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    And now old Moment of Zens from November 2000


    Hmm... I've been thinking all week of things to say, but now that I'm here I just don't know what to say...sniff IT'S JUST SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL.... *weeps*


    Last night after a hectic football game I came home and was on the computer for 30 minutes. Since I almost fell asleep while typing I turned off the computer and layed down on the couch. Now comes the weird part I wake up at 7:00 today I'm in my bed room the door is closed and the computer is on... weird huh? I also was throughly confused and thought that I had missed my bus. Later on I asked my mom if she had moved me and she said "no." Freaky huh? *hums the X-Files theme*


    "I usually tell a girl she has hair like a tortured night, lips like a red couch in an ivory palace, and that I'm starved for attenetion. Then I gently burst into tears" - The Detective in Gentlemen Perfer Blondes


    I got my top braces put on today... I will never smile or talk again... OH, you all know that is a huge lie. But they do look really bad. And of course I had to pick the worst color ever, bright red. I don't know what I was thinking. I had already chosen a nice nuetral color but than all of a sudden I said, "I want a bright red!" *shakes head* Ohwell...

    I'd also like to make a shout out to the janitor who helped me get my combos out of the vending machine today. It was much appreciated. And as for the combos they were delicious.


    I have been in extreme pain all day though I did get to sleep in. My mom let me miss the morning. I had to go back in in the afternoon since I'm missing so many days because of vaction already. The pain was so unbearable I felt like gouging my eyes out with a screw driver to diffuse the pain. But I'm not that stupid... *looks over at screw driver*

    Guess what! Al Gore called me today telling me to vote for him. Isn't that nice? *smirks* Bush and Gore the best things on TV. I'm sorry I couldn't help that.

    "Innuendo is my friend!"



    Well, today has been a dragging day. I did have a chuckle during play practice when the fire alarm went off. "Why so funny?" you ask. Well, we had to evacuate the building and there was the swim team in their speedos. *laughes* It was kinda pathetic but I couldn't help laughing.

    In other news my teeth feel better.


"Give a man a fish,

he eats for a day.

Teach a man to fish,

he eats chicken... mmmm... chicken..."

    That was on the black board at play practice. I found it slightly amusing.



    "He's one sweet number $#^&%@!"


    "I'm just talking about Love Calculator!"

    "I can dig it!"

    NOTE: According to the Love Calculator me and him have 99% compatability with each other! Don't worry if you have no idea what I'm talking about. Your not supposed to.


    HAPPY VETERANS DAY! Thank you to all those who unselfishly gave to our country.

    Today at play practice we were given 5 posters to give to businesses. I posted mine in Radio Shack, a liquor store, a puppy supply store, my karate school I go to (PKA), and my bedroom. A wide spectrun I'd say. So basically I'm reaching out to the drunk electronic ninjas who are dog enthusists. Or in other words the people who visit my bedroom. *smiles*


    8 DOLLARS TO SEE A FREAKING MOVIE! Okay calm down Sheila... I went to the movies yesterday and paid $8. Isn't that just horrible? Incase you don't know I'm a little cheap but I'm sorry no movie is worth $8 unless the actual actors come out and give me free stuff worth at least $4. They also have to do a little dance. And don't get me started on the food prices. Oooh, but I can't be mad when a Kids in the Hall marathon is on!


"To the world you may be somebody,

but to somebody you may be the world."


    I need a back rub...

    Today I spent 15 hours at school. And don't forget the 14 hours I spent at school yesterday. I'm tired from lifting heavy furniture, worn out from frustrated people taking it out on each other, and I have a knot in my back, all that and I have only 3 lines in the play but what the heck! It's all for the love of acting! And missing classes tommorrow for the play preview.



    "I can't stands what I can't stands no more"


    Sigh… I hate going to the Orthodontist. It’s not the discomfort or stuffy office but the guilt. I’ve broken 14 brackets, a piece of a device in my mouth, and one band. And I just feel bad though I’ve been as careful as I can be. But I just have no luck! One time I woke up in my sleep and there was a lose bracket in my mouth. And to make it worse I didn’t know that I was supposed to keep the brackets so I threw them away. *Sigh* But on the bright side I have the record in the Orthodontist office for most brackets lost. *smirks*

    “Always look on the bright side of life.”


    “Lights! Camera Action!”

    The playing I’m in Tom Jones opened yesterday. Surprising considering it was opening night and all the new technical equipment it went pretty good. Though I almost got killed by a falling bench. *smiles* I’m a servant in the play. It’s not a big part, I only get 3 lines, but I’m in every scene and it’s a fun part. I got to meet a lot of new people and had a lot of fun. Now the only thing that makes me sad is wishing that the play would never end.

    “The show must go on!”


    “Someone is speaking well of you.”

    That was the fortune cookie I got yesterday. Isn’t that sweet? I hope it’s true. Yesterday we had an awesome performance with a great audience who actually go the jokes! Anyway afterwards we went to Applebee’s and I sat with a bunch of seniors and apparently all of them thought I was at least a sophomore. I found it pleasing that people actually thought of me more than just a freshman. *smiles* I can’t wait for the cast party tonight!


    “24 hours I wana be sedated”

    I had a surreal day, today. I spent more than half of it printing out wills for my family. It was kind of marose asking my grandparents what they would want done to them if they got into a coma. But it’s a necessary evil.

    As for the play it was pleasing. Not much to say but I will miss it.


    “Aye they love me in France”

    I’m doing okay. Still in post play shock. * sigh* I think the thing I will miss most is all the interesting people I met. I’m officially the seniors’ in the play most favorite freshman. That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. * smiles* Oh well, there is just 3 weeks till The Coffee House a.k.a. the variety show with coffee.


    Dear Microsoft Word,

        It’s been 6 days since I’ve last used the internet. The modem still won’t connect. I’m going through withdraw. Today I was forced to actually go outside…OH THE HUMANITY! *sigh* I’ve been reduced to playing my PC Games like Pharaoh. It’s getting tough there’s only a few games you can come up with Note Pad and I’ve mastered Minesweeper. It makes me wander what I did before the internet… *shudders* I can’t stand to think about it.



    Sigh… My internet still won’t let me on. I tried everything trickery, bribery, cannibalism, black mail, eating a candy bar… Okay eating the candy bar was more for my benefit. *smiles* So I guess I will just give up on it…. *turns back on modem* Sooo… I guess I will just have to go pack for my trip to Florida. I’ll see everyone in a week I guess… *turns around quickly *BOO! GRRRR! Apparently fear doesn’t work either. Okay that’s it I might have go to plan B. *smirks and gets out knife*


    Well, my trip was SOOOO fun. I find after having a fun time I often have naught to say. That's kinda weird... Oh by the way make that 17 brackets lost *smiles*

    "LOL! Sorry, I was thinking of something I did last week."
