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    And now some old moments of Zen from September 2002...


    *stretches out and makes herself at home* Well, It's nice to be typing out some good ole fashion html rantery again. Maybe then I won't torture my friends as much with my rambling. Maybe... There are 3 things one must know (well, actually I haven't counted it so there maybe more.) So here's a nice list for you to chew on.

    Blarg, my back hurts and it's 12 AM so I'm gonna just go to bed.... Wait no I'm a dumbass and didn't do ANY of my homework so I'll be doing that now. I'm really looking forward to updating this from now on. Tootles. Take care.

    "Home is where you homies are."

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Full Moon" - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers


    Seeing that I just started up this "punctual" updating thing, I figured that the crappy old 7 month old quiz should be the first thing that should go. SO here are the final results for "What is a spork?" out of... Okay, well I just checked my site to see the results and it seems that my quiz has dissappeared. Then I went to the site that offers the sevice and it seems they shut down August 26... Where was I went the memo was sent? So it seems the end results will have to be undefined though I think we can all certainly say it was a stupid question and nobody really cares. So I guess I'll have to look for another service later on... Yup... and I guess I don't have the results to fill up room for today's Moment.... yup... *looks at feet and back up* ahuh.... WELL, look at that! *points and runs in the oppoisite direction* *is so clever*

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Prolonging the Magic" - Cake


    I'm quite excited at the fact that I'm all in order to make some kick ass clothes. Yesterday my mother and I went shopping and we picked up lace, fringe, paints, fabric, and everything else my little artistic heart desired. I usually hate shopping but this was a fun experience and both my mother and I had fun picking out the fabric and all. So over the next few months I'll be churning out a whole bunch of new things for me to wear; poetic pants, a fringey skirt, Hedwig shoes, and plus I'll be able to FINALLY finish the bumper sticker pants and Hedwig pants I started some odd 4 months ago. It feels good to take a simple object and transform and love it 'til it becomes a reflection of your own soul. *sniff* Sorry, designing brings a tear to my eye... Now if you'll excuse me I think I'm gonna go cradle and smell my art supplies in the corner.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill" - Lauryn Hill


    Well, I'm all dudded up and ready to go out and have some fun. Cuz you know that's what girls just wana do. I finished my tassle skirt or as I have dubbed it the "lamp shade skirt" so I'm wearing it. And I look flapper tastic! Of course I already ripped my fish net stalkings... *grumbles* But I can not dwell on this long for I'm already late to go see my boyfriend's band play! I picked an odd CD for today, seeing it's the oppiosite of what I'll hear too night. It'll be a good equalizer. Some ying for my yang.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Joesph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat: Soundtrack" - Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice


And now a not very delightful description... beware...

    There are several things that go through one's mind when they step in a large puddle of urine. And it's not just urine on the carpet... no it was done on a plactic bag so there are actual puddles of urine. First there is silence in the depths of your brain as you try to come to grips what your foot just stepped in. Then you think, Did I drop a glass of water on the floor? But your glass of water from last night is still right-side up on the dresser. Did something melt? No, plus this substance is yellow. You are still in denial and the thing to push you over the edge is the "smell test." So the foot that has been gingerly held in mid-air, post shock like a flamingo is lifted to your nose and you smell. Your worst fears are confirmed. But this isn't cat pee. It's not that pungent.... You look over at the fish tank.... Fish don't pee. You twist around to stare at the dog. But you own two dogs... It's probably the old one with bladder problems... but you can't yell at an old dog and one can't be sure. You turn back to stare at the lake of yellow with digust. It'll take another 5 minutes to fully register and then you hop off the the bathroom to try to burn off the "P-Germs" with scolding hot water. In this state no amount of soap is enough. Only when you loose feeling in your foot will you ponder how you clean up the "unmentionable" in your room. I really do believe I had something vital to say to all you folks out there in the wide world web but that all rushed out of my head when I stepped on that bag.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "The Best Latin Party Album in the World... Ever" - Assorted Artists


