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    <b><u>A Little Taste Of Reality . . .</u></b>

A night of "family time" -vs- a night of "friends". Hmmm?? - 9.02.01

Gee, let me think of what I'd rather be doing? Heh, that sounded wrong, let me rephrase; "With whom would I rather be spending my time?" The answer breaks down like this....

As of Friday night, I had no plans (yeah, me!) My Mom told me that we were going to have some family over for dinner that evening, so I was thinkin' "ok, not a problem... mebbe I can go do something later." Sure enough Tyler calls around 4 or 5 and asks if I'd like to chill. I told him that family was comin' over for dinner, and that if I could, I'd try to track him down. When the family gets here it's like non-stop eating, drinkin', and talking. It's all good and everything, and to top it all off, Stephanie calls as she's on her way down to Hollywood. She was all rubbin' it in my face that she was goin' to Hollywood and everything. I told her that I was just a *tad* jealous of her, heh. Anyhow, we sat there and talked for like five - ten minutes just about how things were goin' and somethings that we had planned for ourselves in the near future. She told me that she was going to take a flight on an airplane and she was totally stoked about that b/c she's never been on one before. After she was done with talking about how she was going to take a ride in an airplane, there was this big barrage (sp?) of noise that flooded the room I was in; it was my family. She was all like "Ah, so you have family over right now, huh? Am I interrupting you or anything?" I told her, "No... not real- *pause* well, kinda. It's not like it's a big deal to me. It's just so nice to hear your voice! I think my family can chill for like ten minutes or so while I talk to you; I mean, it's not like they've really used me as the center of attention tonight, heh." We continued on with our convo for a lil' bit longer, and then she told me to check my email later that evenin'. So of course I'm curious to know what she had in store for Me, so I asked. She was like "No! *giggle* Just check your email!" So I did just that... around like 11 or so, I checked it, and there was nothing! Checked it again at like 12:30- nothin' again! So at that point, I wrote her two emails, and said, "screw it, I'm going to bed =)"

Surely I woke up and it was 6:15 [I only got up that early because it was my birthday and my Dad was takin' me golfing; I couldn't pass that up, heh] and I went to check it then... still nothing! Checked it when I got back from golfing thinkin that there might be something, and she just go backed up the night before, as in the night she told me to check it, but still nothing! Heh, at this point I was wondering if she was joking or being serious about an email? Ironically enough, my thought remains the same simply because there is still no emails from her! ...what can ya do?! Heh, girls =)

Journalists - 08.31.01

Not that long ago this evening I posted on danchan.weblog about journalists because of how annoyed I am.... Here is what I had to say.

Damn them! Ahh, why? Why do they find it imparative to piss on analyst's feet? I mean, sure it's their job to report and write a good article, but do they need to say the same stuff over and over? Wait, back up! The question should be, "why do they find it so bloody important to do such a horrible thing?"

Another thing.... Have you noticed how their articles typically don't pack a punch; as if they lack substance entirely... or is that just Me who thinks that? Serious now, when was the last time anyone read a good article. Good being defined as, "moving, lack of repetition, great grammar, witty, and humorous" ('tis of course, my own humble opinion).

If anyone has read a good article in the past three mon- scerw that! If anyone has read something that fits the bill in the past ten years, please tell me, and if you can, send me a link b/c I'm dying to read one! Thanks.

What pushed me to write this piece this evening, was this article. It goes on to talk about prior to this girl's 15th birthday, she was admitted into the University of Alabama-Birmingham. Shortly after her entrance, she became "...a sexual 'plaything' for the school's athletes." Of course, the article dives a lil' deeper into this all and apparently all of this took place more than a year ago, and lasted roughly ten months. Of course the journalist addresses the issue of how the parents of the girl, identified only as "Jane Doe," filed a $40 million lawsuit against the University of Alabama-Birmingham on Thursday, accusing school officials, coaches and others of doing nothing to help their daughter "despite this knowledge of sexual exploitation."

