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Greetings to anyone who happens to stumble on to this.
This website is expiriencing a complete, and I do mean _complete_ overhaul. A serious revamp is taking place, to make it stronger, better, and so much cooler.
Why? Well, I'm really tired of anyone and everyone having pages full of pre-scripted HTML, going on about how they are "The fairy-elf-princess Asalamandera, lady of the Yada-yada land, leader of the elf-tribe of Monors in a neverending struggle to bring light and goodness back into the imaginary world of Whate'er," and so on.
When will this be done? I'm not sure, but it should be much cooler then this stuff that I haven't used as anything more than storage in the past couple of years.
Behave yourselves, and I may even let you in when it's done!