Thing's you would never hear...

Logan to Scott: "It was never Jean I wanted..."

The Professer: "I never saw that coming!"

Senetor Kelly: "Mutants rule!"

Logan: "Owie!"

Logan: "Do you have to be so mean?"

Jubilee: "I swear officer, I don't play with fireworks!"

Scott: "I lost my glasses!"

Jean Grey: "Honey, can you hand me the remote?"

Rouge: "Stupid peanut buttah jar! Ah can't open it!"

Mystique: "Hmm... Whom shall I be today?"

The Professer: "If only I knew what they were thinking..."

Jubilee: "Technology sucks!"

Jubilee: "I'm going to become amish!"

Nightcrawler: "God damn it!"

Gambit: "I never thought that there was anyone more beautiful then moi..."

Bobby: "Is it cold? Or is it me?"

St. John: "Is it hot? Or is it me?"

Logan: "Mommy!"

Logan: "Please mister! Don't hurt me!"

Rouge: "Ya mean that ya'll belived me when Ah said Ah couldn't touch anyone?"

Beast: "I need to pluck my eye brows."

Rouge: "I need a massage."

Logan: "I need to get some more nair."

Bobby: "Will someone get me some ice?"

Scott: "We need to cut loose and get WILD!"

Bishop or Cable: "I just wish I could change the past."

Logan: "My hands feel so silky and smooth..."

Hank (imagine him drooling when you read this :) ): "Duuhhhhh..."

Cyclops: "Look into my eyes... Hold on, let me take off my visor so you can see them better..."

Jubilee: "Uk! Yellow again?!"

Rouge: "I'm a bird! I'm a plane! I'm a flying mutant with a super-hero complex!"

Scott: "I don't need therapy!"

Logan: "It's so yum, yum, yummy in my tum, tum, tummy!"

Logan: "Cumbia my lord! Cumbia!"

Logan: "Yo, brother. Peace..."

Jean Grey or Rouge: "It's to heavy!"

Remy: "You know, I'm changing my accent, amigo."

Bobby (in a cop uniform): "FREEZE!"

Logan: "Shake your bon bon! Shake your bon bon!"

Jean Grey: "I'm sorry Scott, but I don't love you anymore."
Scott in reply: "Is it Logan?"
Jean Grey: "No, it's the Professor."

Magneto: "Save the humans!"

Sabertooth: "Puuuuurrrrrrrrr..."

St. John: "AH! The money is burning a hole in my pocket!"

Jono: "My lips are chaped."

Skin: "I'm peeling!"

Jubilee: "Damnit! Cut back on the suger!"

Beast: "Damnit! I need to cut back on the twinkies!"