Time after time, the article addresses he D.A. and how he allegedly knew very little about anything pertaining to the case until very recently. In my own opinion... when I hear it once, I don't think I need to hear it again unless I'm utterly confused and ask about it; I don't find it important for them to keep reitterating how stupid the D.A. of Alabama is to the reader that wouldn't typically give two sh*ts about 'im either which way!

All in all, my point is (as it says above) that there is a lack of good journalists out there, and there is a very abundant supply of crappy writers and articles.

Only thrills that Blockbuster can provide - 8.30.01

Yeah, so the Freshman Advisor Ice cream Social was tonight.... It was cool to see some people again =) Doesn't seem like much has changed... heh, go figure though, it's High School.

Damn, there are a ton of freshman! Heh... and there are some cute girls. Nick and Matt will be very happy to know since they weren't here tonight. As always, there are lots of different types of people, but there are some whacked kids; it's cool though 'cuz CHS is all about "diversity". Something that happened tonight that I thought that was kinda cool was there were some kids that you could talk to, and they're so shy at first but once you got them talkin' they were so happy that someone was there willing to listen and talk.

Anyhow... off to talk about what I came here tonight for =) Heh, Blockbuster, yeah! So Josh and I went down there after the Frosh Advisor Ice Cream Social and we ourselves so incredibly bored that we decided that we wanted to count how many New Releases had titles that we could deem as sexual puns. Heh, yes ok! We're dirty, worthless, no good, losers, and we have no *decent* social life. The end count was 195 New Releases had titles that we deemed as "winners!" Hehe... what do you think Josh and I could be capable of next?! *Evil grin* Muwahaha! Some of the classics were, Gone in 60 Seconds, Vertical Limit, MVP::Most Valuable Primate, and last but not least, There's Always Time for Drunken Horses.

Now that you're prolly more than disgusted, or perhaps you're dying laughing... let us know what you think!

Hehe, telemarketers - 8.30.01

"Who's a ho??" *pause* "You-s'a ho!" That's exactly what I thought of the telemarketer that called me up the other evening. This person was amazing! First of all, I found his accent hilarious! This guy was the God of the "redneck accent", heh. Secondly, this guy tried to pronounce our last name... umm, let's just say he was very wrong! I mean *very* wrong. There was no coherence what so ever! Heh, oh well.

So he calls up and gives me his schpiel.... I let the guy carry on for a few minutes, and in short this is what he said, "Hi. My name is _______, and I'm with _______. We're a small company based up in Portland. We're structured to help people financially... some people like to think of us as their 'friends' =) We basically sit down with people and help them out with their bills, loans, and debts. I was wondering if you had any bills, loans, or debts- perhaps anything to offer as collateral?"

I sat there and thought to myself for a moment of a way not to rip into him but in the same time let him know that he sucks at his job! Heh, I know I'm a nice kid, and here's my rund down. "First of all buddy, ya might wanna ask people how old they are, ok? I mean let's just say for the sake of this conversation that I was 16, almost 17, k? Well at the age of 16, do you think that I might have any bills, loans, and/or debts?! Nope, didn't think so! Collateral; same answer. Why? Because I'm 16! That's why, you dumb schmuck! If you were talking to someone who was mebbe 18 or older, then I think it'd be easier to talk to them about your 'financial consultations' that you're attempting to proceed with. Do you think as a 16 year old, I can legally bind myself to any form of contract? Can you get it through your head that there is in no possible way that I can help you?! Please tell me you understand...." *He interrupts Me* "Pft! 16 huh?! Well you don't have the right to be color blind! CLANG! [as he hung up the phone]."

Heh, I don't really know what to say.... I mean in all honesty, I think I should get some kind of reward, or some points for getting a telemarketer to hang up on me! Heh, I'm not trying to say that I'm easy to talk to (if you're a telemarketer) but I think I deserve at least a lil' somethin'. Heh, and another thing.... WTF does his comment "...you don't have the right to be color blind!" mean?!? If anyone knows, for the love of everything sacred, please tell me!

