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    And now some old moments of Zen from November 2001...


    Sorry for the lack of Moment of Zen yesterday but with Halloween and everything I didn't get to it. Anywho Halloween was a real haunt... get it? *yuk yuk* I went as a hill billy/lumberjack thingy. It was lots of fun. My friends and I were loud and caused a raucous but it was all in good fun. I didn't get that much candy because I decided only to take the candy that a really really liked. I call it going on a diet by selection. Too bad I still have an assload of candy... But not as big of one as I could of. How much can an ass load anyway?


Friday Night Unplugged is today! Wish me luck! I'll explain later when I have time... Keyword: time


    Okay, I'll admit it. I've been lax on my updating. So sue me! Remember that's a figure of speech... Anyway with it being play week next week, it pains me to say I can't update anything ‘til next Monday (Nov. 12). I am dreadfully sorry since even though I have only been updating the Moment of Zen people still come faithfully to my site. Which is of course much appreciated. But with the stress and business of play week it is just too much to update my site. So in conclusion see ya in a week, I'll have much to tell you about and post. Wish me luck and if you live near me COME SEE ME IN MY PLAY! Ciao!


    I'm back and better than ever. Well, more like depressed. But it is the usual depression that follows a play. As for the play it was indescribable. If I never get another part again at least I can cherish this experience. I did well and got better each night. After being in a spandex tutu I know I can conquer anything. Preferably never in a tutu again though.


    Report cards came out today and I prepared for the worst. I fretted, worried, and considered burning my report card. But when the moment of decision came.... my parents could care less. They were less upset about the report card than I was! Actually my dad thought it was gonna be worse considering how busy I was. Well there ya go!

    "I swear! My report card just combusted!"


    It's been 4 days and already I'm off on another theater production. I tried out for this year's Coffee House. Basically it's a talent show with coffee. I did it last year and enjoyed it much so I'm undertaking it again. My act this year is, I am going to play guitar and sing my song, my father and I wrote. It's turning out okay but the thing is I haven't had the time to practice it. A downside is two other people are playing guitar and singing... But I'm the only one who is playing an original song. So I guess that's a plus?

    "So how did you like it?"
    "It's... cute..."
    "Um when are you gonna master this song?"


    I'm tired and stressed. Nothing sucks more than having to worry about making conversation. It's soooo tiring. But don't mind me I’m just rambling. Now off to the school's talent show... yay.

    "Life is 10% action and 90% how you react to it."


    Blarg, slow day.


    I was gonna write a good Moment of Zen. But then I forgot that I'm a) lazy and b) lacking in time. So just be happy I updated.

    "Snoochie boochies!"


    I'm in a funk. "Why?" you ask. Well, my roses are dead. Trust me it makes sense. See I got about 4 roses sent to me during the play last weekend. When I got home I put them in water and since than haven't paid them a bit of attention 'til today. It struck me that number one these roses never bloomed because I forgot to water them and now they were dead. But also number two I never took the time out of my busy schedule to stop and quote "smell the roses." That leaves me to wonder that if I've been neglecting these poor roses what else have I failed to notice? What else have I been neglecting? So anyway I put the poor flowers into a new vase with fresh water. I don't want another thing to go by unnoticed and unappreciated. Life goes to fast not to notice the scenery. Funny how you can find life lesson right under your nose.


    Okay, today sucks. My father and I must be having the one of the worst days ever recorded. Of course nothing-tragic more like bad luck time 2. I'm walking on eggshells around my dad. It's not too pretty when he gets angry and stressed. Now I have to break it to him 7 of my friends are coming over for a OM meeting... If I don't make it out alive send my regards to my love ones.


