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TeEnAgE aNgSt HaS pAiD oFf WeLl...

mwahahaah. welcome my pretties. ok. so hi. im FINALLY updating this page.*bursts the streamers and gets out the balloons*. so yea. i am, unfortunatly, still Rosie.hehe. and on this site, i still only chat about music and random things and my mates and my boyf :) ah well. i never know what to write on these welcome note thingies cuz of first impressions n'all. nevermind EH? am doing my second year of a levels, oh the immense fun.hehehe. i am obsessed with Nirvana,hundred reasons, taking back sunday, lucky 13, Quentin Tarantino,phonics, films,decent music the ususal. i drink way, way too much. but, considering im 17 and life is u'know supposed to be shite,ITS GREAT. my mates are great *my crew, my college babes and my lovely phonicy peeps* and of course,paul ;) hehe. the soundtrack to my life is good, and its all going wikid. good for me huh!? i miss the summer like hell, cuz i swear it cant be possible for people to have as much fun as we all did i this one holiday! ok. thanks: to soph for helping me sort this out for me,cheers to the penis rocking phonicy peeps that make me laff so much..shelle< BEEEEEEF ,em* and all the lovely gems and nics/niKs and mfys- thanks for letting me chat shite and not telling me to F*** off :), cheers to Charlotte,Carly,Chris, Shonagh and all my othe bitches and cheers and love to paul for being the most gorgeous,sexy and sweet bloke there ever was! love you xx

QuOtEs Of ThE mOmEnT...

My StUfF

mY LiNkS pAgE
mY bAnD
mY RaNdOm RaMbLiNgS aBoOt MuSiC
aBoOt NiRvAnA/kUrT
KuRtS nOtE
aBoOt Dr SeUsS
aBoOt BeEf
ThE mAd PeRsOnS dIcTiOnArY
My FaV tHiNgS iN tHe wOrLd
My FrIeNdS
MoRe PiCs Of My MaTeS