Wow, I didn't know they could be so dumb! - 8.29.01

Ok, when you think of the NY Times, [here is the article I'm ranting about] you're probally thinkin' of a pretty sweet paper with some good writers... ok, mebbe not good writers, but at least semi-intelligent!

Here's my beef; ::some of the toughest soldiers:: Now you're prolly wondering, "why does he have a beef with that?!" Well it's really simple actually. It's not as though I'm upset with the fact that there is some war goin on and that there are prolly like thousands of people dying, be brutually raped and murdered, maimed, and any other negative thing you can think about... it's just one simple thing! The freakin' writers who report on these things! They are so incredibly stupid! Hell they went to school for 4 yrs, you'd think that they'd learn "Don't put the obvious and unnessecary info into the article". WRONG! They obviously didn't get that lesson. We know that there are troops over there, ok?! So why do they tell us that "...they're some of the toughest troops..."? I'm sure for some people it creates this nice warm blanket of security, but to me, it's like "whatever!" I almost find it rude and disrespectful to our armed forces... pft! Like we'd train weaklings, and literally ship them off to be brutually maimed themselves.... *sigh* Oh, well... guess it's more commentary for me =)

Night all!

Something new...com'n at ya LIVE! - 8.29.01

I'm movin' the entire 'blog soon... I'll co-post for a while, but soon the move here

*Reminder to self because I'm tired....* Don't forget to post about the telemarketer hangin' up on you!

Thanks! - 8.24.01

I'm not to sure about what happened this morning/afternoon. I was supposed to catch a bite to eat with Tovi; she was supposed to show here at about 11:45 a.m. but she didn't. At first I thought she might've been running kind of late, or that she might have gone home to shower first, considering she was originally going to get off of practice, them come straight over.... After roughly an hour, I kinda gave up all hope. I figured that she forgot about it or something like that. I'm not to sure what happened. I hope she's alright, and nothing happened to her. I hear she had Senior pictures today, so who knows. That might've been it; let's hope so!

So a lil' bit after I give up hope on Tovi, then I call my friend Alicia to chit-chat with her. We talked for a while, then Stephanie called.... That was nice of her to do so... it put a smile on my face. Heh, people in her house really needed to use the phone so they kept pickin' up the phone and were like "Hey, I need the phone for just a sec, then you can get right back on it!" Sure enough, we get off of the phone... and she doesn't call me back.

Josh and Matt both came over. We sat around here for a while, then we decided that we wanted to go and see Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Before we left, we tried to get Travis to go, but he didn't want to really because he had a lot of people lined up to see it tomorrow. He stayed at home, and as we were gettin' ready to leave, I figured I'd call Stephanie real quick. Emily picked up the phone, and Stephanie was walkin' out the door too.

We finally got to th movie. When we went to buy our tickets, the lady was a lil' hesitant in selling me the ticket at first, but she finally did; I was a lil' relieved to say the least that she didn't put up a fuss about it. Overall, the movie wasn't a superb one, however, it surely had its moments! Heh, like random beat-downs of lil' kids; LOL the g'times! I'd give it 2.5-3 stars... I'm not to sure yet. We'll see I guess. I'm sure I'll prolly post a review of it later or something. Anyhow, we (Josh, Matt, and I) came back here and Josh left. Matt and I had nothing to do, so we went back out to the mall so I could return some items at Banana Republic. After doing so, Matt and I stumbled across this modeling thing in the middle of the mall, heh.... That was rather fun to watch- it really did have a few unique people in there. There was one guy that was *very* happy, heh... then again, so would I, if I was one guy amongst roughly 15 other hot girls =) Matt and I had some g'times with that, then we wondered around aimlessly for a lil while longer, then came back home, and here I am now.... Wa-la! As you can tell, I'm bored as hell, so I'm off to find something to do. Later!