    Well, I'm a live but in pain. My tooth is aching like it never ached before. And that is a lot. I started my Thanksgiving vacation a little early due to sickness. So now as I prepare for my 8-day vacation from school and responsibility, only one word comes to my mind "Dreamcast." I am a vid-head but due to school I've been on hiatus. And today I settled down to my old gaming ways. Boy it's nice to waste the whole day in front of the TV in my cozy bed. I had forgotten the taste of success that comes from a well-oiled and strong RPG party. If you don't know what I'm talking about I advice you to play "Lunar" for a while. Then you'll understand, trust me.

    "All your base are belong to us."


    Well, in all my busy-ness I forgot to not only rejoice at the 5,000 hit but also celebrate this site's 1 year anniversary! It was only... 17 days ago. But that doesn't matter all that matters is that I keep up the work and entertain the masses. Thanks guys for your support it means a lot. *smiles* I even appreciate Chris who finds it is his job to yell at me about my mistakes on my website. So I hope you all enjoy my site or at least give it a chance and frolic in the joy that is The Dandelion Path.




    I hope everybody's Thanksgiving was stuffed to the filling with happiness and turkey. I know mine wasn't... Well actually it was happy just turkeyless. I spent my Thanxday at my aunt's. Who happens to be a gourmet vegetarian cook. Too bad I'm in no way gourmet or vegetarian. But nonetheless I left there full just not satisfied. Oh well, that's how it goes.


    It's my dad's birthday so I devoted my day to him. My mom is away in Florida but I still wanted him to have a nice Birthday. So I made him his favorite muffins though they got burned. And then I burned his bacon accidentally. Next I wrapped his presents and made him a card, which included a poem. Too finish if off I let him sleep as long as he wanted than sung him "Happy Birthday" as he blew out his single muffin Birthday cake. It was fun and hopefully successful. He seemed to enjoy it and didn't mine my cooking at all. :)


    I was watching some old home movies and it brought back memories. One part of the video was my brother and I playing on the ole "Slip N' Slide." Ahhh... those were the days. Days full of grass burns and mucky water. I swear the "Slip N' Slide" must be one of the most dangerous kids' toys. I don't even think they make them anymore. Well, the most dangerous besides lawn darts. *shudders*




    I have a friend that is a Korean exchange student and she's such a sweet girl. She doesn't know much English but she's fun. Hanging out with her and other foreign students made me realize some stuff. I realized sometimes that people talk to those with poor English skills like they are children. I mean it's not meant to seem like we think they are stupid. Just subconsciously we inadvertently think this because they can't formulate their thoughts into English words. We forget they have feelings and thoughts and have crushes and go through the same crap just can't communicate it. It must be so frustrating to be plunked into a whole new world and not be able to communicate and have to find friends. Also I wonder if I spoke Korean and I was in Korea would we still be friends? Just some thoughts. I hope you got my point. I also have my troubles with the English language... ;P


    Sorry, for the lack of update yesterday but I was passed out on my bed. Basically my sleeping schedule is screwed up due to my procrastinating and last minute report writing. I got up Tuesday at 3:30 PM and didn't sleep 'til the Wednesday at the same time. Then I got up at 11PM and that brings me to now. Hopefully I'll get my homework done early tonight and sleep during the night like normal people. Actually It was kind of fun being really tired. It's like a drug. You get easily confused, your hands shake, and you see things. It's fun for the whole family! I also really liked being up for like 4 or more hours (like in my case) then going to school. It isn't practical in my schedule but it's nice to have time in the morning before school. And not to wake up just for school but to do whatever and relax before class. I doubt I will but I'll strive to go to bed one hour earlier so I can get up at least an hour earlier.

    "Mom I'm tired I don't want to go to school! Give me a reason why I should!"
    "Umm... Umm.... JUST GO TO SCHOOL!"


    I got to hold my first Guinea Pig yesterday. And I must say I wasn't missing anything. Sure they are soooo cute and make the most adorable sounds but they poop constantly. No really... constantly. Also they bite. Really touchy animals too. I made one innocent comment about how "Kooey the Guinea Pig" was fat enough to eat and he bit me! Gosh... no sense of humor... dirty rodent.
