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Here are some of the letters of support that I have has received. My fan mail outpaces our hatemail at about 10 to 1, but every word of support is greatly appreciated.

I was referred to your site via petitiononline. Take a look. Enough to make you pee in your pants. Give it good to the old girl! Sign me "son of a former temporary Canadian"

Shane, I'd like to draw your attention to a petition that some peckerheads on usenet have started. It is at
When I last checked they had a whopping 28 signatures!!! Truly sad! I'd like to start a petition to get you an Order of Canada! At least you have the balls to stand up for Canada, unlike most of your wimpish countrymen. Keep up the excellent work! I know some day Canadians will look back and realize you have done more to advance true democracy in Canada than most politicians!

Hi Shane,

When these morons send you hate mail, can't you just post their email addresses on your website? Then we anti-monarchists can email them and tell them that we support your ideas. We won't stoop so low as to send them hate mail though.

I got a laughter belly ache when I saw your Pro Monarchy Links.

This site is great! I'm 15 years old and strong anti-monarchist. I began questioning the monarchy only about a year ago but I still have managed to read enough articles and visited enough websites to completely understand what exactly I'm against. You have to ask yourself why are we a constitutonal monarchy? What is the monarchy doing for us? the answer is nothing. If we were to abolish the monarchy, our so called "democracy" (as it is today with the unelected queen as our head of state) would not be much different than it is. The final governmental decisions would stay within the boarders unlike they do now as they must travel across the ocean to a bunch of foreigners and that's about it. Do we want a foreigner having the final say in what goes on in our country? I sure as hell don't! The monarchy sits on their greedy asses and do absolutly no good for us. The only thing they do is give us the name 'Consitutional Monarchy' and dish out a good scandal every once in a while that the paparazzi happily exploits. We need to let Canada grow with the times and quit living in the past. In other words, we need less monarchy-lovin' jackasses. Haha!

I am a proud Canadian in all but citizenship. I will NOT swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen of England as a matter of principle; nor to "her rightful heirs" on moral grounds. Please abolish this outrageous imposition on Canada so that I can become a Canadian in name (citizen). 27 years and still waiting!!!

I couln't agreee more. Why do we have a foreign head of state who represents a minority of Canadians? I know...we could elect a rotating monarchy where we have a draw and a differnt Canadian gets the royal treatment for a year. It could become like a lottery. "And the king/queen for this year is..." They'd be the cultural equivalent of a rock star the CRTC might even endorse it because it would concorm to Canadian content laws. Wait let me get my tongue out of my cheek.

Shane, I couldn't agree with you more about this royal bs, & one of my all time fave challenges to the monarchy was played out in a Monty Python movie. All the power to yee. Should be a real tiara topler.

This is a great site. I wish you all the best. I am Francophone and even as a child, when I would see the photo of this freeloader, I wondered why as Canadians we had to put up with such nonsense. I asked my British neighbours a few years ago what the Queen Mum's real name was and they said "Mum" - they have no idea!!! What a farce, although an expensive one...

Check out this site:

It is the home of the "Canadian Monarchist ONLINE". It is so pathetic, silly!

Read their various sections, as they try in vain to convince everyone in the system, and how to have faith in the royal family.

The weird part is that this guy is so devoted to the british monarchy, and he is not even of british descent. Ironically, I think he's of middle eastern background whose ancestors were oppressed probably by the same people who he is defending.

I have to give him credit for spending so much time on this site. He has a rather nice HTML design and layout, too bad the content is crap.

You should give this guy the "Wanker Wanna-Be of the Millenium" for wasting so much time. Notice that I put "Wanna-Be" there because we would offend the royals and the people of England by calling someone of middle eastern descent a "wanker".


Great web-site it really gets to the nitty and the gritty of what many Canadians fell about picking up the tab for an institution that should have been disbanded long ago.

Doesn't it also bother you that Canada is founded by a bunch of chickens. The US had the right idea with the war of independance but of course there had to be a bunch of people who consider themselves Loyalists who took off North to go cower and hide in the bush hoping the US would get squashed instead of rising to become the greatest independant source of power this world has known. In hind sight they were probably wishing they had stayed instead of running away to form the biggest patsy nation in the world.

It also bothers me that Queen always has her eyes on my money, literally.

The only problem with you fighting the Queen is I believe she is actually part of the Living Dead and cannot be defeated.

I wish you the best of luck in freeing this great land from the tyrannical rule of the Lady of Hades.

This is, may I say, A BRILLIANT idea.
After you finish with "Lizzy" I say You and I team up and take on Old Jean, And G.W.B.Jr...
Or at least most of North America.

Before I join your cause,which I would love to do, answer me this. When you have defeated Maj (aka Majesty) you intend becoming the Monarch of Canada? Or this is what you claim in your preamble. Much as I applaude your cause I would not want to have you dethroned at a later date. Such a messy business dont you think. By the way I am an ex Brit legally operated upon to become a Canadian and have been an anti royalist since about four weeks after I was born. I have no time for royalty and realy resented swearing an oath of alliegance to Maj when I became a Canuk (Something I never did when a limmey.) So, My Lord, promiss me you wont become King or Queen after beat up the queen and I will offer my undivided support...something I am sure you hanker after. Of course if you do become Queen I wanna be prime minister. Kevin Wicks

A friend of mine in Canada referred me to this site. I'm from the U.S. by the way but still found this sight amusing and informative.

Apparently an African American stated a few years ago that he was related to the royal family (through a grandparent or something who was a distant relative of the royals). When the royals heard that, they denounced him, by stating that there are NO blacks in the royal family, and that it is a definite no-no with respect to blacks in the royal family.

There are also conspiracies theories around about Diana's death being the work of the British Intelligence Services, to prevent a muslim Egyptian from getting in the family as the step father of the future king of the land. Nothing has been proven, but in the middle east plenty of people apparently belive this, as a symbol of british arrogance and superiority belief, that tries to put down Arabs as backward people.

Apparently the driver of the Mercedes (received many large payments) before the accident happened, and apparently he was in charge of getting his 2 passengers "zapped", the problem apparently was that he was too drunk to get the job done properly, and he also got "zapped", but at least his family got the paychecks. I read this a while ago on some websites. If you want I can send you the URLs.

Getting rid of Diana, also apparently fixed up Charlie's problems, as he can now become king, you see before he was divorced, (and wasn't allowed on the throne), now he can argue that he is "widowed", and can get remaried, and get him a new queen (which could probably be legal), but that is hard to know since Britain doesn't even have a written constitution, therefore things could be twisted and morphed any way they want.

Keep up the good work!