I'm just a poor boy from a poor family.... - 8.23.01

"'S-all gravy =)" Last night was pretty cool... rather unique, heh. The day started more so in the afternoon, but ya know how that goes in the summer.... Tovi came over around like 6'ish; that was cool. Matt left after a lil' while b/c his Mom had some things she needed to be done or something like that. After Matt left, Tovi and I started Snatch. She had never seen it, and she really appreciates British comedy, hence I figured that would be a good choice. The one bad thing about trying to watch Snatch was that the phone kept ringing! I swear it rang like every 5-10 minutes. One of the calls was Travis. He was all like, "Hey do you mind if I come use your shower...?" (That's not really exactly what he said, but in short...) So he came up, used the shower, chilled for like mebbe 5 minutes, then left. Tovi and I finished up the movie. After the movie, I gave her a back rub... and while I was giving her a massage, Laura called and asked me if I'd like to come over and hang out with some other people. I told her that Tovi was over and that we'd think about it. Tovi and I ended up going over there for a while. It was a lot of fun. I really liked gettin' out of my house last night, heh. It felt awesome. It was really cool to see some of the people that we did. However, it felt odd chillin' with a larger girl:guy ratio.... Heh, I didn't mind, that is for sure! =P Typically the other way around.... I liked the change =)

I'm off to play some Knockout Kings 2000.... I'm sure I'll be back later... ciao!

Where do I start?! - 8.18.01

"If one cat 'sgot everything, then they truly have nothin'. Da ones-at got nothin' are da ones with everything...." I know it's been a very long time since I've posted.... Hopefully this upcoming one will compensate a lil'.

I was watching Full Metal Jacket. In this movie, there is a scene where a CO is talking to a character named Joker. The CO tells Joker to make a note of "If American soldiers remove someone from their own country they're labeled as 'evacuees'. If the natives go to the Americans to be removed from their own land, then they are labeled as 'refugees'." The CO momentarily pauses and looks around the room with a blank look on his face as though he's lookin' for a response of "Like, no shit!" I just thought that was a very good point although it has no relevance to the rest of this post.

Somewhere on the East Coast in the past month (Washington D.C. if I'm not mistaken) there was a forrest fire. No big deal, right? Just a few thousand square miles become engulfed in flames... no loss, right? Wrong! There were four fire fighters in those monstorous flames. They died together that day... in the flames- the protiens in their flesh was literally boiling as they sat there and screamed themselves to death [died of smoke innhalation]. It's truly unfortunate to hear that those people who willingly put their life on the line for the safety of others had to die.... This is where I become hazy. Did they actually have to die? No! The straight up answer is "no!" There should've been no reason why some jerk-off couldn't have authorized some pilot to take water from the near by creek and dump it on the local of the fire fighters providing them with the possibility of living only a few more minutes- perhaps that would've been enough time to rescue them. Did te logical thought happen... "No." Once again, anything that is logical is automatically scrapped. We all wonder why sometimes. So instead of taking water directly from the stream, the fire station had to first clarify their actions with the Fish & Wildlife. The F&W bitched enough so that they couldn't take water from the stream without permission of the Senate. Senate passed the buck to Congress.... I'm enraged at this point. Like I said, we have four people who willingly are laying their lives down for the safety of many others and all the people can sit there and do about it, is jerk off with their head in the sand. Personally if I was the pilot and I heard the distress call, I would've been at the water source, pickin some up and takin' it to 'em. I would not have let them burn that easy! There'd be no way in hell. I much rather lose my job saving someone's life opposed to knowing that I could've done something to save four, let alone one guy... but I didn't.

Politics - 8.1.01

"All you need is consistancy...". Tyler told me this one time when we were headin' to Wunderland. Ever since then I look at imperfections with that in mind. How only if the creators of the imperfections thought like that.... If so, then would there be "imperfections"? Who'd be to judge, for all would be perfect and we wouldn't be able to comprehend what something "imperfect" could be like.

Make a good movie.... Sure, ok I can understand that like mebbe 1 per 4 movies are superb and another 1 of the 4 is good... after that, they go downhill. Planet of The Apes had a few loopholes that were completely just a grand mistake; one after another! The whole theory of time itself was messed up in this movie.... I could go off on it, but that'd take like 4 hrs of typing and I could honestly care less b/c that's not the big one that pissed me off.

