reprint without permission

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