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Updated March 12, 2003 @12:38

Techno-Terror: Wrath of the Armada - Game Info
NameTechno-Terror:Wrath of the Armada
PlatformPC, maybe Mac
Release DateTBA

  Techno-Terror:Wrath of the Armada is a brand new FPS Flash game currently under production by Pyrotekniks and MI Inc set in the "Lost World" of Techno-Terror. The game takes place during the main storyline (which has not yet been revealed) of the Techno-Terror saga, and will be loosely based on the gameplay style of Techno-Terror! with many changes.

  The old shooter system of the original Techno-Terror will be built upon, with several major improvements. In WotA, player movement to dodge laser bolts will be enabled, and enemy movements will not be as predictable or easily stopped. The graphics will be improved, and several new features added to the cursor to increase enjoyability. All features have not been decided on yet.

  The cursor will be one of the major changes in the game. When an enemy, item, door, or puzzle is rolled over, a little window will be brought up that will display information about the unit/item in question, such as # of shots, name, weak spot, description, etc. Also, the zoom feature, new to myself and Techno-Terror, will bring up a little window that will allow the player to see units, items, weak points, etc far away, magnified. Another scope being considered is the IR scope,that would allow the player to see units hidden by darkness(this would not be zoom).

  WotA will feature several different types of environnments, weapons, characters, etc. Here is a list of weapons being considered so far:
BlasterA beginner weapon, this automatically recharges, but can be quickly depleted in the heat of battle. Fires an energy bolt that damages an enemy, but cannot pierce sheilds.
TaserAn energy weapon, this will paralyse a raptor or disable a small machine easily and do some damage, but is ineffective against more difficult enemies. Can be recharged at energy stations. Cannot peirce sheilds
SEMP RifleA more powerful version of the Taser, this can damage all mechanical units, and will short-circuit smaller ones with one shot, and drive Techno-Raptors mad by disabling their mechanical parts. Limited ammo, slow fire rate, but very powerful and rechargable.
PistolDefault weapon. A repeating pistol that can fire 6 shots before reloading. Each shot will take out any organic unit or machine if well aimed, but it depends on where they are hit. Requires no ammo, but after every 6 shots it must be reloaded by clicking outside the screen. Can pierce sheilds.
Machine GunA powerful weapon, this rapid fire gun can let off 20 shots in seconds before being reloaded. Each bullet is as powerful as the Pistol's, but the ability the fire more shots more quickly makes it much more powerful. This weapon can pierce shields and take out armor. Requires magazines obtained from killing enemies.
Enemies (More to be revealed soon)
Techno-Raptor The standard infantry unit of the Armada.Weak point: SKULL
Gatherer Primarily designed as a scout and computer breaker. Fairly weak.Weak point: CAVITY UNDER HEAD
Ipep-Class Gatherer An evolution of the standard Gatherer. More powerful, but with less range.Weak point: NECK
Balrog Like the Tolkien creature it shares a name with, the Balrog is heavily armored, has powerful weapons, and is a formidable foe.Weak point: UNKNOWN

  The story behind WotA is set in the Techno-Terror universe. The armada is commencing their initial invasion of Earth, and the story begins on the International Lunar Colony, a "space station" on the moon, where you play as Nate and Tash, longtime characters, as they attempt to get out. More details will be released later regarding story.

Release Information
  A release date has not yet been set, as the game will proceed as slowly or as quickly as possible or what I feel like. Updates, once playable at an acceptable level, will be uploaded to Tekno's Lair in traditional fashion. If a Mac export feature is available to me, I may or may not make a Mac version.


Click Here to see screenshots currently released.