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Three Men

This was one of my more detailed dreams. I dreamt of three men each leading one to the other, ironically in the order in which they came into my life. I was on a beach with white sand and a small white building which had white wooden planks leading up to it. I did not notice where exactly I was only that I was surrounded by people. As I step onto the wooden planks I realise I too am wearing a long white dress, and I look up to see Ben. Ben, a friend of 12 years at least, he was my first high school affair, my first everything except for sex, we were wild together. As I say his name he looks at me and passes by, but then turns and exclaims my name in a fit of surprise. It was as if we hadn't seen each other in millenia, and then a hug and we continued walking together. As we talked of things past I noticed he was falling behind. Finally I turned to tell him something and he was gone. In a fury I looked every which way, but no Ben. That is when David walked in. I was no longer in white and we were headed to an electrical station. The beach was gone, only a military base stood in its place with a fence that was high and wired. David was helping me break in. As we started shifting posts around, cutting wires, rewiring metal, some gaurds came over, though due to our confident nature, they paid us no mind. We soon discovered food, (blueberry muffins for some reason) which we helped ourselves to and finished our work. I walked on to base leaving David behind, knowing this time, that he would not be there when I turned around. I was looking for Ryan. He and his family had moved without saying so much as goodbye and I wanted an address. (In reality, they had moved, but I had their address, even visited them). So anyway, I walked into the first office I found and asked where the records office was. The receptionist pointed me to the back room. But once there I found a bunch of younger kids hosting a dance. One of the boys tried to talk to me, he was mexican, but I didn't want to here him. I went wandering around the office, looking for anyone but constantly finding dead ends. It wasn't until I started for the front of the building when I realized I knew exactly where ryan had moved. In my dream I thought it strange I should have such a lapse in judgement, and as I walked outside, it was a cloudy afternoon, I wondered where to go from here. Then I woke up.