    Well, I don't have long to type cuz I have play practice in 19 minutes and counting. So I'll quickly try to organize my thoughts in this handy dandy... LISSSTTTTTTTTT *wowsers!*

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Get in Touch with your Funkitude" - MIX by ME


    So far this day has been surprisingly spanktastic! I got a surprise visit at lunch from one of my most favorite people. Also so far I'm doing well in all my classes (despite my sudden bout of "Not-do-homeworkitus"). Plus I wore a tie today at school. That's nothing out of the ordinary for me but for some reason the paisely or funky tie designs just cheer me up. I love paisely patterns. I think I've developed a fetish for the,. *laughes* WELL, I'm gonna hurry this up so I can try to grab 30 minutes or so of sleep before I go for a driving lesson. I really need to start getting some proper rest it's leaving me in a constant state of fogginess. Oh... one more thing, can someone tell Justin Timberlake that he's not Michael Jackson?

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Modern Rock: Disc 1" - assorted 80s artists "As seen on TV!"


    Today is a sad day and forever will be. I was lucky to have had no one close to me lost on this fateful day. But everyone was effected. A year ago was a sad day for both America and humanity. The thing is something like this is commonplace all over the world. And to have it hit home so hard I hope really woke some people up. I know it did for me... Heroes were made and lost that day but not forgotten.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Best of Blondie" - Blondie

    So far my grades are really well in my new school. The curriculum compared to Pittsburgh is a breeze. I'm looking at major A-age. But my one weakness is spanish... The thing is first of all I'm Spanish. Second of all I'm considering a career as a Spanish translater. And the last thing is I'm so horrible... I didn't realize that 'til I came down here to Florida to a class of 16 fluent speakers out of 20. And the worst part is when you butcher their lovely language they giggle... *grimaces* I still hear them when I close my eyes to sleep... Atleast embarassment is a form of motivation to do better...

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Tuesday Night Music Club" - Sheryl Crow


    Today so far has been a splendid Friday the 13th. First of all a highnote is the debut of my new hair color! I was sick of the pee yellow hair color I had, which had once been a vibrant pink, and so I dyed it last night. The color is supposed to be deep brown and red but it's really a mix of black, brown, red, and purple. Quite dark but interesting. So far I'm enjoying it very much so and the feedback has been mostly positive.
    Also today there was a rousing pep rally. Now I'm not this large school spirit advocate though I think it's cool to have it. And sure I have been to pep rallies at my old school. But this pep rally was awesome super neato cool. Just because everyone was so rilled up and dancing and the marching band was laying down a mad beat. Just got me in the mood to get my groove on. It was a very cool thing... I love the sound of drums especially with african beats and drums. My dad listens to a lot of traditional African music and it's just sooo good. Everything in your body moves, grooves, and celebrates. Check out Wakafrika. Good stuff.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Monster Funk Party" - Assorted Cool Cats and Hippsters


    Last night late at night I was going to bed and I had lots of things on my mind. My father had been playing his CD that he wrote. When suddenly one of the songs moved me and I danced. I spun and jumped until I had no beginning or end. I grew up with the songs he wrote and last night they let me release. It felt good just to dance and forget. I really do suggest it. Therapy for the soul and mind.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Sheryl Crow" - Sheryl Crow


"Among them but not of them"

    My old motto and Jessica and I's legacy. I miss Jessica... I know she'll do fine though :) She's a kicker... litterally!

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Movie Soundtrack: Hedwig and the Angry Inch" - Stephen Trask, John Cameron Mitchell, Miriam Shor, and others


"Waiting... is the hardest part." - Tom Petty *drools*

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Sheryl Crow" - Sheryl Crow


    Sleeping is really good... I mean really good. Last night I just couldn't get enough of it. I zonked off at 8, instead of my usual 1. In result I did none of my homework. During a momentary second of good intention I had set my clock for 4:30 so I could do some of it.... HA! I exercised my snooze button much... 13 times to be exact. The best feeling in the world is to get up look at your clock and know you can go right back to sleep. Homework be damned.

