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Information About this Site

In case you were wondering, King James' Royal Army is a satirical web site. As such, it is purely fictional, and the people and situations depicted on these pages do not really exist*. If your name happens to be, say, Steve Tucker or John Whitman, you should recognize that I just made those names up, and they do not apply to you.

On the other hand, it will be easily recognized that this site does spoof the actions, words, and temperment of the King James Only movement. However, it is only a parody, and nowhere in this site do I EVER accuse any real, living person of any specific action. In other words,


Part of parody involves slight exaggeration. So if you feel this web site is referring to you and accuses you of doing something you didn't do, chalk it up to overstatement and move on with your life. Also recognize that it never mentions your name and might not even be talking about you. I think that's all that needs to be said about that.

On another note, I have avoided referring to Christ in a mocking way on this site. That is in part why the "Prayer of Repentence," for example, is addressed to King James and not God.

On the KJV-Only Issue

So where do I stand on this issue? I feel that the King James Bible is a good translation but that its language has been dated with time. New versions like the NIV or NASB are important for people who want to read the scriptures in modern English. Those studies that "prove" the KJV is easier to read than the new versions are woefully incomplete and usually only based on the size of words or number of syllables.

I also believe that the verse comparison charts put out by KJV Onlyists prove nothing except that anyone can split hairs over meaningless word differences if they try hard enough. They also usually argue in a circular way by holding up the KJV as the standard at the beginning of the arguement. The verse comparisons can be easily turned around to reflect poorly on the KJV.

The entire KJV-Only movement is, in my opinion, marked by transparently bad scholarship and faulty arguments. It is based on wild, untestable conspiracy theories, anecdotal evidence, and the open condemnation of level-headed thinking. The divisive way in which it is promoted has done a great deal of damage to the body of Christ. I think we should do everything we can to show young Christians the unnecessary, silly nature of this translation fetish before they are tangled up in a hateful brand of legalistic religion.

If you would like to know more about the real issues behind the Bible Translations issue, feel free to email me.

Or you can visit these excellent resources:

  • KJV Onlyism Countered, found at Provides a neatly laid out, easy to navigate description of the problems with King James Onlyism. I would strongly recommend it for people who are looking for a comprehensive introduction to this issue.
  • Lots of great articles about King James Onlyism, by a variety of authors.
  • Alpha & Omega's KJV Only Page: The KJVO website of James R. White, who wrote The King James Only Controversy. Some of it is long, thick reading, but there is a lot of good stuff if you are interested.
Thank you for your interest!

* The obvious exceptions to this rule, which I forgot to mention at first, are the New International Version, the New American Standard Bible, the King James Version, Zondervan, and the historical figures Hort and Wescott. All these are real, but no accusation leveled against them on this web site should be taken seriously.

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