What pissed me off, is essentially Mark Wahlberg was the whole reason for the planet of the apes. In the beginning he ventured out into space disregarding orders by his C.O. to save a monkey. An energy storm catches his craft and sends him through a time warp. Into the future he goes.... Later Wahlberg comes to find out that he, himself is responsible for creating the hostile enviroment between the humans and the apes. He becomes aware of this when one of the apes tells him of a place that the other Apes refer to as "Ca Li Ma". This place that is referred to as Ca Li Ma is supposedly the origin of the Apes... where it all started. When Wahlberg ventures out in search of this place he soon learns that this is his ship... or used to be, and what is left of it. He takes a look at the logs to see if he can find anyting of use to him. In the midst of all of his aimless searching, he comes across a log of his captain talking about how they went searching for him and in the process the animals became hostile and took over the ship. Right.... Ok, so it boils down like this! The animals become hostile, take over the ship of humans (with weapons), crash-land the space station onto an uninhabited world themselves [ironically enough, that world that they happened to land on not only had water, but oxygen and vegitation... enough of which could provide for a small colony], segregate themselves from the humans and in doing so attempted to overpower them and enslave them, learned the english language, built a town, and took on the ability to live like humans... not to mention the fact that they grew probably 2-3 ft in height and 3-500 lbs in mere muscle. Seems intruiging to me....

Uh... anger rising about something else entirely! I'll possibly be back in a few days to continue.

The intriguing thoughts of how 'one person can be so stupid' - 7.28.01

Morals.... There is two boys sitting on a couch in a Doctor's office. One boy is a pessimist, the other is an optimist. The doctor comes out and says to the pessimist, "Come along now.... We're going to do a study with you." So he takes the kid into this room with every kind of a toy a kid could ever want! Everything! So the doctor places the kid in the room and then turns back around and ventures back to the couch. Upon arriving at the couch, he [the doctor] sees the optimist sitting there with a smile on his face. The doctor finds this to be rather odd. Nevertheless, the doctor takes the young optimstic child into an entirely separate room from the pessimist. This room that the optimist is placed into is filled with pony ca-ca. Roughly three hours later, the doctor returns to the room in which he had placed the pessimist and told the kid times up. Immediately the kid went mad! He started crying and whinning... it just went on and on. Finally the kid became calm enough so that the doctor could ask him what the problem was. The young boy responded, "Well you've come to take all my toys away...." The doctor explains to the young child what is going on, and removes him from the room. After doing so, he goes to the room in which he had placed the other young boy. The doctor opens the door, and low and behold to his own amazement, sees a path. The doctor looks at the young optimist in a baffled manner and asks him "What the hell are you doing?" The young boy responds, "Well, I figured with all of this pony poop, there must be a pony in here somewhere...."

The mere reason why I tell this story is because today was a rather different kind of a day, and someone told me that story. And then followed it up with the question of "Which kid would you look up to?" It surely made me step back and take a look at the day, and allowed me to say "Shove it!" to the things that didn't matter. Sure it's still bothersome, but that story, as childish as it seems, proved to be rather logical and legitimate for today's episode.

As you've probalby concluded by now (if you're using any portion of your brain) I was not having the best of mornings.... A few phone calls here and there definetly made my day go a lil' smoother! I talked to Stephanie for about two minutes this morning after everything went down, and within that two minutes, a very large smile found its way onto my face. I was very glad she was home and able to chat for a few!

I would have to agree with this...