    "Boy I love sleeping! Wish I could wake up just to fall back asleep again!" - Brak (probably misquoted *shrugs*

CD OF THE MOMENT: "International Superhits" - Green Day


    Something rather disturbing happened to me the other day. I mean maybe not "crawl into the fetal poistion" disturbing but "kind of makes you think" disturbing. A girl in my physics class asked me if my parents were together. When I informed her that my parents have been together for 24 years her jaw dropped and she said, "Awwwww that's cute!" Then we asked the people around us. I was the only person out of like 10 people who's parents were still together. Now that I think about it a lot of people I have met recently their parents are seperated. That's really sad. Makes me think of my one friend who was absolutely convinced that after 5 years love always dies. *sigh* It's just a really depressing thing to think about... I only hope that I can find a person to proove that theory wrong with and not divorce shortly after the 5 years are over.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "CD: ONE" - A mix CD of classic rock by Miss Jessica "The Ever So Creative with CD Titles" Traurig


    *dances to "Magic Carpet Ride"* Argghhh, I be in a party mood! Too bad I know NO ONE down here... Well, I do but not on a "call at the last minute and party" basis. And the few I do are busy. But I swear if I had the right crew I'd be soooooooooooo getting down with my badself and busting some heads... I swear... *shakes fist at no one in particular*Dancing all over this place... And funk.. yeah that's it... funk... *mumbles to self*

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Movie Soundtrack: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" - assorted artists


    I'm busy. Amuse yourself.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Full Moon Fever" - Tommy Petty *salivates*


    Well, today has been crap. Fuck, crap doesn't measure up to the shitiness of this day. Yes I think that's right, I think it has reached the level of shit. It makes me laugh though. The viscious cycles we go in. As humans we are doomed to repeat. I look back at the first poem I posted on this site and it in many ways (not all) fits... the emotions... the dire need. I hope this is just a fluke. I can't have another year like freshman year... I won't let it happen. Who am I kidding... what can I do? I'm but a mere mortal.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Medusa" - Annie Lennox (the first CD I ever owned... kind of fitting to the poem issue addressed above)


    So yesterday I drove on the main roads for the first time. It was nerve racking but appearantly I'm still whole. *checks* Yup all there. Today I drove home from my school and actually went on an errand. Driving comes with this sense of power it really does. Makes you feel a whole lot more mature too (though you probably aren't.) Also I noticed that once you go fast it's never the same again. And really after a while speed doesn't seem like anything. And soon you are cruising at 50. Maybe that point is obvious to some but it delighted me when I found it out. Though no way in hell do I plan on speeding.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Ray of Light" - Madonna


    Driving seems to be the theme of recent. I drove today and felt real comfortable. It's so easy to speed... I scare my dad. My parents are right now in the other room discussing what would happen if I got a speeding ticket. *laughes* Threats and role playing some punishments that's all. Driving really scares me (like today someone was swerving into my lane... I almost had a heart attack) but sometimes I just on't notice my speed. It's not hurry it's just absent mindnes... Wait, maybe that's not the best excuse... On an unrelated note "What ever happened to Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" I mean I don't miss it. I really never liked that show but today I just realized I haven't heard about that show in a long time. Is it canceled? I do hope so. The public is so fickle. On a related note, "My dad says I'm an aggresive driver." He says it shows in my driving and my relationshps with others. I never considered myself aggresive... Am I really? Just some thoughts.. now I'm gonna go eat dinner with my mama. Have a great weekend darlings. *is in a cheery mood*

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Return of Saturn" - No Doubt


    I truly do believe I had something to say... My mind is really skippity today... I keep find myself frolicking around my house for no reason. Not a happy mood just happy feet. *blinks* *shrugs* *frolicks off to eat icecream and play with puppies*

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Jesus Christ Superstar" - Movie Cast
