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Maritimers raped of livelihood

This past week, Fisheries Minister Robert Thibault closed the Cod fishery in Atlantic Canada. The Minister cited that stocks were not replenishing enough. More money was going to be spent on "research" to determine why they are so low.

Meanwhile the government is going to blow 50 million quid into the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and other programs. These programs have a very low sucess rate. Low being that they only creat short term solutions. Guess what Minister Thibault,,, Short Term jobs are temporary and do not provide the fisheries workers with any support. This Liberal government has paved the way for more Maritimers to leave their home provinces.

In 1992 when the government of Brian Mulroney imposed a Moratorium on the fishery, the Liberals stood side by side with the fishery workers. Its 11 years later and this Liberal Government has raped Newfoundlanders and other Maritimers of their livelihoods.

I hope that all Canadians will remember this, come the next Federal Election