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Dr Shingles

My mothers co-worker as a 5 year old son with junior artheritis. He

sometimes can't walk ,and his brain freezes up on him sometimes. well,

the other day the mother comes to work and talks about her son's

imaginary friend. my mom's like all kids have those. and she says well

he has a freaky one. so she goes on to tell some stories.

the mother asked Nathanial (her son) what his friend looks like. He

descibed him as a elder gentleman going bald, medium height, and he was

a doctor. the mother thought, oh how nice. well, one day he tells his

mom that Dr. Shinggles (that the friends name) died. the mother asks

him to explain. now this kid is 5 years old and explained this story...

Dr. Shinggles was a doctor and one day he was giving a patient a

shoot and the patient moved around and acidentally stabbed the doc.

Whatever he was giving his patient killed Dr. Shinggles so now hes an

angel and watches over me. (well Nathanial) he also went on to say

that Dr. tells him that the pain would be much more painful but Dr.

Shinggle takes it away.

Another incident was that Nathanial always slept with his lights

off. like even as a baby. One night he asked his mom to turn them on

because dr. had to go help some one and that he was scared to sleep by himself.

This story seemed amazing for a five year old who's not yet in

school to think up. I think his mom is doing research to find a Dr.

Shinggle. Just thought you'd like to hear this story! Write back if you

have any comments please.

Thanx, Jennifer Wergers