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    And now some old moments of Zen from October 2002...


    Really I believe Tuesday has slipped under people's radars for far too long. Every one says that Monday is the worst. Well, I've noticed this school year so far that Tuesdays mark crappiness. Today wasn't too horrible but I was just in a horrible mood. To make it worse it was "Nerd Day" where people for "Spirit Week" well.. dressed up as "nerds." It really got me in a tizzy and I refused to participate. It just offended me. I had some good ideas on how to "show" the "suckahs" that nerds are not to be messed with. Such as dress as a really wealthy person to show "nerds" succeed or dress as a football nerd. But then I realized, I am too lazy to really ever follow through with anything. And so our ill fated heroine rides into the backdrop, head hung in shame...

    "KICK ME: For I am not of your social ranking so even though I have substance I should be put down and put in my place. Thank you. I'll remember this when I'm your boss and repay the compliment if I'll sink to your level."

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Jesus Christ Superstar" - Movie Cast


    Tonight in an hour or so I'm going to a meeting for the SCA or Society for Creative Achronism. Basically it is, as my teacher put it, "one of those crazy midevil reinactment thingies." I'm really looking forward to it besides peoples stupid little preconceptions. Might as well try it out! I really do love the midevil era and I'm willing to learn more and really get into it.
    Anyway, I was talking about it with two of my friends who are already members and something they said made me laugh so hard I cried. Felt so good to laugh like that. It wasn't something big just something small that set me off. Basically there is a "lingo" used in SCA and the act of fencing is called "Swooshy Pokey." *giggles*

    "Here's an example... 'Let's go to the field and swooshy pokey!' Sheila? Are you all right? Okay, you can stop laughing now..."

CD OF THE MOMENT: "To: She" - From: Jess


    "Spirit Week" continues at PSL High and today was a very festive "celebrity day". Some people pulled no stops when it came to dressing like their favorite celebs. I saw two types of costumes that should be commented on.
Number One: Two guys cut holes in boxes and wore them (the boxes went over most of their bodies.) Then one guy had, on the front of his box, "Jennifer Lopez" and the other had "Patrick Swazey" written on it. *applaudes* And to top it all they both wore high heels.
Number Two: This guy dressed as Hitler... Yes sir, that takes some balls. I mean I'm not about to applaude or admire, considering I think it's tasteless and rude and all, but you gotta say it takes some cajones to dress as hitler in a half black school. It's free speech. What can you do?
    As for my costume I went as Ross Perot. Which consisted of plastic big ears and a white sign that said "Ross Perot". Interesting side note, half the kids I talked to today didn't know who Ross Perot was.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Buzz Poets" - a mix cd of Buzz Poet (my favorite local Pittsburgh band)songs made for me by Kathi


    "What would you do if you found out you only had a week to live?"
    "Cry... alot."

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Buzz Poets" - a mix cd of Buzz Poet (my favorite local Pittsburgh band)songs made for me by Kathi


    The other day I was just sitting there in my school's outside courtyard eating lunch when a sudden thought came to me, Holy Fuck! It's fall! And what do you know... I was right. You wouldn't know from the hot Floridean heat and sunny skies. Makes me really miss Pittsburgh... the "northern" fall (falling leaves and all) is my favorite season...

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Full Moon Fever" - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers


    My mind... numb... can't formulate thoughts... too much intellectual stimulation... *keels over* Megan has bump... head... Aaron... too much tickle... *keels over again*

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Tuesday Night Music Club" - Sheryl Crow


    So I went to this Bar Mitzvah celebration on Saturday instead of homecoming. Boy, am I glad! Basically I dressed up like I was going to homecoming. Then went to a big ball room at Club Med. I next proceeded to dance to better music then what I hear was at homecoming. I saw something that I had never seen before... motivational dancers. *giggles* Oh my... I mean they were great but basically it was just people circling around the dance floor trying to rile the party goers into a dancing frenzy. Also at this shindig there was lots of good food and lots if not TONS of free stuff! I hoarded like no other! My only regret was that I did not eat more. All that free food and I barely touched... *hangs head in shame* Another regret though is seeing my theater director dance... ohhh the horror...

Jewish Religion: 1
High School Function: 0

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Sheryl Crow" - Sheryl Crow


    I lost one of my new bow ties... Oprah is on the tv right now... *anger rises* I hate fucking Tuesdays...

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Sheryl Crow" - Sheryl Crow


    Can't talk! Bye!

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Prolonging the Magic" - Cake


    Well, as you can tell I'm busy. My life is a imperfect mix of extreme busyness to periods of procastination. To summarize the last weekend: went to SCA, went to Blizzard Beach, got attacked by Sea Bears, went to Halloween Horror Night at Islands of Adventure, tuesday sucked again. And now i'm late for my plane to Chicago. More on this and other matters when I get back Monday. Peace from the South-East.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "In the Sun" - Lit


    Well, sir I am back and (if I may rhyme) on track. Or atleast relatively... I have lots to say but only 5 minutes to say it so I'll save my trip summary for manana. I'm busy... I think I have addressed this before but only today did I realize that I won't be free free 'til mid December and then its Christmas... so I guess not 'til the new year. It's nice cuz I know I have stuff to look forward to but it also feels kind of suffocating. The list of activites include mostly SCA stuffs, the play, and the most exciting... Natalie is coming to visit around Thanksgiving! Crickey! I feel the antici... pation... *sly smile*

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Marcy Playground" - Marcy Playground


    Here is a list of things I have done of recent! (I like lists)


CD OF THE MOMENT: "Garbage" - Garbage


    Of late random people on the bus have been calling upon me, out of no where, to give them vital advice about serious stuff. This has taken me by total surprise but I feel kind of honored. I just hope I helped them out in some way.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Medusa" - Annie Lennox


    I hate this. This happens to me atleast once every two months if not more. This funk... this sadness.. I just can't shake it. Why can't I just let myself be happy? Logic holds no court here just fear and insecurity. Why must I fall prey to worry and self destruction? But no I let it just eat away at me inside until I become void.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Midnight Vultures" - Beck


    I erased all my digital camera pictures... this sucks.... so much...



    My head aches.... crying does that... It was kind of strange... I awoke from sleep this afternoon and I had that feeling that you get on your face like it's a renewed yet old and tight after crying. Only this time I didn't just have it on my face but all over my body. Sort of like my whole body had been crying and cleansing... It was weird... I feel better now and not as deeply as upset as I was before. Which is certainly a relief. A thank you to my pillow. :)

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Jesus Christ Super Star: Soundtrack" - Move cast


    I took a vow of silence so that I could turn inward and think. And I did for 5 all periods during school. Then a wasp feel out of the sky into my hair and stung my searching hand. I'll take that as an omen. A Sheila is never meant to be that silent.

CD OF THE MOMENT: "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" - Red Hot Chili Peppers
