The Rough, The Smooth & The In-Between
by Glamour Ghoul

Title: The Rough, The Smooth and The In-Between
Author: Glamour Ghoul
Rating: NC-17
Pairing:: Logan/Jean/Remy. And yes, I mean Logan/Jean/Remy that way. Comicverse. AU.
Warning: This fic contains multiple naughty situations, including but not limited to m/m interaction and slightly non-consensual sexual activities. Do not read this story if these things bother you. I’m serious. Really.
Disclaimer: All characters are property of Marvel, who doesn’t deserve them because they never let them do fun stuff like this, and they keep killing them. (R.I.P. Betsy. If I’d known at the time that you weren’t long for this world, I would have let you have some fun too.) No harm is intended and no profit is made.
Feedback: If you are so inclined. Flames will be gleefully posted and mocked in The Hall Of Flame at And I’m a real bitch.
Archive: Eiluned. Teethmarks. All others please ask.
Thanks: To Eiluned and Paxnirvana for the betas. (Eil’s husband can thank me later.) To the other Naughty Kitty for not hating me after she read this.
Notes: This sat on my hard drive for months, until I read Pax’s Sledgehammer. There was a slight similarity between our stories at one point, and I started thinking it would be kind of cute if I had Remy make a reference to it. That was the first step toward this fic seeing the light of day. Now, all these months later, here it is. I think it aged well. You need not read Pax’s story to understand this one, but you should anyway, just because Gambit’s ass is in it.
Another note: This is your last chance to not read this story. Turn back now.

On To The Story