I'm sick of car alarms. Not the screeching and beeping; that part doesn't bother me. It's simply the very idea of car alarms that I find offensive. Especially the ones that talk to you: "Move away! Move away!" "Ohhhh? Really!" That's when I reach for my sharpest key. And I put a deep gouge in that paint job, all the way around the car. Three hundred and sixty degrees. I might even make two trips around, if I don't have a luncheon appointment that day. And then I walk away slowly, unconcerned about the screeching and beeping, because I know that no one takes car alarms seriously. Car alarms are a yuppie-boomer conceit, and they're responsible for most of the carjacking that's going on. Car alarms and the Club have made it harder for thieves to steal parked cars, and instead they're stealing cars with people in them, and people are dying. And it's all because these selfish, boomer degenerates can't stand to part with their personal property. F*ck boomers, and f*ck their pussified car alarms!
Compliments of George Carlin

As Kevin would call it, "MP3 Prime Cut:" Clint Eastwood by the Gorillas

Work, shm-work - 7.18.01

"Have you ever sneezed while pissing?" Damn! That was a great Snapple! Mango Madness is a great flavor. Heh, very highly recommended!

Day by day I wish something horrible would happen to me at work so I wouldn't have to keep going back out to Springfield. That *one* "thing" never actually happens! Sure ba- nah, scratch that! Shitty things happen on almost a daily basis at this job, but nothing that's actually fulfilling my undying desire for immense pain. I'm thinkin' about throwing myself off of a ladder tomorrow- goin' head first onto the pavement from roughly 9 ft up. Any takers?!

I tell ya... when I'm an elderly person and I'm living in a trailer park... come and shoot me! Straight up! Hell, I'll even leave a gun sittin' on the counter.

The reason why I'm so negative about old people that live in trailer parks is of many reasons. One grand reason is that this ol' ex-marine wanted to go some rounds with me the other day because I allegedy upset his "lady friend"; yeah, like he wasn't tryin to tap that.... Ah God, that's a horrid picture! Yeah, he thought that I literally went out of my way while painting to *tag* his "friend's" carport.... Riii-ght. This lady was so enraged by my actions that she told this ex-marine and then he came after my fellow worker, and myself. That didn't accomplish much so he went and made a call to the owner of the trailer park to complain about us.

Next we have this "mentally challenged" (that one was for you EB) man, who has dentures that are for a small child, or so it seems. He decides it is entirely necessary to follow us around and watch us work. Not only is he getting in our way, but he is constantly attempting to talk to us. The reason I said "attempting to talk..." is because he mummbles, he does not talk! Hence he attempts to make a bunch of noises that could potentially become a coherent barrage of noise- and he fails.

"Once upon a time... when I was a lil' girl in Sri Lanka..." -Compliments of P.T. The man known as "P.T." has had his times with going off on rants about the cleanliness of a dear friend; Pat. Heh, this kid is hilarious! At one point, he didn't shower for four days straight and was entirely proud of it. Paul on the otherhand was disgusted at the filth and grime that Pat was living in, so he gave Pat a small piece of mind about "being clean"... and how it's not all that hard to take some water, run it over your body and apply pressure (in a scrubbing-like motion) to the areas that need cleaning. After a few ass chewings Pat decided that he could shower at least once, every other day. What is truly beyond sad, is that the people where I'm workin' (Spr*ngf*eld) don' t think the same way as Pat did- at anytime of his intelligent reign. People from *ahem* there believe in bathing only upon special occassions. Let me remind you that these people don't seem to get out very much. Heh, how sad is it, when you're workin' and you hear someone's alarm going off at 1 p.m.?! I mean really! All they do is sleep, sleep, masturbate in their own fieces, watch old re-runs of Jerry Springer, beat their dog/cat, and/or rape small children... oh yeah, and uh, mebbe eat some left over road kill while washing it down with some frothy beverage that is concocted by God-knows-what! I swear, when these people do [theoretically] bathe, I could almost be certain it is in either raw sewage or urin. I'm unwilling to believe any other arguement! I mean it is unhuman to smell as rechid as most of these people. Just think- how hard would it be to walk down to the local Dairy Mart/7-11 and pick up at least one container of something along the lines of: delicing agent, Ajax [Heh, not exactly in English... oh well!], or just regular f*ckin soap! The basics steps of washing one's self is rather self-explanatory; kind of like a seat belt. "If ya can't figure it out, just ring your call button, and Tommy'll come back there and hit you on the head with a tack hammer because you're a *retard*!"