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The Players

ID # & Code Name

1-1. Diane
1-2. Dimples
1-3. Patty
1-4. Ru Paul
1-5. Beth
1-6. Georgina
1-7. Fungi : 1st Place Winner
1-8. Messed Up Face Girl : 3rd Place Winner
1-9. Rosler
1-10. Vampire
1-11. Mexican
1-12. Chewy
1-13. Old Woman
1-14. Blah
1-15. Graves
1-16. Geraldine
1-17. Survivor Sue
1-18. Lily
1-19. Christina
1-20. Droopy
1-21. Bertha : 2nd Place Winner
1-22. Katherine
1-23. Ms. Mann
1-24. Latina 4ever!
1-25. Feel Me
1-26. Senora Dugan : 4th Place Winner
1-27. Wonder Woman
1-28. Xfilena
1-29. Fro
1-30. Ratface
1-31. Elvis
1-32. Dolly Parton

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