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One of the most difficult things for us to realize is that there is but One Mind in the universe. We are accustomed to think of our individual minds and the Mind of God as though they are separate and divided from each other, and yet in reality there is but One Mind which we all use.---from a study course in the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes

Frequently asked questions about Practitioners, Religious Science, Science of Mind and New Thought

Frequently asked questions about Practitioners, Religious Science, Science of Mind and New Thought.


Q.  What is a Demonstration?

A.  A Demonstration is bringing something into our lives that we desire, that we have not experienced, it is an act of consciousness, an act of thought or idea, we create.  This is our nature, its Law that all thought is creative.  Life cannot stop creating, it is always a question of what we wish to create or have created for us.



Q.  Do Licensed Religious Science Practitioners charge a fee?

A.  Yes.  Practitioners are professionals that have had at least three years of training in the use of the Principles of Science of Mind.  Like any professional we are allowed to charge for our time and our energy spent in helping our clients.  We are not charging for Spiritual Mind Treatments, this is something that we as Practitioners do, we are charging for our time and expertise.



Q.  What is the difference between Religious Science and Science of Mind?

A.  Science of Mind is the study of Religious Science.  Science of Mind is the name a magazine, a daily thought magazine put out by United Church of Religious Science.  Science of Mind is the study, Religious Science is the




Q.  How can you tell a Practitioner from another member of the Religious Science church?  Licensed Practitioners at church will wear their nametags with the following designation after their names; R.Sc.P. Which of course, stands for Religious Science Practitioner.



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