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Assassin app

Assassination Regulation Number Request Form before you go assassinating people, you need a regulation number. There are a few things I gotta know about you before I can give you one. Just fill out this thing and attatch a mock AA along with it and I'll hook you up with a regulation number. Then you can go severing heads left and right (with good reason of course, and permission from Kol). Oh, and if you don't fill this out completely, don't bother sending it, I don't like wastes of time. AND DON'T FORGET A MOCK AA!!! THAT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT PART!!! Make sure u use THe Mock AA as a Example at the bottom its that plain and simple. after filling this app out send this to (OPen still) What is your screen name in lower case letters: What is your character's name: What are your dice: Why do you think you need an AA reg# (most any answer works here): Do you have any vendettas against anyone that might call for you to AA them(not necessarily bad if you answer yes here, so be truthful): DID YOU REMEMBER A MOCK AA!?!?!? (you better answer yes):