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The Bus

I walked to the bus stop,
I was the only one of us there.

The bus came; I put one foot up,
I hoped that on one around me could tell what I was about to do.

I only had to take a few more steps,
I had made it,
I was sitting in the first row on the bus.

This was further than any of us had ever been.

No one was going to change my mind,
I was not going to move an inch,
Especially not for one of them.

The bus slowly came to a stop,
The other people started up the stairs,
I could see them looking right at me.

The bus driver got up and told me to move for them,
However, I had made up my mind,
I was not moving.

After screaming and yelling,
The bus driver called in the police, they threatened me, whipped, and striped me,
But I had made up my mind, I was not moving.

Though my steps were small,
They were steps in the right direction,
Now we can sit wherever and next to who ever we please.

Inspired by Rosa Parks story.

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